Digital Ugerevy #17 (2020)

Her har du Danmarks mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
? Nyhed: Quiz
Digital Ugerevy er til dig, der ikke vil gå glip af noget. Men hvor godt er du egentlig med?
? Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
Nogle protester mod nedlukning vil blive lukket af Facebook
“Protester mod nedlukningen af samfundet i USA kan ikke nødvendigvis regne med at kunne blive promoveret via Facebook. Det skriver Financial Times.”
“Facebook is taking down some, but not all, quarantine protest event pages”
“Facebook seizes the moment”
Casey Newton / The Interface (The Verge)
Facebook lancerer ny satsning på videokald
The Verge:
“Facebook is rolling out a suite of new products to expand its capabilities in video chat. The company today announced Messenger Rooms, a tool for starting virtual hangouts with up to 50 people and allowing friends to drop in on you whenever they like. It’s also doubling the capacity of video calls on WhatsApp from four people to eight, adding video calls to Facebook Dating, and adding new live-streaming features to both Facebook and Instagram.”
Facebook lod annoncører målrette mod interesserede i pseudovidenskab
The Markup:
“‘We’ve taken down hundreds of thousands of pieces of misinformation related to COVID-19, including theories like drinking bleach cures the virus or that physical distancing is ineffective at preventing the disease from spreading,’ Zuckerberg wrote.
But at the very same time, The Markup found, Facebook was allowing advertisers to profit from ads targeting people that the company believes are interested in “pseudoscience.” According to Facebook’s ad portal, the pseudoscience interest category contained more than 78 million people.”
Nu kommer der geografi på administratorer bag Facebook-opdateringer
The Verge:
“Facebook says today, it’s going to display the location of “high-reach” Facebook pages and Instagram accounts on every post the owners share in order to give people “more information to help them gauge the reliability and authenticity of the content they see in their feeds.” The company didn’t say what it considers a high-reach page or account. “
Facebook tilføjer animationer til Stories
Social Media Today:
“Facebook has added yet another tool to Facebook Stories, this time in the form of a new ‘Animate’ option which enables users to add basic motion, of varying types, to still images.”
Skal du streame spil på Facebook?
The New York Times:
“The free app caps several years of investment at Facebook, which said more than 700 million of its 2.5 billion monthly users already engaged with gaming content. The app is designed largely for creating and watching live gameplay, a fast-growing online sector where Facebook is battling Amazon’s Twitch, Google’s YouTube and Microsoft’s Mixer services.”
“Facebook’s new Gaming app launches on Android, with iOS version coming soon”
Facebook laver COVID-19-kort over USA
Social Media Today:
“Facebook, in conjunction with Carnegie Melon, has this week published the first of its new COVID-19 symptom tracking maps, which may help authorities in planning for future outbreaks by highlighting where groups of people are experiencing coronavirus symptoms across the US.”
Facebook dropper arrangementer med 50 personer indtil juni 2021
“Why it matters: The White House has been itching to get Americans back to work soon, but Facebook is signaling it doesn’t see May 1 as a safe target date.”
Facebook tester “adaptive” baggrundsfarver på profiler
Social Media Today:
“According to a new discovery by reverse engineering expert Jane Manchun Wong, Facebook looks to be testing out a new option that would alter the background color of your profile within the mobile app based on the dominant color in your profile image.”
Messenger Kids i 70 nye lande – men ikke Danmark
– Det ser ikke ud til, der er et eneste EU-land på listen.
Social Media Today:
“That’s a significant expansion – up till now, Messenger Kids has only been available in the US, Canada, Mexico, Peru, and Thailand. Now, a lot more parents will have the option of downloading the app for their kids – which will no doubt also spark a whole new round of privacy concerns around the app.”
Facebook investerer i indisk mobiloperatør – derfor er det interessant
The Verge:
“If you live outside of India and are not particularly interested in who owns which piece of what mobile carrier, I understand why you may find your eyes beginning to glaze over here. Big companies invest in other big companies all the time. And we’ve got this whole global pandemic thing going on. Sure, this is the biggest check Facebook has written since it bought WhatsApp in 2014. But why should we pay any attention to Facebook buying 9.99 percent of a mobile carrier?”
