Digital Ugerevy #40 (2019)

Her har du Danmarks mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
? Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
Facebook annoncerer besked-app’en ‘Threads’
(Du kunne første gang læse om Threads her i Digital Ugerevy i uge 35.)
“Ifølge Reuters vil Facebook lancere en ny besked-app til billeddelingstjenesten Instagram under navnet Threads – og det vil være med billeder i fokus, som det også er tilfældet for Snapchat.
Nyheden er torsdag med til at sende Snap-aktien ned med 5,7 pct. til 13,98 dollar.”
Facebook vil kun betale nogle medier
The Wall Street Journal:
“Facebook Inc. is planning to pay only a minority of publishers whose headlines will be featured in its coming news section, according to people familiar with the matter.”
Lyt: Zuckerberg vil bekæmpe opsplitning af Facebook
The Verge har fået fat i to timers optagelser fra et internt Facebook-møde.
The Verge:
“You have someone like Elizabeth Warren who thinks that the right answer is to break up the companies … if she gets elected president, then I would bet that we will have a legal challenge, and I would bet that we will win the legal challenge. And does that still suck for us? Yeah. I mean, I don’t want to have a major lawsuit against our own government. … But look, at the end of the day, if someone’s going to try to threaten something that existential, you go to the mat and you fight.”
Zuckerberg misunderstands the huge threat of TikTok
What happens when Facebook confronts an existential threat?
Columbia Journalism Review
Zuckerberg: Don’t worry, we expected policymakers to resist Libra
MIT Technology Review
Facebook kan tvinges til at fjerne krænkende indhold
“[EU-domstolen] har taget stilling til en sag, som den tidligere østrigske politiker Eva Glawischnig-Piesczek har anlagt. Hun var tidligere en del af partiet De Grønne i Østrig. Hun bad i 2016 Facebook om at fjerne en nedsættende kommentar om hende. Kommentaren omhandlede partiets opbakning til en minimumløn til flygtninge.”
Facebook er bagud med at gøre data tilgængelig
The New York Times:
“But nearly 18 months later, much of the data remains unavailable to academics because Facebook says it has struggled to share the information while also protecting its users’ privacy. And the information the company eventually releases is expected to be far less comprehensive than originally described.”
En uge uden Facebook er godt for helbredet
Nieman Lab:
“‘Our results suggest that using Facebook induces feelings of depression,’ the researchers write. This could be because the students were doing more healthy things. It could also be because they were reading less news.”
Hvad skal udgivere vide om Instagrams massive vækst?
What’s New In Publishing:
“To figure out what works best on the platform, HubSpot and Mention analyzed 48,065,694 Instagram posts and 306,278 of the top Instagram users, and observed trends about engagement rates, hashtags, and other insights that can change the way publishers use Instagram.”
Instagram lancerer begrænsninger
Social Media Today:
“This week, Instagram is rolling out a new option called ‘Restrict’, which will enable users to limit the exposure of certain users when the comment on their posts.”
Få styr på Instagram-algoritmen anno 2019
Bit.AI Blog:
“Today, we decided to be ‘Instagram Mythbusters’ and write a comprehensive guide on how to hack Instagram growth the practical way.
We have curated the very best tips of what to do, what NOT to do, the best tools to use, best practices to follow, and some hard-core backed-by-data facts!”
Instagram vil hjælpe med din produktlancering
Marketing Land:
“Its latest test, announced Monday, is aimed at giving brands tools to build excitement around upcoming products their fans will be able to buy on the platform. Users can opt in to get reminders to buy the products on Instagram when they’re released.”
De andre
YouTube lancerer nye kommentarfiltre
YouTube Help:
“You can easily filter comments by:
Response status: have I already responded to this comment?
Contains question: does the comment contain a question
Subscriber count: does the commenter have at least 1K/10K/100K/1M/10M subs?
Subscriber status: is the commenter publicly subscribed to me?
Member status: is the commenter a member?”
YouTube vil gøre algoritmen endnu mere vanedannende
MIT Technology Review:
“While YouTube has publicly said that it’s working on addressing these problems, a new paperfrom Google, which owns YouTube, seems to tell a different story. It proposes an update to the platform’s algorithm that is meant to recommend even more targeted content to users in the interest of increasing engagement.”
