Digital Ugerevy #39 (2019)

Her har du Danmarks mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
? Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
Facebook tester skjulte likes i Australien
“Facebook-brugere på tværs af Australien vil blive blokeret fra at se antallet af likes, reaktioner og videovisninger på andres opslag fra fredag, men brugerne vil stadig kunne se, hvordan der reageres på deres egne opslag.”
SMT Expert Round Up: Instagram and Facebook Removing Total Like Counts
Social Media Today
Facebook vil ikke nødvendigvis faktatjekke politikere
Det er i øvrigt et lignende svar, som det Twitter gav, da de blev spurgt ind til Donald Trumps brug af platformen.
“Facebook confirms it won’t fact check politicians’ speech or block their content if it’s newsworthy even if it violates the site’s hate-speech rules or other policies. This cementing of its policy comes from Facebook’s head of global policy and communication Nick Clegg, who gave a speech today about Facebook’s plans to prevent interference in the 2020 presidential election.”
Horizon: Facebook præsenterer VR-verden
“Facebook Horizon is a virtual reality sandbox universe where you can build your own environments and games, play and socialize with friends or just explore the user-generated landscapes. This is Facebook’s take on Second Life.”
Et halvt år senere: Christchurch-videoer stadig på Facebook
NBC News:
“Many of the clips, which include edited sections and screen recordings of the original footage, have been on the platform since the week of the incident. Some of the videos have been automatically covered by Facebook with a warning saying they feature ‘violent or graphic content,’ but they have not been deleted.”
Medier er afventende overfor Facebooks “pivot to privacy”
“Publishers have yet to receive details from Facebook regarding what specific implications the privacy pivot may have for their businesses. “It’s kind of a wait-and-see game to see exactly how Facebook is going to pivot and what changes,” said a second publishing exec.”
Rygte: Facebook vil lave briller med Ray-Ban
Mobile Marketer:
“Facebook has reportedly partnered with Ray-Ban parent company Luxottica to develop augmented reality (AR) glasses that would replace smartphones, sources familiar with the matter told CNBC. The companies want to bring the smart glasses, which are internally code-named “Orion,” to market as early as 2023.”
YouTube-profiler udsat for hacking
“Over the past few days, a massive wave of account hijacks has hit YouTube users, and especially creators in the auto-tuning and car review community, a ZDNet investigation discovered following a tip from one of our readers.”
Erfaringer fra 75.000 YouTube-kampagner
Think With Google:
“Across every industry vertical, campaigns that used Advanced Audiences saw a lift in various marketing objectives. Finance campaigns that used in-market audiences saw a 1.5X lift in consideration, while retail campaigns saw a 1.4X lift in purchase intent. Telecommunications campaigns that used affinity audiences saw a 1.3X lift in ad recall, and food and beverage campaigns that used custom affinity audiences saw a 2X lift in awareness.”
Nye verifikationsændringer på YouTube rulles tilbage
“A day after announcing significant changes to its verification program, YouTube announced Friday afternoon that it won’t be de-verifying existing creators after all.”
YouTube bruger Machine Learning til annoncer
“YouTube is introducing a new way for marketers to upload and manage their various video campaigns, leveraging machine learning to automatically serve “the most efficient combination” of ad formats at the individual user level.”
De andre
Snap hjælper myndighederne i kampen mod Facebook
“Papirerne i “Project Voldemort” beskriver Facebooks påståede forsøg på at underminere Snaps forretning ved blandt andet at opfordre populære “snapchattere”, såkaldte influencere, fra at referere til deres Snapchat-konto på Facebooks platform Instagram – og tilmed true dem med at miste deres status som “verified” på Instagram.”
Ny visning af Twitter-lister
Social Media Today:
“As you can see in this example, users will now be able to pin up to five selected lists from their ‘Lists’ settings and have them appear as swipeable feeds from the home timeline. This will give users more ways to access specific discussions on the platform, which may make it a more engaging, interactive experience.”
Twitter lukker 10.000 konti og deler data
“The accounts noted today follow the same fault lines of unrest that you will find in the news at the moment: they include more than 4,000 each in United Arab Emirates and China, over 1,000 in Equador, and 259 in Spain. The full trove is being posted for researchers and others to parse and you can find it, and the wider archive — now numbering in the millions of Tweets and with one terabyte of media — here.”
Sådan fastholder TikTok vores opmærksomhed
The New Yorker:
“In five minutes, the app had sandblasted my cognitive matter with twenty TikToks that had the legibility and logic of a narcoleptic dream.”
Tips til din digitale markedsføring
14 Types of Social Media Posts to Spark Engagement With Your Followers [Infographic]
Social Media Today
Snapchat is becoming an outlet for video ad budgets
How Artificial Intelligence is Shaping Digital Marketing: 5 Tools You Can Use NOW
Digital Marketer
? Digitale medietendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
Information lancerer ‘Miniature’
“Det nye avisabonnement og -produkt har fået navnet Information Miniature og bliver, som navnet antyder, en miniversion af avisen med tre daglige artikler samt et nyhedsoverblik syv dage om ugen.
