Digital Ugerevy #6 (2020)

Her har du Danmarks mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
Ugerevyen er inddelt i følgende kategorier:
- Sociale medier
- Digitale medietendenser
- Business / Forretningsudvikling
- Udvikling og tech
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Du kommer blandt andet til at møde forfatteren til ‘Automating the News’ samt en række praktikere, der deler deres erfaringer indenfor robotjournalistik.
? Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
Facebook og Instagram
Facebook og Instagram fjerner misinformation om coronavirus
The Verge:
“Facebook will remove false claims and conspiracy theories about the coronavirus if it risks causing harm to people who believe them, the company has announced. The policy applies across both Instagram and Facebook, and includes misinformation about fake cures or prevention methods, or any claim that could confuse people about what health resources are available.”
Mere coronavirus og sociale medier:
“The libertarian financial website Zero Hedge was permanently suspended from Twitter on Friday after it published an article questioning the involvement of a Chinese scientist in the outbreak of the deadly novel coronavirus.”
Facebook lukker Audience Network på mobil
“The exact rationale for the move is unclear, but sources said the decision was likely fueled by browser companies’ recent changes to throttle cookies in the mobile web environment, plus the internal resources required to keep on top of potential negative impacts from new data regulations and brand safety issues.”
Messenger Kids får en overhaling
“Nearly two years after its arrival on Android, Messenger Kids is gaining new tools to better curate children’s experiences. Facebook announced a refresh this morning in every country where the service is available (including Canada, Peru, Mexico, the U.S.), along with an updated privacy policy governing the handling, management, and storage of Messenger Kids dat”
Der er stadig antivaccine-information på Instagram
…og det ser ud til, det ikke ligefrem er skjult:
“It’s been almost a year since Instagram pledged to reduce the spread of vaccine-related misinformation on its platform. But today, it continues to do the exact opposite.
When HuffPost created a new Instagram account and searched for the term “vaccines” on Saturday, almost all of the top results were anti-vax pages.”
Instagram viser dig dem, du ser mindst og mest til
Social Media Today:
“The listing of those you don’t engage with essentially recommends people who you should unfollow, while the most present list will give users more control over their algorithm-defined feed. If you don’t like any of the accounts you see, you can remove them, or unfollow them as well. “
Instagram gør puslespil cool igen
MIT Technology Review:
“Jigsaw puzzles are having a renaissance, thanks in part to two dueling phenomena: social media and, simultaneously, the urge to disconnect from it. Pop culture reflects the trend too: Miranda on the smash Netflix series The Circle spends her free time working through a jigsaw puzzle. Tobey Maguire is into competitive puzzling.”
Nu kan du besvare Instagram-Stories med gif’er
Social Media Today:
“So that’s a thing – you now have yet another way to engage with Stories in a way that won’t become tiresome or overbearing, especially when the recipients’ inbox fills up with hilarious and original GIFs.”
Google afslører YouTube-indtjening
The Verge:
“YouTube generated nearly $5 billion in ad revenue in the last three months, Google revealed today as part of parent company Alphabet’s fourth quarter earnings report. […]
On an annual basis, Google says YouTube generated $15 billion last year and contributed roughly 10 percent to all Google revenue.”
The Information:
“Let this sink in: YouTube makes more money from advertising than the ABC, NBC and Fox broadcast networks—combined.”
Media AnalysisYouTube revenue shows its potential as a standalone company
“Værste slutkvartal i fem år bremser vækst i Googles moderselskab”
“YouTube Will Fund Kids Shows Based on These 12 Words”
YouTube kræver Clearview-scraping stoppet
The Verge:
“YouTube has sent a cease and desist letter to Clearview AI demanding that the controversial facial recognition startup stop scraping YouTube videos to gather faces for its database and delete any images it’s already collected. The demand, first reported by CBS News, says that YouTube forbids anyone from collecting data from its platform that can be used to identify people and that Clearview has admitted to violating this policy.”
