Opsamling: Uge 20 (2020)

Her har du Danmarks mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
Digital Ugerevy udgives af Lars K Jensen, der rådgiver, udvikler og arbejder med digitale medier og udvikling.

? Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
Facebook køber GIPHY

“Facebook will acquire Giphy, the web-based animated gif search engine and platform provider, Facebook confirmed today, in a deal worth around $400 million, according to a report by Axios. Facebook said it isn’t disclosing terms of the deal. Giphy has grown to be a central source for shareable, high-engagement content, and its animated response gifs are available across Facebook’s platforms, as well as through other social apps and services on the web.”
50 mio. opdateringer med corona-misinformation i april
NBC News:
“Facebook put misinformation warning labels on about 50 million pieces of content related to COVID-19 during the month of April, the company announced Tuesday.
The social networking site attaches these warnings to posts sharing articles that have been reviewed by the company’s independent fact-checking partners. The company said that the warnings greatly reduce the number of people who view the original content.”
– Facebooks AI er dog udfordret af misinformation om COVID-19 og coronavirus, men det er den ikke alene om:
“The challenge reveals the limitations of AI-based content moderation. Such systems can detect content similar to what they’ve seen before, but they founder when new kinds of misinformation appear. In recent years, Facebook has invested heavily in developing AI systems that can adapt more quickly, but the problem is not just the company’s: it remains one of the biggest research challenges in the field.”
“Facebooks rapporterer om forbedring af “hate speech” algoritmer”
“Facebook is using more AI to detect hate speech”
Facebook betaler millioner til moderatorer med PTSD
The Verge:
“In a landmark acknowledgment of the toll that content moderation takes on its workforce, Facebook has agreed to pay $52 million to current and former moderators to compensate them for mental health issues developed on the job. In a preliminary settlement filed on Friday in San Mateo Superior Court, the social network agreed to pay damages to American moderators and provide more counseling to them while they work.”
“Facebook settles with its moderators”
Casey Newton / The Interface (The Verge)
Hvad sker der med Facebook News?
“Six months after a glitzy launch announcement, Facebook News is still not available to all U.S. users as a tab, and has only been available to all U.S. users in the bookmark section of the app since April. A Facebook spokesperson said that “millions” of people use the News tab today, but would not be more specific. And sources at seven different publishers in the tab say that there is not much to get excited about yet as Facebook continues to tinker with the product.”
Facebook arbejder på hemmelig lobbygruppe
– Afsløringen kommer ugen efter, Facebook annoncerede medlemmerne af deres tilsynsråd, hvor der blandt andet blev plads til Helle Thorning-Schmidt som “co-chair”.
The Washington Post:
“Facebook is working behind the scenes to help launch a new political advocacy group that would combat U.S. lawmakers and regulators trying to rein in the tech industry, escalating Silicon Valley’s war with Washington at a moment when government officials are threatening to break up large companies.”
“The company’s new review board is designed to move slowly and keep things intact.”
Thorning-Schmidt om ny rolle i Facebook-råd: “Vi har ingen hensyn at tage”
Messenger Rooms kommer også til grupper og events
Social Media Today:
“While it’s still in the process of rolling out its new Messenger Rooms group video chat feature to all users, Facebook has today announced that Messenger Rooms will also be available within groups and events, providing another engagement option within smaller audience subsets.”
Facebook lancerer nyt facebook.com
About Facebook:
“So we did on-the-ground research, spending months talking to people about how we could make the web experience better for them. Now we’re excited to deliver the new site, a great new foundation for the next decades of Facebook.com.”
Nye værktøjer til SMV’er på Facebook og Instagram
Social Media Today:
“Facebook has unveiled a new set of features to support SMBs impacted by COVID-19, including a ‘Support Small Business’ sticker for Instagram and an update to Messenger to help streamline direct response.”
