Digital Ugerevy #19 (2020)

Her har du Danmarks mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
Digital Ugerevy udgives af Lars K Jensen.

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Digital Ugerevy er til dig, der ikke vil gå glip af noget. Men hvor godt er du egentlig med?
? Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
Thorning-Schmidt bliver ‘co-chair’ for Facebooks tilsynsråd
The Verge:
“To build the board’s membership, Facebook recruited four co-chairs to lead the body. These include two American professors of constitutional law — Michael McConnell from Stanford and Jamal Greene from Columbia Law — who have written extensively on the procedures of judicial oversight in the US system. They are joined by Catalina Botero-Marino, dean of a prominent law school in Colombia, and Helle Thorning-Schmidt, former prime minister of Denmark. These co-chairs authored an op-ed in the New York Times Wednesday describing its recruitment procedures and how the body intends to operate. “
Læs mere:
“The board will allow Facebook and Instagram users to appeal when they believe that their posts have been removed in error, and upon request will issue advisory opinions to the company on emerging policy questions.”
Casey Newton / The Interface (The Verge)
“‘Jeg tror ikke, at nogen af os ville acceptere denne opgave, hvis det ikke stod meget klart i vedtægterne, at Facebook meget klart har besluttet, at den vil følge vores beslutninger,’ siger Helle Thorning-Schmidt.
‘Det vil selvfølgelig være meget pinligt for Facebook, hvis de ikke lever op til deres del,’ tilføjer hun.
“Why I’m Joining Facebook’s Oversight Board”
Alan Rusbridger / OneZero (Medium)
“Facebook’s new oversight board: Supreme Court or fig leaf?”
Columbia Journalism Review
Facebooks apps bliver nu brugt af mere end 3 mia. mennesker
“In a call with analysts after the close of markets today, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said, ‘For the first time ever, there are now more than 3 billion people actively using Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, or Messenger each month.’ That’s up from 2.99 billion people March 31. Monthly use of the main Facebook app grew 10%, up from 2.38 billion in Q1 2019 to 2.6 billion. Daily active users are also up 11%.”
Facebook giver 16 mio. dollars til 200 US-medier
Facebook Journalism Project:
“$10.3 million being awarded to 144 US local newsrooms as part of the COVID-19 Local News Relief Fund Grant Program. The fund is supporting many publishers who are hardest hit by this crisis: nearly 80 percent of recipients are family- or independently owned and more than half are published by or for communities of color.
$5.4 million being awarded to 59 North American newsrooms that participated in Facebook Local News Accelerator programs focused on subscriptions and memberships.”
Facebook vil forbere annoncørverifikation
Social Media Today:
“Facebook’s Director of Product Management Rob Leathern has provided an overview of where the platform currently stands on advertiser verification, and how it’s looking to improve its systems in order to ensure that more businesses are verified, increasing ad transparency, and system integrity, into the future.”
Facebook sletter udvalgte QAnon-grupper og -sider
The Verge:
“Facebook removed a small cluster of groups and pages promoting the QAnon conspiracy in April, calling it part of a “coordinated inauthentic behavior” campaign around the 2020 US elections. It appears to be one of Facebook’s first announcements about cracking down on QAnon-related content, and it suggests Facebook views at least a few corners of QAnon as deliberate manipulation — not just false information.”
WhatsApp lancerer videochat til 8 personer
Social Media Today:
“After it was previewed by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg late last week, WhatsApp has now officially announced the launch of its new, 8-person, encrypted video chat option, which doubles the capacity of WhatsApp group video calls.”
YouTube, Facebook og Vimeo fjerner ‘Plandemic’-video
The Washington Post:
“The approximately 26-minute video was presented as an extremely long “trailer” for a full-length film titled ‘Plandemic’ and features an extended interview with Judy Mikovits, a well-known figure in the anti-vaccination movement who has made various discredited claims about the effects of vaccines.
A YouTube spokesperson said the company removes ‘content that includes medically unsubstantiated diagnostic advice for covid-19,’ which includes the ‘Plandemic’ video. A representative for Facebook said, ‘Suggesting that wearing a mask can make you sick could lead to imminent harm, so we’re removing the video.'”
Sådan misbruger konspirationsteoretikere YouTube-kulturen
MIT Technology Review:
“When the notorious conspiracy theorist Alex Jones was kicked off YouTube and Facebook in 2018, the lesson was supposed to be that deplatforming works. Without access to his millions of followers on mainstream social media, Jones became an online ghost, diminished and shouting his dangerous unfinished business to a much smaller audience.”
YouTube sletter konspirationsteoretikers kanal
BBC News:
“YouTube has deleted the conspiracy theorist David Icke’s official channel from its platform.
