Uge 11 i digitale medier, platforme og teknologi

Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.

Digital Ugerevy udgives af mig, Lars K Jensen, og jeg arbejder til daglig med audience-udvikling i Berlingske-koncernen.

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Del 1: Sociale medier 

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.

😟 Demokratisk problem, at danske medier dropper TikTok, mener TikTok

Fra MediaWatch:

“Tiktok mener ikke, at der er grund til bekymring for brugeres datasikkerhed. At flere danske medier har slukket for deres tilstedeværelse på platformen kan til gengæld være et problem, lyder det.”

🤚 USA har ingen beviser mod TikTok, siger Kina

Fra MediaWatch:

“USA har endnu ikke fremlagt beviser på, at Tiktok truer landes nationale sikkerhed, siger udenrigsministeriet i Kina.”


🔙 TikTok vil lade dig starte forfra

Fra Social Media Today:

“TikTok is rolling out a new option that enables you to start your TikTok feed afresh, if you no longer like the videos being recommended to you, while it’s also developing new systems to avoid repetition, and limit exposure to harmful elements.”

🔎 TikTok er en søgemaskine for mange

Fra Digiday:

“‘[Consumers], in the past, may have gone to Consumer Reports [to research big purchases]’” said Yunilda Esquivel, director of strategy at Laundry Service agency. ‘“’Not unsurprisingly, TikTok is a search engine for Gen Z consumers–how to do things, where to find things, especially when it comes to things like travel and discovering new brands.'”

😳 Bliver Facebook nødt til at lukke midlertidigt i Europa?

Det er muligvis et retorisk greb. Muligvis.

Fra Computerworld:

“En stor beslutning træffes snart i EU, som ifølge Meta selv kan få tech-giganten til at lukke sine tjenester i Europa.”

3️⃣ Instagram tester Top 3-sticker

Fra Social Media Today:

“As you can see in these images, posted by app researcher Alessandro Paluzzi, Instagram is currently testing a new ‘Top 3’ sticker option for Stories, which would enable people to highlight their top 3 favorite accounts, tracks, places, etc.”

👨‍⚖️ BBC opdaterer regelsæt efter Lineker-sag

Fra PressGazette:

“The BBC will launch an independent review of its social media guidelines following its row with Gary Lineker over his tweet criticising Government immigration policy.

The row began last week when Lineker responded to the Government’s Illegal Migration Bill by saying it was ‘just an immeasurably cruel policy directed at the most vulnerable people in language that is not dissimilar to that used by Germany in the 30s…'”


👊 Meta truer med at blokere medier, hvis Canada vedtager lov

Fra The Globe and Mail:

“Tech giant Meta has decided to block Canadians’ ability to view or share news content on Facebook and Instagram if Ottawa’s online news bill becomes law, The Globe and Mail has learned.”

🐦 Twitter kigger på større transparens i tweet-anbefalinger

Fra Social Media Today:

“All of the tweets that you see in your ‘For You’ feed are actually linked back to your activity in some way, and Twitter is now working on a new option that could help you better understand why you’re seeing them in your stream.”

Mere transparens…ish:

💸 Twitters API-priser er for høje for mange

Fra Wired:

“The cheapest, Small Package, gives access to 50 million tweets for $42,000 a month. Higher tiers give researchers or businesses access to larger volumes of tweets—100 million and 200 million tweets respectively—and cost $125,000 and $210,000 a month. WIRED confirmed the figures with other existing free API users, who have received emails saying that the new pricing plans will take effect within months.”

🤖 LinkedIn implementerer også AI-værktøjer

Fra Social Media Today:

“As a Microsoft-owned company, it’s no surprise to see LinkedIn looking to add more AI elements into its platform, with Microsoft now seeking to integrate OpenAI’s conversational GPT back-end into virtually all of its apps and functions. […]

First off, LinkedIn’s adding a new GPT-powered tool that will provide personalized writing suggestions for creating your LinkedIn profile.”

