Digital Ugerevy #42 (2019)

Her har du Danmarks mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
? Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
Vi er mindre bekymrede over at udlevere data
“De seneste fem år er danskerne blevet mindre bekymrede for at afgive personfølsomme oplysninger til sociale medier som Facebook og Linkedin.
Det viser tal fra Danmarks Statistik.”
Samarbejde holdt tysk angrebsvideo fra at gå viralt
“The Germany synagogue shooting Wednesday was the first big test of Big Tech’s new alliance to defend against viral violence: The Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism. Founded in 2017 as a partnership between Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft, and YouTube, the group spun off as a standalone counterterrorism group last month. “
Zuckerberg talte om Facebooks syn på ytringsfrihed
Columbia Journalism Review:
“But it refuses to do anything about obvious disinformation in political content, including political ads, saying it doesn’t want to be an arbiter of truth. One of the most interesting things about Mark Zuckerberg’s speech Thursday at Georgetown University was listening to the Facebook CEO try to justify these conflicting decisions.”
Mark Zuckerberg doesn’t understand free speech in the 21st century
The Guardian
Mark Zuckerberg said a lot of nothing in his big speech
Facebook vil foreslå, hvornår du skal udgive
Social Media Today:
“This is interesting – Facebook is reportedly testing a new ‘Suggested’ option within its post scheduling options for Pages which would enable Page admins to reach their audiences when they’re most active on the platform.”
Erfaringer fra Facebooks lokaljournalistiske projekt
“Facebook Community News Project enabled local reporters to go back to basics – and it worked”
Facebook udleverer data på 32 mio. URL’er
“Social Science One, the non-profit commission launched in 2018 to establish concrete partnerships between academics and data-rich institutions like Facebook, now has 32 million individual links extracted from Mark Zuckerberg’s social media network upon which to conduct research.”
Elizabeth Warren angriber Facebook-annoncer med Facebook-annonce
“The ad’s own admission of a lie seeks to draw attention to a controversial Facebook policy Warren has spent days criticizing. Under the policy, Facebook exempts ads by politicians from third-party fact-checking — a loophole, Warren says, that allows Zuckerberg to continue taking ‘gobs of money’ from Trump’s campaign despite Trump’s ads telling untruths about former Vice President Joe Biden and his son. “
“Facebook should ban campaign ads. End the lies.”
Inside Mark Zuckerberg’s private meetings with conservative pundits
Instagram giver dig mere kontrol over tredjeparts-apps
The Verge:
“Instagram has added a new feature for users to control the data they’re sharing with third-party apps. In the tab of its ever-growing hamburger icon, you can navigate to Settings –> Security –> Apps and Websites to see which third-party services have access to your data.”
YouTube: Falsk Trump-video overskrider ikke vores retningslinjer
“A fake video that depicts in extremely graphic fashion President Trump attacking and shooting his critics and media outlets does not violate YouTube’s policies against content that incites violence because it is “purely fictional,” the company told CNN Business Monday.”
Mere om videoen:
- Violent spoof video of Trump killing his critics shows how memes have reshaped politics | The Washington Post
- Fake Trump shooting video traces back to a prolific creator and a fervent community | NCB News
- Everything We Know About the Mass Shooting Video Screened at Trump’s Miami Resort | Gizmodo
Det ser i øvrigt ud til, at videoen er blevet fjernet efter en copyright-klage.
Mozilla vil vise, hvor det går galt for YouTube
“Mozilla is publishing anecdotes of YouTube viewing gone awry — anonymous stories from people who say they innocently searched for one thing but eventually ended up in a dark rabbit hole of videos. It’s a campaign aimed at pressuring Google’s massive video site to make itself more accessible to independent researchers trying to study its algorithms. “
YouTube flytter tredjeparts-tracking til Data Hub
Marketing Land:
“Support will end once Nielsen, comScore and other measurement system integrations with Ads Data Hub are complete.”
Historien om PewDiePie
The New York Times Magazine:
“The biggest YouTuber in the world has been accused
of being a closet white nationalist and even inspiring
mass shootings. He says it’s all a misunderstanding.”
