Digital Ugerevy #12 (2020)

Her har du Danmarks mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
? Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
Nu får vi information om coronavirus øverst i Facebook-feed’et
“In an effort to disseminate trustworthy health information on COVID-19, Facebook will roll out its own coronavirus information center, a central hub on the vast social network where the company will collect information from sources like the CDC and WHO.”
Og på dansk:
“Facebook er klar med corona-nyhedscenter”
Facebook fjernede indhold ved en fejl
Jeg har set flere undre sig over det på LinkedIn og Twitter, så du er muligvis også blevet berørt.
The Verge:
“Facebook started marking some posts linking to information and articles about the coronavirus and COVID-19 as spam, as observed by one Verge reporter and many users on Twitter on Tuesday evening.
The issue was due to a “bug in an anti-spam system,” according to Guy Rosen, Facebook’s vice president of integrity. Rosen said the company began working on a fix as soon as discovering the issue. “
“Coronavirus Disrupts Social Media’s First Line of Defense”
“It’s the long-term goal of every social network to put artificial intelligence in charge. But as recently as December, Google was telling me that the day when such a thing would be possible was still quite far away. And yet on Monday the company — out of necessity — changed its tune.”
The Interface / Casey Newton
Sociale medier advarer: Corona-pandemi fører til, at AI fejlagtigt fjerner indhold
Twitter Will Increase Its Use of Automation Tools as It Looks to Ensure Accuracy in COVID-19 Discussion
Social Media Today
Facebook is flagging some coronavirus news posts as spam
Coronavirus påvirker annoncer på sociale medier
Mobile Marketer:
“Brands have dramatically changed the imagery in their social media ads in the past week amid the growing coronavirus pandemic, per study results that artificial intelligence (AI) marketing firm Pattern89 shared with Mobile Marketer. Images and videos of people washing their hands and faces surged 600% since last week, the study found.”
Facebook Warns of Ad Approval Delays Amid Staff Changes Due to COVID-19 Impacts
Social Media Today
Facebook redesigner
Social Media Today:
“Functionally, there are no major changes – the key aim of the update is to improve navigation between the various elements – with a particular focus on groups, while it also brings the desktop version more in line with the mobile app.”
Ny rapport: Facebooks problemer ligger dybt i forretningsmodellen
The Verge:
“But a report published this morning by Ranking Digital Rights makes the case that Facebook’s current moderation approach may be unable to meaningfully address the problem. According to the researchers, the problem is rooted in Facebook’s business model: data-targeted ads and algorithmically optimized content.”
Facebook vil hjælpe små virksomheder
Social Media Today:
“To help ease this burden, at least for some organizations, Facebook has this week announced a new $100 million grants program to assist 30,000 SMBs, in 30 nations, supporting the communities in which Facebook and its teams operate.”
WhatsApp giver 1 mio. dollars til kampen mod coronavirus
“WhatsApp has long grappled with its platform being used to spread misinformation. In the latest move, today it announced two initiatives to fight specifically against fake news and other misinformation related to the COVID-19 pandemic.”
“Facebook has a coronavirus problem. It’s WhatsApp.”
De andre
Twitter overvejer at fremhæve manipuleret indhold tydeligere
Social Media Today:
“Twitter has been paying attention to the feedback, and this week, it noted that it will be looking at ways to make the tags more obvious in future.”
LinkedIn lancerer “samtale-annoncer”
Social Media Today:
“LinkedIn has this week launched a new ‘Conversation Ads’ option, which essentially enables you to add clickable CTA buttons that your email recipients can choose from in-stream, making your Sponsored InMails more engaging, and more interactive, which could help to drive better results.”
TikTok er Snapchats største annoncør
“While Snapchat and TikTok compete for the attention of young mobile-first audiences, Snapchat has also been happy to take the upstart streamer’s ad dollars. So much so that, according to the ad sales intelligence company MediaRadar, TikTok is the single biggest advertiser on Snapchat.”
