Uge 24 i digitale medier (2019)

Den digitale ugerevy er Danmarks mest komplette overblik over sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Den bringer dig up-to-date, og du sparer masser af tid.
Digital Ugerevy har mere end 500 følgere, der arbejder indenfor journalistik, kommunikation, markedsføring, digital udvikling og ledelse.
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? Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
Vil Facebook fjerne deepfake med Zuckerberg?
“Facebook refused to remove a doctored video of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi last month, but this week the company faces a new quandary: Will it remove a fake video of its own CEO, Mark Zuckerberg?”
Facebook har lovet ikke at fjerne videoen, skriver MIT Technology Review. Du kan se videoen på Instagram.
Mere om deepfakes:
“AI deepfakes are now as simple as typing whatever you want your subject to say”
The Verge
Facebook får kritik for at lukke søgemuligheder
BuzzFeed News:
“‘To make it even more difficult for human rights actors and war crimes investigators to search that site—right as they’re realizing the utility of the rich trove of information being shared online for documenting abuses—is a potential disaster for the human rights and war crimes community,’ she said. ‘We need Facebook to be working with us and making access to such information easier, not more difficult.'”
Kendte Zuckerberg til problematiske brugerdata?
“Mark Zuckerberg, stifteren af og topchefen i verdens største sociale medie, Facebook, kendte tilsyneladende til problematiske forhold i relation til koncernens håndtering af private brugerdata.”
Facebooks annonce-system er muligvis diskriminerende
“But given the complexity of the ad buying and auction process, targeting isn’t the only thing that determines who sees an ad. Within the segment specified by the advertiser, Facebook can skew which type of user eventually views that targeted ad”
Facebook udvider Watch – men bureauer er skeptiske
“However, despite Facebook’s efforts to bring more international content to Watch, U.K. media agencies remain reticent about whether it can meet their requirements on scale, performance and brand safety.”
Ny Facebook-app betaler folk for at dele data
App’en er som udgangspunkt kun tilgængelig i USA og Indien.
“Facebook har netop lanceret den nye app, Study from Facebook, der giver mulighed for, at brugere kan sælge deres data til Facebook.”
Huawei må ikke længere præinstallere Facebook
“Facebook Inc is no longer allowing pre-installation of its apps on Huawei phones, the latest blow for the Chinese tech giant as it struggles to keep its business afloat in the face of a U.S. ban on its purchase of American parts and software.”
De andre:
Rapport er splittet om unge menneskers brug af sociale medier
“Er unges brug af sociale medier skadelig? Nej og ja, lyder det helt overordnede svar i en rapport fra danske The Happiness Research Institute, udarbejdet for Nordisk Ministerråd.”
Journalistens redaktør i Twitter-koks
Det startede med, at Journalistens chefredaktør, Øjvind Hesselager, skrev et tweet omkring Henrik Sass Larsen, der fornylig har sygemeldt sig, og om at det var tid til selvransagelse hos medierne.
Det førte til voldsom kritik af Hesselager fra journalister på Twitter. Debatten førte til, at chefredaktøren først deaktiverede og senere slettede sin profil.
I et interview med sit eget medie sagde han blandt andet, at tonen på andre sociale medier som Facebook og LinkedIn er mere konstruktiv – også de udmeldinger fik Hesselager kritik for.
Uanset hvad, så viser historien, at folk, der gør andre folk dygtige på Twitter har deres eksistensberettigelse. Her var (og er) der i hvert fald brug for en.
NYTimes: Platforme handler nu mere om private delinger
“People are moving from posting on timelines to groups. Private sharing and private experiences [is what’s] happening. We don’t see it in the data yet but it’s something we can anticipate and work around. Facebook made the change to emphasize groups, for example.”
Læs artiklen
(…og hør podcast-udsendelsen)
Instagram-chef: Skilsmisse med Facebook er en dårlig idé
“‘Personally, if we split it off, it might make a lot of my life easier, and it would probably be beneficial for me as an individual. But I just think it’s a terrible idea,’ Mosseri said. ‘If you’re trying to solve election integrity, if you’re trying to approach content issues like hate speech, and you split us off, it would just make it exponentially more difficult — particularly for us at Instagram — to keep us safe.'”
YouTube-CEO: Tjek af videoer inden upload er ikke det rigtige
“I think we would lose a lot of voices,” Wojcicki said. “I don’t think that’s the right answer.”
