Digital Ugerevy #18 (2020)

Her har du Danmarks mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
Digital Ugerevy udgives af Lars K Jensen, der rådgiver, udvikler og arbejder med digitale medier og udvikling.

? Quiz
Digital Ugerevy er til dig, der ikke vil gå glip af noget. Men hvor godt er du egentlig med?
? Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
Krisen giver Facebook flere aktive brugere
“Under det globale udbrud af coronavirusset har Facebook, som også ejer de sociale medier Instagram, Messenger og WhatsApp, oplevet en stigning i antallet af aktive brugere.
Flere end 2,99 milliarder brugere logger på et af selskabets sociale medier mindst en gang om måneden.”
“Facebook Closes in on New Milestone of 3 Billion Total Users Across its Platforms”
Social Media Today
De bedste tidspunkter at udgive på Facebook i disse corona-tider
– Der findes et hav af artikler og guides om, hvornår de bedste tidspunkter til at udgive på sociale medier er. Dette kigger på emnet under den nuværende krise.
Social Media Today:
“First off, on Facebook – in Sprout’s original report, it suggested that the optimal time for Facebook engagement was Wednesday between 11am and 12pm. In the COVID-19 version, based on data gathered between March and April, it notes that the current best times to post to Facebook, based on overall engagement trends, are Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10am to 11am.”
Facebook vil lade musikere tage penge for live-streams
“In an announcement titled ‘Introducing Messenger Rooms and more ways to connect when you’re apart,’ the company says, ‘To support creators and small businesses, we plan to add the ability for Pages to charge for access to events with Live videos on Facebook – anything from online performances to classes to professional conferences.’
The company did not specify when that option will become available or provide further details, including whether there is a limit on how much a performer can charge or whether Facebook will charge a fee or percentage; a rep did not immediately respond to Variety’s request for further information.”
Facebook undersøger betydningen af social sammenligning
Social Media Today:
“So what can be done about? Recently, Facebook commissioned a study into the impacts of social comparison, using the input of 37,000 survey respondents, and comparing their thoughts against how they used Facebook over a set period of time.”
Instagram tester besked-sticker til Stories
Social Media Today:
“I’m not entirely sure what to make of this yet, but according to a new discovery by reverse engineering expert Jane Manchun Wong, Instagram is working on a new ‘DM Me’ sticker for Instagram Stories, which would prompt direct message engagement from your Stories content by tapping on the sticker image.”
WhatsApp-videresendelser falder med 70%
– Det ser med andre ord ud til, at WhatsApps begrænsninger på “forward”-funktionen virker.
Business Standard:
“Highly forwarded messages of WhatsApp have reduced 70 per cent after the company further limited the number of times people can send such messages, the firm has informed the Central government. […]
Earlier this month, WhatsApp limited the number of times a frequently forwarded message can be sent further to only one chat at a time. This limit kicks in once a message has been previously forwarded five times or more.”
Twitter lukker for SMS’er
– Da jeg begyndte at bruge Twitter tilbage i 2007 (??-advarsel) foregik det via SMS, hvis det ikke foregik via computeren. Derfor er det da lidt Twitter-historisk, men selvfølgelig den rigtige beslutning.
– Der var dog en lille ting, som Twitter ikke fortalte i første omgang:
“However, one additional piece of information regarding these Twitter changes was not previously announced, but has since been confirmed by Mashable: millions of inactive accounts that were created over SMS were removed from the platform.”
Udviklere og forskere får adgang til Twitter-data om COVID-19
“Twitter is making it possible for developers and researchers to study the public conversation around COVID-19 in real time with an update to its API platform. The company is introducing a new COVID-19 stream endpoint to those participating in Twitter Developer Labs — a program that offers access to new API endpoints and other features ahead of their public release.”
Twitter ser flere og flere samtaler om gaming
Twitter Marketing:
“In 2019 we had over 1.2 billion Tweets about video games, and now in 2020, the gaming conversation on Twitter is bigger than ever. In fact, in the second half of March, we’ve seen a 71% increase in conversation volume and a 38% increase in unique authors compared to the first half of the month. In the US alone, there has been an 89% spike in conversation with a 50% increase in unique authors over the same time period.”
“New Twitter Data Underlines the Emergence of Gaming – and Marketers Need to Take Note”
Social Media Today
De andre
YouTube viser faktatjek på søgninger i USA
The Verge:
“YouTube will begin adding informational panels containing information from its network of fact-checkers to videos in the United States, the company said. The panels, which were introduced last year in Brazil and India, appear on searches for topics where fact-checkers have published relevant articles on the subject. The move comes at a time when platforms have seen a surge in misinformation related to COVID-19 and its origin, possible cures, and other subjects.”