Derfor sagde Zuckerberg nej til annoncer i WhatsApp
The Information:
“Zuckerberg suspended the push to introduce ads to the popular messaging app partly because Facebook wanted to avoid antagonizing regulators, according to people familiar with the matter. Facebook also feared angering WhatsApp users who valued the app’s emphasis on privacy and who resisted the idea of having their accounts tied to Facebook.”
Spanske faktatjekkere under angreb efter WhatsApp-ændring
“Not long after WhatsApp decided to limit message-forwarding in an effort to stem the spread of misinformation, supporters of Spain’s right-wing Vox party started a campaign of digital harassment against fact-checkers from Newtral.esand”
Derfor undgik Facebooks køb af Instagram antitrust-undersøgelser
Fast Company:
“Antitrust law was not written for modern acquisitions like Instagram. A traditional monopoly was a company with such a hold on its industry that it harmed others by fixing prices or controlling a supply chain. Facebook and Instagram presented no obvious consumer harm because their products were free to use, as long as people were willing to give up their data to the network. “
Instagram sætter fart på mindefunktion
BuzzFeed News:
“Instagram is speeding up plans for a new account memorialization feature, adding a “Remembering” banner under a username to signal that a person has died. “We’ve been working on these updates for some time, though this is one — among others — that we’ve accelerated in light of COVID-19 to help support our community during a difficult time,” Liza Crenshaw, a spokesperson for Instagram told BuzzFeed News.”
Instagram-streams kan nu ses på desktop
Social Media Today:
“After rolling out access to Direct messages via the web last week, Instagram is now also giving users the option to view Instagram Live broadcasts on desktop PCs, which comes with a new, less intrusive format, and URLs to cross-promote your streams.”
YouTube, Twitter og Snap
Indblik i, hvad YouTube gør
“‘I never thought we’d have so many videos of hand-washing,’ YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki remarks. She says the online video giant is focused on ‘raising authoritative information,’ like videos from news sources, and removing information that is false and ‘medically unsubstantiated.’ She also discusses the ‘acceleration of our digital lives’ brought on by the pandemic.”
“YouTube’s Looking to Add More Brand Safety Controls, and More Insight Options for Creators”
Social Media Today
“YouTube gets scammed, then sued”
Casey Newton / The Interface (The Verge)
Nyt YouTube-tiltag kan ramme “creators”
“YouTube is making it easier for advertisers to block videos that are risky to their reputations, but in doing so could inadvertently push targeting without any proper context. “
Halvdelen af de Twitter-konti, der diskuterer COVID-19, kan være bots
“And many of those bots are rapidly feeding Twitter with harmful, false story lines about the pandemic, including some inspiring real-world activity, such as the theory that 5G towers cause COVID-19, or state-sponsored propaganda from Russia and China that falsely claims the U.S. developed the coronavirus as a bioweapon or that American politicians are issuing “mandatory” lockdowns.”
Twitter var et døgn om at fjerne tweet om at skyde muslimer
BuzzFeed News:
“The tweet, which falsely blamed Muslims for spreading the coronavirus in India, was posted from the verified account of Rangoli Chandel, manager and sister of popular Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut, on Wednesday morning.”
Tweets med opfordringer på falsk grundlag vil blive slettet
The Verge:
“Twitter has updated its COVID-19 policies to require users remove tweets making unverified claims that “incite people to action and cause widespread panic, social unrest or large-scale disorder.””
Twitter tester optælling af tweets med kommentarer
The Verge:
“Twitter is testing a new option that shows you all the times a post has been retweeted with a comment, the company has confirmed to The Verge. In screenshots posted by users with the feature enabled, a new “Retweet with comments” counter can be seen alongside the existing “Likes” and “Retweets” numbers. Twitter said it’s currently testing the feature with a small group of iOS Twitter users.”
Det går fremad for Snapchat
Social Media Today:
“On that front, Snapchat, and parent company Snap Inc., would appear to be on the right track, maybe not for transcendent growth, but for stable, steady increases that look set to solidify its position within the social media space.
First off, on active users – Snapchat posted an increase of 11 million DAU on its last report to 229 million – which represents a 20% jump in active users year-over-year.”
? Digitale medietendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
WAN-IFRA-pris til Zetlands app
– I kategorien “Best News Website or Mobile Service”:
Biz Community:
“Zetland’s app is proof that data- and feedback-driven innovation can propel significant growth. Committing to phenomenal UX and a customer-centric approach, Zetland has developed an app that combines text and audio, creating an easy-to-use experience for its audience to consume but not be overwhelmed by too much news.”