She also warned that it could be difficult to come up with criteria as to what could be uploaded in the first place: “What are the factors that you’re [using to] determine that? How are you deciding who is getting to be on the platform and have speech and who’s not?”
Mere om YouTube-chefen:
“YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki apologizes to LGBTQ community over handling of anti-gay content”
USA Today
YouTube-netværket WatchMono skifter til longform
“At the end of June, WatchMojo will release a 90-minute documentary called “Fox in the Henhouse,” which will focus on the rise of socialism and the limits of capitalism heading into the 2020 U.S. elections.”
Twitter tester mulighed for at skjule svar
Social Media Today:
“When selected, the chosen reply would be hidden not just from your timeline, but from anyone else also – though all users would still be able to choose the ‘View Hidden Tweets’ option (last frame above) on any tweet to see what the poster has chosen to hide.”
Hvordan kan du genbruge visuelt indhold på sociale platforme?
“Shooting a social video? Learn what format works best on different platforms and how to turn your footage into horizontal, vertical or square”
Tips til din digitale markedsføring
3 metrics small businesses should track to measure SEO success
Marketing Land
24 YouTube Stats for Marketers 2019 [Infographic]
Social Media Today
‘One-stop shop’: How YouTube is pitching its influencer marketing platform
(Kræver abonnement)
New Performance Planner coming to Google Ads
Google Ads Help
? Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
Årets Mary Meeker tendensrapport er her
“It’s the holiday season for data nerds: That is, Mary Meeker is delivering her annual Internet Trends Report — the most highly anticipated slide deck in Silicon Valley — again at Code Conference 2019.”
Nieman Lab:
“The scariest chart in Mary Meeker’s slide deck for newspapers has gotten even a wee bit scarier”
Årets Reuters Digital News report er her
Hvordan kan udgivere udnytte podcast-boom’et?
“Connecting with younger audiences and enhancing the value of digital subscription are amongst the top perks of podcasting, the 2019 Digital News Report by RISJ has found”
Hos finder du også en gennemgang af rapportens vigtigste pointer.
Det går sløvt med betalingerne:
“One of the big headlines from the study is that, despite the efforts of news publishers to pivot away from advertising revenue and focus more on subscriptions and membership plans, there has only been a tiny increase in the number of people who pay for online news in any form in the past year, and the bulk of what little growth did occur came primarily in Nordic countries like Norway and Sweden.”
“Even people who like paying for news usually only pay for one subscription”
Skarp kritik af Google-kritisk rapport
Sagen drejer sig om en rapport News Media Alliance, der er blevet omtalt i en The New York Times-artikel. Både artikel og rapport møder nu skarp kritisk.
Læs mere:
Danske Medier har uddelt digitale priser
Altingets robot skrev 900 artikler på en halv time
“Altingets nye robot har skrevet en artikel om alle 900 kandidater til Folketingsvalget 2019. Chefredaktør Jakob Nielsen forventer ikke, artiklerne får mange læsere, men de er “meget relevante for kandidaterne selv og dem, der har stemt på ham eller hende,” forklarer han. “
NYTimes open sourcer journalistkursus i data-skills
Nieman Lab
“The New York Times wants more of its journalists to have those basic data skills, and now it’s releasing the curriculum they’ve built in-house out into the world, where it can be of use to reporters, newsrooms, and lots of other people too.”
Spotify laver bilist-playliste med musik og nyheder
The Verge:
“Spotify’s launching a new playlist called Your Daily Drive that will incorporate news podcasts. Starting today, US users will be able to listen to music they already enjoy, alongside new music recommendations, with some news podcast content sprinkled in. Anyone can access the playlist, regardless of whether they’re driving. “
Nyt Spotify-design giver løft til podcasts
The Verge:
“This new design, while not necessarily a monumental change to how people listen on the audio platform, makes the experience slightly more pleasant, especially considering that people haven’t loved Spotify’s podcast treatment.”
? Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
Salget af abonnementer er gået i stå
“I Norge og Sverige vil flere og flere betale for nyheder på nettet, men danskerne rokker sig ikke en tøddel. Professor bag rapport er bekymret for de danske medier: ”Stigende online-salg er en nødvendighed” “
Sådan balancerer Aller annoncer og abonnementer
“For Aller Media, this is one part of taking more control over its first-party data in a world where data privacy is now the business norm, thanks to the General Data Protection Regulation. The publisher launched its centralized data platform in 2016 primarily to drive up the value of inventory both on the advertising and subscription sides of the business.”
