Digital Ugerevy #15 (2020)

Her har du Danmarks mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
? Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
Facebook & Co.
Robotter fylder mere i Facebooks moderation
Som sådan er det ikke nyt. I Ugerevy #12 kunne du læse, at Facebook fjernede indhold ved en fejl – på grund af det tryk, coronavirus og COVID-19 lægger på moderatorressourcerne.
“Facebook har bl.a. forbudt salg af ansigtsmasker på platformen, men det finder stadig sted, ligesom andet problematisk indhold ifølge avisen florerer i brugernes feed. Nick Clegg forklarer, at hjemsendelsen af de ansatte har overladt en større del af moderationsarbejdet til robotter, hvilket både har gjort arbejdet langsommere og mere grovkornet.”
Facebook lancerer ‘Quiet Mode’ til Messenger
“Facebook is rolling out a new feature today that allows users to mute all notifications from the social network. The new time management tool is called Quiet Mode, and it first reared its head as part of a pilot that was quietly launched last month. It’s officially arriving for iOS users through the next month, and it will land for Android users starting in May.”
…og ny app til par
The Information:
“Tuned lets two people send each other text and voice messages, along with photos and songs, after adding each others’ phone numbers. The app was recently made available for download in Apple’s App Store in the U.S. and Canada, according to the app research firm Apptopia. Tuned bills itself “a private space where you and your significant other can just be yourselves,” although it adheres to Facebook’s data policy, which allows for the collection of communications and other behavior to inform ad targeting.”
BBC udgiver dokumentar på Instagram
“BBC World Service has published its first documentary on Instgram as a new way of engaging with audiences on the platform.
The 10-minute piece looks at the ‘brujería’ (witchcraft) spiritual movement which has gained a following through Instagram. The documentary focuses on the Afro-Latina community of ‘witches’ in Brooklyn, US. Since being uploaded on April 1, it has already attracted over 9,000 views.”
Nu kan du sende private beskeder i desktop-Instagram
Social Media Today:
“After more than a year of testing, Instagram has now expanded user access to Instagram Direct messages via the web version of the app, enabling users to interact with their Instagram DMs via desktop. “
Instagram i samarbejde med Netflix
Social Media Today:
“In order to provide some level of assistance on this front, Instagram has this week announced a new partnership with Netflix, which will see with the stars of some of Netflix’s most popular programs among young adult viewers talking about mental health and self-care amid the pandemic.”
WhatsApp begrænser muligheden for videresendelse
The Wall Street Journal:
“Facebook Inc.’s WhatsApp is limiting users’ ability to forward content on its encrypted messaging platform, as misinformation about the coronavirus pandemic proliferates on the service in its biggest market, India.”
“WhatsApp’s smart step forward”
Casey Newton (The Verge)
Twitter deler nu mere data med annoncører
The Verge:
“Twitter has removed a privacy feature that allowed all users to stop sharing some private information with advertisers. The setting prevented Twitter from sharing information like the ads you saw or interacted with and the tracking identifier for your phone. For most users, that information will now be shared by default and can’t be turned off.”
Nu løfter Twitter også foden fra COVID-19-bremsen
I opsamlingen fra uge 14 kunne du læse, hvordan Google nu begynder at tillade annoncer, der nævner COVID-19. Nu følger Twitter trop:
Social Media Today:
“In response to the shifting advertising landscape, and in order to support helpful causes during this time, we’re now allowing managed clients and partners to advertise content containing implicit or explicit reference to COVID-19 in certain use cases, with restrictions.”
Twitter sletter 20.000 falske konti med regeringsforbindelser
The Guardian:
“Twitter has deleted 20,000 fake accounts linked to the governments of Serbia, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Honduras and Indonesia, saying they violated company policy and were a ‘targeted attempt to undermine the public conversation’.”
Twitter-CEO giver 1 mia. dollars
De andre
YouTube vil begrænse spredning af falske COVID-19-/5G-historier
The Guardian:
“YouTube will reduce the amount of content spreading conspiracy theories about links between 5G technology and coronavirus that it recommends to users, it has said, as four more attacks were recorded on phone masts within 24 hours.”
“What Google and Facebook need to do to fight disinformation”
Columbia Journalism Review
“The Biggest Coronavirus Myths, Busted”
Snapchat lancerer donationer
Snap Press:
“And today, to further support the global COVID-19 relief efforts, we’re launching a new augmented reality donation experience, using Snapchat Lenses to bring awareness to the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund for the World Health Organization.”