The Google-owned video clip service acted after repeatedly warning Mr Icke that he had violated its policies by posting misleading information about the coronavirus pandemic.”
Twitter og de andre
Twitter overvejer at foreslå en mindre hård tone
“In its latest effort to deal with rampant harassment on its platform, Twitter will look into giving users a second chance before they tweet. In a new feature the company is testing, users who use “harmful” language will see a prompt suggesting that they self-edit before posting a reply.”
Twitter vokser til 166 mio. daglige brugere
Social Media Today:
“First off, on usage – Twitter is now up to 166 million monetizable daily active users, adding 14 million on the previous quarter, which also represents a 24% increase year-over-year.”
Snapchat og Damien Hirst bygger “lens” sammen
Social Media Today:
“Snapchat has launched a new, special edition, Lens, in conjunction with British artist Damien Hirst, which enables users to create their own spin painting, based on a style that Hirst popularized in the mid-nineties.”
Udfordringen i at få en karriere på TikTok
Vice / Motherboard:
“Last year, after a $3 billion infusion of cash from SoftBank, TikTok was valued at $75 billion, the highest of any startup in the world. But unlike other social media apps, such as Instagram and YouTube, TikTok hasn’t developed a profit model for its influencers.
‘Influencers are producing free content for a commercial platform that is making money off them. The platform is extracting the value of their labor,’ said Alice Marwick, a professor of communications at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. ‘As someone putting out content, you might get lots of validation and positive feelings out of it, but that’s true of any work, and people should be compensated for it. There’s an idea that creative labor should be fueled by passion, but in the end, we all need to pay rent and eat.'”
Mere TikTok:
“Can coronavirus — and a new lobbyist — help TikTok repair its reputation in Washington?”
Global Web Index-rapport om sociale medier i 2020
– En af den slags rapporter, der kun koster dig en række data og kontaktoplysninger.
Global Web Index:
“With knowledge that covers users across the world, our social media trends report explores the ways in which social engagement, influencers, and platforms are changing.
Discover the huge trends for consumers across various social media platforms in 2020 – parcelled and ready to use for your brand.”
? Digitale medietendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
Her er de nominerede til Danske Mediers digitale priser
Danske Medier:
“Blandt de 51 indsendte bidrag, har juryen nomineret 15 indstillinger i fire kategorier. De nominerede indstillinger, der konkurrerer om guld, sølv og hædrende omtale er Børsen, Videncentret Bolius, Heartbeats, Danmarks Radio, Teknologiens Mediehus, TV 2 Danmark, Politiken, Jyllands-Posten, Nordjyske, BT og Kristeligt Dagblad.”
Google har fjernet millioner af annoncer om coronavirus
Think with Google:
“We have a dedicated COVID-19 task force that’s been working around the clock. This team has built new detection technology and improved our existing enforcement systems to stop bad actors. These concerted efforts are working. We’ve blocked and removed tens of millions of coronavirus-related ads over the past few months for policy violations including price-gouging, capitalizing on global medical supply shortages, making misleading claims about cures, and promoting illegitimate unemployment benefits.”
Frankrig fjerner “fake news”-website om COVID-19
The Guardian:
“A page called Desinfox – a play on the word desintox (detox) – appeared on the government’s website last week. It claimed to be busting disinformation about coronavirus in the French media.
After the country’s journalists’ union reported the government to the Conseil d’État, the highest administrative court in France, France’s culture minister, Franck Riester, announced that the page would be removed.”
Læs artiklen
Medier griber til nyhedsbreve under krisen
WAN-IFRA blog:
“In response to the coronavirus outbreak, many news organisations have launched a range of new products and services to better inform and engage readers about the pandemic.
According to the survey, more than half of 91 respondents have done so. Newsletters are the most common product, with some 55 percent saying they have launched them, followed by infographics (49 percent), and videos and live blogs (30 percent).”
Hvordan går medier til personalisering?
“As we are investing more and more into news personalisation technology at Twipe, this week we welcomed publishers from 22 countries to a webinar on personalisation and JAMES, Your Digital Butler. Since Reuters first shared at the beginning of the year that the majority of media executives planned to focus on personalisation this year, the topic has only become a more pressing concern in the coronavirus context. The webinar was centered around one of today’s pressing concerns: how can publishers succeed in the age of reader disloyalty?”
Bloomberg tester opsummering via AI
“Bloomberg Media is also testing a new tool called All Caught Up, which uses AI technology to summarize relevant stories at the end of an article page. Readers can flip through the summaries to quickly catch up on the news. It’s currently in beta exclusively on Covid-19 coverage.”