“YouTube’s head of product on the coronavirus challenge”
Casey Newton / The Interface (The Verge)
Apple har en profil på TikTok – men der sker ikke så meget
– Mens jeg skriver dette, har profilen knapt 23.000 følgere uden at have udgivet noget endnu.
9 to 5 Mac:
“Apple is slowly becoming more active on social networks, especially on Instagram with photos and videos shot on iPhone. Today some users have noticed that there’s a new verified profile of Apple on TikTok, which may indicate that the company has plans to share some content there.
The account (@apple) is relatively new and it has only 1312 followers by the time of writing this article. There’s no biography, videos, or anything other than the verification badge, which legitimates that it’s an official account.”
Problemet med børneporno vokser
NBC News:
“Oghia’s experience is an extreme example of what people who track and try to stop child abuse and the dissemination of child pornography say is a flood of child sexual exploitation material that has risen during the coronavirus pandemic.
And with tech companies’ moderation efforts also constrained by the pandemic, distributors of child sexual exploitation material are growing bolder, using major platforms to try to draw audiences. Some platforms are warning users that when they report questionable or illegal content, the company may not be able to quickly respond.”
? Digitale medietendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
DMJX overvejer at fortsætte med digital optagelsesprøve
“Optagelsesprøven var virtuel i år for at overholde corona-restriktionerne. Men måske er det ikke sidste gang, det skal foregå på den måde. I hvert fald ikke, hvis man spørger uddannelseschef på DMJX Henrik Berggren.
‘Sådan som det er gået indtil nu, så synes jeg, det er en overvejelse værd, om man skal lave det online fremover. Jeg vil i hvert fald ikke afvise, at det kunne være en fordel,’ siger han.”
Jysk Fynske Medier deler publicistisk regnskab
– Inspirationen kommer formentlig fra blandt andet norske VG, der i en årrække har delt et “Redaksjonelt regnskap” – her er deres fra 2019.
Jysk Fynske Medier:
“Journalistik kan ikke gøres op i kroner og øre. I hvert fald ikke efter en enkel metode, som alle vil være enige om.
Ikke desto mindre forsøger vi i Jysk Fynske Medier med vores publicistiske årsrapport at gøre status over vores redaktionelle indsats i 2019. Det føler vi os forpligtet til af flere grunde.”
NYTimes’ morgennyhedsbrev får en vært
Nieman Lab:
“[…] a good morning newsletter orders the universe — says ‘this is most important,’ ‘these are worth a quick look,’ and ‘this is something lighter so you don’t close this email quite so angry at the world as those other stories would seem to justify.’ It’s a guide — a host, even, moving you with ease and purpose through all your newsroom’s work.
All that is why I’m interested in today’s announcement from The New York Times about changes to its flagship morning newsletter, The Morning Briefing. For the first time, it’s getting a true host — David Leonhardt, the current Opinion columnist and past founder of The Upshot. “
Hjælp til dig, der bruger “link previews”
Steven Snedker, fra bl.a. Vertikal og Internetforbrugeren, har haft en længere sag kørende med Copyright Agent, der inddriver penge fra bl.a. Ritzau/Scanpix for forbudt brug af billeder. Årsagen er, at han har brugt et “link preview” (på dansk link-forvisning), der henter tekst og billede fra den artikel, der linkes til – akkurat, som vi kender det fra bl.a. Twitter, Facebook og LinkedIn.
Det er i øvrigt også en funktion, der er indbygget i WordPress-CMS’et (den bliver brugt, hvis du indsætter URL’en til en side i stedet for at lave et klassisk link).
Den lange sag (der blandt andet blev omtalt hos Journalisten) har han selv dokumenteret (her i en lidt kortere udgave) – og han hjælper os andre, der kan ende i samme situation, med en spørgsmål-svar-side om forhåndsviste links”.
Kort fortalt går det ud på, at et medie eller en udgiver selv stiller det billede til rådighed, der anvendes på andre websites og sociale medier.
Det kniber stadig med it-sikkerheden for mange medier
Nieman Lab:
“Journalists often have to be visible online for their jobs. This visibility comes with personal and institutional risks, though, from hacking to harassment. A Tow Center report released today found many news organizations are not providing the training, resources, or encouragement to protect journalists, sources, internal information, and the organization’s reputation.”
