Digital Ugerevy #41 (2019)

Her har du Danmarks mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
? Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
Politikere vil stille sociale medier til ansvar
“Flere røde partier er klar til at lave en lovgivning. Sociale medier som Facebook, Instagram og YouTube skal stå mere direkte til ansvar for at fjerne ulovligt indhold hurtigt.”
Kviklånsfirmaer kan annoncere direkte til spillefugle på Facebook
“Det er “dybt forargeligt”, at annoncer for kviklån på Facebook kan målrettes personer, der spiller på nettet, mener Center for Ludomani, der får opbakning fra bl.a. erhvervsministeren. Forbrugerombudsmanden går nu ind i sagen.”
Facebook registrerer danske børns interesse for gambling
Nye funktioner til Messenger Platform
Facebook for developers:
“The latest release of the Messenger Platform is here! This release includes Private Replies, User Level Persistent Menus and more.”
Facebook tester billed-layouts
Social Media Today:
“According to reverse engineering expert Jane Manchun Wong, Facebook is now experimenting with a new set of layout options for multi-image updates, which would enable users to choose different presentation styles for their images.”
Musikforskning støtter Facebook i at skjule likes
Nieman Lab:
“They theorized that the consumption of an online product, such as a song, is a two-step process. First, the user clicks on it based on its appeal; then, they download it based on its quality. As it turns out, a song’s appeal is largely determined by its current popularity. If other people like something, we tend to think it’s worth taking a look at.”
Facebook vil tilbyde videokurser til medier
“Facebook’s latest gesture to news publishers is a three-month program to help them master video programming that comes with $300,000 in funding — along with workshops and advice.”
Facebook betaler 40 mio. dollars for kunstige videotal
Social Media Today:
“Facebook is set to pay $40 million in a settlement over a case which alleges that The Social Network knowingly inflated its video view metrics in order to attract more ad spend.”
Facebook vil kombinere Workplace og Portal
“Facebook is bringing its Portal devices to the workplace for people to make voice and video calls. Workplace by Facebook delivered a number of upgrades as part of its Flow by Workplace conference being held today in Menlo Park, including the fact that Workplace now has 3 million paid users, up from 2 million in February.”
Warren retter anklager mod Trump og Zuckerberg
“Sen. Elizabeth Warren accused Facebook on Monday of emboldening Donald Trump, even suggesting that the social media company’s leadership struck some deal with Trump behind closed doors that explains why he is allowed to promote misleading ads on its platform.”
Twitter and Facebook won’t remove false Trump campaign ads about Biden
MIT Technology Review
“Dark mode” nu også på Instagram
Instagram Engineering:
“This week’s update to Instagram includes full support for iOS dark mode. This took months of work and collaboration between numerous design and engineering teams in the company. As such, we wanted to take some time to share how we approached adopting dark mode and some of the obstacles we encountered along the way.”
Instagram opdaterer Stories-funktioner
Social Media Today:
“Instagram’s now rolling out a new format for its Stories Camera, which will make the app’s various Stories tools – including GIFs, Countdown Stickers and Polls – easier to access and apply, direct from the main function bar.”
Instagram fjerner ‘Following’-feed
BuzzFeed News:
“Now that Following has disappeared, it’s likely few people will notice it’s gone. Vishal Shah, Instagram’s head of product, told BuzzFeed News it wasn’t a feature that people used frequently and that the company suspected many users didn’t know it existed.”
Twitter er tilbage på Mac
“Twitter has returned to the Mac with the debut of a new Catalyst-powered app for mac OS Catalina, launched on Thursday. The company in June had been among the first to announce its plans to take advantage Mac Catalyst — Apple’s new toolset for bringing iPad apps to the Mac desktop — following Apple’s Worldwide Developer Conference, where Catalyst had been officially introduced.“
Tips til journalister på Twitter
International Journalists’ Network:
“Stop using hashtags, and other advice for journalists on Twitter”
Twitter tester realtime-stream af tweets
Det er i øvrigt sådan, TweetDeck gør som standard – og jeg finder det meget irriterende 🙂
Social Media Today:
“As shared by social media expert Matt Navarra, Twitter is testing out a new option which would enable users to ‘stream tweets’, meaning that their timeline would be updated as tweets happen. Which feels a little closer to what Twitter was before the introduction of the algorithm-defined feed, right?”
Derfor modererer Twitter anderledes
“Rather than act decisively by banning certain types of behavior and allowing others, Twitter’s policy and engineering teams sometimes de-emphasize content and allow users to hide content that may be offensive but not explicitly against the platform’s terms of service.”
Twitter: Mail-adresser kan være brugt til annoncering
“Twitter erkender, at brugeres kontaktoplysninger “uforsætligt” kan være blevet brugt til målrettet annoncering. Det skriver selskabet bag det sociale medie i en pressemeddelelse ifølge nyhedsbureauet AFP.”