Målet er at nå ud til flere – også blandt den nye generation af læsere, som ikke abonnerer på papirudgaven af avisen.”
Jeg har også skrevet om Miniature (og delt screenshots) på Medieblogger.
Nu må DR igen lave longreads
“Artiklerne på bliver ikke længere end før, selvom DR nu har fået frie hænder til at hamre løs i tasterne. Det siger direktør for DR Nyheder, Aktualitet og Distrikter, Sandy French, efter kulturminister Joy Mogensen (S) og regeringens støttepartier i weekenden løsnede DR’s public service-kontrakt.”
Danske Medier langer ud efter regeringens “besynderlige” DR-ændringer
Medieekspert: Redning af radiokanaler og lange artikler på DR er småting
Medier skal invitere sig selv ind i “feed’et” hos de unge
“Feedet. Det er her, de digitalt indfødte bruger dagens små pauser. Det er her, de holder sig opdateret om alt fra udskrivning af valg til næste gymnasiefest. Vil man som nyhedsudbyder være en del af festen, må man invitere sig selv indenfor – og man må være insisterende. Der står ingen unge brugere klar ved indgangen for at tage imod.”
Tysk firma måler læsning af papiraviser
Nieman Lab:
“Here’s how it works: Clients pull together focus groups, generally about a hundred people, Zeumer said. Members of those groups are each given a digital pen that looks like a fat highlighter and is equipped with a little camera and a light. They’re asked to use the pen every time they read the newspaper over two or three months, using the digital pen to mark the last line of text in each article they read.”
“Retten til at blive glemt” af Google gælder kun i EU
“The Court of Justice of the European Union has ruledthat Google doesn’t have to de-reference at a global scale results related to the so-called ‘right to be forgotten.'”
Google lukker den hyperlokale app ‘Bulletin’
Android Police:
“Google launched a new hyperlocal news service in early 2018 called Bulletin. It’s understandable if you don’t remember—Bulletin still hasn’t moved out of the pilot phase, and it never will. Google has just alerted Bulletin users that it’s shutting down the platform in November.”
Er Apple News+ på vej til UK og Australien
The Apple Post:
“Ahead of the official release of iOS 13.1 on Tuesday, Apple has updated its Apple News webpage in the United Kingdom and Australia to promote that Apple News+, its pay-monthly magazine and newspaper subscription service is “Coming Soon”, with users running the latest iOS and iPadOS betas reporting seeing an Apple News+ page within the News app on iPhone and iPad.”
Hvorfor installerer folk adblockere?
Og hvem er de, og hvilke browsere og devices bruger de?
Det kan du blive lidt klogere på i denne PDF fra Global Web Index.
? Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
Skrevne medier satser på podcasts
“Politiken, Jysk Fynske Medier og Zetland er alle tre i fuld gang med at føre det skrevne ord ind i et lydbillede. Drivkraften er loyalitetsopbygning og fastholdelse af kunder, lød det fra de tre medier på Radiodays.”
TwitterLinkedInDigital Innovation Digital Publishing1 min readHow publishers are innovating with podcasts
What’s New In Publishing
“A watershed moment for podcasting”: Podcasts show explosive growth, drive subscriptions, and ad revenue to cross $1B in 2021
What’s New In Publishing
Google nægter at betale franske medier
“Google will not pay press publishers in France to display their content and will instead change the way articles appear in search results, a senior executive said on Wednesday.
The announcement pours cold water on publishers’ hopes of obtaining more money from the tech giant for displaying their content under the European Union’s new copyright regime, which France was the first to transpose into national law.”
Hvis du vil have et sammendrag på dansk, kan du læse Thomas Noppens Twitter-tråd:
Og du finder en stribe links i denne artikel:
Google plays hardball with European news publishers
Columbia Journalism Review
Nogle franske medier kalder det “afpresning”, men det lader til at bero på den misforståelse, at Google helt vil fjerne nyhedsartikler fra søgeresultaterne.
Det er der ikke tale om. Google vil blot ikke vise de snippets, som de tidligere har gjort – og som medierne vil have penge for.
Jeg har samlet op på Medieblogger.
Aller køber Heartbeats
“Historien melder ikke noget om, hvad Aller Media har betalt for ejerandelen. De resterende 20 pct. af ejerskabet sidder Heartbeats’ stifter og direktør, Le Gammeltoft, på. Hun fortsætter som adm. direktør i den nye ejerkonstellation.”
Allers topchef bekræfter: 65 stillinger nedlægges
Podimo retter sigtet mod Tyskland
“‘Vi har fem fuldtidsansatte, vi har kontorer, og vi er begyndt at lukke aftaler med podcastere og mediehuse nu. Så vi er ved at være omkring 30 dage fra lancering,’ siger Morten Strunge, Podimos adm. direktør.”