Sådan bruger Washington Post TikTok ifm. coronavirus
“The coronavirus pandemic has hit the journalism industry hard across the world, with many reporters being forced to change their daily routine while working from home.
However, the Washington Post’s video and TikTok journalist Dave Jorgenson is trying to turn the challenge into an opportunity to bring especially the younger audiences a much needed light touch.”
? Digitale medietendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
Politiet får lettere ved at blokere falske hjemmesider
“Politiet behøver ikke længere at vente på en afgørelse fra retten, før der blokeres for de cyberkriminelles falske coronavirus-relaterede hjemmesider.”
Manglende “commute” rammer podcast-lytningen
Nieman Lab:
“Like many others, Stitcher sees the absence of the morning commute as the primary cause of decrease in overall listening: Average listening between 5 a.m. and 10 a.m. dropped about 20 percent, while average listening in other hours was down just 4 percent. By the start of April, their data saw a slight uptick in listening during non-commute hours, but it wasn’t enough to make up for the commute loss.”
Franskmænd dømmer Google til at betale for nyhedsindhold
(Tak til Jesper Andersen (@startsnakken på Twitter), der tippede mig om denne historie.)
“Google was ordered by French antitrust regulators to pay publishers to display snippets of their articles after years of helping itself to excerpts for its own news service.
The French antitrust agency gave the Alphabet Inc. unit three months to thrash out deals with press publishers and agencies demanding talks on how to remunerate them for displaying their content.”
CNN køber Canopy, der leverer privacy-venlige anbefalinger
“Built by Spotify, Instagram, Google and New York Times alumni, the startup is trying to figure out how algorithm-powered recommendations, like the kinds that suggest videos on YouTube or items in your Facebook feed, can be private by default and avoid being optimized for addiction. “
Streaming-tjenesten Quibi er i luften
The New York Times:
“Quibi, a portmanteau of “quick bites,” will offer movies, reality shows and news programs made for the smartphone, with no installment clocking in at more than 10 minutes. The offerings fall into three main categories: movies that will be released in chapters; documentaries and unscripted reality shows; and quick-hit news and sports reports from NBC, BBC, ESPN and others. Fifty shows will be available Monday.”
“Quibi Should Not Be Ignored”
Medium / OneZero
“Quibi — the new short-form streaming service for your phone — explained”
The Outline nærmer sig sin afslutning
Nieman Lab:
“Not quite 3 1/2 years after its launch, The Outline — the design-forward, millennial-focused, consciously weird site that aspired to be “a next-generation version of The New Yorker” — is shutting down. Its executive editor, Leah Finnegan, tweeted this morning that its staff was all being laid off. “
Fem gode – engelsksprogede – nyhedsbreve om COVID-19
“Getting overwhelmed or bogged down by coronavirus coverage? These email updates provide clarity, fact-checks and an expert take on the pandemic in bite-sized chunks”
? Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
Denne krise vil ramme hårdere end finanskrisen
“Mere end finanskrisen vil coronakrisen kræve nytænkning og omstilling af forretningen i avishusene, mener professor, der især tror, én gruppe vil skulle indstille sig på forandring. Avisdirektør er enig.”
“Jobindex: Opbremsningen på jobmarkedet har bidt sig fast”
Trafikrekorder dækker ikke annoncetab
“Dækningen af coronakrisen har sat fut i nyhedsforbruget hos en række af landets medier, som har set antallet af sidevisninger stige til rekordhøjder. Tre medier har rundet en halv milliard visninger på en måned, men trafikvæksten dækker ifølge chefredaktører ikke markant annoncetab.”
Det giver “ingen mening” at fjerne paywall ved COVID-19-indhold
“The newspaper industry seems to think that public service can’t coexist with revenue. That’s a mistake — at a time when the beleaguered industry can’t afford to make one. We do provide an important public service, but why can’t a public service business be, well, in business?”
Den danske medieanalytiker Thomas Bækdal er enig:
“Why is it important that we do not give news away for free during a crisis?”
Efter annoncefald: Vox beder om donationer
“On Wednesday,, rolled out a page that allows readers to make either one-time and recurring payments to support its coronavirus coverage. Recurring payments begin at $7 per month, and rise as high as $100 per month. One-time payments start at $7 and go up to $250. There are no perks associated with any of the contribution tiers. Vox also underlines that the payments cannot be considered donations and are not tax-deductible.”