YouTube-kritisk journalist tilbage på YouTube
Stærke ord:
The Verge:
“I fucking hate that I have to use this platform because there’s nowhere else to go […] YouTube is managed by bad people and it’s evil in ways that people don’t recognize. The company truly does not give a fuck about the damage it does to democracy. I’m kicking and screaming working with the company in that way, but it’s only because there’s absolutely nowhere else to go.”
Google tester sin egen Tik Tok
What’s New In Publishing:
“Google has launched an ‘experimental social video sharing app’—called Tangi—for short, 60-second tutorials. It’s the latest project to emerge from Google’s in-house incubator, Area 120, and is being positioned as an app to share and learn new things in under 60 seconds, through vertical, short-form videos… ‘snackable creativity to craft, cook, create.'”
De andre / Branchen
Går vi ind i den antisociale sociale medier-æra?
Harvard Business Review:
“To understand what’s driving this shift, you need only talk to young people. They’re saying that after years spent constructing carefully curated online identities and accumulating heaps of online “friends,” they want to be themselvesand make real friends based on shared interests. They’re also craving privacy, safety, and a respite from the throngs of people on social platforms — throngs that now usually include their parents.”
Twitter gav fejlagtigt skole adgang til elevs profil
Business Insider:
“Students at a New York state school are looking for answers after a student’s Twitter account mocking the school was handed over to college administrators. […]
Twitter told Business Insider it made a “mistake,” and that “the school should not have been provided access to this account.” The company says it’s “still investigating” what led to SUNY Geneseo getting access.”
LinkedIn har nu 675 mio. medlemmer
Social Media Today:
“Microsoft has once again reported that LinkedIn saw ‘record levels of engagement’ over the last three months of 2019, while the platform also continues to expand its audience across the globe.”
Guide til TikTok for virksomheder
Marketing Land:
“TikTok trends move fast. Blink and you might miss them. The platform doesn’t have the visual aesthetic of a curated Instagram grid – nor is it the place for serious issues (though some have tried). Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg thought he hit the mark in comparing TikTok to Instagram’s Explore page (according to leaked audio from an all-hands meeting). PSA: Instagram and TikTok are definitely not the same.”
? Digitale medietendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
Nyt dansk tech-medie i luften
“Stort velkommen til Techliv — et nyt uafhængigt dansk techmedie, sat i verden af de to tidligere DR-folk Nicolai Franck og Anders Høeg Nissen.
Vores ambition er at give en ekstra dimension til den danske mediedækning af teknologi, som henvender sig til folk, der ønsker en personlig, levende og vedkommende dækning af stofområdet.”
Er tiden inde til video i højformat?
Langt citat, men virkelig god pointe – og en af mange. Læs det.
TV 2 Østjylland / Medium:
“Det er en forbandelse, men også en gave at der ikke længere findes ét standardiseret format til video. På mange måder var alt nemmere (for afsenderne) i de gamle 16:9-dage, hvor råmateriale nemt kunne redigeres til alskens platforme, men modtagernes forventning i dag er naturligvis, at alt er optimeret til den platform, de befinder sig på. Opfatter man dén præmis som en kreativ mulighed snarere end en teknisk spændetrøje, kan man blive skarp på at producere bedst muligt til lige netop dén platform, som giver bedst mening for målgruppen.
Trods de besværligheder, der er, er det også et lyspunkt, at langt de fleste platforme håndterer stort set alle formater uden problemer, herunder YouTube, der i mobilversionen viser højformatvideo uden sorte kanter.”
