Digital Ugerevy #7 (2020)

Her har du Danmarks mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.

<strong>Lars K Jensen</strong>
Lars K Jensen

Rådgiver og arbejder med digital udvikling og nye medier.

Du kan altid afmelde dig igen ved at bruge linket i bunden af hvert nyhedsbrev

In this edition:

? Sociale medier 

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.

Facebook og alt, hvad de ejer

Nu kan danske medier blive whitelistet på Facebook

Facebook for media:
“Today we’re starting to register Danish-language news Pages on Facebook. Publishers can apply to have their Pages registered. To be included, they must abide by guidelines we developed with news organizations, academics and industry groups.”

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Facebook-dating er udskudt i Europa

“Det sociale medie Facebook har udskudt lanceringen af en datingtjeneste i EU. Det oplyser datatilsynet i Irland i en pressemeddelelse.

Tjenesten skulle være gået i luften torsdag.”

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Uddrag fra ny bog om Facebook

Bogen er skrevet af Steven Levy, hedder ‘Facebook – The Inside Story’, og den udkommer den 25. februar.

“In the early days of Facebook, Zuck kept his plans for world domination in handwritten journals. He destroyed them. But a few revealing pages survived.”

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Facebook vil betale Reuters for at faktatjekke bl.a. deepfakes

“Reuters Fact Check will review content across the spectrum of misinformation formats. […] Then there’s staged media that’s been acted out or forged, like an audio clip recorded and maliciously attributed to a politician. Next is computer-generated imagery that can concoct content or ad fake things to a real video. “And finally there is synthetic or Deepfake video” which Baker said takes the most work to produce.”

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Facebook og Twitter vil ikke fjerne Pelosi-videeo

The New York Times:
“The video was edited to appear as if Speaker Nancy Pelosi were ripping a copy of President Trump’s State of the Union address while he honored a Tuskegee airman and military families.”

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23 grunde til ikke at bruge Facebooks “boost”-knap

Jon Loomer:
“It’s fine as an “easy button” for beginners. That’s all it’s meant to be. Because you’re missing so many features, so much functionality, and so many options behind the Ads Manager curtain.

Maybe you’re stuck on the Boost button. Maybe you’re intimidated by Ads Manager. I get it. But it’s time to move forward.”

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Instagram tester værktøj til trimming af Stories

Social Media Today:
“Instagram is working on a new video trimming feature for Instagram Stories, which would make it easier to edit and upload your Stories clips within the app.”

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WhatsApp runder 2 milliarder brugere

WhatsApp, the most popular messaging app, revealed today just how big it has become. The Facebook -owned app said it has amassed two billion users, up from 1.5 billion it revealed two years ago. It also remains free of ads and does not charge its users any fee.”

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YouTube-regnskab kan presse Instagram til at dele

Mere om YouTubes regnskab i Ugerevyen fra uge 6.

“Not only does Instagram reportedly rake in more ad dollars than YouTube, but Instagram does not share a portion of that money with the creators and media companies that distribute content on its platform. That’s different from YouTube’s practices. In fact, the “majority” of YouTube’s advertising revenue goes to creators and media companies, Alphabet CFO Ruth Porat said during the company’s fourth-quarter earnings call.”

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YouTube lancerer donationer via klapfunktion

The Verge:
“YouTube is trying to figure out how to help creators earn more revenue through alternative monetization methods, and its newest attempt reiterates that YouTube is still following in Twitch’s footsteps.

Clapping is the latest idea YouTube is testing in certain territories. Officially referred to as “viewer applause,” the feature allows people to purchase a clapping animation that appears over the video they’re choosing to support.”

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De andre og branchen generelt

Medier har svært at ved tjene penge på breaking-videoer på Twitter

“‘We learned pretty quick,’ said a source at one news publisher that last year had several Twitter videos not qualify for Amplify’s monetization program. ‘If we’re doing anything other than sports, we’re really risking it’””

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Statistik for Twitter i 2020

Social Media Today:
“If you are looking to get more out of Twitter in 2020, these usage stats may help. The team from Hootsuite has put together a listing of 10 key Twitter stats to consider in your approach.”

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Nyt stort Snapchat-redesign i test

The Interface / Casey Newton:
“The redesign takes an app that has long been limited to three screens and splits them into five. Snapchat currently opens to the camera, with a space for chats to the left and the Discover page — which features a collection of ephemeral stories from friends, creators, third-party publishers, and Snap itself — to the right.”

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“Snapchat Is Testing a Major Redesign to Simplify In-App Navigation”
Social Media Today

Snapchat lancerer værktøjer til mental sundhed

“Snapchat is launching a new set of tools and custom content around mental health and wellness, sources tell Axios. One tool includes a search function that surfaces health and wellness resources on topics including depression, suicide and anxiety. 