Twitter lancerer filter til private beskeder
“Twitter is rolling out its spam and abuse filter for Direct Messages, a month and a half after the company announced it had started testing the feature. The filter will be available on Twitter’s iOS, Android and Web apps.”
Twitter Rolls Out New DM Search Option to iOS Users
Social Media Today
Tips til din digitale markedsføring
20 Amazing Facts About Facebook [Infographic]
Social Media Today
Facebook Adds ‘Send Messenger’ CTA to Stories Ads
Social Media Today
Report: Influencer marketing
Global Web Index
Snapchat Expands Ad Length Limits, Announces New Ad Formats
Social Media Today
How to get your press release picked up
? Digitale medietendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
Forsiderobotterne er på vej ind i de danske medier
“Norske Aftenposten har automatiseret 90 procent af forsiden. Og Svenske MittMedia har sat robotter til at styre forsiden hos godt 20 netaviser, bortset fra tophistorierne. Automatiseringen af forsider tager fart – i Danmark er JP og Herning Folkeblad blandt frontløberne “
Er du nysgerrig på, hvad man skal være opmærksom på, hvis man bruger algoritmer til at henvise til indhold?
Så læs om mit foredrag:
Medier og algoritmer
Fortroppen og bagtroppen i den digitale journalistik
Rasmus Kleis Nielsen er dansker og chef for Reuters’ ‘Institute for the Study of Journalism’.
Rasmus Kleis Nielsen:
“The rearguard thinks the problem is that the world has changed too much. The vanguard thinks the problem is that journalism hasn’t changed enough.”
Amerikanerne er bekymrede over sociale mediers indflydelse på nyheder
Social Media Today:
“According to new data from Pew Research, American news consumers have significant concerns about the impacts of social media on news coverage more broadly, with bias and sensationalism key among the noted issues.”
Sky News sender på Amazon Twitch
“For publishers, Twitch represents several opportunities. As a user-generated content platform it’s still relatively uncharted territory for professionally-produced content, but it’s growing. “
Nu kan du tilføje podcats til dine Spotify-playlister
“Spotify this morning announced a new feature that will allow users to add their podcasts to playlists. With the addition, users can create their own custom playlists of their favorite podcasts, or even those that combine music and audio — similar to Spotify’s own newly launched ‘Your Daily Drive.‘”
Apple News+ lanceret i UK og Australien
“‘It seems that it hasn’t hurt publishers as much as expected, but not for the right reasons,’ said Rob Ristagno CEO at consultancy The Sterling Woods Group. ‘Mainly it has been a relative failure with consumers so the cannibalization hasn’t been as great as expected.'”
Læs artiklen
US-nyhedsmedier blandt de mest polariserende brands
“News media companies make up 12 of the 15 most polarizing brands in America today, according to a new Morning Consult poll provided to Axios. CNN and Fox News continue to be the most divisive news companies. “
12 tips til bedre iPhone-fotografier
Paper Prod:
“You want to take better photos with your iPhone? You don’t need to be an award wining photographer! Given the fact that you probably take your iPhone everywhere, every time…it is your best companion and very best camera!”
? Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
Hvorfor lykkes de fleste udgivere ikke med abonnementer?
Ja, måske fordi de ikke investerer nok i det:
What’s New In Publishing:
“Almost 4 out of 10 publisher executives said that their company’s resource commitment to subscription initiatives is in the single-digit percentages, and an overwhelming 75% say they spend less than a fourth of resources on subscription efforts.”
Tracking-cookies kræver aktivt samtykke
“Europe’s top court has ruled that pre-checked consent boxes for dropping cookies are not legally valid.
Consent must be obtained prior to storing or accessing non-essential cookies, such as tracking cookies for targeted advertising. Consent cannot be implied or assumed.”
The Rundown: What publishers think of the demise of the third-party cookie
How Insider Inc is preparing for life after third-party cookies
Registreringsvægge er igen inde i varmen
“A publisher using a registration wall can drive subscriber conversion rates 10 times higher for its known users compared to its anonymous users, said Michael Silberman, svp of strategy at Piano. Yet news publishers have historically been reluctant to use them, in part because they can drive readers away and put short-term pressure on a site’s traffic.”