De andre
Sådan vil Twitter ramme verdensledere, der bryder reglerne
“Twitter said it will restrict how users can interact with tweets from world leaders who break its rules.
The social media giant said it will not allow users to like, reply, share or retweet the offending tweets, but instead will let users quote-tweet to allow ordinary users to express their opinions.”
Lidt om Trump og Twitter:
Twitter’s policy on what it will let Trump tweet is completely toothless
MIT Technology Review
Twitter Stands by Trump Amid Calls to Terminate His Account
The New York Times
Reddit lancerer Snapchat-integration
Reddit Blog:
“Starting Monday, October 14, redditors who have the Snapchat app installed will be able to share their favorite Reddit posts with friends in a Snap! To share Reddit content in Snapchat, redditors simply tap the “share” icon on an image, text or link-based post on Reddit’s iOS app and select the Snapchat option. Then, choose a few friends to send the post to, or add it to your Story so all your friends can see it.”
Sådan blev Pinterest “det anti-sociale netværk”
“Would users want to proactively provide more about themselves to increase personalization? We found the answer is no — they just want the product to work for everyone.”
LinkedIn vil hjælpe dig med at arrangere events
“Now, the company is taking a step to bring its networking features into the physical world: the company is launching a new feature called Events, a (currently free) tool for people to plan, announce and invite people to meetups and other get-togethers, in the physical world.”
LinkedIn lancerer notifikationer til ansatte
Det lyder som et rigtigt fint værktøj – for chefen 🙂
Social Media Today:
“As you can see in the above video, once you choose to notify your employees of a specific post, LinkedIn will add a prompt to the alerts listing of each of your company’s listed employees on the platform. That will ensure that they’re aware of the update, and prompt them to share with their own network.”
Nyt socialt medie lægger vægt på det fysiske møde
“Have you ever wondered if someone nearby has the same hobbies? Pod is a new social network designed to help its members meet offline. Instead of just connecting online, Pod wants you to meet potential contacts and friends in person.”
Pinterest lader brugerne skrue på feed’et
Marketing Land:
“The tool shows the boards, topics, followed accounts and recent history activity that determine recommendations in a user’s feed, and allows the user to remove these signals using an on/off toggle switch: ‘Flip on if you want to see more ideas, flip off if you’d rather not, whether because the content is sensitive or irrelevant.'”
Tips til din digitale markedsføring
“Most of Google’s public statements are false or misleading”: Field report on what actually works
What’s New In Publishing
Instagram Provides Key Tips to Help Marketers Maximize their On-Platform Efforts
Social Media Today
Social media ad spend to surpass print for first time
Marketing Land
20 new content ideas to level up your social content
Is Facebook Messenger still a viable channel for brands?
? Digitale medietendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
Data og robotter: Skal journalister kunne kode?
“Alle skal ikke kunne bygge robotter og lave algoritmer, men alle skal vide, hvad maskinerne kan, og hvordan vi kan samarbejde med dem i journalistikken. Andreas Marckmann Andreassen, fellow i automatisering, giver her et bud på, hvad du skal kunne i en automatiseret mediebranche”
Dansk podcast-lytning i vækst
“Det var stadig de yngre lyttere, der brugte podcasts i størst stil sidste år, men også i de lidt ældre segmenter var der fremgang at spore. Det viser den årlige rapport om medieudviklingen fra Slots- og Kulturstyrelsen. Lytningen af klassisk flow-radio var til gengæld i bakgear.”
Her er de syv trends fra medieudviklingen, du skal kende
As platforms and ad tech circle, podcasting’s small, beautiful age is drawing to a close
Kan en robot være vært i et radioprogram?
“Can a robot host a radio show? Georgia Lewis-Anderson is doing an experiment to see if she can push their chat to the limit by making an AI presenter for a radio phone-in.”
How to Build Robots People Can Relate To
The Wall Street Journal
Kampen for bedre infografikker
Columbia Journalism Review:
“Alberto Cairo is on a mission to improve how journalists use charts. “Visualizations, charts can be incredibly powerful at exploring data,” he told me recently. They can also be powerful as tools for communicating information to news readers. “If you know how to use them well,” Cairo added. To his endless frustration, too many reporters do not. “
Netflix er klar til streaming-kamp
“Med det snarlige indtog af Disney+ og Apple TV+ på streaming-markedet forventes konkurrencen at intensiveres. Men det ser ikke ud til at bekymre Netflix, der har landet flere millioner kunder de seneste tre måneder.”