“Newsroom information security after Snowden”
Columbia Journalism Review
Brugerne savner “mythbusting” i dækningen af COVID-19
“Forskerne har spurgt 1041 personer om deres nyhedsforbrug og -præferencer under coronapandemien i starten af april. Her svarer 39 pct., at de mener, nyhedsmedierne har lagt “for lidt” eller “alt for lidt” vægt på at punktere myter, konspirationsteorier og falske nyheder. 10 pct. mener, der er blevet lagt for meget vægt på dette aspekt. “
Forsker: 27% af de unge lytter til DAB
“Den nye Radio Louds unge målgruppe er ikke nogen helt nem størrelse at få opmærksomhed fra – hverken på DAB eller på nettet, vurderer medieforsker efter premiere med lave lyttertal. Fra statslig side er der ingen formelle krav til, hvor mange lyttere kanalen skal nå ud til.”
“Radio Louds lyttertal kryber opad på DAB”
Gør din videochat til podcast via Spotifys Anchor
Mobile Marketer:
“Spotify’s podcast creation platform Anchor introduced a feature that lets people turn their video chats into podcast-ready audio. The new video-to-audio conversion tool works with video calling platforms such as Google Meet, Zoom, Skype, FaceTime, Twitch and Instagram Live, per an announcement on Anchor’s blog.”
Krisen hjælper Spotifys podcast-forretning
LA Times:
“At a time when many Hollywood productions have been shelved and workers are losing their jobs, Spotify is continuing to build out its podcast business. Like other streaming platforms, the company is tapping into a growing hunger for entertainment and news among people stuck in their homes. Because podcasts can be produced remotely without crews, the pandemic has not disrupted Spotify’s slate of shows.
‘It’s pretty amazing to see the resilience we have,” said Courtney Holt, Spotify’s global head of studios and video. “I will say it’s certainly easier when you’re not primarily doing video. To be able to do audio content, it really is about good internet connection, good mike and a little bit of quiet.'”
“Spotify: Listening habits during the pandemic make every day look like the weekend”
“After weeks of pandemic-driven decline, podcast listening seems to be inching back up”
Nieman Lab
? Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
Fire mediers erfaringer med skiftet til førstepartsdata
What’s New In Publishing:
“Here, we round up the key takeaways from how ESI Media, Condé Nast, The Telegraph and The Financial Times are forging new relationships and evolving their business models to adapt to data now being seen as a publisher asset instead of a commodity.”
Abonnementsmodellen vokser stadig
– Bemærk: Undersøgelsen og rapporten er udført af et firma, der leverer af at sælge løsninger til bl.a. abonnementsmedier.
What’s New In Publishing:
“Zuora’s new COVID-19 Subscription Impact Report has found that 22.5% of companies are seeing their subscription growth rate accelerate. Among the rest, 53.3% have not seen any significant impact to their subscriber acquisition rates and 12.8% are seeing slowing growth, but they are still growing. Only 11.4% of companies are seeing subscriber churn outpace their subscriber acquisition rates.”
Udskudte betalinger presser fødekæden
– Den pressede økonomi betyder, at betalinger fra annoncører til bureauer og medier bliver udskudt.
“Through the first three weeks of April 2020, payment delays on invoices to publishers and media agencies have increased 20%, according to data collected by FastPay, which provides both invoice factoring and access to capital to media companies. Separate research conducted by Oarex, an invoice factoring firm that serves media companies, found that the number of firms that paid their invoices late rose 14.6%, to 55%, in the first quarter; Oarex’s research involved invoices sourced largely from publishers and media agencies.”
– Det giver en ekstra hovedpine til medierne ifm. programmatiske annoncer, for det kan hurtigt blive mediernes problem, hvis de tidligere led i kæden mangler penge:
“Publishers are wary of the domino effect on their programmatic advertising businesses if ad tech firms default on their payments.”
– Også mellem annoncører og bureauer opstår der en udfordring med de udskudte betalinger:
“By delaying payments, advertisers effectively borrow that money. This is a replay of what started in 2008-2009, when advertiser’s stretched payments to the point where WPP’s then-CEO Martin Sorrell complained in 2013, ‘We’re not a bank.'”
Læs også:
“Publishers use advertising downturn to perform programmatic housekeeping”
“Støt os”-markedsføring har hjulpet i The Daily Beasts “corona bump”
“Some of the growth has been driven by making more of its opinion and analysis coronavirus coverage beyond the paywall — news related to public health and safety is in front of the paywall — but the biggest shift has been in its marketing, Mary Cullen, the Daily Beast’s head of membership said.
Prior to coronavirus, the messaging strategy focused on the benefits of membership. Now, it is exclusively in the vein of ‘support us,’ a strategy the Beast has tested in the past around its Jeffrey Epstein coverage. Today, site visitors are greeted by a bottom banner with messages such as, ‘Essential reporting. Gloves optional. Join for $1,’ or ‘Unprecedented times calls for unprecedented reporting. Join for $1.'”