Færre annoncer gav flere penge
“Germany’s Burda Media has been on an ad-culling mission, cutting a quarter of ad impressions across the eight sites in its digital portfolio. The impact: Digital ad revenues rose slowly back up, with an average 38% year-on-year lift recorded across all its titles in 2018.”
Stadig uklarhed om fordelene ved at lytte til brugerne
I øjeblikket er der i mediebranchen (igen) en tendens til at forsøge at engagere lyttere, seere og læsere i den type journalistik, der bliver lavet og de historier, der bliver dækket.
Nieman Lab:
“Does audience engagement-focused reporting actually improve a news organization’s revenue?
After $650,000, nearly three dozen newsrooms’ experiments, and one year later, it’s still unclear. Four major journalism funders pooled the money for a fund to support a variety of outlets’ attempts at connecting the use of audience engagement and transparency tools with increased reader revenue. A reportstudying the first of three rounds of grants highlights some best practices and promising results — with a few ‘if’s.”
Mediebranchen er på vej ind i en slankeperiode
“That being said, publishers must face the reality that the digital media businesses are likely to be smaller than once imagined, according to Bloomberg Media CEO Justin Smith […] ‘The reality is that the industry is not dying, it’s not going extinct, but it’s actually just going through a process of slimming down.'”
Axel Springer skal spare penge
“Ejeren af blandt andet aviserne Bild og Die Welt må nedjustere sine udmeldte forventninger til årets omsætning og driftsresultat og lægger an til stor spareøvelse.”
Læs mere:
Axel Springers udfordring:
Journalistik i en digital forretning
Taboola og Outbrain går sammen
To af de firmaer, der leverer de – lad os sige “problematiske” – anbefalinger, du ser i bokse rundt omkring på internettet, går nu smmen.
“The aim: to bulk up to a customer list that will now number 20,000 online properties and an audience of 2.6 billion to compete better against the likes of Facebook and Google, online advertising giants that present the biggest competitive threat to both adtech startups and the publishers that are Taboola and Outbrain’s customers.”
Le Gammeltoft regner med vækst efter Aller-deal
“Med Aller Media som medejer af det digitale kulturmedie Heartbeats vil de røde tal på bundlinjen snart blive til sorte – og gerne allerede i løbet af 2020. Sådan lyder forventningen til Aller Medias overtagelse fra adm. direktør og medejer, Le Gammeltoft.”
Streaming er et milliardmarked i Danmark
“Streamingmarkedet har været i konstant vækst siden 2014 og ramte sidste år en omsætning på 2 mia. kr. Det skriver Finans på baggrund af en årlig analyse fra konsulent- og revisionshuset PwC om det globale medie- og underholdningsmarked.”
? Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
Her er Microsofts foldbare Android-telefon
The Verge:
“The Surface Duo has two 5.6-inch displays that fold out into an 8.3-inch overall screen, and it’s just 4.8mm thin. You can fold it fully over like many 2-in-1 laptops, thanks to a 360-degree hinge. Microsoft says it’s committed to dual-screen devices because they allow people to get more done on the go.”
Nu kan du gå incognito i Google Maps
“Echoing the incognito mode that has been baked into Chrome for more than a decade, Google Maps will now allow users to temporarily prevent activities being saved to their Google Account — including searches for places and routes traversed. The feature can be activated through the main menu that sits behind a user’s profile photo and will be rolling out to all Android users throughout October, with iOS following.”
Google lancerer version 2.0 af TensorFlow
“Google open source machine learning library TensorFlow 2.0 is now available for public use, the company announced today. The alpha version of TensorFlow 2.0 was first made available this spring at the TensorFlow Dev Summit alongside TensorFlow Lite 1.0 for mobile and embedded devices, and other ML tools like TensorFlow Federated.”
Vi kan ikke stole på systemer kun bygget på deep learning
MIT Technology Review:
“Gary Marcus is not impressed by the hype around deep learning. While the NYU professor believes that the technique has played an important role in advancing AI, he also thinks the field’s current overemphasis on it may well lead to its demise.”