Digitale medier i uge 26 (2019)

Her har du Danmarks mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
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? Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
Forslag om Facebook-kontrol møder modstand
“Strengere regler og mere kontrol er ikke vejen frem, når man fra politisk hold skal forhindre datamisbrug hos store teknologiselskaber som Facebook eller Google. I hvert fald ikke lige nu. Sådan er holdningen fra både interesseorganisationen Dansk Industri og Forbrugerrådet Tænk. Organisationerne retter dermed kritik af den rapport, som en Djøf-nedsat kommission ledet af Stine Bosse forleden udkom med.”
Facebook opdaterer betingelser: Sådan tjener vi penge
Facebook Newsroom:
“Today we’re announcing updates to our Terms of Service to clarify how Facebook makes money and better explain the rights people have when using our services. The updates do not change any of our commitments or policies — they solely explain things more clearly.”
Snart kan du målrette til dine ‘top fans’
Social Media Today:
“As you can see in the description, the option enables Pages to create posts exclusively for Top Fans, in order to ‘thank them or share exclusive content’. Some users have had the option available to them for the last few months, so it may already be active on your Page.”
Facebook rydder op i Page-sektioner
Social Media Today:
“The only constant in Facebook marketing is change, and this week, The Social Network has outlined a new business Page update which will see the removal of certain Page information sections, with prompts urging Page admins to integrate those fields into other sections. “
Frankrig: Facebook vil dele info om personer bag hadytringer
“Personer tilknyttet justitsministeriet og domstolene i Frankrig vil få oplysninger om hadsk tale fra Facebook.”
Australien: Medier har også ansvar for kommentarer på Facebook
The Guardian:
“Major media companies and Facebook are scrambling to come to grips with a landmark ruling by an Australian judge that found publishers are legally responsible for pre-moderating comments on the social media site.”
I Sverige er grundlæggeren af en Facebook-gruppe blevet dømt for ikke at have renset kommentarfeltet for racistiske kommentarer:
Flere reaktioner på Facebooks nye valuta
Vi havde godt fat i Libra i sidste uges opsamling – her er de seneste:
Recode / Kara Swisher:
“I wouldn’t trust Facebook to hold my house keys, and yet I think its libra cryptocurrency effort is exactly the right move for it to make.”
“Har Facebook overtrådt en rød linje med sin kryptosatsning? Mangler kun nationalsang og et fodboldlandshold for at kunne kalde sig for en selvstændig stat”
“Facebook’s Libra Cryptocurrency Betrays the Company’s True Ambitions”
The Verge:
“Facebook’s Libra probably won’t help people without bank accounts”
YouTube vil give os mere kontrol over anbefalede videoer
The Verge:
“Sortable topics and filtering capabilities are being added to YouTube’s homepage and “up next” recommended categories, according to a new blog post.”
YouTube tester at skjule kommentarer
“On the one hand, comments are hidden unless the user manually taps on the button to reveal them — users won’t happen upon them by scrolling down. On the other hand, putting the comments button behind a click at the top of the page instead of forcing users to scroll could make them easier to access.”
AR-annoncer er på vej på YouTube
“The offering will be available to brands later this summer through YouTube’s FameBit, its influencer marketing platform”
YouTube kan ikke bare fjerne børneindhold
I sidste uges opsamling kunne du læse, at YouTube overvejer helt at fjerne indhold henvendt mod børn og flytte det ud i sit eget univers. Men så nemt er det ikke, angiveligt.
The Verge:
“YouTube can’t remove kid videos without tearing a hole in the entire creator ecosystem”
De andre:
Instagram vil vise annoncer i Explore
The Verge:
“The ads won’t appear on the Explore grid itself, but they’ll appear once a user taps on an Explore post and begins scrolling through that discovery feed.”
Status på Instagram-markedsføring anno 2019
Social Media Today gør status i flere dele:
- Part 1: Current Use of Instagram by Marketers
- Part 2: Which Options Are Currently Driving Results
- Part 3: Future Marketing Opportunities on Instagram
- Part 4: Instagram Analytics
Snapchat fokuserer på venskaber i ny rapport
Social Media Today:
“Snapchat, which has long maintained its focus on facilitating close relationships, as opposed to broadcasting your life, has this week published a new research report which looks at close friendships in the digital age, and how people connect.”
