Uge 48 på digitale medier og platforme

BRIEFING. Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen i uge 48, 2022. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.

Digital Ugerevy udgives af mig, Lars K Jensen, og jeg arbejder til daglig med audience-udvikling i Berlingske-koncernen.

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Del 1: Sociale medier 

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.

✨ Betalingsfirmaet Klarna lancerer influencerplatform

Fra MediaWatch:

“Virksomhederne kan på platformen vælge de produkter, de ønsker at sælge, og sætte niveauet for kommission, som de ønsker at betale. På platformen får de adgang til data om trafik, salg og gennemsnitlig ordreværdi.”

😬 Mislykkes Instagram med deres fokus på video a la TikTok?

Fra The Atlantic:

“Over the summer, these frustrations boiled over. An update that promised, among other things, algorithmically recommended video content that would fill the entire screen was a bridge too far.

Users were fed up with watching the app contort itself into a TikTok copycat that prioritized video and recommended posts over photos from friends. Even celebrities such as Kylie Jenner and Chrissy Teigen spoke up.”

✨ LinkedIn lancerer planlægning af posts

Fra Social Media Today:

“That’s right, some users are now able to access LinkedIn’s native post scheduling tool, which it’s been testing internally over the past few months.”

💭 Nu kan du skrive til dig selv på WhatsApp

Fra TechCrunch:

“WhatsApp has started rolling out a feature to let you chat with yourself. Sending messages to your own account can be a way to keep a piece of information easily accessible, right next to your other WhatsApp conversations.”

👋 Kanye Wests kærlighed til Hitler får ham blokerer på Twitter igen

Fra Rolling Stone:

“Kanye West praised Adolf Hitler and Nazis, denied the Holocaust, and attacked Jewish people at length during a disturbing Thursday afternoon interview with conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.”

Mere Kanye og sociale medier:

🦠 Twitter vil ikke længere håndhæve politik for corona-misinformation

Fra CNN:

“Twitter said it will no longer enforce its longstanding Covid misinformation policy, yet another sign of how Elon Musk plans to transform the social media company he bought a month ago. […]

Twitter did not appear to formally announce the rule change. Instead, some Twitter users Monday night spotted a note added to the page on Twitter’s website that outlines its Covid policy.”

Mere om Twitter og moderation:

🤔 Musk: Apple truer med at fjerne Twitter fra App Store

Fra MediaWatch:

“I en række opslag langer han ud efter Apple, som han beskylder for at have stoppet med at reklamere via det sociale medie. Samtidig hævder han, at Apple skulle have truet med at fjerne Twitter fra appstore, som er der, hvor Apple-brugere kan hente Twitter.

Vi ved for det første ikke pt., om det passer. Hvis det passer, kender vi ikke årsagen. Et bud er dog indholdsmoderation, eller manglende på samme. Det var i hvert fald årsagen, da Google fjernede Truth Social.

Spotifys Daniel Ek (der jo ellers ikke er kendt for deres skyhøje udbetalinger til musikere) stemte i med et referat af Spotifys kampe med Apple, og Zuckerberg meldte sig også på banen.

Det ser dog ud til, det meste er løst for nu efter Musk har fået en rundvisning hos Apple og en snak med Tim Cook.


🤨 EU truer også Twitter

Fra Financial Times:

“The European Commission on Wednesday threatened Musk with a ban unless Twitter abides by strict content moderation rules, as US Treasury secretary Janet Yellen indicated that Washington was reviewing his purchase of the social network.”

Mere EU og Musk:

😬 Musk går i konflikt med annoncører

Fra Financial Times:

“Musk, meanwhile, has sought to personally call chief executives of some brands that have curbed advertising in order to berate them, according to one senior industry figure, leading others to instead reduce their spend to the bare minimum required so as to avoid further confrontation with the billionaire entrepreneur.”

Og han gør det også offentligt, selvfølgelig.


🤦‍♂️ Og Apples “hemmelige” skat på 30%

Man skulle tro, det var løgn, men Elon Musk skulle åbenbart bruge 44 milliarder dollars på en app for at finde ud af, at Apple tager et cut på 30% af indtjeningen på de apps, der tjener mere end en million dollars om året via Apples App Store.