“Helping People and Businesses Find Their Online ‘Main Street'”
Facebook for Business
Nu kan du dele din Instagram Live til IGTV
Social Media Today:
“Instagram has been rolling this option out over the last few weeks, but today, it’s officially announced that all users can now save the video of their Instagram Live broadcast to IGTV, and keep it available for viewing for as long as they choose.”
Det bliver lettere at slette kommentarer på Instagram
– Den nye slettefunktion er en del af en række nye funktioner, Instagram er i gang med at teste.
The Verge:
“Instagram is launching and testing multiple new features starting today that are aimed at making the platform a more positive space. The company says it’s rolling out the ability to delete up to 25 comments at once and also block or restrict multiple accounts at the same time. The company says it’s been testing these features and found that they especially helped people with larger followings maintain a “positive environment.””
Instagram tester ny Stories-visning
Social Media Today:
“Reverse engineering expert Jane Manchun Wong posted this example of one of the new tests in action, which would enable users to side the main Stories frame down to reveal the Stories tray at the top of the screen, then switch through to each.”
Pitchfork streamer på Instagram og YouTube
“On Tuesday, the Condé Nast-owned publisher plans to announce the launch of “Listening Club,” a twice-monthly streaming video series featuring artists playing tracks from a just-released album and discussing them with listeners. Episodes will stream across Pitchfork’s website as well as its YouTube and Instagram accounts. The first installment, featuring Perfume Genius, will debut Friday, May 15.”
De andre
YouTube lancerer indsigter i brugernes aktivitet
Social Media Today:
“As you can see here, the new chart, available in YouTube Studio analytics, displays when your audience is most active on the platform, which can help in your planning.”
Snapchat vil støtte dem, der lider under vold i hjemmet
“Snapchat is partnering with the National Network to End Domestic Violence to include more resources for users dealing with domestic violence as well as those who want to support a friend who is in such a situation. The resources, part of Snapchat’s broader Here For You initiative, will also be available in subtitles for those who don’t feel comfortable or safe viewing content with the sound on.”
Nu bliver tweets med tvivlsom COVID-19-information markeret
“The company said that depending on the propensity for harm and type of misleading information in the tweet, warnings may also be added to say the tweet conflicts with guidance from public health experts before a user views it.”
Twitter tæller nu alle retweets – i iOS-app’en
Social Media Today:
“From now on, your retweet count will include both basic retweets AND retweets with comments, and you’ll also be able to see which is which in a new listing within the tweet detail.”
LinkedIn lancerer afstemninger og virtuelle events
“Today, LinkedIn announced a couple of big new feature updates that point to how it’s trying to play a part in both of these: it’s launching a new Polls feature for users to canvas opinions and get feedback; and it’s launching a new “LinkedIn Virtual Events” tool that lets people create and broadcast video events via its platform.”
Det flyder med konspirationsteorier på TikTok
Rolling Stone:
“Some of the most popular videos exist at the nexus of anti-vaccine and anti-government conspiracy theorist content, thanks in part to the heightened presence of Qanon accounts on the platform. One video with more than 457,000 views and 16,000 likes posits that Microsoft’s founding partnership in digital ID program ID2020 Alliance is targeted at the ultimate goal of “combining mandatory vaccines with implantable microchips,” with the hashtags #fvaccines and #billgates.”
“Get Ready for a Vaccine Information War”
The New York Times
? Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
Journalisten tester billige freelancer-platforme
“Freelancere i Asien, Østeuropa og Sydamerika sidder klar til at producere grafik, tekst og marketing for en brøkdel af danske priser. De er få klik væk på internationale freelanceplatforme som Upwork, Freelancer og Fiverr. Og tendensen har bidt sig fast, internationalt.”
Google tester tredjeparts-cookiens afløser
“Google is ready to test some of its recently announced “Privacy Sandbox” proposals with other exchanges and demand-side platforms to see how its plans to replace third-party cookies with less data-invasive solutions will actually work within advertising auctions.”