Twitter vil gribe ind overfor stødende tweets
Spørgsmålet er så, om Donald Trump fortsat vil gå fri…
“I et nyt forsøg på at moderere indholdet på sin platform, vil Twitter nu til at markere og delvis fjerne tweets fra politikere, som bryder selskabets regler for opdateringer.”
Twitter will now hide — but not remove — harmful tweets from public figures
The Verge
LinkedIn sigter efter nicher
“Linkedin will today announce algorithm changes made over the past 12-18 months to favor conversations in its Feed that cater to niche professional interests, as opposed to elevating viral content, its executives tell Axios.”
WhatsApp lukker for nyhedsbreve
Nieman Lab:
“In an effort to crack down on ‘automated or bulk messaging, or non-personal use’ on the platform, WhatsApp will no longer allow publishers to send out newsletters through the app as of December 7, 2019.”
Tips til din digitale markedsføring
Welcome to the next era of social media marketing
Marketing Land
Everything You Need to Know About LinkedIn Videos.
New Report Looks at Best Times to Post on the Major Social Platforms in 2019
Social Media Today
? Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
10 forslag til den nye kulturminister
…fra Thomas Noppen, der er formand for Prauda – foreningen for uafhængige internetmedier.
“Mediestøtten bidrager ikke nok til innovationen, men er nærmest indrettet til at styrke de etablerede mediers næsten kartel-lignende dominans på medieområdet. Her er ti forslag, der kan styrke den demokratiske samtale og skabe et medielandskab i Danmark med lige vilkår for alle.”
Quartz dropper chatbot og nyhedsbrev
“Digiday has learned that Quartz plans to shut down the Quartz Brief, the chatbot-style mobile app launched to great acclaim in 2016. The app will shut down July 1. Adam Pasick, who headed up editorial operations for the app, as well as the Quartz Daily Brief, one of Quartz’s flagship newsletters, left for a job at The New York Times in May.”
Quartz lays off business-side employees for second time this year
Der skal gøres op med medieaftalen
“Ifølge aftalepapiret mellem Socialdemokratiet, De Radikale, SF og Enhedslisten er partierne blevet enige om, at der skal gøres op med sidste års medieaftale.”
Streaming-tjenester stiger især blandt de ældre
“Antallet af streamingtjenester, som danskerne benytter sig af, er steget over en bred kam fra 2017 til 2019, men det er de ældre aldersgrupper, der tegner sig for de største stigninger, viser undersøgelse fra Det Danske Filminstitut.”
Waoo sætter endnu en streamingpakke på menuen
Washington Post lancerer faktatjekkerens guide til video
The Washington Post:
“The Washington Post is expanding its accountability journalism with the launch of “The Fact Checker’s Guide to Manipulated Video,” a new universal vocabulary to identify and label different forms of online video manipulation.”
Can you spot a fake photo online? Your level of experience online matters a lot more than contextual clues
Nieman Lab
Google’s new media literacy program teaches kids how to spot disinformation and fake news
Opsagte journalister i kampagne mod Facebook og Google
The Hill:
“John Stanton, a former D.C. bureau chief at BuzzFeed News, and Laura Bassett, who was laid off from her job as a Huffington Post reporter this year, launched the groupearlier this month to bring attention to how tech platforms’ stranglehold on digital advertising revenue harms local and online news publishers.”
Russisk netværk har placeret Brexit-historier
“Falske historier om blandt andet et planlagt attentat på Boris Johnson blev plantet af russisk netværk.”
? Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
Jysk Fynske vil holde på kunderne med lyd
“Avisen Danmark bliver hjemsted for ny podcastredaktion hos Jysk Fynske Medier, der skal levere daglige podcasts forbeholdt abonnenter. Chefredaktør afviser sammenhæng med bud på FM4-sendetilladelse.”
Ritzau bygger boligrobot
“‘Vi oplever et stigende behov for indhold, som medierne kan styrke deres digitale abonnementsprodukter med. Bolighandler er et interessant emne, der kan målrettes meget lokalt til regionale mediers betalende abonnenter,’ udtaler adm. direktør i Ritzaus Bureau, Lars Vesterløkke, i meddelelsen.”
