Digital Ugerevy #50 (2019)

Her har du Danmarks mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
Bemærk: Dette er årets sidste opsamling. Digital Ugerevy vender tilbage i det nye år. God jul, godt nytår og fantastisk ferie til jer alle.
? Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
Twitter vil skabe protokol inspireret af e-mail
All Things Digital:
“Developed by a new team called “Bluesky,” it will take inspiration from email and try to offer an alternative to traditional, centralized social media platforms.
In other words: Twitter wants to allow anyone to build their own interoperable social networks — and will surrender some control over the products it builds in the process.”
Mere om det:
- Twitter is funding research into a decentralized version of its platform – The Verge
- Twitter’s future could look a lot like its past – Casey Newton/The Intercept (The Verge)
- Bluesky early thoughts – Sriram Krishnan (med Twitter-baggrund)
- Bluesky, The Twitter Protocol Tragedy, Alternatives – Ben Thompson/Stratechery
Fra en af Twitter-medstifterne:
Her er artiklen, der angiveligt inspirerede Twitter-CEO’en Jack Dorsey til at gå protokolvejen:
“Protocols Instead Of Platforms: Rethinking Reddit, Twitter, Moderation And Free Speech”
Mike Masnick / Tech Dirt
Twitter kigger tilbage på året, der gik
Thunberg opdaterer biotekst efter Trump-tweet
BuzzFeed News:
“Greta Thunberg is handling being bullied by the President of the United States much better than I would be. I’m genuinely proud of her.”
Politiske Facebook-annoncer forsvandt fra arkiv op til UK-valg
“Almost half of British political ads on Facebook — worth a combined £7.4 million — disappeared from the social media giant’s online records for more than 24 hours, only days before the United Kingdom’s general election, according to analysis provided to POLITICO.”
Facebook siger nej til at lempe på kryptering
“Cybersecurity experts have repeatedly proven that when you weaken any part of an encrypted system, you weaken it for everyone, everywhere. The ‘backdoor’ access you are demanding for law enforcement would be a gift to criminals, hackers and repressive regimes, creating a way for them to enter our systems and leaving every person on our platforms more vulnerable to real-life harm. It is simply impossible to create such a backdoor for one purpose and not expect others to try and open it.”
Læs dokumentet (PDF, 3 sider)
Facebook spurns lawmakers on encryption
Casey Newton / The Interface
Facebook lægger Star Wars-effekter i Messenger
Facebook Newsroom:
“Designed in partnership with Disney, the features bring the Star Wars galaxy to your very own Messenger chats. The reactions and stickers allow you to express yourself using all of your favorite Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalkercharacters, from both sides of the Force.”
Vil den amerikanske regering standse Facebook-sammenlægning?
NBC News:
“The FTC could seek a preliminary injunction to stop Facebook from weaving its disparate parts together. An injunction could deal a severe blow to Facebook and its efforts to combine its services, which began earlier this year. It would also leave the company more vulnerable to being broken up.”
Federal officials are considering seeking a preliminary injunction against Facebook Inc. over antitrust concerns related to how its products interact, according to people familiar with the matter.
The Wall Street Journal
LGBT-kritik af Facebook
The Washington Post:
“Facebook users have been bombarded with misleading ads about medication meant to prevent the transmission of HIV, according to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender advocates, who say the tech giant’s refusal to remove the content has created a public-health crisis.”
Generelt / De andre
Guide til begrebet ‘influencer’
“It is simultaneously an insult and an aspiration, the scourge of small business owners and the future of marketing, and a moniker for kids with middling social followings and megacelebrities alike.”
“Influencer marketing agencies prepare for the end of the Instagram like”
Konkursramt influencer-bureau genopstår
“Gonzo Media, der igennem fem år har beskæftiget sig med influencer marketing, gik i november konkurs, men nu er dele af selskabets aktiviter genopstået under navnet GNZ Agency.”
Det er stadig let at købe Likes
The New York Times:
“Companies like Facebook and Twitter are poorly policing automated bots and other methods for manipulating social media platforms, according to a report released on Friday by researchers from the NATO Strategic Communications Center of Excellence. With a small amount of money, the researchers found, virtually anyone can hire a company to get more likes, comments and clicks.”