Why it matters: It’s the first product launch around what will be a bigger health and wellness push from Snapchat that will be rolled out in the next few months. “

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“Digital wellbeing is about more than just screentime”
Think With Google

TikTok tester Instagram-inspireret profilvisning

Social Media Today:
“The new layout was shared by New York Times journalist Taylor Lorenz on Twitter, and clearly, there is an Instagram-ish feel to this new display.”

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TikTok er på vej frem indenfor annoncer

Singular measures the return-on-investment for mobile ad networks. In 2019, the company sifted through $6.3 billion in ad spending for 2.2 billion app installations across 550 ad networks. And it found that while Google and Facebook still lead in volume and adoption and ROI, TikTok emerged out of nowhere.”

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Sådan bruger Michael Bloomberg influencere

The Daily Beast:
“The Bloomberg campaign has quietly begun a campaign on Tribe, a “branded content marketplace” that connects social-media influencers with the brands that want to advertise to their followers, to pitch influencers on creating content highlighting why they love the former New York City mayor—for a price.”

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“The Influencer Election Is Here”

Fire værktøjer, der gør det lettere at lave indhold til sociale medier

Social Media Today:

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? Digitale medietendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.

JydskeVestkystens robot møder kritik i lokalmiløet

DR Nyheder:
“- Man undlader den kildekritik, som jeg mener er en helt grundlæggende del af en journalists arbejde, siger Hans Otto Sørensen.

Artiklen var skrevet af en robot og havde altså ikke været igennem en journalists hænder, før den blev trykt i avisen.

Og det er et helt grundlæggende problem, mener Hans Otto Sørensen.”

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Historien blev også til et indslag i P1 Morgen, hvor Andreas Marckmann (der forsker i automatisering i mediebranchen) blev interviewet. Jeg har samlet link og minuttal i denne LinkedIn-opdatering.

Nyt værktøj viser, hvad journalister skriver om

“What are journalists writing about? It seems like a question with an easy answer. Just go to a news outlet’s homepage and take a peek, or do a quick internet search.

But each of those only offers a glance at what the news has published as a whole. A new tool from MuckRack called Trends offers a universal look at what journalists are writing about.”

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Microsoft-værktøj lader journalister samarbejde om datasæt
“Combining artificial intelligence, object vision and optical character recognition (OCR), IDA can analyse pages and extract text, images and other key data. It also helps journalist search long videos, identifying faces or keywords, and provide searchable footage transcript.”

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Podcast-guldfeberen falmer for nogle udgivere

“But the medium’s growth has not solved some core issues. Because of the way that podcasts are distributed, building audiences can be very difficult. With more than 850,000 podcasts currently available worldwide (according to an estimate from Spark Foundry’s Chris Yarusso), publishers face a challenge in realizing their desire that listeners will discover their podcasts. And advertisers, weary of combing through long lists of shows, have begun gravitating toward the largest shows and networks, putting even more pressure on the publishers that are trying to make money with one or two shows.”

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Mere om podcasting:

Nieman Lab:
“If people will pay for MP3s of people whispering them to sleep, why won’t they pay for podcasts?”

Gyldendal sælger flere bøger digitalt end på papir

“Hvor mange solgte bøger der præcis er tale om, fremgår dog ikke. Men det er ifølge regnskabet især lydbøger, der trækker væksten i vejret, mens e-bøgerne kun i “beskeden” grad spæder til. Dermed følger udviklingen i Gyldendals digitale salg den nationale udvikling, hvor lydbøger de seneste år har været den helt store vækstmotor bag det digitale forbrug af bøger.”

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“Skrækscenariet er, hvis Amazon går bredt ind i markederne med både papirbøger og streaming og dumper priserne”

Canadisk popup-medie har succes

“Hvorfor udkomme hele tiden, når man kan nøjes med at publicere, når man virkelig har noget på hjertet.

Sådan er filosofien bag det canadiske pop up medie The Sprawl, der har eksisteret siden efteråret 2017.”

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Introducing The Sprawl: Canada’s ‘Pop-Up Journalism Project’
Acts of Journalism

Patreon udvider med kontor i Berlin

The Verge:
“Funding platform Patreon is expanding its operations outside of the United States, opening a new office in Berlin and adding payment options for euros and British pounds. The move is designed to support current Patreon creators and patrons in Europe as well as attract new international users.”

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SoundCloud henter 514 mio. kr.

“The company has raised $75 million in funding from satellite radio giant SiriusXM, owner of streaming giant Pandora, which has an ad partnership with SoundCloud.

The funding will be used towards product development and launching new services, the companies said in a statement.”

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Både demokrater og republikanere venter at blive ramt af “fake news”

…sjovt nok forventer begge lejre, at de falske nyheder vil ramme dem hårdere end det andet parti.

Pew Research:
“Similarly large shares of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents (82%) and Republicans and GOP leaners (84%) say they are very or somewhat concerned about the influence that made-up news could have during the election. “

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? Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.

Derfor er der penge i at udgive færre artikler

“But in digital, we don’t have any of these feelings. Online, you have no sensory perception of how big a magazine is, and as a result, you no longer have this feeling of value.”