📉 Meta skruer ned for NFT-ambitioner

Fra The Verge:

“Meta is “winding down” its work with NFTs on Facebook and Instagram, Meta commerce and fintech lead Stephane Kasriel said in a Twitter thread on Monday. The decision means Meta will end its tests of minting and selling NFTs on Instagram as well as the ability to share NFTs on Instagram and Facebook in the coming weeks, Meta spokesperson Joshua Gunter confirmed in an email to The Verge. “

😔 Meta på vej med flere fyringer

Fra The Wall Street Journal:

“Facebook parent Meta Platforms Inc. META is planning additional layoffs to be announced in multiple rounds over the coming months that in total would be roughly the same magnitude as the 13% cut to its workforce last year, according to people familiar with the matter.”


Del 2: Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.

🤔 Center for Cybersikkerhed fraråder også Snapchat, Dropbox og Strava

Fra Journalisten:

“Det fremgår af ’Håndbog i sikkerhed for mobile enheder’, som P1-programmet ’Kulturen på P1’ har fået aktindsigt i.

Håndbogen er udgangspunkt for, at TikTok er blevet frarådet og nogle steder forbudt på statslige arbejdspladser, kommuner og virksomheder.”

🎨 Hvad er et godt podcast-artwork?

Fra PodPod:

“Truly effective podcast artwork is recognisable at a glance, and immediately illustrates what the show’s about. Your artwork should use imagery to encapsulate the key elements of your podcast as succinctly as possible. However, while you don’t want to make it too obscure and risk confusion, try and think outside the box with your imagery.”

📲 Sådan kommer podcasts ind i YouTube Music på Android

Fra 9 to 5 Google:

“YouTube announced last month that podcasts are coming to YouTube Music, and we’re now seeing the Android app add the necessary support with version 5.48. “

😐 Tal for e-bogslyttere står stille

Fra MediaWatch:

“Forbruget blandt lydbogsbrugere er steget det seneste år – særligt blandt de 60-69-årige – men der er stilstand i andelen af danskere, der lytter, viser undersøgelse fra Mofibo.”

🎓 LinkedIn lancerer “Podcast Academy”

Fra Social Media Today:

“LinkedIn’s looking to help foster the next generation of podcasting talent, with the launch of a new LinkedIn Podcast Academy, which will provide participants with the knowledge they need to launch a successful podcast.”

Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.

💳 Zetland lægger betaling på Good Tape

Fra MediaWatch:

“Det var et spørgsmål om tid, før Zetland opbyggede en forretningsmodel omkring sit hidtil gratis transskriberingsværktøj. Nu skal medier til lommerne, hvis de vil bruge tjenesten professionelt.”

🤔 JP tester betaling for at slippe for annoncer

Fra MediaWatch:

“Mediet afprøver for tiden, hvorvidt der er betalingsvillighed blandt læserne på, der vil undgå annoncer på nettet.”

🎤 TV 2 tester annoncer i podcasts

Fra MediaWatch:

“Nye partnerskaber baner vejen for, at TV 2 udbygger sin podcastsatsning til at blive en ny indtægtskanal. Indledningsvist handler det dog primært om at høste indsigt i målgruppernes efterspørgsel.”

🤝 Spotify og NPR i samarbejde

Fra Spotify selv:

“At Spotify’s recent Stream On event, we made a major announcement: NPR and Spotify are embarking upon a new partnership as NPR’s best-in-class content moves to the Megaphone platform and Spotify Audience Network.”

🤔 Sådan gjorde Mother Jones donationer til forretning

Fra Press Gazette:

“Monika Bauerlein says the growth in journalism sitting behind paywalls is causing a ‘major crisis’ for information.”