YouTube vil være mindre “toxic”
MIT Technology Review:
“On Wednesday, YouTube announced an update to its harassment policy that means material that “maliciously insulted or demeaned others because of their race, gender or sexual orientation” will be removed. It will also ban ‘veiled or implied’ threats or ‘language suggesting physical violence may occur.'”
6 months after a major public controversy, YouTube is changing its anti-harassment policies
Snapchat lancerer deepfake-agtigt filter
“Snapchat is preparing to launch a big new feature that uses your selfies to replace the faces of people in videos you can then share. It’s essentially a simplified way to deep-fake you into GIFs. Snapchat Cameos are an alternative to Bitmoji for quickly conveying an emotion, reaction or silly situation in Snapchat messages.”
Her er de største hits på TikTok i 2019
The New York Times:
“TikTok has released the TikTok 100, a year-in-review list that names the top videos, genres, creators and memes that shaped the fastest-growing platform of the past year. The list highlights popular TikToks in topic areas like beauty and style, sports, pets and dance trends.”
Medier ser muligheder i Instagram Shopping
“Now, however, a select number of publishers is also being invited to test the platform as an e-commerce tool. Now, publishers like Group Nine, Condé Nast and Highsnobiety are testing Instagram Shopping as a way to combine their large Instagram followings with their burgeoning e-commerce operations.”
? Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
Vi bruger mere tid på streaming og lydbøger end podcasts
“Hvert fjerde i landet lytter ugentligt til podcast, men den tid, de bruger på det, er noget mindre end det tidsforbrug, der er på en stribe af andre medietyper. Det fremgår af en analyse fra Slots- og Kulturstyrelsen.”
Hver fjerde lytter nu til podcast ugentligt – og næsten hver anden yngre
Google redesigner visning af nyhedsresultater
“For example, if you search for ‘NASA news,’ you might see results grouped under the distinct news stories “NASA adds five companies to moon bid” and ‘NASA detects water vapor on Jupiter’s moon Europa,’ along with additional results under ‘Also in the news.'”
Her er, hvad vi Googlede i 2019
“Afløseren for Forældreintra, der har været på vej i flere år, og som blev udrullet i efteråret, er det ord, der har trendet mest i vores Google-søgninger i 2019. Hvert år op til jul offentliggør Google lister over, hvilke film, hvilke ord eller hvem vi har søgt mest efter på søgemaskinen.”
Journalist på listen over årets Google-søgninger
Google Launches 2019 Listing of Key Search Trends
Social Media Today
SDUs Fellowship-ordning kører videre
“Med en ny bevilling på 1,5 mio. kr. fra Den Fynske Bladfond vil fellowshippet blive videreført i foreløbigt yderligere tre år. Det fremgår af en pressemeddelelse fra universitetet.”
10 vigtige medietendenser fra november
What’s New In Publishing:
“TikTok’s onward march, podcasting’s advertising boom, South East Asia’s $100 billion mobile economy, Disney+ launches, the forthcoming 5G explosion and Spotify’s continued growth.”
Podimo: Vi har 75.000 brugere
“Podimo oplyser ikke, hvor meget tid lytterne bruger på at høre podcasts på platformen. Selskabet sætter heller ikke tal på, hvor mange af de 75.000 registrerede brugere der betaler for et abonnement på platformen, og hvor mange der endnu er i gang med en gratis prøveperiode. Prisen for et abonnement er 39 kr. om måneden.”
Hvis ansvar er “retten til at blive glemt”?
Columbia Journalism Review:
“Google is desperate to avoid this immense responsibility (in the same way it is desperate to avoid any responsibility for anything). Since the “right to be forgotten” was adopted in the EU, it has already received 3.3 million requests to take down links. And though newsrooms are often responsible for generating the information in question—outdated criminal allegations, for example—they’re also over-stretched, and not the ones supplying the stories to billions, or profiting from them.”