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Vore nabolande bliver mindre annonceafhængige

“Ifølge Stefan Melesko [der er forsker i medieøkonomi ved Jönköping Universitet] er det de svenske avisers stigende abonnementsindtægter på print og digital, der gør, at annoncerne fylder mindre i den samlede omsætning. Blandt andet fordi de har hævet priserne på deres abonnementer på tværs af print og digital og har været tidligere ude med lanceringen af digitale abonnementer, hvor den svenske tabloid Aftonbladet var blandt frontløberne tilbage i 2003.”

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USAs næststørste avisudgiver konkurs

Inside Media:
“McClatchy is the second-largest newspaper outlet in the U.S. In a statement, the company said the filing would allow it ‘to shed costs of its print legacy and speed shift to digital.'”

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Rapport om vanedannende medieprodukter

“With this report, we bring an essential understanding of habit formation for news consumption on digital platforms. Forming habits and recurring behaviour are key underlying drivers for publishers to build a sustainable subscription business.”

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(PDF, 28 sider)

Googles abonnementsinitiativ kommer til Europa

“Google News Initiative søsatte i 2019 projektet GNI Subscriptions Lab, der havde som formål at hjælpe i første omgang otte medier i USA og Canada med at opbygge abonnementsforretninger. Nu rulles projektet også ud i Europa, skriver Richard Gingras, direktør for nyhedsområdet hos Google, i et blogindlæg.”

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Optimisme omkring Flipboard videoprodukt

“With Flipboard’s newest venture, called Flipboard TV, the mobile reading app company will pay publishers — and aims to charge its 145 million monthly active users — for access to curated video content.”

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Hvilken rolle skal “brandet indhold” have i mediebranchen?
“News organisations need to be more open to working with commercial companies if they are to survive, a panel of industry experts concluded at The Future of News event (5 February 2020).

A long-term alternative to advertising revenue needs to be secured, according to Richard Sambrook, professor of journalism at Cardiff University, who suggested that branded and sponsored content are strong options.”

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The Wall Street Journal har nu også 2 mio. digitale abonnenter

Nieman Lab:
“On Friday, it was News Corp’s turn, announcing that its Wall Street Journal had topped 2 million digital subscriptions for the first time, and that Dow Jones — which also includes Barron’s, its news wires, Factiva, and some other information businesses — had topped 3.5 million digital subs.”

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The New York Times sætter fokus på The Information

Ja, jeg er abonnent på The Information og ja, jeg er glad for det. Så derfor deler jeg selvfølgelig denne historie.

The New York Times:
“Jessica Lessin’s online tech publication costs $399 a year and has no ads. Silicon Valley’s elite is eating it up.”

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“Cross-site-tracking har ingen fremtid”

“But the demise of third-party cookies could be a blessing in disguise for publishers. At least, that’s the view of the head of product development and insights at a publisher. In our latest edition of Confessions, where we exchange anonymity for candor, this exec said they are being chased by media buyers who see the publisher’s data as a replacement to third-party cookies.”

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? Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.

Er der en stor Google-algoritmeændring på vej?

What’s New in Publishing:
“The reactions on Twitter to this “update” appear to be mixed, but many publishers have noticed a fall in rankings. There are also a number of complaints from site owners in the Google Webmaster Help forums.

While we wait for Google to confirm about the search ranking algorithm update, it’s worth noting that the past 30-days or so in the Google universe have been pretty intense. “

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AI restaurerer filmoptagelse fra 1895

“The Lumière Brothers’ 1895 short “Arrival of a Train at La Ciotat” is one of the most famous film clips in history — you’ve almost certainly seen the 50-second movie at some point in your life. “

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Apple søger patent på AR/VR-videooptagelse

“Instead of just recording video and audio from a single perspective, such as the composited 2D view of live video from an iPhone’s or iPad’s camera with augmented content such as Pokémon in the scene, Apple would record separate streams that capture both the experience from the recorder’s perspective and time-stamped additional data that could be used to change the experience for viewers.”

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“As Apple and Facebook Embrace AR Fully, Google Takes It Slow”
The Information

Så hurtigt gik Motorolas foldetelefon i stykker

The Verge:
“f we make the assumption that a person checks their phone between 80 and 150 times a day, and we assume CNET’s test wasn’t flawed, this particular Razr would have failed after between six and 12 months of use.”

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“Hands On With Samsung’s New Galaxy Z Flip Phone”

FTC vil gennemgå tech-firmaers opkøb

Det er ellers ikke så lidt af et dataudtræk, de beder om her…

The Verge:
“The Federal Trade Commission announced on Tuesday that it will begin reviewing past acquisitions made by big tech companies, including Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Microsoft.

In orders issued to the companies, the FTC said that it was seeking “information and documents on the terms, scope, structure, and purpose of” small and unreported transactions made between January 1st, 2010, and December 31st, 2019.”

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