Netflix missed its subscriber numbers, again
Hitserier lokker millioner af nye kunder til Netflix
Kortlægning af det danske streaming-marked er på vej
“En kortlægning af det danske streamingmarkedet er lige om hjørnet. Det oplyser fungerende kulturminister Rasmus Prehn (S) i et svar til Folketingets Kulturudvalg.”
Podcorn vil hjælpe podcastere med at tjene penge
The Business of Content:
“The way we stumbled onto this idea was that we were looking at podcasting and saw it thriving, but we saw a lot of similar trends unfolding that we saw in the early days of video. For instance, there are over 750,000 podcasts, but 85% of them still don’t monetize. So there’s a huge opportunity there. We saw that on the brand side, the problem is even more fragmented than the early days of video because there’s no single ad network, like a YouTube, where podcasters can monetize just off of ads, but also where brands can go and contact podcasters directly, even through a manual process. On that end, the problem is much bigger.”
Chernobyl-podcast runder 10 mio. afspilninger
The Wall Street Journal:
“Viewers of ‘Chernobyl,’ which won 10 Emmys last month, couldn’t get enough of the audio accompaniment to the show. Jim Marsh, senior vice president of digital marketing and content at HBO, says he was surprised to see it emerge as ‘almost a required part of the viewing experience.'”
Hvad har Brexit betydet for den britiske presse?
“The FT saw a 600 per cent growth in digital subscriptions over the 2016 referendum weekend, but one-third of Britons turn away from news. What is the state of the British press three years after the UK voted to leave the EU?”
? Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
Sådan arbejder Aller Media med teknologi og transformation
What’s New In Publishing:
“In this week’s episode, we talk to Christoph Schmitz, Aller Media’s Product Owner for paywalls, login, subscriptions and CRM (and recent interim CTO).
He discusses managing technology and transformation across different brands, how Aller Media is taking advantage of willingness to subscribe in Norway, and their collaboration with other publishers for a single sign-on project.”
The Guardian klar med app til abonnenter
“The draw of the new app is that it won’t carry ads and will offer a more streamlined news product. The new app lets users scroll horizontally through the paper’s sections, like national, world, culture, sports, and swipe right to read the stories within that section.”
The Information will launch Ticker, a tech news app that costs $29 per year
Bild henter abonnenter med video
“The tabloid from German media giant Axel Springer is spending more to create video content after finding that eight out of the top 10 highest-converting articles are either video documentaries or contain video of some form.”
Nyt pilotprojekt skal hjælpe medier med at øge loyaliteten
Nieman Lab:
“Hence the newly announced Google News Initiative-News Revenue Hub Audience Lab, with $1.5 million in funding from the Knight Foundation and the Jonathan Logan Family Foundation. The money will go toward “creating a team that will work directly with newsrooms to expand audience and develop editorial products that enhance loyalty and inspire financial support.”
Safari hjælper folk udenom “metered paywalls”
“The most recent version of Apple’s Safari browser, which began rolling out to users in late September, prevents sites from detecting when Safari visitors have the browser’s private browsing mode enabled. Private browsing, like incognito mode, temporarily prevents publishers from reading or writing cookies to a phone or computer, which makes it impossible for a paywall to detect how much content a reader has consumed, thereby rendering the meter useless.”
“Glem alt om at holde noget hemmeligt i Apples mobilbrowser. Brugere, der benytter Safe-search i Safari, får nemlig sendt deres IP-forespørgsler forbi både Google og kinesiske Tencent, der har ret til at logge forespørgslen.”
Publishers’ affiliate businesses are also at risk from browser changes to limit tracking
De tre hjørnesten i The Economists strategi
What’s New in Publishing:
– Focus on the customer
– Perfecting product development
– Pricing, pricing, pricing
Status på mikrobetalinger
What’s New In Publishing:
“The fact remains that, protestations to the contrary, right now people don’t actually want to pay for news on an article-by-article basis. They might like the idea of it, but the friction involved is problematic.”