Nysgerrig? Læs mere hos Vox selv
Annoncørblokering af COVID-19-indhold koster UK-medier millioner
The Guardian:
“UK newspapers face losing £50m in digital revenues as advertisers use “blacklist” technology to block ads from appearing next to all stories that mention the coronavirus pandemic.”
Sådan tilpasser Financial Times event-forretningen
“Just over 7,000 people registered for the webinar, 4,600 watched live and 1,500 have watched the recording since it aired. The average view time was 55 minutes. Nearly 4,000 people responded to polls during the session and nearly 700 people asked the speakers questions. According to the publisher, the webinar was organized in six days.”
The Atlantic sætter rekord under krisen
Nieman Lab:
“We have never, in the 163-year history of this magazine, had an audience like we had in March: 87 million unique visitors to our site, and more than 168 million pageviews. The number of unique visitors is astonishing — more than double the previous one-month record. But the most notable statistic, the one with possibly the greatest salience for The Atlantic’s future, is this: Your work has brought in more than 36,000 new subscribers over the past four weeks, even as we have lifted paywall restrictions on our coronavirus coverage.”
Amerikanske lokalmedier eksperimenterer under krisen
Nieman Lab:
“The pair dove into cashflow worksheets and planning for the worst- and best-case scenarios. (You can get the full recording, slide deck, and a revenue resource guide from LION.) The number-crunching is critical stuff — but what really caught our attention were the ideas and experiments that small local news organizations are deploying on short notice. With a number of local online news organizations having launched during or immediately after the 2008-09 financial crisis, the presenters pointed out that many LION members already know necessity can breed innovation.”
EUs konkurrencemyndighed går videre med undersøgelse af Facebook
“EU’s konkurrencemyndighed har bedt flere europæiske medieselskaber svare på, hvordan Facebook har påvirket deres annonceforretning som led i undersøgelsen af, hvorvidt det sociale medieselskab skævvrider konkurrencen.”
Annoncer: Det lysner i Asien
“Bloomberg Media CEO Justin Smith said it’s seeing Asia open up again and the beginnings of more activity happening there. One major international news brand is expecting to sign three contracts last week from three of the biggest countries in China and the immediate area (one has already been signed). Another major international news publisher said a campaign from Hong Kong that was on pause has been restarted.”
“‘A Seismic Shock’: Jittery Companies Pull Back on Ads During Pandemic”
The New York Times
Google udskyder lukning af version 1 af Ads-API’et
Marketing Land:
“Developers will have more time to migrate to version two. The Google Ads API v1 sunset is now slated for July 29, 2020. The AdWords API will also remain available for production use, the company said.”
? Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
Google og Facebook offentliggør data i kampen mod COVID-19
“Data for Good: New Tools to Help Health Researchers Track and Combat COVID-19”
About Facebook
“Google Reveals Location Data to Help Public Health Officials”
Facebook stopper opdateringer til Samsung Gear VR
Det er vist på tide at erklære smartphone-baseret Virtual Reality som et overstået kapitel.
“Facebook is ending software updates for the Samsung Gear VR. Further, users will no longer be able to access films or download the Oculus Video app.”
Nu kommer “Zoom-trætheden”
“Zoom fatigue is exacerbated by how many interactions seem to have automatically moved to video chat, even if they were useless meetings to begin with, or could have been replaced by an email or a Slack. And even meetings or interactions that would have normally been done by that archaic method of communication, the phone call, have all turned to Zoom. For many, uncertain times — and probably seeing hardly anyone outside of immediate family — means video chat is the default.”
Tidligere Facebook-CTO skal hjælpe Zoom
Marketing Land:
“Alex Stamos, who served as Facebook’s chief security officer between June, 2015 and August, 2018, announced he will help online video conferencing platform Zoom build their security program. Zoom CEO Eric Yuan had reached out to Stamos after the security expert posted a series of tweets about Zoom’s security threats.”
Internettet kan godt klare presset
“EU bad Netflix om at reducere opløsningen på streamede film, men er det nødvendigt? Internet-infrastrukturen er robust nok til at håndtere den øgede internet-trafik som hjemmearbejde, hjemmeskoling og øget film-streaming.”