COVID-19 rammer også influencere
“Seder, who has over 228,000 followers on Instagram, is uncertain what the weeks to come will mean for her business, which is typically bolstered by tourism boards and hotels as well as lifestyle and beauty brands. As the coronavirus has disrupted and reshaped life across the globe, some major marketers have canceled or pressed pause on campaigns. For influencers, particularly travel influencers, the impact on their business has been severe.”
? Digitale medietendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
Udpluk fra danske mediers digitale dækning af coronavirus
“Redaktionerne er affolket, men hjemme fra køkkenbordene pibler der utallige nye redaktionelle ideer ud til danskerne om corona. “
Sådan bruger Aftonbladet automatisering i COVID-19-dækningen
“According to Aftonbladet managing editor Michael Poromaa, this solved the problem of refreshing the 21 regional healthcare authority websites every second, making sure the publisher is the first to report on new covid-19 cases.
“There was an immediate effect,” says Poromaa in a blogpost. “
Tips til redaktionelt fjernarbejde
“Tråd”, som vi siger på Twitter:
Mere om hjemmearbejde i mediebranchen:
“‘But I’m still on deadline’: How remote work is affecting newsrooms”
Show it don’t tell it: Washington Post om eksponentiel smitte
Nogle gange er det de mest simple ting, der er bedst til at kommunikere et budskab. Og alligevel kan de være de sværeste idéer at komme på.
““Why outbreaks like coronavirus spread exponentially, and how to ‘flatten the curve’,” a wonky visual explainer of how a simulated virus spreads through human contact, was published March 14. Since then, former President Barack Obama tweeted the story to his 114 million followers, generating more than 122,000 retweets, and Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro showed its graphics on state television.”
Netflix reducerer kvaliteten med 25%
BBC News:
“Netflix will reduce the video quality on its service in Europe for the next 30 days, to reduce the strain on internet service providers.
Demand for streaming has increased because large parts of Europe are self-isolating at home due to the coronavirus outbreak.”
50% af amerikanerne har set COVID-19-løgne
“Misinformation has also found its way into the information stream. About half the public (48%) say they’ve been exposed to at least some made-up news and information related to the virus. And when asked two questions about the virus, substantial portions express belief in claims that are in fact false. These findings come from a survey of 8,914 U.S. adults who are members of the Center’s American Trends Panel.”
Forlag for børn giver gratis adgang
“Egmont-forlag for børnebøger Forlaget Carlsen åbner op for en ny hjemmeside med fri adgang til en række af forlagets digitale titler f.eks. af Sebastian Klein og Kim Fupz Aakeson.”
Carlsen er ikke alene:
“Dansk forlag giver corona-lukkede skoler fri adgang til digitale læremidler”
Hjemmesider der kan få dig i bedre humør
The Outline:
“The outside world is scary enough right now. The internet doesn’t have to be scary, too.”
? Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
Gratis indhold om coronavirus er et svært trade-off
“Even though readers are intensely worried in coronavirus coverage, it is difficult to monetize with advertising, with advertisers throwing keywords associated with the virus onto block lists. What’s more, as the scope of the virus’s impact widens, publishers also face pressure to move their stories about the virus in front of their paywalls, stunting a key area of revenue growth.”
Der er kreative mennesker derude:
“Publishers are unlocking fitness classes for people stuck at home”
Coronavirus: Hjælpepakke får ros, men den er ikke nok
“Medier og organisationer tager hatten af for regeringens omfattende hjælpepakke til erhvervslivet, men den løser ikke det tab, som tv-producenter og avishuses annonceafdelinger kigger ind i på den korte bane, lyder det.”
Coronakrisen rammer Jysk Fynske Medier hårdt
“Det vil ramme bundlinjen hårdt hos Jysk Fynske Medier, at store dele af samfundet er mere eller mindre lammet af coronavirus. Likviditeten vil blive påvirket ‘markant’, men ikke på en livstruende måde, lyder det fra selskabet.”
Lolland-Falsters Folketidende presses også
“En langvarig annoncekrise kan trække tæppet væk under Lolland-Falster Folketidende, siger direktør, der vurderer, at selskabet har kapital til fire måneders drift. Mediehuset overvejer nu blandt andet at bringe lønreduktion blandt medarbejderne i spil.”