Dansk Reuters Institute-chef: Krisen skaber vindere og tabere
Mandag Morgen:
“VERDEN EFTER CORONA: De medier, som virkeligt tilbyder noget distinkt og værdifuldt, som folk er villige til at betale for, har ”en god krise”. Men de fleste kommer til at miste omsætning og må derfor til at skære yderligere på redaktionerne. De store teknologivirksomheder bliver de største vindere.”
Google overvejede idé om donationer til websites og medier
“Last year, Google explored tipping as a new wing of Google Contributor, a service that lets people pay around 1 cent per page view to remove ads from partnered websites. Screenshots of the tipping feature showed the ability to make one-time donations of $0.20 to $5 to help support sites.”
Derfor gjorde NYTimes coronavirus-artikler gratis
Prezz Gazette:
“Thompson said this had been done because “our public mission is more important to us than anything”. But he also expects the strategy to benefit the company in the long term.
“I do think of newspapers and news organisations as public services with a public mission,” he said. “In times of great need, your immediate responsibility is to make sure that people have got access to the news. “
Spotify lancerer kuraterede podcast-playlister
The Verge:
“Spotify’s officially trying to solve the podcast discovery problem while also trying to help podcasters reach new audiences. The company announced today that it’s rolling out three human-curated podcast playlists in six countries: the US, Germany, Sweden, the UK, Mexico, and Brazil.
The three weekly playlists are called Best Podcasts of the Week, Brain Snacks, and Crime Scene. They’ll each be localized to the countries and will be populated by curators in each location. Spotify hired podcast curators around the world specifically for this feature.”
“Can Spotify’s playlists do for podcasts what they’ve done for music?”
Nieman Lab
Netflix har bedste kvartal nogensinde
“For now, Netflix has something millions of people want to buy. On January 21, when much of the world still hadn’t realized the threat the coronavirus posed, the company told Wall Street it expected to add 7 million new subscribers in the first three months of 2020. Instead, it added nearly 16 million, and all of that unexpected growth came in March, when governments around the world told their citizens to stay home.”
“Nothing can stop Netflix right now”
US-medier hjælper små virksomheder med gavekort
“Called Source Local, the product allows readers to browse businesses in a local market offering gift cards. The businesses are sorted in alphabetical order. Nearly 10,000 businesses across the U.S. have added themselves to Source Local since Gannett first launched the product last month, and it has drawn over 1 million pageviews.”
Facebook og Google skal dele annonce-penge med australske medier
The Guardian:
“Facebook and Google will be forced to share advertising revenue with Australian media companies after the treasurer, Josh Frydenberg, instructed the competition watchdog to develop a mandatory code of conduct for the digital giants amid a steep decline in advertising brought on by the coronavirus pandemic.”
“Forcing tech companies to share revenue with publishers could backfire”
Simon Owens
? Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
Jysk Fynske køber aviser for at forhindre bladdød
“Stordriftsfordele skal gøre opkøbet af North Media Aviser til en “mindre” overskudsforretning inden for tre år, forventer Jysk Fynske Medier. Motivationen bag overtagelsen handler dog mere om at forhindre bladdød.”
Mere om handlen:
“North Media om frasalg: Prisen afspejler presset avismarked”
“Sjællandske Medier ville købe Helsingør Dagblad – men ikke ugeaviser”
“Finansielle indtægter reddede Jysk Fynske Medier fra underskud i 2019”
Digitale abonnenter skal være Berlingskes fundament
“Det går fremad med betalingsvilligheden for journalistik online, lød det fra Berlingskes ansv. chefredaktør, der torsdag var gæst i Q&co. Det betyder dog ikke, at papiravisen står over for en snarlig død.”
“Frasalg og 24syv-lukning skar i Berlingske Medias toplinje – resultatet blev tæt på tredoblet”
“Weekendavisen fik flere digitale abonnenter i 2019”
Bestem (næsten) selv prisen for et Føljeton-abonnement
“‘Vi er så ungt et firma, at vores økonomi kun lige balancerer. Sandheden er, at vi vender og drejer hver en krone, og her fire år inde i vores levetid, opererer vi desværre stadig ikke med evigheden som tidshorisont. Det, vi mangler, er abonnenter. Abonnenter, som deler vores tro på, at verden mangler anderledes kvalitetsmedier,’ lyder det.