📈 BuzzFeed vil udgive flere artikler i jagt på mere trafik og flere penge

Fra The Wall Street Journal:

“‘There are so many things outside of our control—the advertising market, the economy, a recession,’ [BuzzFeed News Editor in Chief Karolina Waclawiak] told the newsroom, according to a transcript of the meeting reviewed by The Wall Street Journal. ‘But what we can control is how many stories we publish each day.'”

📉 Ligger Morning Brews bedste tider bag dem?

Fra Simon Owens:

“In November, Morning Brew announced it was laying off 15% of its staff, with “fear and uncertainty” in the economy cited as the main culprit. Then last week, it laid off 40 more people, again citing a “volatile advertising market.” While I don’t have any insider knowledge of the company’s finances, it seems like the growth engine that allowed Morning Brew to build its business so quickly is now showing some signs of strain.”

🤝 Børsen sælger e-learning-platform

Fra MediaWatch:

“Erhvervsavisen skærper sit fokus på kerneforretning og har frasolgt teknologi-platform. ”Den tjener bestemt et værdigt formål, men matcher ikke vores fokus ret godt,” siger topchef Bjarne Corydon.”

Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.

🤖 OpenAI præsenterer GPT-4

Fra The Verge:

“The company claims the model is ‘more creative and collaborative than ever before’ and ‘can solve difficult problems with greater accuracy.’ It can parse both text and image input, though it can only respond via text. OpenAI also cautions that the systems retain many of the same problems as earlier language models, including a tendency to make up information (or ‘hallucinate’) and the capacity to generate violent and harmful text.”


💡 Sådan tester TV 2 Fyn overskrifter med ChatGPT

Denne artikel er virkelig spændende læsning, men sørg for at læse den hele, såsom dette ikke uvæsentlige aspekt:

“Justerer man for, at der – som tidligere nævnt – var to ChatGPT-overskrifter og kun en enkelt original i testene, ender vi på en fordeling, der hedder 48,8-51,2 i de originale overskrifters favør. Altså en lille fordel til journalister og redaktører over den kunstige intelligens.”

🤖 Microsoft smider AI i Office-pakken

Fra Computerworld:

“Microsoft introducerer Microsoft 365 Copilot, som har til formål at øge produktiviteten. ”Dette vil radikalt ændre, hvordan computere hjælper os med at tænke, planlægge og handle,” siger Microsofts CEO. Se alle annonceringerne her.”

✍ …og Google føjer AI til Workspace

Fra The Washington Post:

“Workers who have ever dreaded writing a briefing for your boss, building a digital presentation of your ideas or sifting through long email threads to get caught up on the latest projects may soon have some assistance — in the form of artificial intelligence.

At least that’s what Google aims to do for workers who use its suite of enterprise software tools called Google Workspace, which includes Google Docs, Google Sheets and Gmail.”


🤔 OpenAI er ikke så “open” længere

Fra The Verge:

“OpenAI has shared plenty of benchmark and test results for GPT-4, as well as some intriguing demos, but has offered essentially no information on the data used to train the system, its energy costs, or the specific hardware or methods used to create it.

Many in the AI community have criticized this decision, noting that it undermines the company’s founding ethos as a research org and makes it harder for others to replicate its work.”


😔 Microsoft fyrer team med fokus på ansvarlig AI

Jamen, hvad skulle man ellers gøre i en tid, hvor man buldrer kunstig intelligens ind i næsten alle sine produkter…

Fra Platformer:

“The move leaves Microsoft without a dedicated team to ensure its AI principles are closely tied to product design at a time when the company is leading the charge to make AI tools available to the mainstream, current and former employees said.”

😬 ChatGPT har muligvis plagieret et andet spil

Fra Digital Trends:

ChatGPT can add another job to its résumé: game developer. With just a few simple prompts from a user, the AI chatbot invented its own math-based logic-puzzle game dubbed Sumplete, rules and all. Not only that, but it generated working code, which has since been turned into an addictive, free browser game that’s already gaining some buzz online.

There’s just one problem: Sumplete isn’t a new game.”