Digitale medier i uge 32 (2019)

Her har du Danmarks mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
? Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
77,5% af delinger er ‘dark social’
What’s New In Publishing:
“People are increasingly sharing content through messaging apps, email, and other platforms that cannot be tracked by regular analytics software. The traffic generated through these shares show up as ‘direct’ but in truth their source is unknown.”
Facebook vil købe rettigheder til mediers indhold
“Facebook vil betale nyhedsmedierne op til 3 mio. dollar om året for retten til at bruge overskrifter og uddrag fra artikler, skriver The Wall Street Journal.”
Facebook til kamp mod ‘click injection’
Social Media Today:
“Today, Facebook filed suit against two app developers for click injection fraud. The developers made apps available on the Google Play store to infect their users’ phones with malware. The malware created fake user clicks on Facebook ads that appeared on the users’ phones, giving the impression that the users had clicked on the ads.”
USAs højrefløj føler sig stadig censureret
Columbia Journalism Review:
“Despite an almost total lack of evidence to support the theory, alt-right groups and mainstream conservatives alike—including the ones that currently occupy the White House—continue to promote the idea that Facebook, Twitter and Google are somehow biased against them.”
Facebooks problemer startede på Filippinerne
BuzzFeed News:
“‘[Duterte’s win] was the beginning because a month later it was Brexit and then Trump got the nomination and then you had the US election,’ said Katie Harbath, Facebook’s public policy director for global elections, in a speech last year.
She referred to the Philippines as “patient zero” when it comes to the weaponization of digital platforms during elections.”
FTC undersøger Facebooks opkøb af WhatsApp og Instagram
The Wall Street Journal:
“The Federal Trade Commission is examining Facebook Inc.’s acquisitions as part of its antitrust investigation into the social-media giant, seeking to determine if they were part of a campaign to snap up potential rivals to head off competitive threats, according to people familiar with the matter.”
Facebook tilføjer slideshow-funktion til Stories
Social Media Today:
“Spotted by social media expert Matt Navarra, the new option, as you can see, provides a simplified way to add a stream of images, which will play out through your Story frames. Of course, you can do this already, by selecting each image one by one for each frame, but the option will make it easier to action, which could prompt more people to try it out.”
Facebook Danmark lægger ud med sorte tal
“Regnskabet dækker perioden 19. december 2017, hvor selskabet blev stiftet, til udgangen af 2018. Den bogførte omsætning beløber sig til 22,2 mio. kr., mens overskuddet blev lige under 3,9 mio. kr. Regnskabet viser desuden, at selskabet betalte 1,4 mio. kr. i skat.”
Facebook omdøber Instagram og WhatsApp …lidt
The Verge:
“Just how uncool can Facebook make Instagram and WhatsApp? If exerting more influence over the direction of both apps by installing Facebook executives wasn’t enough, now the social network giant is going to add “Facebook” to their names.”
Facebook open sourcer billed- og videoalgoritmer
“Facebook today announced that it’s open-sourcing two algorithms capable of spotting identical and nearly identical photos and videos, which it says it actively uses to fight child exploitation, terrorist propaganda, and graphic violence on its platform. The company notes that it’s the first time it’s shared any media-matching technology — technology it hopes industry partners, smaller developers, and nonprofits will employ to more easily identify harmful content.”
De andre:
Instagram i dataskandale
Business Insider:
“Instagram’s lax privacy practices let a trusted partner track millions of users’ physical locations, secretly save their stories, and flout its rules”
Planlæg Intagram-posts med Facebook Creator Studio
Social Media Today:
“Instagram scheduling has long been a headache for social managers, leading to a range of alternative posting options, each of which has its own value and capacity. Most of these options have been limited due to Instagram’s API restrictions on what third-party tools can access, and how they can post – though Instagram did provide capacity for third party providers to facilitate Insta scheduling last year.”
WhatsApp vil markere videresendte beskeder
BuzzFeed News:
“When a user receives a message that has been forwarded among users more than five times, such as chain messages, it is now labeled with a double-arrow icon. Previously, the messaging app showed a single arrow to indicate a message was forwarded.”
Slut med Twitter-data i CrowdTangle
“Now, it’s the Facebook-owned CrowdTangle that will face a major alteration. The platform, which was built to uncover and monitor the spread of social media content, will stop offering Twitter data on its dashboard starting Sept. 29.
According to a Facebook’s spokesperson, this decision is related to an API change Twitter announced in March.”