Konkret kan nye abonnenter vælge mellem seks forskellige priser på mellem 10 og 59 kr. Et Føljeton-abonnement koster normalt 59 kr. månedligt. “
Rapport: Facebooks omsætning i Danmark voksede med 15%
“Facebook hev yderligere 150 millioner hjem på dansk annoncemarked i 2019”
Det nystartede techmedie Protocol fyrer 13
Protocol lancerede i februar, og manden bag var med til at starte Politico.
Nieman Lab:
“This week, Protocol laid off 13 of its employees, according to one report, and it appears that more than three-quarters of that total—or 10 staff in all—were reporters and editors. The site’s entire complement of editors and reporters numbered about 25 before the layoffs, according to Protocol‘s About page, which means that Allbritton just laid off almost half of the site’s newsroom.”
“Digital media clobbered by coronavirus”
Hvem vil købe USAs næststørste (og konkursramte) udgiver?
Nieman Lab:
“Expectations had been that its bankruptcy process would leave McClatchy — currently still controlled by its namesake family after more than a century — in the hands of its biggest debtholder, the hedge fund Chatham Asset Management. What Chatham would do with its new property, though, wasn’t crystal clear. Would it follow Alden’s model with MNG — cut costs to the bone to hit an outsized profit level and ride the free cash flow into the ground? Or would it try to quickly flip it into a merger with one of the new Big 2?”
Så mange stillinger er blevet nedlagt på de amerikanske redaktioner
Pew Research Center:
“From 2008 to 2019, overall newsroom employment in the U.S. dropped by 23%, according to the new analysis. In 2008, there were about 114,000 newsroom employees – reporters, editors, photographers and videographers – in five industries that produce news: newspaper, radio, broadcast television, cable and “other information services” (the best match for digital-native news publishers). By 2019, that number had declined to about 88,000, a loss of about 27,000 jobs.”
Google vil kræve, at alle annoncører identificerer sig
“Google will soon require all advertisers to verify their identity, the company said in a blog post on Thursday. It’s making the change to prevent advertisers from misrepresenting themselves and says it it should allow consumers to see who’s running ads and which country they’re located in.”
Google skærer i marketingbudgetterne
“‘There are budget cuts and hiring freezes happening across marketing and across Google,’ said one message from a global director sent to employees Wednesday. ‘We, along with the rest of marketing, have been asked to cut our budget by about half for H2.'”
NENT mindre afhængige af annoncemarkedet
“Et annoncefald, der skal måles i tocifrede procentsatser, mindsker Nordic Entertainment Groups afhængighed af annoncemarkedet. Gennemførte besparelser er nok til at redde selskabet gennem selv en endnu dybere krise på annoncemarkedet, fortæller topchef.”
? Udvikling og tech

Sådan gik 5G/coronavirus-konspirationsteorien mainstream
“There’s been a crowd that has been saying that 5G is harmful to human health for years, ever since 5G was first being proposed [and] well before any towers or networks were online […] This is just their latest attempt to push those claims, tying them onto this current news story.”
AR-virksomheden Magic Leap ændrer drastisk kurs
“Bloomberg reports that half of Magic Leap’s employees were laid off, roughly 1,000 in total. Magic Leap was in the process of exploring a sale, Bloomberg had also reported, one that could value the company at $10 billion. Magic Leap is one of the most well-capitalized consumer hardware startups ever, having raised more than $2.6 billion from investors, including Google, Alibaba and Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund.
Citing COVID-19, CEO Rony Abovitz wrote in a blog post that the company needed to shift focus to enterprise applications of its technology. Early-on, Magic Leap had long emphasized that it was a consumer device company.”
Den officielle forklaring er selvfølgelig, at det sker på grund af COVID-19. Analytikere og andre vurderer dog, at Magic Leap længe har været i krise. Således skrev The Information tilbage i december, at det ikke så for godt ud.
Flere flere forbyder Zoom
“Flere og flere forbyder den populære videotjeneste Zoom, men på samme tid stiger antallet af Zoom-møder på de danske universiteter.”
“Zoom Releases New Update to Address Security Concerns”
Social Media Today