Uge 22, 2019


Den digitale ugerevy er Danmarks mest komplette overblik over sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Den bringer dig up-to-date, og du sparer masser af tid.
Digital Ugerevy har mere end 500 følgere, der arbejder indenfor journalistik, kommunikation, markedsføring, digital udvikling og ledelse.
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? Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
Har Lars Løkke og Mette Frederiksen annonceret ulovligt?
DR Nyheder skriver: “Politikere bruger tusindvis af danskeres følsomme data uden samtykke, siger eksperter”
Men har de nu også det? Det er der delte meninger om – blandt andet fra nogle af landets fremmeste eksperter indenfor sociale medier. Læs svarene til dette tweet for at blive klogere.
Facebook har skabt et monster, de ikke kan styre
News about Facebook in the week leading up to the European Union Parliamentary elections reinforced the image of a company unable to control a platform that has been hijacked by right-wing extremists.
Gjorde Facebook det rette med Pelosi-videoen?
Facebook har fået en del kritik for ikke at fjerne en sammenklippet video med Demokraternes Nancy Pelosi, hvor hun fremstår fuld og usammenhængende.
Men gjorde Facebook det rigtige ved ikke at slette videoen, som der ellers var mange, der krævede de gjorde? Det mener to eksperter:
Fact checks couldn’t contain the virality of that altered Pelosi video. But that doesn’t mean we should give up on them.
Var Facebooks vaccine-udmelding et slag i luften?
Ten weeks after Facebook Inc. pledged to fight vaccine misinformation, such content remains widely available across its platforms as the social-media giant grapples with how aggressively to limit the spread of hoaxes and deceptions.
(Artiklen kræver abonnement)
Facebook advarer annoncører om ‘Clear History’
Facebook warned in a Tuesday blog post that its new tool to control off-Facebook user data might not be welcomed by advertisers. Announced last year, the Clear History function will let users delete or turn off data that the social network receives from outside websites and apps visited by Facebook members.
Facebook giver stadig medier den bedste reach
In a survey of 124 publisher executives conducted by Digiday this May, 45% of respondents said Facebook delivered the best reach for unpaid or organically posted content, more than any other platform. Trailing Facebook was Twitter, YouTube and Instagram, each with around 10% of the vote.
(Artiklen kræver abonnement)
Engagement: Facebook falder, Instagram stiger
Going on the officially reported numbers from Facebook, you would assume that it’s not, but a rising accumulation of third-party data suggests otherwise, with a new report from eMarketer again showing a decline in Facebook usage, and predicting more of the same into the future.
De andre:
Kan man standardisere betaling af influencere?
As big brands and agencies have vocalized their frustrations about fraud in influencer marketing and committed themselves to combat it, the industry has realized it’s quite difficult to police. Riding that momentum, an industry-wide coalition is attempting to bring more standardization into the market.
Sådan uploader du horisontal video til IGTV
I Ugerevyen fra sidste uge kunne du læse, hvordan Instagrams IGTV nu understøtter vertikale videoer. I denne kan du læse, hvordan du uploader dem.
UK: 39% af “Generation Z” bruger Instagram Shopping
Instagram Shopping is a powerful selling tool because of personalization features, such as letting shoppers follow retailers and hashtags or using the app’s Explore function to discover fresh content, per GlobalData. Those personalization features help to create a more customized experience than may be available through a retailer’s website or app, the researcher said.
Derfor lancerer ESPN flere Snapchat-shows
ESPN’s deeper investment in Snapchat comes as other publishers like the New York Timesand Bleacher Report have paused their channels. But for ESPN, producing shows on Snapchat aligns with their digital strategy of meeting sports fans in places they already are.
Danske valg-hashtags får emojis på Twitter
Det er de tre hashtags “#folketingsvalg”, “”#valg2019” og “#fv19”, der vil blive efterfulgt af den danske valg-emoji.
Twitter undersøger, om racister hører hjemme hos dem
Twitter is conducting in-house research to better understand how white nationalists and supremacists use the platform. The company is trying to decide, in part, whether white supremacists should be banned from the site or should be allowed to stay on the platform so their views can be debated by others, a Twitter executive told Motherboard.
Twitter viser flere annoncer – og det giver problemer
Twitter is running a test that has increased the number of promoted tweets showing up in people’s timelines — and it has resulted in a range of user complaints about their new prevalence, clickbait-style ads, and at least one malicious campaign.
Pinterest lancerer desktop-app til Windows 10
The tool will provide another way for users to browse the platform and search for relevant product matches, extending the utility of the app. And considering that Pinterest is now seeing the majority of its growth in markets outside the US – where, potentially, desktop usage is a more significant consideration – it makes sense for the platform to boost its functionality in this regard.
Hvorfor er TikTok så populært?
TikTok claims to be the world’s leading app for short-form mobile videos. The mission stated on their website, is to capture and present the world’s creativity, knowledge and the moments that matter in everyday life.
Tips til din digitale markedsføring
15 Incredible Tools You Never Thought You Needed
Social Media Today
Marketers are using content marketing to build communities
The Complete Facebook Image Sizes and Dimensions Cheat Sheet [Infographic]
Social Media Today
? Tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
Her er vinderne af podcastprisen
Podcastprisen er den første af sin art, og den er sat i søen af Center for Podcasting og Podcast Festival for at hylde podcasting i Danmark.
De nominerede og vinderne i hver kategorier er valgt fra et stærkt felt på hele 188 indstillinger, så det er en ære at være blandt de nominerede til Podcastprisen 2019.
Jysk Fynske Medier arbejder med direkte brugerinddragelse
Skal brugerne være med til at bestemme hvilke historier, et medie skal skrive? Det mener de hos Jysk Fynske Medier, hvor de har taget værktøjet Hearken i brug.