De andre
TikTok sender Mariah Carey tilbage på hitlisterne
The Wall Street Journal:
“From ‘Obsessed’ to ‘Mr. Sandman,’ old hits are getting a resurgence on the social video app”
Sådan udvider TikTok i Europa
“Nevertheless, TikTok has tried to learn from its predecessor by taking a more aggressive stance to translating its ads business to Europe. Whereas Snapchat took a more phased approach, gradually introducing measurement, targeting and programmatic buying tools to advertisers, TikTok wants to provide all those services over a much shorter time frame.”
Angrebet i Halle blev streamet på Twitch
“Blot få uger efter at techgiganter har taget nye tiltag for at begrænse, at voldeligt indhold spreder sig på sociale medier, er en livestream af onsdagens dødelige angreb i Tyskland blevet delt online.
Gerningsmanden sendte en livestream af angrebet på hjemmesiden Twitch, som ejes af Amazon.”
Tips til din digitale markedsføring
Get lead scoring data right in Google Analytics with Google Tag Manager
Marketing Land
Facebook Provides New Stories Templates for Businesses, New Business Options for Instagram Direct
Social Media Today
Can AI earn a starring role in marketers’ video strategies?
Marketing Dive
9 Instagram Stories Apps That Will Help Maximize Your Creation Process
Social Media Today
? Digitale medietendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
DMJX lancerer forløb for mediebranchens iværksættere
Jeg er en af dem, man kommer til at møde undervejs, så jeg er ikke helt objektiv – men jeg synes, du skal kigge på det 🙂
“Teknisk set er uddannelsen et efteruddannelsesforløb, men reelt er der tale et forretningsudviklingsforløb, hvor DMJX støtter iværksætterne med alle de relevante værktøjer og kompetencer, som skal i sving, når man starter op for sig selv.”
Flere DR-programmer bliver set mest på stream
“DR’s succes skal måles på, hvilken værdi brugerne oplever at få ud af indholdet – ikke hvor lang tid de bruger på det, lyder det fra mediedirektør hos DR, der også fremlægger tal for seningen på tværs af streaming og flow.”
Sådan byggede CNN deres live-værktøj
Nieman Lab:
“‘We needed a product to push out news faster to a consumer, even if it’s just one to two sentence updates,’ director of breaking news for CNN Digital Amanda Wills said. ‘When people think of CNN as a brand, they very much think of the pace and breathlessness they see on air. I wanted us to mirror that.'”
Nordiske Medier vil bruge robotnoter i nichemedier
“Nordiske Medier, der står bag en stribe digetale branchemedier, tager nu automatiseret nyhedsjournalistik i brug for at blive mere relvant for lokale kunder. Dermed følger Nordiske Medier, der er ejet af Nordjyske Medier, efter en række andre mediehuse, der er begyndt at bringe robotgenererede nyhedsnoter inden for f.eks. sport og erhverv.”
Apple overvejer super-bundle
Financial Times:
“The iPhone maker has recently approached the big music companies about bundling together Apple Music and Apple’s upcoming television service, but the two sides have not yet discussed a pricing formula, said people familiar with the negotiations. Talks are at an early stage, they added.”
Apple fjerner Quartz fra kinesisk App Store
The Verge:
“According to Quartz, this is due to the publication’s ongoing coverage of the Hong Kong protests, and the company says its entire website has also been blocked from being accessed in mainland China.”
Læs også:
Nu går Opera-browseren også efter trackere
“With Opera 64 for desktop, which is rolling out around now, Opera will serve to block tracker scripts using data gleaned from the EasyPrivacy Tracking Protection List. So while it may not block every tracker out there, it will block most of the known ones.”
Er Apple og Spotify ved at lægge striden bag sig?
“Nu ser det så ud til, at de to partner måske er ved at nå hinanden noget af vejen. Ud over Spotify-integrationen i Siri, lancerer Spotify også en Apple tv-app for første gang, som kan downloades fra tvOS App Store.”
? Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
Sådan afhænger udgivere af e-mail
“A constant for many publishers is email. But challenges including lapsed subscribers and the challenges of including traditional advertising in an email strategy, publishers can have a hard time justifying investment in the platform.”
Substack får første medie som kunde
Endnu et tegn på, at betalte nyhedsbreve (på abonnement) bliver en mere og mere interessant trend at holde øje med.
Nieman Lab:
“It’s a step forward for Substack, which had been focused on individuals’ newsletters but is now testing out broader offerings for media companies.”
Steve Hayes and Jonah Goldberg to launch The Dispatch
Humor kan også skaffe abonnenter
“‘Vi gør ikke grin med læserne, men vi griner med dem’, lyder forklaringen på en succesfuld kampagne fra norske Stavanger Aftenbladet, som igennem to sæsoner har haft en komiker til at karikere læsernes bidrag til avisens kommentartråde.”