Apple overvejer lydudgaver af indhold på Apple News+
“Over the past several months, Apple has been asking the publishers participating in its year-old premium program for permission to produce audio versions of the stories distributed there, according to sources at four different publishers that have heard the pitch. “
Civil forsøgte men kunne ikke redde journalistikken
Study Hall / Patreon:
“Civil was introduced in 2017 as an innovative force that would similarly use crypto to save journalism. […] With its blockchain-enabled CMS and custom currency — the CVL token, built on the Ethereum blockchain — Civil promised to rescue the ailing industry from the clutches of Facebook and Google by facilitating crowd-supported newsrooms, placing power in the hands of actual journalists. […]
Civil indeed helped launch a handful of publications, but it fell short on its promise to solve the media industry’s problems by finding a viable, alternative funding model. This might be because Civil’s mission was always more about investigating the viability of cryptocurrency.”
“Nyhedstræthed” vokser under COVID-19
Thomas Bækdal:
“There are many reasons for this. Some people do it to protect their mental health, because this crisis is making a lot of people very anxious. Something that we in the media industry are no stranger to. Many media people that I follow have certainly expressed feeling this way, and I too have felt I needed days to disconnect entirely.
But another element is the media itself and how we cover this crisis (and other events where we see similar patterns). There are two things in particular that we need to look at, which Ofcom is also measuring.”
Hvordan endte ‘Plandemic’ med at gå viralt?
– I sidste uge blev konspirationsteorivideoen (langt ord) fjernet fra Facebook, YouTube og Vimeo.
Casey Newton / The Interface (The Verge):
“In February, a set of bizarre and almost incomprehensible theories began to spread on YouTube and Facebook alleging that 5G cellular networks had played a role in spreading the virus. And last week, we saw the emergence of the first true hit conspiracy video of the COVID-19 era. It’s called “Plandemic,” and like many conspiracy videos it asserts that a shadowy cabal of elites is using a global crisis as a cover to profiteer and entrench their power.”
“The many coronavirus conspiracy theories”
Columbia Journalism Review
Når Google forveksler dig med en kendt
“When WIRED published that story about MacKenzie, embedded in the article page was my email address and a phone number. It was intended for readers to share feedback or send tips—a common practice among journalists and writers. Since MacKenzie’s name was in the article, Google began pulling the paragraph with my information as though it was hers. If you searched for ‘MacKenzie Bezos phone number,’ ‘MacKenzie Bezos contact,’ or something similar on Google, my email address and phone number were likely to show up at the top of the results, prominently displayed in a standalone box the company calls a ‘featured snippet.'”
Bookshop vil udfordre Amazon
Nieman Lab:
“If a publication refers a sale to Bookshop, the site will kick back 10 percent of the book’s price. That’s more than twice the going rate — 4.5 percent for physical books — through Amazon’s affiliate program.”
? Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
Ni medier får innovationsstøtte
“Ni medier er netop blevet tildelt støtte fra Innovationspuljen, en statslig pulje til medieudvikling og etablering af nye medier.”
Du kan også se listen i denne PDF fra Slots- og Kulturstyrelsen:

Lidt mere om hvad pengene går til:
“Freeway vil bygge iværksættermedie på Avisen.dk med inspiration fra ‘Løvens Hule'”
“Løvinden og dating-kongen laver avis for iværksættere”
“Nyt borgerligt, klassisk liberalt medie er i støbeskeen”
“Mediestøtte-topscorer sidder på pengetank på 50 mio. kr. til medieiværksætteri”
Danske Medier kritiserer lovforslag om markedsføring af kviklån
– Høringssvaret er på 4 sider, men jeg har valgt at citere den del, der handler om programmatisk annoncering, som vil være et af de store benspænd for det, der foreslås. (Bemærk: Høringssvaret blev sendt 21. februar, men Danske Medier delte det i denne uge i deres nyhedsbrev.)