Partierne ved ikke nok om søgemaskiner
Selvom det vrimler med opslag fra politikerne på de sociale medier under valgkampen, så halter det for partierne, når deres hjemmesider skal nå vælgernes søgninger på søgemaskiner som Google og Bing. Det skriver Politiken i fredagens avis.
The Times deler erfaringer fra deres AI-butler
The technology has so far been used on 300,000 readers, including 117,000 subscribers, to distribute editorial content. One of the key findings of this experiment is that 70 per cent of subscribers in the trial interacted with JAMES, either by opening or clicking on the newsletter.
Sådan arbejder forskellige medier strategisk med kommentarer
Nordic media company Schibsted highlights the articles with the highest number of comments on its homepages. These stories have an average 8% higher click-through rate compared to others. Now, the publisher is researching which topics spark debate and the demographics of those that interact: As with many newspaper publishers, attracting a younger more equal gender split of readers is a key concern.
Store tyske udgivere i fælles front med tech-giganterne
Axel Springer and Funke Mediengruppe’s joint sales house, Media Impact, has joined forces with the joint sales house of fellow publishing juggernauts RTL Group and Gruner+Jahr to solidify an advertising alliance that sells the combined inventory of all four media groups.
Google udvider DNI til USA
Projects, which should be related to local news or revenue generation, can receive up to $300,000 in funding. As in Europe, the launch comes with talk of government regulation in the air.
Makedonske websites leverer “Fake News” til USA
In North Macedonia, there’s a small industry of websites publishing misleading and inflammatory political articles targeted at US readers. Simon Oxenham meets a woman who worked there.
? Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
Vil Facebook lave mikrobetaling for medier?
If this is what unfolds, it could finally solve the problem of micropayments by giving everyone something they can easily spend and, on the other end, provide online publishers with an easy way to get paid. For practical purposes, this means that a year from now, those obnoxious paywall pages will give you an option to subscribe with a credit card—or just click to pay for a one-off read.
Investeringer sender Føljeton i minus
Udvidelse med to nye nyhedsbreve sendte Føljeton tilbage i minus sidste år, hvor resultatet faldt med knap en million. “Vi investerede hurtigere, end vi voksede,” lyder det fra direktør, der forventer sorte tal på bundlinjen i år.
Ekstra Bladet udvider Plus med live boksning
– Ekstra Bladet har altid haft et stort og engageret boksepublikum med masser af passion for sporten. Dem kan vi nu forkæle endnu mere med denne aftale, hvor vi kan streame Danish Fight Night-stævnerne til vores PLUS-kunder.
Mascha Vang leverer endnu et millionoverskud
Mascha Vang forsvarede i 2018 sin position som en af landets mest populære bloggere og kunne på den baggrund føje nogle ekstra hundredtusinder til bundlinjen.
Fortune overvejer bl.a. paywall
Fortune magazine is raising its cover price, launching a digital paywall and boosting its conference business, in its first decisive steps as an independent publisher.
Wired tester at lade annoncører hæve gratisloftet
On June 1, Wired site visitors will see a message informing them that the site’s paywall has been raised from four articles to five, with that extra article’s worth of access sponsored by WeTransfer.
Sådan fordoblede Globe and Mail programmatic-indtjeningen
Now 75% of the company’s programmatic revenue derives from Programmatic Guaranteed ad buys brokered via Google Ad Manager. The strategic shift toward more guaranteed deals helped The Globe and Mail grow its programmatic revenue by 164% year over year in 2018.
Bayer saved at least $10 million after taking programmatic in-house
Programmatic: Hvad er ‘bid shading’?
In a first-price auction model advertisers often find themselves on the losing end, due to the fact that they must pay the price that they bid, rather than just slightly higher than the bid that they beat. This led to the development of bid shading, where ad tech companies try to predict the highest bid, so companies aren’t bidding too much.
? Udvikling

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
Derfor skal du bruge papirprototyper
If a project can’t survive the paper prototyping stage, it almost assuredly would not be a good product once built. Paper prototyping saves money and time. And paper prototyping, as opposed to just making static mockups with paper or Sketch, allows real users to test your website long before you get to the Sketch and eventual programming stages.
Google smart speaker med skærm kan nu købes
Google Nest Hub kan mest beskrives som en Google Home-højtaler med en skærm påsat, men den er meget mere end bare det. Udover de traditionelle funktioner fra Home-højtaleren, så kan Nest Hub fx spille Youtube-videoer, være en billedramme, vise madopskrifter, håndtere opkald via Google Duo, vise hvem der ringer på døren – dette kræver dog tilhørende kamera.
TEST: Google Nest Hub – En super smart assistent
Google Assistants succes hviler på underbetalte kontraktarbejdere, skriver The Guardian.
Google’s Shadow Work Force: Temps Who Outnumber Full-Time Employees
The New York Times
Når algoritmer fejler, får mennesker skylden
In other case studies, Elish found the same pattern to hold true: even in a highly automated system where humans have limited control of its behavior, they still bear most of the blame for its failures. Elish calls this phenomenon a “moral crumple zone.”
5G er kommet til UK
The Verge:
“Now, I know these 5G networks aren’t being fully utilized right now, but the average speeds were still a 10x improvement over what I was seeing on 4G.”
14 bogtips fra Wired
Sommeren er snart over os, og ingen sommer uden boganbefalinger. Her får du Wireds liste af boganbefalinger.
Polen klager over EUs copyright-direktiv
Poland has submitted a complaint to the European Union’s top court against copyright rules adopted by the bloc in April to protect Europe’s creative industries, which Warsaw says may result in preventive censorship.