Google genovervejer, hvordan søgeannoncer skal se ud
Social Media Today:
“Google Will Re-Assess its New-Look Desktop Search Display After Criticism of the Latest Update”
Sådan kan journalister hjælpe folk med at forstå nyhederne
“To help figure that out, and to get different perspectives, I have largely spoken to people from outside the industry – games designers, comedians, puppeteers, YouTubers, storytellers of all kinds – to try to get a handle on what it is about stories that helps them really connect and engage. “
Spotify køber The Ringer
“Sports is one of the most popular topics in podcasts, and today Spotify doubled down on its podcast strategy with a big acquisition to grow its sports coverage: it announced that it is buying The Ringer, the popular network of podcasts created and run by broadcaster Bill Simmons, with 30 sports and other podcasts in its mix and some 100 million downloads per month.”
“Spotify needed a huge podcast, and it just bought one of the biggest”
The Verge
Det store spørgsmål:
“Is Apple slacking in its role as Benign Overlord of Podcasting?”
Nieman Lab
Cards Against Humanity køber satire-site
BuzzFeed News:
“Cards Against Humanity, the card game company, purchased from its owners at G/O Media on Monday for an undisclosed amount in an all-cash deal, BuzzFeed News has learned. ClickHole’s employees will become the majority owners of the site. Although terms were not disclosed, the Wall Street Journal reported in November that the sale price was likely to be less than $1 million. The Onion, which created ClickHole, will remain a part of G/O Media.”
Disney+ har 28,6 mio. abonnenter
“‘We had a strong first quarter, highlighted by the launch of Disney+, which has exceeded even our greatest expectations,” said Disney Chairman and CEO Robert Iger in a statement. “Thanks to our incredible collection of brands, outstanding content from our creative engines and state-of-the-art technology, we believe our direct-to-consumer services, including Disney+, ESPN+ and Hulu, position us well for continued growth in today’s dynamic media environment.'”
Faktatjekkerens dilemma
Nieman Lab:
“In practice, it turns out that one’s political, religious, or ethnic identity quite effectively predicts one’s willingness to accept expertise on any given politicized issue.”
The Economist laver ugentlig podcast om amerikansk politik
“The Economist has launched a new weekly podcast with an accompanying newsletter to help boost subscriptions in the run-up to this year’s US presidential election.
The ‘Checks and Balance’ content aims to apply the publication’s political analysis to “make sense of the mayhem” of the election happening in November 2020.”
BBC tester deepfake-vejrværter
“Et samarbejde mellem danske og britiske BBC har netop skabt en vejrudsigtsfunktion, hvor BBCs vejrvært læser vejrudsigten op for netop de byer, som brugerne ønsker.”
? Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
Derfor er abonnementer ikke løsningen for alle
Content Insights:
“The title of an article at Nieman Lab last year said it all: “Even people who like paying for news usually only pay for one subscription.” These findings (a summation from last year’s Reuters report) show that even in countries where the percentage of people who pay for news is higher (and yes, if you’ve guess that’s the Nordics, ten extra points for you), those people still tend to subscribe to only a single publication.”
Medier vokser med færre artikler
“Publishers including the Guardian, News UK’s The Times of London and Le Monde have trimmed the number of articles they publish, leading to a growth in audience traffic, higher dwell times and ultimately more subscribers.”
Læs evt. også mit blogindlæg hos Journalisten:
“Da medierne gik på nettet, skulle de ikke have produceret så mange artikler”
Er Apple News+ et flop?
What’s New In Publishing:
“‘Apple News+ appears to be a flop,’ says The Motley Fool’s Evan Niu, ‘with reports suggesting that Apple has been unable to grow the subscriber base beyond a couple hundred thousand. Publishers are reportedly frustrated with the premium news service, as Apple hogs half of all subscription revenue and ad revenue is poor due to the lack of sophisticated targeting.'”
Se og Hør er vokset fra 12 til 26 mio. sidevisninger på et år
“Krim-stof har trukket læserne til i en sådan grad, at Se og Hør nu vil gå fra fem til 10 journalister.
”Trafikken er steget, indtjeningen også, så nu giver vi det et skud vitaminer med flere journalister,” fortæller chefredaktør Niels Pinborg.”
