Digitale medier i uge 34 (2019)

Her har du Danmarks mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
? Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
Facebook ansætter redaktion til ‘News Tab’
The New York Times:
“Specifically, Facebook plans to hire a team of editors to work on a news initiative called News Tab, which is its latest venture into the world of publishing.
The Silicon Valley company said that journalists would help curate News Tab, a new section inside of the company’s mobile application that will surface the most recent and relevant stories for readers. Facebook said it planned to hire seasoned journalists from various outlets for the roles and would put up job postings on its employment board on Tuesday.”
Det er ikke første gang. Facebook is trying again with journalists for curating its news content, skriver Nieman Lab.
Facebook tries to rewrite the past by hiring journalists again
Columbia Journalism Review
Slet det, Facebook ved om dig fra andre sites
BuzzFeed News:
“After a long delay, Facebook is releasing a tool that will allow people to see what kind of information it has collected about their online activity beyond its borders — from the news they read to the shopping websites they visit to the porn they watch — along with an option to dissociate that data from their accounts.”
Facebook giver brugerne mulighed for at begrænse målrettede reklamer
Facebook’s New Privacy Feature Comes With a Loophole, skriver Wired:
“Off-Facebook Activity” will give users more control over their data, but Facebook needs up to 48 hours to aggregate your information into a format it can share with advertisers.
Facebook fjerner gruppechat
Social Media Today:
“As you can see here, Facebook will remove the function as of August 22nd. The reasons why Facebook has chosen to remove the option are not entirely clear, but it did provide this additional explanation of the update”
Facebook-popup-caféer skal hjælpe med privacy-indstillinger
Social Media Today:
“In its latest attempt to prove to the world that it’s not actually an evil corporation, hell-bent on gathering as much personal data as possible in order to use it against us, Facebook will open up five temporary cafes in the UK, where users will be able to get assistance and advice on their privacy settings, along with a free beverage.”
Facebooks strammere krav til målretning træder i kraft
Social Media Today:
“Back in March, Facebook announced that it would take stronger action against discriminatory ad targeting by removing a range of targeting options in certain business categories in order to stop businesses using its ad tools to limit audiences in an unfair manner.”
Facebook lægger pres på Instagram
The Information:
“In the roughly 11 months since Mosseri took over, most of Instagram’s senior leadership team has been replaced, Facebook has ordered Instagram to roughly double the number of advertisements in the app and the company is weaving together the technical underpinnings of the messaging services behind Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram. Together the changes send a message that the days of independence at Instagram, whose employees had grown accustomed to their autonomy inside Facebook, are over. “
Hong Kong: Facebook og Twitter lukker kinesiske konti
“Twitter og Facebook har lukket flere konti, som vurderedes at være en del af den kinesiske regerings kampagne for at miskreditere demonstranter i Hongkong gennem spredning af falsk information.”
How China used Facebook and Twitter to spread disinformation about the Hong Kong protests
Twitter’s state-media ban should include Voice of America
MIT Technology Review
Twitter vil forbedre samtaler via opkøb
“The folks behind Lightwell, the app creation engine launched by interactive storytelling startup Hullabalu in 2017, today revealed that they’ve been acqui-hired by Twitter for an undisclosed amount. In a statement made via Lightwell’s official Twitter account, the team says its work at Twitter will focus on the company’s conversations initiative.”
Sådan har US-mediernes Twitter-konti udviklet sig
Web Wielder:
“Media outlets take their Twitter audiences very seriously. So who’s winning the game? We’ve been tracking Twitter followers for several major (and not-so major) media outlets since 2016.”
Kanaler relateret til Hong Kong-protester lukket
MIT Technology Review:
“YouTube has disabled 210 channels, writing in a blog post they had “behaved in a coordinated manner while uploading videos related to the ongoing protests in Hong Kong.””