Gratis minikursus: Intro til Machine Learning for journalister
– “Kurset” (8 lektioner, der tilsammen varer 54 minutter) er skabt i et samarbejde mellem JournalismAI, The London School of Economics and Political Science (som JournalismAI er en del af) og belgiske VRT.
Google News Initiative:
“This course will introduce you to the potential of machine learning and help you reflect on how you can use it responsibly to enhance your journalism.”
56% af danskerne betaler for musik-streaming
MediaWatch / Ritzau:
“Den viser, at 56 pct. af danskerne i dag har et betalingsabonnement hos en musikstreamingtjeneste såsom Spotify. Det er en stigning på 22 pct. siden 2018 og den største fremgang i perioden blandt de nordiske lande.
Det betyder også, at Danmark er det land i Norden med flest betalende brugere.”
“Undersøgelse: Hver anden lytter aldrig til kommerciel radio i Danmark”
“Undersøgelse: Flere husstande punger ud til streamingtjenester”
Apple News runder 125 mio. aktive brugere
– Bemærk: Det større, lækre Apple News-produkt har vi desværre ikke adgang til herhjemme i Danmark endnu.
“During the pandemic crisis, active users of Apple’s news platform hit an all-time high.
On an earnings call, Apple CEO Tim Cook shared that Apple News had reached 125 million monthly active users. Cook announced the number after revealing the company’s Q2 performance, which saw its Products revenue decline year-over-year while Services surged.”
Disney+ kommer først til Danmark til september
MediaWatch / Ritzau:
“Nu må danske seere væbne sig med lidt mere tålmodighed, da tjenesten først står til at komme til Danmark i september.
Det skriver det amerikanske medie Cnet, efter at Disney-koncernen tirsdag har offentliggjort regnskab og i den forbindelse fortalt om fremtidens planer.”
Sådan bruger konspirationsteoretikere ‘Wayback Machine’
– Kort fortalt: Wayback Machine gemmer løbende udgave af de websider, den crawler. Det betyder, at man kan genfinde sider, sites og indhold, der ellers er blevet slettet. Det er smart – men nu bruges det af nogle til at omgå moderation.
MIT Technology Review:
“While the original page failed to spread fake news, the version of the page saved on the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine absolutely flourished on Facebook. With 649,000 interactions and 118,000 shares, the Wayback Machine’s link achieved much greater engagement than legitimate press outlets. Facebook has since placed a fact-check label over the link to the Wayback Machine version too, but it had already been seen a huge number of times.”
Eksempler på formidling af coronavirus til børn
Nieman Lab:
“Here’s how 4 news organizations are building new ways to inform (and comfort) kids about coronavirus”
? Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
Mediebranchen efter corona-krisen
“The chattering about a V-shaped recovery, marked by a sharp bounce back to the Old Normal, is now from those still firmly in denial. Most see a long march to recovery marked in terms of years, not months. That reality is weighing on people.”
Nieman Lab:
“The COVID-19 crisis both threatens and promises to reshuffle business and societal thinking about the role of local news in the 2020s. Call it pandemic panic. The crisis has clearly accelerated the known drivers of industry change worldwide. That could well lead to more consolidation of newspapers and more hedge fund and private equity control.”
“During normal times, The Financial Times hosts around 150 events globally per year. By this March however, 60 of those events — all the way until June — had already been delayed until the fall. The FT’s events arm, FT Live, is preparing for possibility it will not hold any in-person events this year.”
NYTimes vokser endnu hurtigere på digitale abonnenter
Nieman Lab:
“Today, we got another piece of data: The New York Times signed up 587,000 net new digital subscribers in Q1 2020, a record. (To put that number in context: It took the Times 18 months to sign up its first 566,000 digital subscribers after the paywall’s launch in 2011. Now it can add more than that in just three.)
Wasn’t it just January that the Times announced it had passed 5 million total subscribers? Well, now it’s passed 6 million.”
“New York Times får rekordmange nye abonnenter – men falder på annoncer”
De er ikke de eneste, der kan gå fremad i krisen:
“Wired UK estimates it will grow revenue by 10% in 2020, having downgraded its forecasts for the coronavirus impact. Unlike many other publishers, the title hasn’t furloughed or laid off staff or rolled out pay cuts.”
Google vil lade medier skaffe abonnementer via YouTube
– Hvis det kommer til at fungere på samme måde som “Subscribe with Google”, vil Google også dele abonnenternes navne og e-mailadresser med medierne, hvilket vil være et must for at få det til at lykkes.
“YouTube is developing a tool for news publishers to sell subscriptions to their owned-and-operated digital properties through their YouTube channels, according to publishers that have been briefed on the matter. YouTube has told publishers as recently as April that it plans to begin testing the subscription sales tool by the end of this year. A YouTube spokesperson declined to comment.”