Her er budgettet for The Correspondents engelsksprogede satsning
Nieman Lab:
“With just over 90 days until its official launch, the English-language — remember, not just U.S. — expansion of De Correspondenthas released its budget to its crowdfunding supporters.”
Er Real-Time Bidding i strid med GDPR?
Marketing Land:
“A recent report (.pdf) from the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) addresses the question of whether real-time bidding (RTB) is compatible with Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). As currently constituted and operated, the regulator’s answer seems to be ‘no.'”
Hvad vil du betale for at slippe for annoncer?
“That’s why two senators from both sides of the aisle, Mark Warner (D-VA) and Josh Hawley (R-MO), pitched a bill Monday that would require companies like Facebook, Google, and Amazon to disclose how much your data is worth.”
Chromes ‘Incognity mode’ bliver sværere at detektere
Nieman Lab:
“A growing number of news sites block incognito readers, figuring they’re probably trying to get around a paywall. But a change from Google will again let people reset their meter with a keystroke.”
Chrome’s privacy changes are a humbling reminder for subscription publishers
SmartNews kan drive trafik – men hvad med abonnementer?
Nieman Lab:
In recent months, publishers may have been noticing an influx of traffic from a not-usual suspect: SmartNews, the news app that was founded in Japan in 2012 and has been operating in the U.S. since 2014. The company is’s most reliably growing external traffic referrer this year, growing at an average of 8.8 percent per month across the 3,000 sites that tracks.
Video-streaming-services ser forretning i Facebook
“‘We use Facebook as one of our No. 1 subscriber acquisition tool,’ said Hendrik McDermott, svp of branding-on-demand and managing director at NBCUniversal-owned Hayu”
Er der et marked for gratis streaming?
Wired har kigget på 7 gratis streaming-tjenester for at undersøge, om der er en kur for den spirende ‘subscription fatique’:
“The adage ‘you get what you pay for’ does apply here to some extent. The selections generally aren’t huge, and most make you watch a few ads along the way. But they’re also better than you might expect, and continuing to improve.”
? Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
Apple forsvarer sig mod Spotify-anklage
The Verge:
“The takeaway message is supposed to be that Spotify is blowing its complaint way out of proportion, but those small numbers don’t tell the full story — they basically don’t matter, because Spotify gave up on App Store subscriptions years ago.”
Hvordan er Apples nye iPad-operativsystem?
“The push has been accelerated with the arrival of the iPad Pro and Apple Pencil, which has made it a more compelling offering for creative pros, along with additional features to help facilitate multitasking. “
Google opgiver tablets
“Ultimately, however, the device felt redundant, and now it seems it will be the last of its kind. The company this week admitted that its hardware team is giving up the tablet ghost.”
Tablets were always doomed
Jonathan Ive forlader Apple
“Jony Ive har været ansat i Apple i næsten 30 år. Han er brite og er blevet adlet for sin indsats, hvilket betyder, at han bliver tituleret Sir Jony Ive.”
Glem ikke at læse denne analyse fra John Gruber:
“I don’t worry that Apple is in trouble because Jony Ive is leaving; I worry that Apple is in trouble because he’s not being replaced.”
Mød firmaet, der designede den originale Mac
The Verge:
“It’s the 50th anniversary of the founding of Frog Design (or, as the company styles it, just ‘frog’). Founded in 1969 by Hartmut Esslinger in Germany, the company created some of the early designs for Sony, but its breakout moment came with Apple in the early ‘80s.”
A/B-testværktøjet Optimizely henter 50 mio. dollars
“Optimizely has now raised $200 million in equity funding since its inception, and with its fresh cash injection it plans to build out its product, team, and global reach. ‘We can invest more in products to put an even bigger gap between Optimizely and our competition,’ Larson added. ‘We can expand geographically, and we will continue to grow our team of world-class digital optimization experts.'”
Sådan kommer virksomheder udenom Trumps Huawei-forbud
The New York Times:
“United States chip makers are still selling millions of dollars of products to Huawei despite a Trump administration ban on the sale of American technology to the Chinese telecommunications giant, according to four people with knowledge of the sales.”