YouTube vil fjerne målrettede reklamer på videoer til børn
“To satisfy regulators, YouTube officials are finalizing plans to end “targeted” advertisements on videos kids are likely to watch, according to three people familiar with the discussion. The move could immediately dent ad sales for the video giant — though not nearly as much as other proposals on the table.”
Slut med private beskeder på YouTube
The Verge:
“YouTube is shutting down its private messaging feature on September 18th, the company announced in a support post. It said it made the decision after choosing to focus its attention on public conversations, like the Stories feature it launched last year.”
YouTube er blevet politikernes hemmelige våben
The Verge:
“In a press call with reporters after the show, Bernie 2020 campaign advisers explained that the YouTube podcast format itself was one of the major reasons they wanted Sanders on Rogan’s show. “We’re looking for opportunities to reach a broader audience. Too often politicians try to reach people through political channels,” senior adviser Jeff Weaver said. “
YouTube ændrer copyright-reglerne
The Verge:
“Now, when a copyright claim is manually filed for “very short clips” of music or for music that is “unintentional[ly]” playing in the background of a video clip, the rights holder will no longer be allowed to earn money from ads placed on the video. Instead, they’ll have to choose between leaving the video up and blocking the creator from making money, or blocking the video entirely. “
Dyremishandling? YouTube fjerner robotter, der slås
MIT Technology Review:
“But why were they removed in the first place? Given the lack of clarity about YouTube’s internal processes, it’s hard to say. Some of the videos had animal names in the title, but we don’t know whether it was one of YouTube’s notorious algorithmsor a human reviewer that took the decision to remove them.”
De andre:
Kviklånsfirmaer belønner influencere
“Der venter en kontant belønning og bonusser til bloggere og influencere på de sociale medier, hvis de skaffer nye kunder til kviklånsudbydere. »Alfonseri,« siger SF. Regeringen varsler indgreb mod kviklån, men kviklånsdirektør afviser kritikken: »Vi driver en lovlig forretning, og sådan fungerer markedsføring«.”
Mange falder for Instagram-fup
Social Media Today:
“Is not true. Instagram CEO Adam Mosseri has specifically explained that there is no truth to this, which, you would think that most people would infer based on the poor grammar and formatting of the note itself. “
LinkedIn blokerer 21,6 mio. falske konti
Geek Wire:
“In a blog post, LinkedIn’s Head of Trust and Safety Paul Rockwell wrote that the vast majority of the fake accounts — 19.5 million — were blocked at the registration stage, meaning they never went live on the network. The company spotted another 2 million fake accounts, and members flagged 67,000 more accounts.”
Gab, det sociale medie for den ydre højrefløj
“Hours before a mass shooter killed 11 people inside the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh in 2018, he posted an anti-Muslim rant to his account on Gab, a little-known social network that sold itself on protecting free speech.”
Tips til din digitale markedsføring:
Facebook Stories: An Introduction for Content Creators [Infographic]
Social Media Today
8 Awesome Social Media Video Formats You Need to Try in 2019
What You Need to Know About Advertising on TikTok
Social Media Today
Crisis Averted: Preparation Strategies to Stop a Social Fiasco
Sprout Social
Re-thinking customer acquisition: What you cannot measure sometimes matters most
Marketing Land
How to harness the power of micro-influencers?
? Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
Også danske assistentoptagelser er blevet lyttet
I løbet af de seneste uger har der været historier om, hvordan de store techfirmaer har brugt kontraktansatte til at lytte på optagelser fra digitale assistenter (nogle af dem optaget ved en fejl) for at kunne forbedre tjenesten – og nu har historien også fundet en dansk vinkel:
“Tre nuværende og tidligere projektansatte i virksomheder, der evaluerer og behandler data fra techgiganterne Google og Apple, fortæller til Politiken, at de har arbejdet med at gennemlytte og transskribere danske optagelser fra Apples Siri og Googles Assistants brugere. Og de har også lagt øre til optagelser, hvor de vurderer, at det ikke var brugernes hensigt, at der skulle optages.”