Læs artiklen
Nyt norsk Watch-medie
“Watch Medier går i luften med nyt nichemedie i Norge rettet mod den finansielle sektor. Det er mediehusets 15. digitale nichemedie, og det andet medie uden for landets grænser.”
Financial Times sælger sin abonnementsekspertise
“The Financial Times’ consulting arm, FT Strategies, is running a nine-month-long project to help grow sustainable, digital reader-revenue businesses with eight European subscription publishers, as part of Google News Initiative Subscriptions Lab.“
Medier nyder godt af billige Facebook-annoncer
“Thanks to a combination of soft advertiser demand on those platforms, strong engagement from readers there and conversion on their own sites, the cost of acquiring a digital subscriber has slid in the past month. An executive at one publisher said that their subscriber acquisition costs have fallen by to as little as one third of what they had been at the beginning of March.
Those same factors have made Facebook an attractive place for publishers to gather newsletter subscribers too. In the first half of April, the cost of acquiring a newsletter subscriber through Facebook fell from 75 cents to 25 cents, thanks to a combination of lower CPMs and significantly higher clickthrough rates, an executive at a second news publisher said. “
? Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
Her er YouTube Musics nye design
9 to 5 Google:
“This revamped now playing screen starts by putting all key controls on the same page. Shuffle and repeat are no longer hidden in the queue, but rather next to rewind/forward at the bottom of the screen. Thumbs down/up gets moved next to the track title, while the song/video switcher is always visible following the cover art shrinking to no longer be full-width.”
12,3 mio. så koncert på Fortnite
“What Scott and Fortnite-maker Epic Games delivered, however, is a gloriously surreal “astronomical” event, with an enormous, kaiju-sized Scott avatar looming over players and teleporting around the venue while the visuals around him get increasingly psychedelic. It’s something that could only happen in a virtual concert, and that’s what makes it delightful.
Plus, the event was viewed by far more people than could ever pack into even the largest concert venue. Epic Games said12.3 million concurrent players participated, a new record for the game.”
DJs rykker online
– Desværre ser det dog ikke ud til, pengene følger med. Læs mere i Pitchfork-artiklen.
“But these dire circumstances haven’t stopped DJs from sharing music with the world. Except now, they’re just doing it online. Over the past month, livestreamed sets have become so ubiquitous that leading electronic music platform Resident Advisor recently added a new hub called Streamland to its event listings.
Online dance music destination Boiler Room, which has been livestreaming crowded DJ sets for 10 years, launched a new series called Streaming From Isolation, in which artists like the Black Madonna and Four Tet deliver sets from their homes or private spaces.
In Berlin, the world’s clubbing capital, an initiative called United We Stream, run by the city’s nightlife advocacy organization, is broadcasting nightly sets from local clubs. Elsewhere, venues themselves have also gotten into the act; as soon as NYC began to shut down, Queens nightspot Nowadays went online with virtual sets.”
Amazon verificerer nye sælgere via video
“Amazon said its pilot began early this year and included in-person appointments with prospective sellers. However, it switched exclusively to video conferencing in February because of social distancing requirements related to the highly contagious coronavirus, which has infected more than 2.9 million people globally.
The interview vetting, on top of other risk-screening performed by Amazon, has been piloted with more than 1,000 merchant applicants based in China, the United States, United Kingdom and Japan, Amazon said. “
Google gør Google Meet gratis
“Corona-krisen har ført til et regulært gennembrud for video-tjenesten Zoom, der har mangedoblet antallet af brugere på selskabets gratis videokonference-løsning.
Det får nu Google til at reagere: Google begynder nemlig nu at give gratis adgang til sin rivaliserende løsning, Google Meet, der ellers har krævet abonnement på Googles G Suite.”
Zapier lancerer gratis screenshot-program
– Bemærk: Zappy er indtil videre kun tilgængelig til Mac.
“That’s why we made Zappy, an incredibly fast screen capture tool for remote teams. It lets you communicate more effectively by sharing what you see. It’s built for speed and makes annotations way quicker than futzing with your computer’s built-in tools.
We use Zappy every day at Zapier. Now, we’re releasing it free on macOS to help folks who are suddenly remote. We’re also enabling cloud-based hosting for all paid Zapier users as a special gift while Zappy is in early access.”
Nordmænd skal levere stemmegenkendelse til Sundhedsplatform
ING / Digitech:
“Region Hovedstaden har været på jagt efter talegenkendelses-it til Sundhedsplatformen. Tidligere i år blev udbuddet annulleret, men efter et genudbud har regionen nu valgt den norske virksomhed Max Manus som leverandør til en fireårig kontrakt på 48 millioner kroner.”