SubStack: Status efter to år med betalte nyhedsbreve
Substack Blog:
“More than 50,000 people now subscribe to a publication on Substack. We are processing millions of dollars a year in payments, with writers making a range of incomes from pocket money to supplementary income to “this is a serious business!” levels of cash. We’re encouraged by the progress and have raised money to set Substack up for a long future, but we know this is just the beginning. There’s so much work to be done, so much more to prove, and so much more great writing yet to be produced. “
Sådan kan du vække de sovende nyhedsbrevsmodtagere
…eller fjerne dem.
“If at any given point since signing up a reader hasn’t opened the newsletter for 60 days, Denk said a reengagement email will go out and if they don’t respond within 48 hours, the name is removed from the list. But for those who sign up and don’t open the first email within three weeks, the same 48-hour reengagement process begins, with slightly different messaging.”
Hvordan bygger man communities, folk vil betale for?
Harvard Business Review:
“In a world where we’re deluged with opportunities to interact online, it’s not easy to convince people to make the effort to engage in yet another community, much less pay for the privilege. By following these six principles, you’re much more likely to create a resource that is truly meaningful to participants and adds real value to their lives, while creating a robust business model for yourself.”
? Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
Google dropper Android-VR-platform
“Google’s Daydream, Android’s built-in virtual reality platform, is as good as dead. Following the company’s annual hardware event today, Google confirmed to VentureBeat that the Pixel 4 and Pixel 4 XL do not support the VR platform.”
Alt det, Google annoncerede ved ‘Made by Google 2019’
“At its annual hardware event in New York yesterday, Google lifted the lid on a host of new devices, as well as some new software smarts.
Here’s a quick recap of everything announced at the Made by Google 2019 event.”
Google Books får et redesign
Anledningen er tjenestens 15 års fødselsdag.
Google Blog:
“Today we’re unveiling a new design for Google Books on desktop and helpful features for anyone looking to read, research or simply hunt for literary treasures. We’ve redesigned Google Books so people can now quickly access details like the book’s description, author’s history and other works, reader reviews and options for where you can purchase or borrow the book.”
50% af iOS-brugerne er på version 13 – Android ser værre ud
“It’s barely news at this point that Apple’s latest version of iOS is off to a strong start with users — just like iOS 10, iOS 11, and iOS 12, it didn’t take long for at least half of all iOS devices to switch to iOS 13. […]
Second, the gap between iOS and Android users running the latest major versions of their operating systems has never looked worse for Google.”
Facebooks kryptosamarbejder smuldrer videre
I sidste uge var det PayPal. I denne uge er det Visa, MasterCard og Stripe, der forlader Libra-samarbejdet.
“The withdrawals leave Libra with no major US payment processor, a serious issue for the fledgling project.”
“Mandagens seneste farvel er kommet fra Booking Holdings, der står bag rejsesitet af samme navn samt rejsesitet Priceline.”
Facebook Struggles to Respond to Regulators, Lawmakers on Libra
The Information
Why each Libra member’s mutiny hurts Facebook
G7 udfordrer Facebooks kryptovaluta
Yahoo sletter Yahoo Groups
Ars Technica:
“‘Yahoo has made the decision to no longer allow users to upload content to the Yahoo Groups site,’ the company said in a notice to users. ‘Beginning October 28, you won’t be able to upload any more content to the site, and as of December 14 all previously posted content on the site will be permanently removed. You’ll have until that date to save anything you’ve uploaded.'”
Den næste kamp bliver om vores ører
The Verge:
“One of the most interesting and fastest-moving areas of personal technology over the past few years hasn’t been smartphones, tablets, or even smartwatches. Rather, the action and excitement have been around truly wireless headphones — earbuds like Apple’s AirPods that require no wires and don’t care if your phone has a headphone jack (because, odds are at this point, it doesn’t).”
Briterne dropper pornofilter
“A controversial UK government scheme to introduce mandatary age checks for accessing online pornography has been dropped — for now.
Introduction of the measure, which was intended to protect children from accessing inappropriate content online, had already been delayed by several months this year, most recently after a bureaucratic oversight.”