Twitter-brugere flytter til Tyskland for at undgå nazisme
“Det betyder, at tweets med pro-nazistisk indhold, som bliver rapporteret gennem NetzDG-processen bliver håndteret ganske hurtigt af Twitter. Det er dette forhøjede tempo, som Twitter-brugere, der er ’emigreret digitalt’ til Tyskland, nyder godt af.”
Twitter har måske brugt data uden tilladelse
“The data that Twitter said it might have used include a person’s country code, their engagement details with a particular ad and inferences made about the devices they use. “
Skaberen af retweet’et fortryder sin opfindelse
BuzzFeed News:
“‘We might have just handed a 4-year-old a loaded weapon,’ Wetherell recalled thinking as he watched the first Twitter mob use the tool he created. ‘That’s what I think we actually did.'”
Tips til din digitale markedsføring:
Welcome to the next era of social media marketing
Marketing Land
The Ultimate Guide to Content Distribution
Four ways to optimize your landing pages for conversions
Google Marketing Platform
Stop the Scroll: Increase Paid Performance with Mobile Optimized Video
Social Native
? Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
Egmont lancerer podcastplatform
“I forbindelse med testlanceringen har Egmont Publishing også spillet et prispunkt ud på tjenesten. Et månedligt abonnement koster 59 kr. – altså under abonnementprisen på streamingtjenester på bog- eller tv-markedet såsom Mofibo og Netflix. I den version af tjenesten, der er lanceret nu, opkræves betalingen gennem Apple og Googles app-butikker, mens der senerehen føjes mulighed for kortbetaling til, oplyser Egmont Publishing.”
Podimo henter kanalredaktør fra P3
“CV’et hos Podimos kommende danske indholdschef tæller bl.a. jobbet som konstitueret kanalredaktør for DR3 i DR, inden han i 2017 blev udnævnt som kanalredaktør på P3 i forbindelse med et kursskifte for kanalen til de yngre. Steffen Rasstrup har været i DR siden 2011 og bl.a. været markedsføringsansvarlig for DR3, P3 og DR3. Han har tidligere været kommunikationsrådgiver hos Advice, og kombinationen af tæft for markedsføring og indhold tæller i ansættelsen hos Podimo, siger Nikolaj Koppel.”
Kampen for at gøre podcasts lettere at opdage
En af de store udfordringer ved podcasts er omkring opdagelsen af dem – altså, at folk ikke lige falder over en ny podcast. Blandt andet fordi de ikke er indekseret af søgemaskiner og eksisterer i forskellige apps alt efter, hvad den enkelte bruger bruger.
“How radio and audio giants are trying to solve podcasting’s discoverability problem”
Radio giant Entercom buys podcasters Pineapple Street Media and Cadence13
Nieman Lab
Tips til journalister, der vil være mobile-first
“Four mobile journalists offer their techniques for shooting, recording and uploading stand-out, shareable content with a smartphone”
Hvorfor er Fake News så udbredt?
“There’s a plethora of fresh research that helps answer this question, as media scholars and researchers study and explore how different kinds of misinformation behave in different contexts.
Here’s a list of three recent findings that prove helpful for fact-checkers looking to gain some insight on the motivations behind the spread of mis/disinformation.”
Disney præsenterer streaming-bundle
“That means the full Disney bundle (it owns ESPN and — thanks to the Fox acquisition — has a controlling stake in Hulu) will cost the same amount as Netflix’s standard U.S. plan. That’s also about $5 less than you’d pay every month if you signed up for each of the three separate subscriptions.”
? Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
TV 2 går mod “streaming first”
“Ledergruppen i TV 2’s programafdeling går fra fire til tre medlemmer i forbindelse med omorganiseringen i ledelsen. Det sker i et træk mod streaming first,der skal accelerere udviklingen på TV 2 Play, siger kanalredaktør Lotte Lindegaard, der 1. september bliver programdirektør.”
Piano bygger paywall med machine learning
Nieman Lab:
“Propensity/dynamic/intelligent/other slick-sounding-named paywalls use dozens of signals to measure each visitor’s likelihood of subscribing and determine the prods they need to improve their score. (Piano’s system uses 76 metrics to start.) It could be, for instance, an extra free article or two each month, a newsletter invitation when you’re about to close the page, or a targeted social media ad with special deals. Now publishers don’t have to DIY it, but be aware: It takes Piano two to three weeks to set up each outlet’s paywall based on the signals and past data they need to crunch. Another thing that lasts two or so weeks: the window of time to really snag a new subscriber, according to Piano CEO Trevor Kaufman.”