Hvad kan The Athletics succes lære os om lokalindhold?
What’s New In Publishing:
“What makes The Athletic the exception to the rule? Well, its business model certainly seems unique. Since its founding in 2016, the company has gone from city to city and lured the nation’s best sportswriters away from their newspaper jobs in exchange for huge salary bumps and even a cut of the revenue they generate through subscriptions.”
Tech-mediet Protocol er i luften
Nieman Lab:
“Protocol, which was announced back in November, is backed by Politico publisher Robert Allbritton and will lean on Politico staples like a sponsored daily newsletter, events, and insider-focused journalism to separate itself in the crowded field of tech reporting, according to executive editor Tim Grieve. […]
Protocol launches as a free sponsor-supported publication but Grieve says the expectation is to move toward paid products and other types of monetization over the next year.”
Læs mere: Welcome to Protocol
“Tech-giganterne” har det lettere i fragmenterede mediemarkeder
“‘Jo mere fragmenteret et mediemarked er, jo lettere er det for de digitale giganter at blive totalt dominante. I Norge og Sverige er medielandskabet ikke så fragmenteret. I Norge er Schibsted ganske store, så man har en chance for at være konkurrencedygtige på det, vi kalder dækning, skala og data,’ siger [Schibsted-koncernens annoncedirektør] Per Håkon Fasting.”
Amazon vokser sig ud over søgeannoncer
“This is a departure from advertisers’ prior focus on paid search advertising. As more consumers spend more time on, advertisers are starting to recognize the brand storytelling and awareness potential on the platform. And advertisers are starting to spend added time and energy building out content for their Amazon brand pages for both earned and paid media placements designed to gain consumer attention.”
? Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
Chrome-adblocker udvider til video fra august
“Google today announced that Chrome’s ad blocker is expanding to video on August 5, 2020. As with previous ad blocker rollouts, the date is likely not tied to a specific Chrome version — Google will be expanding the scope of its browser’s ad blocker server-side. YouTube and other websites with video content will have to review their ads to make sure they are compliant.”
Læs mere:
“Chrome’s ad blocker to target three annoying video ads, YouTube to update advertising”
9 to 5 Google
Benedict Evans’ guide til tech i 2020
Benedict Evans:
“Every year, I produce a big presentation digging into macro and strategic trends in the tech industry. This year, ‘Standing on the shoulders of giants’ looks at what it means that 4bn people have a smartphone; we connected everyone, and now we wonder what the Next Big Thing is, but meanwhile, connecting everyone means we connected all the problems. Tech is becoming a regulated industry, but we don’t really know what that will mean. “
Browser-producenter uenige om privatlivsbeskyttelse
“Almost all mainstream browsers take these privacy-friendly steps in some form, but under different conceptual approaches. A lot of the debate hinges on the question of how far to push screening and blocking, given that these protections can sometimes create collateral damage. Privacy defenses can sometimes break legitimate website functionality; comments that load from a third-party hosting service, for example, could be mistaken for a sketchy targeted ad module. So each browser has to weigh how it prioritizes privacy versus ease of use.”
Kunstner snød Google Maps med trækvogn og 99 mobiler
The Guardian:
“A Berlin-based artist managed to create a traffic jam on one of the main bridges across the Spree with nothing but a handcart and 99 second-hand phones. But one other thing was unusual about the jam: it only existed on Google Maps.”
Se en video med de 99 mobiler:
Mere Google Maps:
“Google Maps adds more crowdsourced transit data and gets a new navigation bar”
“Google Maps turns 15 with a new icon and detailed transit data”
“The world that Google Maps predicted”
The Inteface
OpenAI skifter fra TensorFlow til Facebook-AI
“In what might only be perceived as a win for Facebook, OpenAI today announced that it will migrate to the social network’s PyTorch machine learning framework in future projects, eschewing Google’s long-in-the-tooth TensorFlow platform.”