Sådan arbejder medier med at øge deres publikum
“Reporting from INMA Media Innovation Week, we take a look at four news platforms that test unorthodox ways to engage with their readers and attract revenue”
Tyske udgivere kæmper med Firefox’ seneste privacy-stramning
“Publishers have experienced a detrimental drop in programmatic ad revenues since the changes three weeks ago. Axel Springer is among those to have seen a drop, but the issue is marketwide, according to media sources. Average revenue rate drops have been up to 15% […] But average bid rates, which is how frequently buyers choose to bid on a piece of inventory, are down almost 40% on Firefox in Germany”
Sådan får man journalister til at skrive artikler, der konverterer
“‘Pageviews are so easy to game,’ said Ray Rivera, managing editor of The Seattle Times. ‘What we’ve found with stories that prompt people to subscribe is they’re exactly the kinds of stories that, as journalists, we want to be doing anyway. They’re important watch-dog stories, in-depth narratives, politics stories; they’re stories that are right within our mission.'”
Podcast-kryptovaluta lukker og slukker
Nieman Lab:
“Podcoin, an app that promised to “pay you to listen to podcasts,” shuts down today. It began operation in December 2018 and claimed to hit 10,000 active daily users in April before being added to The Meet Group’s network of mobile apps. (Albeit seemingly without money changing hands — perhaps not surprising since the CEO of Podcoin and the CEO of The Meet Group are brothers.) Now, because it “just failed to sustain momentum,” it is going offline less than a year later.”
Hvad er en “custom bidding”-algoritme?
Jeg er personlig vild med Digidays ‘WTF’-serie, fordi de er gode til at forklare tekniske begreber indenfor især programmatisk annoncering.
“Also known as a first-party algorithm, it is a custom set of bidding rules that are dynamically generated on a per-campaign basis and designed to deliver outcomes that are aligned to a specific business’s goals. The advertiser “owns” the algorithm as it is specifically designed for them.”
Sådan fungerer alternativet til tredjeparts-cookien
I Ugerevyen fra sidste uge kunne du læse, at nogle medier er i gang med at teste en afløser for tredjeparts-cookies, der er blevet pressede, efter især Apple strammer op for privacy i deres browser.
Her kan du læse mere om, hvordan det fungerer.
“They are a third-partycookie-less option. But they rely very much on first-party cookies — audience data obtained directly from the publisher (rather than via a third party). It is the third-party cookie — not the first-party cookie — that is in on the hook.”
Vox køber New York Magazine
The New York Times:
“After more than 50 years of chronicling the highbrow, lowbrow, brilliant and despicable characters of the city whose name it took, New York Magazine has a new owner.”
BP nu også på Washington Post-CMS
“Now, Arc is expanding into a new market, striking a deal with its first nonmedia customer: BP Plc. The energy giant’s communications team will use Arc’s software to publish articles and videos to its 70,000 employees across 250 internal websites, newsletters and a future mobile app.”
? Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
Version2: Sådan bygger vi en robotjournalist
“Min ide er simpel. Jeg vil skrive en række skabeloner, som hver udlægger en vinkel, et bestemt perspektiv, på talmaterialet. Skabelonerne skal indeholde sproglige varianter, så robotten ikke skriver den samme historie igen og igen.”
Google vil igen transkribere Assistent-lyd
“Google undskylder for tidligere episoder og genindfører transskribering af brugernes lydfiler. Men denne gang vil virksomheden gøre det klarere for brugerne, hvad der sker med deres lyddata.”
Google Assistant no longer saves voice recordings by default
Facebook køber armbånd, der kan læse tanker
“Den lille amerikanske startup Ctrl Labs er blevet købt af Facebook for svimlende én milliard dollar eller hvad der svarer til 6,8 milliarder danske kroner.
Selskabet udvikler teknologi, der kan læse tanker, og det er den Facebook nu har fået fingrene i.”
Så vigtige er A/B-test for Netflix
The Netflix Tech Blog:
“Netflix runs on an A/B testing culture: nearly every decision we make about our product and business is guided by member behavior observed in test. At any point a Netflix user is in many different A/B tests orchestrated through ABlaze.”
Huaweis 5G-telefon kommer alligevel til Danmark
“Huaweis Mate 30-serie kommer alligevel til Danmark – se den danske pris her. Det velkendte Google økosystem vil man dog skulle hente selv.”
Google bygger Analytics-integration i Firebase
“Google’s Firebase is getting new tools and upgrades today to help app developers get more done. These include tools to test their creations, including a Google Analytics integration for tracking performance and analyzing insights from smartphone and web app usage stats.”
Dataetik er nu et strategisk forretningsvåben
“By using agile data governance, startups can balance protection and improvement. Ultimately, they gain a strategic advantage by obtaining more data, cultivating more loyalty, and being more resilient to inevitable data mishaps. “