Google-støttet projekt skal hjælpe lokalmedier
Jeg tvivler på, case studier er vejen frem, fordi den rigtige løsning for det ene medie ikke nødvendigvis er den rigtige for det andet, men som et sted at hente inspiration kan det være et stærkt værktøj.
Nieman Lab:
“Called Project Oasis, it will survey the existing online news landscape, build a database of digital-native news orgs in the United States and Canada, and then through surveys and interviews build case studies featuring the most successful among them.”
Annoncebranchen regner med lang nedtur
“Initially, advertisers thought the coronavirus would have a short, sharp shock to economy whereas now they’re braced for its effects to linger for months […] For most advertising execs, the coronavirus pandemic now means normal business is on hold indefinitely.”
“Mediebureauer bereder sig på mindre aktivitet”
“‘We’re figuring it out day by day’: Media faces extreme uncertainty in the wake of ad pullbacks”
Farvel til klik: Sådan tester Financial Times annonceprodukter
“‘At The Financial Times, we’re moving the focus away from clicks because they are not the metrics we think are important,’ said media director Lucy Marchington. ‘We are seeing an increase in volume of clients asking for more brand uplift studies, but also this is part of our focus on metrics that are more meaningful.'”
“Newsletters and podcast first”: The Dispatch runder 1 mio. dollars
Nieman Lab:
“The conservative politics site has nearly 10,000 paying subscribers a month after putting up its paywall. “We don’t want the outrage clicks. We’ve said from the beginning we’d like to slow the news cycle down.””
? Udvikling, design og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
USA vil bruge lokationsdata i kampen mod coronavirus
“Gennem den seneste uge har den amerikanske regering afholdt flere møder med en lang række tech-giganter. Google bekræfter, at man er i dialog med regeringen og kigger på at udnytte data fra Google Maps til at bekæmpe coronavirus.”
Mere her:
“The government might want your phone location data to fight coronavirus. Here’s why that could be okay.”
“Can we fight coronavirus with location data?”
The Interface / Casey Newton (The Verge)
Privacy-test af browsere
“The rankings were revealed in a research paper published by Trinity College Dublin computer scientist Doug Leith. He analyzed and rated the privacy provided by Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Apple Safari, as well as Brave, Edge, and Yandex. Specifically, the study examined the browsers’ sending of data—including unique identifiers and details related to typed URLs—that could be used to track users over time. “
“Corona-krisen forsinker Googles nye Chrome-features”
Apple med stramme regler for COVID-19-apps
“I en pressemeddelelse fra Apple lørdag fremgår det, at tech-giganten vil evaluere apps for at sikre sig, at de datakilder, der benyttes, er »hæderlige«, og at udviklerne bag er regeringer, ngo’er med fokus på sundhed, anerkendte virksomheder fra sundhedsbranchen, og medicinske eller vidensinstitutioner.
»Underholdnings- eller spil-apps med COVID-19 som deres tema vil ikke være tilladt,« skriver Apple.”
A new app would say if you’ve crossed paths with someone who is infected
MIT Technology Review
Ny Chrome strammer grebet om cookies
“I den seneste stabile Google Chrome-release til alle platforme (version 80) har brugere muligheden for at tillade eller blokere cookies på alle hjemmesider eller udelukkende blokere tredjeparts-cookies, mens den nye brugerflade i Chrome Canary til Android giver yderligere to funktioner.”
Google Translate-liveoversættelse nu på Android
The Verge:
“Google Translate’s new transcription feature, first demoed back in January, is out now for Android users as part of an update to the artificial intelligence-powered mobile app. The feature will allow you to record spoken words in one language and transform them into translated text on your phone, all in real time and without any delay for processing.”
ProtonMail vil undgå censur – muligvis via Google
“Thus, ProtonMail has faced its fair share of censorship, with the likes of Turkey, Belarus, and Russia all blocking the service in recent times. This is something that Proton is now pushing harder to counter with its new backup solution.”