Briter bruger AI til at opdage breaking news
“UK news group Reach plc is one of those embracing AI technology in the newsroom. Karyn Fleeting, head of audience engagement, Reach plc, explained how its regional titles use tools like NewsWhip, a social media analytics platform, to understand what content resonates with audiences, as well as Dataminr, an AI platform for real-time event and trends detection, to discover breaking news before it goes viral.”
Canva på vej med videoredigering
Marketing Land:
“The graphic design platform Canva announced it is launching Canva Video, a new video editing solution, next year. The video editing tool reportedly mimics the same ease-of-use as Canva’s photo editing solutions, Business Insider Australia first reported.”
? Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
Ingeniørens IT-medie eksperimenterer med indhold bag logind
“Den enkle forklaring er, at der skal midler til for at kunne lave kvalitetsindhold, og da vi ikke kan leve af bannerannoncering og samtidig af princip gerne vil begrænse tredjeparts-tracking på Version2, er vi nødt til at gå alternative veje.”
Forening kritiserer manglende mediestøtte til podcasts
“Der er ingen offentlige støttemidler – hverken mediestøtte eller kunststøtte – til podcastproduktion. Det vil brancheforeningen Center for Podcasting lave om på. Fredag fik den lov til at tale sin sag for Folketingets kulturudvalg”
BuzzFeeds madbrand ‘Tasty’ er en succes
“Today, Tasty has more than 100 million followers on Facebook and has sold 800,000 copies of its first three cookbooks. A fourth was published just last month. BuzzFeed declined to disclose exact revenue numbers but a spokesperson said BuzzFeed, overall, has been profitable for the back half of 2019, “and Tasty continues to be a key driver of that growth with a strong advertising business and a wide range of consumer products through its fast-growing licensing business.””
? Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
32 definerende tech-øjeblikke i årtiet, der gik
The Verge:
“AA lot can change in 10 years. When the sun rose on January 1st, 2010, Steve Jobs was still CEO of Apple, and the hottest Android phone was the newly minted Motorola Droid. Facebook was still an upstart, having just recently clawed its way to profitability. Uber hadn’t reached an app store yet, and Spotify hadn’t reached the US. Tinder, Twitch, and TikTok simply didn’t exist.”
Også fra The Verge: What we can learn from a decade of dead Google projects
Nyt Recode-projekt kigger på techs betydning for vores liv
“That’s why Recode by Vox is launching Open Sourced, a multiplatform journalism project supported by the Omidyar Network that will expose and explain the hidden consequences of tech — the good, the bad, and the complicated. We’ll do this with written stories and explainer videos demystifying aspects of technology that are the most controversial and the least understood: artificial intelligence and personal data and privacy — and we will need your help to do it.”
As it settles into Vox, Recode is starting a new project to help people feel power over algorithms
Nieman Lab
Tredjeparts-cookies skaber store problemer
“The study, commissioned by tech company ID5, found 81% of the sites had vendors identified as potentially causing privacy risks, either from a compliance or data-leakage perspective. It also found third-party redirects slowed sites an average of 19 seconds. Redbud also found that 58% of vendors registered with trade body the Interactive Advertising Bureau Transparency and Consent framework are not reading consent strings, which are used to ensure compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation.”
Sådan personaliserer Apple Siri uden at støvsuge data
MIT Technology Review:
“Federated learning is a privacy-preserving machine-learning method that was first introduced by Google in 2017. It allows Apple to train different copies of a speaker recognition model across all its users’ devices, using only the audio data available locally. It then sends just the updated models back to a central server to be combined into a master model. In this way, raw audio of users’ Siri requests never leaves their iPhones and iPads, but the assistant continuously gets better at identifying the right speaker.”
Google Assistant kan nu søge i podcasts
“Podcast search by topic can be carried out with voice commands like “Hey Google, show me podcasts about New Year’s resolutions” or “Hey Google, find a podcast about holiday cooking.” Podcast search by topic is available today for English speakers on Google Assistant devices worldwide. It’s worth noting that Google began to include podcasts in search results in August, and Google Assistant was previously able to recommend podcasts.”
…og Apple Podcasts er nu tilgængelige på Amazons Alexa. Læs mere hos Apple.