Google svarer på australsk krav om deling af indtægter
The Guardian:
“Google search is the internet-age equivalent of a newspaper poster in a newsagent’s window, and publishers benefit by getting billions of visitors to their websites free of charge, Google Australia has said.
The local arm of Google was responding to the government’s assertion that Australian news content is “lucrative for the tech titans”, and Google and Facebook should be paying publishers millions of dollars annually for using it.”
“Why Australia Is Making Facebook and Google Pay the Media”
OneZero / Will Oremus
De annoncefinansierede mediers corona-dilemma
– Der har været masser af trafik i coronavirus, COVID-19 og den efterfølgende krise, men pengene følger ikke rigtig med.
“Advertisers had begun to put terms including “coronavirus” and “covid-19” onto their keyword block lists, so the revenue team was recommending that editors at Leaf’s brands refrain from including the words in stories unless the editors felt it was necessary. “
Mere du kan læse:
“With coronavirus content drawing fewer viewers, publishers shift to video back to usual programming topics“
“Digiday Research: 40% of advertisers won’t advertise near coronavirus-related content”
“How the world’s biggest advertisers are spending (or not)”
…og to fra mig på Medieblogger:
- Coronavirus: Derfor er det svært at tjene penge på annoncer
- Annoncer og coronavirus: It’s complicated
UK: Kun halvdelen af “ad spend” når frem til medierne
Financial Times:
“Publishers receive just half the money spent on their digital ads by premium brands such as Unilever and Nestlé, according to research which lays bare the fees taken by adtech companies and untraceable middlemen.
The two-year study by PwC, prompted by the deep concerns of publishers and advertisers, is the first end-to-end look at the inner workings of a market worth £2bn in the UK and about £100bn worldwide. “
Medier forsøger at sikre sig mod adtech-firmaer i problemer
“In publishing, that means publishers fear ad tech vendors defaulting on payments and fearing another high-profile demand-side platform bankruptcy like Sizmek. Publishers are giving health checks to their vendors, using data like the change in how many sites supply vendors are selling across, the percentage of failed bids and more general customer service, and eliminating those who come up short as potential risks.”
Læs også:
“Publishers pull ad inventory from programmatic markets to protect ad prices”
Schibsted skal spare en halv mia. i Norge og Sverige
“Aftonbladets intäkter minskade med 58 miljoner kronor under första kvartalet 2020 – och nu vill ledningen göra en omfattande översyn av kostnadsstrukturen på tidningen. Totalt vill Schibsteds ledning spara en halv miljard kronor på tidningarna i Norge och Sverige.”
? Udvikling, design og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
Overblik over de mange corona-apps
“Version2 giver en status på de forskellige digitale værktøjer, der udvikles til smittesporing under corona-epidemien.”
“England’s Silicon Valley surrender”
Casey Newton / The Interface (The Verge)
Sådan genopfandt Apple markøren til iPad
“Then, a few weeks ago, Apple dropped a new kind of pointer — a hybrid between these two worlds of pixels and pushes. The iPad’s cursor, I think, deserves closer examination. It’s a seminal bit of remixing from one of the most closely watched idea factories on the planet.
In order to dive a bit deeper on the brand new cursor and its interaction models, I spoke to Apple SVP Craig Federighi about its development and some of the choices by the teams at Apple that made it. First, let’s talk about some of the things that make the cursor so different from what came before…and yet strangely familiar.”
Zoom køber sikkerhedsfirma
– I den seneste tid har Zoom fået rigeligt med kritik for bl.a. sikkerheden. Det forsøger de at ændre på.
“Keybase, which has been building encryption products for several years including secure file sharing and collaboration tools, should give Zoom some security credibility as it goes through pandemic demand growing pains.”
Ny Firefox forbedrer Zoom-integration
“Firefox 76 adds support for Audio Worklets, which run custom JavaScript audio processing code for applications like VR and gaming on the web. Unlike their predecessor, ScriptProcessorNode
, worklets run off the main thread in a similar way to web workers. Mozilla also notes Audio Worklets are “being adopted by some of your favorite software programs.” The company specifically called out Zoom, which has become a phenomenon of its own during the pandemic. In short, you now join Zoom calls in Firefox without having to download or install the Zoom client.”
Mere Firefox:
“Firefox-feature vil gøre det nemmere at holde annoncører og spam for døren”
“Emotion detection”: Teknologien er ikke klar
“However, for emotion data to be useful, it needs to be accurate. And unfortunately, we are a long way from being able to get an accurate read of human emotion using algorithms, whether it’s in my field of specialization, text, or in emergent and increasingly controversial categories like video and image recognition.”