Blendle dropper mikrobetalinger
Historien var også med i sidste uges opsamling (og jeg har selv skrevet om det), men den kørte på de store sites i denne uge, så vi tager den igen 🙂
Nieman Lab:
“‘I can lead a team of 50 people and we have 60,000 subscribers in the Netherlands and hundreds of thousands of users who pay per article. But I have to be honest: We are still not making a profit,’ Klöpping said.”
Nyhedsbreve og data: Sådan driver Axios engagement
Nieman Lab:
“To understand the true efficiency of your marketing spend, you should understand whether or not you’re investing in signing up engaged readers. ‘Getting an email address is the lead — converting that email to an engaged subscriber is the goal,’ Tase says. Once you have them, you need to keep them.”
Udgivere har et godt øje til Twitch
Twitch er et Amazon-eget website med streaming fra især computerspil.
“Publishers said Twitch is useful not only as a way to grow audience numbers but also to learn from a community that’s quite active in the comments. Publishers also can benefit from Twitch’s direct monetization options including in-stream ads and subscriptions.”
Flere udgivere er tilfredse med AMP og Snapchat
“In a survey of 124 publisher executives by Digiday this May, over half of the respondents said they earned a profit by posting content to Snapchat and through Google AMP. Forty-six percent of publishers also said posting content on YouTube was profitable.”
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(Kræver abonnement)
? Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
Facebook sætter stærkt hold til kryptovaluta-konsortium
The Wall Street Journal:
Facebook Inc. has signed up more than a dozen companies including Visa Inc., Mastercard Inc., PayPal Holdings Inc. and Uber Technologies Inc. to back a new cryptocurrency it plans to unveil next week and launch next year.
Det bliver dog næppe en “ren” kryptovaluta, skriver MIT Technology Review:
“Even if it uses cryptography, it is unlikely to be truly decentralized. Many believe it may be more like a version of Paypal, rather than a true cryptocurrency like Bitcoin.”
Recode laver podcast om tech-giganterne
Podcasten lanceres til juli.
“Today’s ‘information age’ is predominantly powered by five major technology companies: Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, and Google – or “FAANG”. Each season, we’ll dive into one corporation and examine the ways it’s changed our lives – for better and for worse.”
Google gør det sværere for Chrome-udvidelser at sniffe data
In an effort to tamp down data collection by third-party ad-blocking Chrome extensions, Google today announced that it intends to replace parts of Chrome’s Web Request API, a set of events and functions that enable developers to monitor, analyze, and shape web traffic, with the Declarative Net Request API, which doesn’t require access to potentially sensitive data.
Gratis e-bog om animation i digitale produkter
(Bogen er selvfølgelig ikke helt gratis, da du skal aflevere din e-mailadresse.)
“When it comes to software design, animation is a limitless way to make digital products feel more real by replacing “telling” with “showing.” Learn how you can use animation to demonstrate abstract concepts, make products feel more life-like, and instill more emotion into digital experiences.”
Grover lærte at skrive ‘Fake News’ for at genkende det
“Grover is a new system created by the University of Washington and Allen Institute for AI (AI2) computer scientists that is extremely adept at writing convincing fake news on myriad topics and as many styles — and as a direct consequence is also no slouch at spotting it.”
Mere kunstig intelligens:
Google launches TensorFlow.Text library for language AI models
Google integrerer Assistant i Waze i USA
“Google Assistant in Waze will provide access to your usual Assistant features, like playback of music and podcasts, but it’ll also offer access to many Waze-specific abilities, including letting you ask it to report traffic conditions, or specifying that you want to avoid tolls when routing to your destination.”
Hvis ingen klager over dit dashboard, har du fejlet
“»Hvis ingen ringer og spørger til dit dashboard eller klager over fejl eller på en eller anden måde er kede over noget information, det viser – så har du fejlet,« sagde hun på SAS’ Global Forum-konference, der fandt sted tidligere på måneden.”
Salesforce køber visualiseringsfirmaet Tableau
“On the heels of Google buying analytics startup Looker last week for $2.6 billion, Salesforce today announced a huge piece of news in a bid to step up its own work in data visualization and (more generally) tools to help enterprises make sense of the sea of data that they use and amass”
Et andet markant upkøb:
Google to buy unified data platform Looker for $2.6 billion to strengthen Cloud analytics
Marketing Land