😟 Musk-fyringer skar i anti-børneporno-team

Hovedpersonen selv har sagt, at kampen mod børneporno er en topprioritet.

Fra Bloomberg:

“The team now has fewer than 10 specialists to review and escalate reports of child sexual exploitation, three people familiar with the matter said, asking not to be identified for fear of retaliation. At the beginning of the year, Twitter had a team of about 20, they said.”

⚽ VM kunne ikke være kommet på et dårligere tidspunkt for Twitter

Fra Digiday:

“‘A global audience of 5 billion is poised to visit the site,’ he continued. ‘[But] never before has there been this much media attention focused on the inherent flaws, vulnerabilities and distortions within a platform. It’s like the culture has organized itself against the platform.'”

➕ Twitter får flere signups end nogensinde før, siger Musk

Fra Reuters:

“Twitter Inc Chief Executive Elon Musk says new user signups to the social media platform are at an “all-time high”, as he struggles with a mass exodus of advertisers and users fleeing to other platforms over concerns about verification and hate speech.”

🆕 Her er Musks plan for “Twitter 2.0”

Fra Social Media Today:

“Elon Musk has provided some more insight into his evolving plan for Twitter, which will now also see the company embark on a hiring push, after firing 65% of its workforce, in order to get in more development and engineering talent to help realize Musk’s grand vision.”


Del 2: Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.

🎶 Spotify Wrapped gør overvågning sjovt

Fra Wired:

“‘This is a particularly shining example of the fact that Spotify’s business model is based on surveillance,’ says Evan Greer, director of the digital rights advocacy group Fight for the Future. ‘Spotify has done an amazing job of marketing surveillance as fun and getting people to not only participate in their own surveillance, but celebrate it and share it and brag about it to the world.'”

😯 Det er ikke kun Google Analytics, der nu er ulovligt

Fra MediaWatch:

“En række andreværktøjer end den udbredte version fra Google er også blevet problematiske efter nye regler på området. Hvilke værktøjer, der er tale om, er dog uklart – også for Datatilsynet, for hvem det i de fleste tilfælde også er ‘relativt uigennemsigtigt’ at komme til bunds i systemernes virke.”

💡 Washington Post lancerer personaliseret tilbageblik

Fra What’s New in Publishing:

“The feature displays a range of personalized insights about a subscriber’s past news interests including how subscribers’ reading habits compare to others. To start, some subscribers will receive an email linking to their personalized “Newsprint” for a summary of their ‘year in news.’”

⏪ Overblik over årets store begivenheder

Fra What’s New in Publishing:

“Our annual media trends and analysis report, Media Moments 2022, is now released.

Written by Media Voices and sponsored by Poool, this year’s report brings together the key events which have shaped the media and publishing industry this year, from the boom and bust cycles of the advertising market to news fatigue, the increasing prominence of climate coverage, and the impact of shifting trust.”

🎧 NYTimes eksperimenterer med “spatial audio”

Fra hestens mund:

“We’ve recorded and mixed select audio content in various spatial audio formats, focusing on developing mixing techniques that put the listener at the center of the story.

To solve current playback limitations and get to know the head-tracking capabilities that now come standard with many Apple products, we also developed an internal iPhone test app. We also built a web audio player, which we hope to make publically available in the near future.”

🎧 True crime topper hitlisten hos Spotify

Fra MediaWatch:

“Der er flere velkendte navne på streamingtjenesten Spotifys opgørelse over danskernes podcastlytning, og kun én uafhængig udgivelse.”

💰 Google og YouTube donerer til kampen mod misinformation

Fra Mashable:

“Today, Google and YouTube are the latest to make a move against misinformation, announcing a $13.2 million grant to the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN), a part of nonprofit media institute Poynter.”

✨ Sådan kan du få gang i læser-engagement


“Nine media professionals share their strategies for growing and retaining audience”

Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.

💵 Google og Facebook har indgået aftaler med AUS-medier om betaling

Fra MediaWatch:

“Siden loven News Media Bargaining Code trådte i kraft i 2021 i Australien har Google-ejeren Alphabet og Facebook-ejerselskabet Meta indgået mere end 30 aftaler med australske nyhedsmedier om betaling for at dele indhold på platformene, og loven må anses som en succes.”