Allers content-bureau ansætter udviklingsdirektør
“Jeppe Veddinge har årelang erfaring fra kommunikationsbranchen, hvor han bl.a. gennem otte år har været partner i Geelmuyden Kiese, indtil han i 2014 blev direktør i kommunikationsbureauet Radius. I foråret skiftede han til Implement Consulting Group, men nu rykker han altså videre til OTW.”
Medier leder efter tredjeparts-cookiens afløser
“News Corp, The Washington Post, the Guardian, Mail Online, Insider Inc. and TI Media are among the publishers actively pursuing beyond-the-cookie strategies that prioritize identifying audiences using first-party rather than third-party cookies.”
How publishers are using first-party data to drive engagement, conversions and better ad targeting
What’s New In Publishing
Sådan vil Financial Times finde kommende abonnenter blandt teenagere
“The Financial Times is expanding how it appeals to school students by creating more focused content and, in a novel twist, releasing a board game. One of the outcomes is that by instilling regular reading habits in younger people, they go on to subscribe to one of the FT’s university student packages.”
Financial Times lykkes med programmatic efter GDPR
“Since it switched off OPM [open marketplace] inventory, the FT focused hard on private marketplace, programmatic guaranteed and automated guaranteed deals. But over the last year, demand for PMP [private marketplace] deals has tapered off, with far more interest from buyers on programmatic-guaranteed deals, according to Barrett. In fact, PMPs used to account for 70% of programmatic revenue; now that’s flipped, so PG deals represent 70% and PMPs roughly 30%.”
Nu skal pengespild i digitale annoncer måles
“Organisationen World Federation of Advertisers (WFA) vil holde mere hånd i hanke med, hvad annoncørerne får for pengene på det globale digitale annoncemarked.
Det sker med lanceringen af et nyt værktøj, Digital Media Benchmark, oplyser Dansk Annoncørforening, der er medlem af WFA, i en pressemeddelelse.”
Google vil kombinere privacy og annoncefrekvens med AI
“Google says it’s investigating ways to preserve users’ privacy without impacting their display ads experiences, in part through AI and machine learning. In a blog post this morning, the Mountain View company announced it’ll soon introduce an ad frequency feature in Display & Video 360″
Talhjælp til journalister
Nieman Lab:
“What they don’t know are the answers to some important questions, like: How much revenue does a typical article I write generate from advertising? What if it goes viral? Is it better for my article to get lots of pageviews or for it to attract digital subscribers? How do those two goals relate? After all, the coverage that generates the most clicks may by completely different from the stories that attract subscribers.”
Top 6 publisher subscription benchmarks, from Google News Initiative
What’s New In Publishing
? Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
Zuckerberg skal til Washington igen – denne gang om Libra
“Zuckerberg will be the only witness at a hearing, which is scheduled for Oct. 23 at 10 a.m. ET, entitled “An Examination of Facebook and Its Impact on the Financial Services and Housing Sectors.” House members had been pushing for Zuckerberg to testify on Facebook’s cryptocurrency plans as the committee had been in talks with his COO, Sheryl Sandberg, about testifying, CNBC reported last week.”
VentureBeat har talt med vores tech-ambassadør
“Two years ago, Casper Klynge, an experienced Danish diplomat with a background in crisis management in places like Afghanistan, became the first nation-state ambassador to Silicon Valley. It’s his job to speak with Amazon, Facebook, Google, and Microsoft in the U.S. and with companies like Alibaba and Baidu in China, and to treat these businesses as if they were global superpower nation-states.”
Kigger Amazon med i vores hjem?
“Teams in India and Romania use video snippets sent by customers for troubleshooting purposes and to train artificial intelligence algorithms.”
Deepfakes handler mest om porno
MIT Technology Review:
“The internet is home to at least 14,678 deepfakes, according to a new report by DeepTrace, a company that builds tools to spot synthetic media. But most of them weren’t created to mess with elections. “
Prepare for the Deepfake Era of Web Video
PayPal forlader Facebooks kryptosamarbejde
“U.S. payments processor PayPal Holdings Inc (PYPL.O) said on Friday it was leaving Libra Association, the entity managing the Facebook-led effort to build global digital currency Libra, making it the first member to exit the group. “
Ny MacOS betyder farvel til iTunes
“macOS Catalina also deprecates iTunes, all but entirely replacing the 18-year-old media management app with multiple purpose-built apps called Music, Podcasts, and TV. Synchronization and backups of iPods, iPhones, and iPads now take place in Catalina’s Finder rather than iTunes, while the new Catalyst-developed Mac media apps essentially replicate the ones found on iPads,”
As Apple sunsets iTunes for Macs, Windows users blast ‘terrible’ app
Netflix confirms it won’t port its iPad app to macOS
The Verge
Vender 8chan tilbage?
The Daily Beast:
“The notorious forum 8chan is signaling a return after its connection to multiple mass-murders got it booted offline this summer. But its comeback strategy might not be the clever fix followers want.”
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