Jysk Fynske sætter podcast-hold
“‘Vi er her i huset meget stolte af, at der er kommet mere end 120 ansøgninger, og at folk har været villige til at flytte efter jobbet. Det er et medie, folk rigtig gerne vil, og jeg oplever, der er en helt ny energi i det,’ siger Peter Rasmussen, chefredaktør for avisen Danmark, der står i spidsen for satsningen.”
DMJX får 1,7 mio. kr. til konstruktiv journalistik
“Til oktober tager DMJX hul på et treårigt udviklingsprojekt, der skal skabe flere løsninger i nyheder og informationer. Bevillingen på i alt 1,7 mio. kr. kommer fra EU’s uddannelsesprogram ”Erasmus + Strategiske Partnerskabsprogram for Videregående Uddannelser”, der støtter projekter, som fremmer læring i Europa.”
Brugerinddragelse har givet 60 historier hos JFM
“Her har læserne foreløbigt pitchet 256 historier. Ud af de mange forslag udvælger redaktionerne nogle, som læserne kan stemme på. Ind til videre har det givet næsten 3000 stemmer. “
Risikabelt med nye politiske medier
MediaWatch / Jyllands-Posten:
“I slipstrømmen på, at det er blevet nemmere og billigere at starte sit eget medie, efter internettet har vundet indpas i dagligdagens medieforbrug, ser vi for tiden “en kæmpe” stigning i antallet af nye medier som alternativ til de traditionelle dagblade. Og det udfordrer samfundsdebatten, mener medieforsker Peter Bro, skriver Jyllands-Posten.”
Opfinderen af Google News er tilbage hos Google
“His return comes at a time when lawmakers and politicians scrutinize the company’s handling of disinformation and content including news rankings. It also comes two years after Bharat publicly criticized Google’s news vetting process after it surfaced threads from 4Chan identifying the wrong person as the Las Vegas shooter, calling the product “shameful and irresponsible.””
News Corp vil aggregere nyheder med ‘Knews’
“Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp is aiming to fight back against internet behemoths Google and Facebook — which the company has accused of profiting off its content — with “Knewz,” a news-aggregation app that it says would include a wide range of sources and be free from “bent or bias.””
BuzzFeed vil vise dig historier baseret på dit humør
“There are currently six options — curious, stressed, bored, nostalgic, joyful or hungry. If you select “curious,” you’ll see a list of BuzzFeed posts about strange facts, life hacks and the like. If, on the other hand, you go with “nostalgic,” you’ll get lots of headlines about pop culture history. And if you’re not sure, you can just give the mood wheel a spin and see what it lands on.”
Kan algoritmer opdage “fake news”?
Nieman Lab:
“It’s not perfect, but legitimate and faked news articles use language differently in ways that can be detected algorithmically: ‘On average, fake news articles use more expressions that are common in hate speech, as well as words related to sex, death, and anxiety.'”
Kan TikTok redde journalistikken? Det vil WaPo undersøge
“With its funny videos and memes, the US news site amassed 78k followers in three months, even inspiring teens to want to become journalists”
Hvornår skal medier bruge “nofollow”-links?
Nieman Lab:
“Some session participants and Twitter observers suggested that the Times use “nofollow” links — a web standard introduced back in 2005 that tells search engines “that the link is not endorsed by the original author or publisher of the page.” In other words, it shouldn’t get the credibility boost in search rankings that a link from a credible or popular site would normally give.”
Snopes klar med nye værktøjer til faktatjek
Det drejer sig om:
- Collections
- Ratings
- Fact Check Templates
- Notes
? Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
Er vi i en renæssance for digitale abonnenter?
What’s New In Publishing:
“The researchers note that there has been “a digital subscription renaissance in the news publishing industry” over the last five years. Publishers are observing a demand for high-quality content and working at developing premium, high-value brands that engage readers.”
Medier ruller ‘Subscribe with Google’ ud efter succesfuld test
What’s New In Publishing:
“A 30% uplift in subscriptions through ‘easy sign-in’, ‘frictionless payment’ and ‘improved discovery’ is, of course, a dream for publishers, and many of them signed up to test ‘Subscribe with Google’, including The Washington Post, The New York Times and the Financial Times.”