😬 Google introducerer nyt annonceformat: Side rails

Fra Gizmodo:

“Don’t think of the new “side rails” as ads. Think of them more like uninvited new friends. ‘Side rails are ads that stick to the sides of your pages when they’re viewed on widescreen devices, such as desktops.'”

👦 Hvad vil unge mediebrugere betale for?

Fra Digital Content Next:

“Massive amounts of time and money have been spent trying to figure this out. So we are aggregating many of the most salient data points to find out what younger generations are opening their virtual wallets for — and what they can do without.”

🤔 Har YouTubes streaming-fokus kostet i kampen mod TikTok?

Fra Digiday:

“While YouTube has worked to further build its reputation as a solid streaming offering, it’s only become more difficult for some marketers to decide which budget — social or video — to dedicate to YouTube, according to media buyers, who say the platforms bifurcated offering may work against it.

At the same time, increased fragmentation in the marketplace coupled with stagnant ad budgets and increased interest in social media darling TikTok hasn’t helped.”

📉 Twitters annonceforretning har det ikke godt

Fra Platformer:

“Twitter’s ad revenue in Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) is down 15 percent year over year, he said, and weekly bookings are down 49 percent, according to screenshots shared with Platformer.”


💳 Twitter-alternativet Post har planer for mikrobetaling

Held og lykke med det.

Fra Nieman Lab:

“So far, the only publisher I’ve seen with content for ‘sale’ on the platform is Reuters, which invites users to read its articles using ‘points.’ (Each Post News user is given 50 points at sign-up.) Reuters is posting all its articles to Post News. But all these same articles are free on Reuters’ website, so I’m not sure why anyone would pay for them, even with imaginary free points.”

Mere mikro:

💸 Google tester at lade udgivere tjene penge på engagerede brugere

Det er i det meget, meget stille – så tag det for hvad det er.

Fra MediaPost:

“A blog forum user who goes by the name Lexipixel discovered the feature one day while logging in to an account on the AdSense platform. The message read: ‘The Rewarded Ad Gate beta program will give you an opportunity to monetize your most engaged users. If a user frequently visits your site, you’ll have a way to collect additional ad revenue.'”

Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.

🤖 Status på kunstig intelligens i mediebranchen

Fra MediaWatch:

“TV 2 bruger machine learning til fastholdelse af højrisikoabonnenter på TV 2 Play, og Podimo bruger talegenkendelse til at personalisere podcastanbefalinger. Hop med ombord på MediaWatchs overblik over begivenheden Kunstig Intelligens i Medierne anno 2022.”

💡 Zetland tester værktøj til båndudskrift

Fra MediaWatch:

“En service, der skal spare journalister den tid, det tager, at transskribere lydoptagelser af interviews er nu gratis tilgængelig fra Zetland under navnet ”Good Tape.”

Det skriver mediets ansv. chefredaktør Lea Korsgaard på Twitter, hvor hun deler betaversionen af værktøjet.”

🤖 Mens vi venter på GPT4, bliver der stadig skruet på 3eren

Fra MIT Technology Review:

“Buzz around GPT-4, the anticipated but as-yet-unannounced follow-up to OpenAI’s groundbreaking large language model, GPT-3, is growing by the week. But OpenAI is not yet done tinkering with the previous version.”

📲 Microsoft vil skabe ny app store

Fra Computerworld:

“Microsoft vil i konkurrence med Google og Apple på endnu et område, men meget skal gå rigtigt, hvis det skal lykkes.”

✍️ Anmeldelse af Amazons nye Kindle til håndskrift

Fra Fast Company:

“Whereas the company’s Fire tabletsEcho speakersFire TV streamers, and Kindle e-readers are primarily vessels for content consumption, the Kindle Scribe caters to more productive pursuits. With a 10.2-inch e-ink display and included stylus, it’s meant to replace pen and paper for taking notes and marking up documents.”

👺 Pas på cyberkriminelle i metaverset næste år

Fra Coin Telegraph:

“Cybercriminals will flock to the metaverse next year to prey on unsuspecting virtual world participants, according to a report by cybersecurity firm Kaspersky.”