Svært at vinde kampen om bannerannoncer
“Internationale giganter – særligt Google og Facebooks – indtog på annoncemarkedet har mere eller mindre slukket forventninger om at tjene store penge på bannerannoncer. Sådan lyder det fra TV 2 og Aller Media til Finans.”
‘Reclaim a seat at the table’: Microsoft is diversifying its advertising business
Zetland har hentet 1.000 abonnenter over sommeren
“Inden sommeren skrev Zetland åbent om, at der manglede penge, hvis mediet ikke skal ændres grundlæggende. Og over for Journalisten kunne Zetlandikke afvise, at det kan koste arbejdspladser, hvis ikke økonomien bliver bedre.
Siden da har Zetland ifølge Jakob Moll fået cirka 1.000 nye medlemmer.”
Rapport fra The Atlantic om at konvertere brugere
What’s New In Publishing:
“Atlantic 57, The Atlantic magazine’s consulting service has released a new report, The Four Visitors to Your Site (And How to Hook Them). The report is based on the study of The Atlantic’s readers’ behavior in a bid to identify the best strategies for converting them into paid consumers. […]
According to the report, 73% of newsrooms focus their attention on page views alone rather than how readers are actually engaging with content. But pageviews offer little understanding of audiences’ needs and motivations.“
Nogle medier tjener flere penge på Apple News+
“Publishers including Vice Media and The Stylist Group say they’ve gotten traffic and, more importantly, revenue lifts from Apple News in the last three months. While this is from a small base, for some publishers it signifies that patience with publishing to the platform, which has been widely accepted as good for brand awareness but lagging revenue, is starting to pay off.”
Skal vi tale om ansvarlig medieinvestering?
“De fleste investeringsselskaber tilbyder pakker med grøn eller moralsk investering. Ingen våben, tobak, kul osv. Men når det kommer til mediebudgetter, er der larmende tavshed. Jeg har aldrig set en brief, der nævner: Kampagnen skal udvikles, så medieinvesteringen støtter danske mediehuse. Ingen mediebureauer tilbyder ansvarlig medieinvestering. Eller bare pakker, hvor man er sikker på, at der bliver betalt skat.”
Stor fusion i USAs mediebranche
The Washington Post:
“America’s two largest newspaper publishers will merge in an effort to combat declining circulation and plunging advertising revenue, but will still face pressure to cut costs at hundreds of already cash-strapped publications around the country.”
Sådan eksperimenterer NBC News med web-vertikalerne
“NBC News has conducted several product experiments using the vertical sites since they launched two years ago. For example, Better tested out a site redesign designed to increase the amount of time people spent on the site without forcing them to click on anything; that same redesign also debuted a custom display unit that the vertical properties are still selling.”
? Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
Hosting-firmaer smider 8chan på porten
“The move comes nearly two days after a mass shooting at an El Paso, Texas, Walmart left 20 dead and dozens wounded. The alleged gunman appears to have posted his manifesto on 8chan 20 minutes before the shooting. Cloudflare CEO Matthew Prince spoke with WIRED Sunday night about his decision.”
Så fandt 8chan en anden host – men også her blev de smidt af:
“Men nu er siden altså offline igen. Det sker efter selskabet Voxility, der leverer it-infrastruktur, har lukket ned for Bitimigate, som er underudbyder for selskabet, der beskytter mod DSoS-angreb.”
Here’s how Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and 8chan handle white supremacist content
The Weird, Dark History of 8chan
Samarbejdet mellem Cloudflare og ekstreme sider går langt tilbage
5G er hårdt for batteriet
“De første erfaringer fra Kina og Finland tyder på et meget højt strømforbrug på smartphones og basestationer på det nye 5G-mobilnetværk. Det er især encoding-teknologien, som afsender radiosignalerne, der sluger strøm.”
Anmeldelse af Amazons Echo til bilen
The Verge:
“But the real problem with Echo Auto today isn’t the mountain of minor frustrations — it’s that today’s smartphones, not to mention Apple CarPlay and Android Auto, set a bar that Amazon isn’t bothering to clear.”
Apple-partnere må ikke længere lytte til Siri-optagelser
“After a report in The Guardian detailed Apple’s use of contractors to “grade” the recordings of Siri users, the company has said it will suspend the program. Apple’s not alone in the practice; Google and Amazon use humans as well. But Apple’s self-professed roll as a privacy protector has made the revelation that much more cutting.”
Amazon lets Alexa users disable human voice recording review
Sådan sikrer du, at Apple, Amazon og Google ikke lytter med på dine samtaler