The Telegraph har succes med lydbriefinger via WhatsApp
“According to [commuter editions editor Danny] Boyle, users who sign up for the group are 12 times more likely to become paid subscribers than an average reader on the homepage, and people who follow the link to articles go on to read double the number of articles than an average reader, too.”
Jeg har også skrevet lidt om det i denne Twitter-tråd.
Sådan eksperimenterer The Economist med redesigns og indholdsændringer
What’s New In Publishing:
“The Economist has more than doubled the amount of web traffic it receives via newsletters over the past year. This was achieved with the help of redesigns and content changes. The publisher—one of the few that earn more from its print and digital subscribers than advertising—continues to tweak its digital offerings, including its website, apps, and newsletters. “
Sådan skaffer og fastholder The Times digitale abonnenter
“‘You have to understand customers in the main who pay nothing for news, it’s a big deal to add a paid news subscription so we like to ease them in,’ he said.”
Apple og Google gør livet sværere for adtech-firmaer
Fast Company:
“Apple is trying to take away the work-arounds commonly used by these players. It has already shut down methods like DeviceID, which establishes an identifier for the user’s computer in the browser. Now it’s shutting down the “link decoration” method used by social networks to make first-party cookies perform the user tracking functions of third-party cookies.”
‘The scale of the problem is enormous’: Apple flexes strong anti-tracking stance
“Google today announced a new long-term initiative that, if fully realized, will make it harder for online marketers and advertisers to track you across the web. This new proposal follows the company’s plans to change how cookies in Chrome work and to make it easier for users to block tracking cookies.”
Google tilslutter sig IABs GDPR-framework
“The industry’s attempt to create a standardized framework for compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation has been overhauled to better satisfy the needs of publishers, consumers and the law itself.”
Google proposes tighter standards around data collected for digital ads
Kan man spare annoncepenge med blockchain?
“The project has already reduced pennies on the dollar of waste in the area of ad reconciliation and brought greater transparency to the complex gauntlet of intermediaries brand advertisers have to deal with, Peluso told VentureBeat in an interview this week. And there’s more to come, she said.”
Endnu et Watch-medie
“Lanceringen bliver den anden udvidelse i år, som også blev varslet i forbindelse med årsregnskabet for 2018. I sidste uge blev sløret løftet for AgriWatch, der vil fokusere på den danske landbrugssektor. Mediet går i luften i september.”
? Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
Læs om planerne for det nye DRTV
“Det nye DRTV har været to år undervejs, når streaming-tjenesten relanceres til efteråret. Tjenesten har gennemgået markante forandringer. Det er nødvendigt, hvis målet skal opfyldes: DRTV skal videreføre flow-tv’s position som DR’s hovedplatform. “Det er pludseligt nogle globale megaspillere, som vi kæmper med,” lyder det. Se hele planen her.”
Datatilsynet kritiserer Københavns Universitet
“Hvis håndtering af persondata indgår som et del af et kursus på et universitet og med redskaber, der er ejet af universitetet, så er universitetet – og ikke den studerende – dataansvarlig med de forpligtelser, der følger med, viser sag fra Københavns Universitet.”
Første danske GDPR-bøde er stadig ikke afgjort efter et halvt år: Københavns Politi tavs om arbejdet
Hvordan finder Facebook fejl i 100 mio. kodelinjer?
“[…] four years ago, Facebook engineers began building a customized assessment tool that not only checks for known types of bugs but can fully scan the entire codebase in under 30 minutes—helping engineers catch issues in tweaks, changes, or major new features before they go live.”
Alvorlige anklager mod Second Life
…der åbenbart stadig er en ting.
“A lawsuit filed by the former information security director of Linden Lab […] claims the company mishandled sensitive user data and turned a blind eye to simulated acts of child molestation and the potential for money laundering.”