Danske Mediers høringssvar (PDF):
“Danske Medier skal i den forbindelse henvise til, at der med lovforslaget lægges op til, at det er den enkelte forbrugslånsvirksomhed, der har ansvaret for at sikre sig, at der ikke købes reklametid eller sker anden markedsføring i forbindelse med markedsføring af spil eller spiludbydere.
Dette er dog ikke så enkelt som det lyder, og lovbemærkningerne synes at afspejle en manglende indsigt i det tekniske set-up i såvel programmatic samt ved online reklame booking direkte hos mediet, der ikke gør det muligt for annoncørerne at få indblik i sammenhængen med andre reklamer, sponsorater m.v.
Forslaget vil derfor i praksis vælte hele ansvaret over på medieplatformene, der vil skulle anvende et uforholdsmæssigt ressourceforbrug i et forsøg på at undgå overtrædelser af markedsføringsforbuddet.”
Stigningen i nye abonnenter tager af
“News publishers experienced their subscriptions peak during mid-March, according to subscription platform Piano’s customers, coinciding when most companies mandated remote working. Two months later, the curve in new subscribers is flattening, although weekly growth is still higher than it was pre-coronavirus.”
Hvordan ser markedet ud for lokalmedier?
Medietrends / Patrick Arendal Fahlström:
“Fra generationsskifte til store konsolideringer. Der er fuld gang i markedet for lokaljournalistik. Men det hele er ikke bare opkøb, lukning eller sammenlægning af ugeaviser. Der er også tale om et platformsskift og digitale muligheder, som gribes af nye spillere.”
“Herning Folkeblad vil nå nye abonnenter med ny digital søndagsavis”
Hvordan klarer de store medier sig igennem krisen?
“Digiday has analyzed the public statements and quarterly earnings reports and calls from a number of the world’s largest global media companies to assess how they’re faring through this crisis.”
Google og Facebook poster store penge i at hjælpe medier
“Over the next few months, Google and Facebook will, combined, spend close to a quarter billion dollars supporting local news, through a combination of emergency relief grants, extra marketing dollars earmarked for ads on publishers’ sites, and the waiving of fees Google normally collects from its ad server. Google said it expects its relief funds will reach at least 4,000 different publishers. Facebook has already dispersed $16 million across 200 different newsrooms. “
Tips til at køre et nichemedie
Above Avalon:
“While membership-supported websites have grown in popularity over the past five years, Above Avalon remains on the forefront of testing just how niche a site can be and still thrive. By focusing on Apple and its ecosystem, Above Avalon is an example of how sustainability can be reached by dedicating all resources to covering one topic (company).”
Størstedelen af Politicos forretning er langsigtede abonnementer
“But he does believe Politico remains in a relatively strong position. ‘More than half our business is long-term, premium subscription contracts,’ says [editor-in-chief of Politico, Matthew] Kaminski. ‘That gives you a lot of stability. And you can plan ahead much more easily than [with] advertising, which as you know can go up and down very easily.'”
Zetland får ny direktør
– Den nye direktør er den tidligere digitale chef, Tav Klitgaard.
“Jakob Moll beholder sin ejerandel i Zetland, men skal tilbringe den kommende tid på et universitet i udlandet. Her har han fået mulighed for at fordybe sig i mediers forretningsmodeller.”
Forsøgte theSkimm at vokse for hurtigt?
– theSkimm (der startede som et dagligt nyhedsbrev målrettet kvindelige millennials) måtte tidligere på måneden fyre 30 medarbejdere, svarende til 20% af staben. Tilbage i november meldte de ud, at de ledte efter en køber.
Simon Owens:
“Does this mean that news consumers have lost interest in what theSkimm has to offer or that it no longer puts out a good product? Not exactly. Instead, I think these recent developments suggest that the outlet fell victim to the same mistakes made by companies like Mashable and Mic; namely, it took on too much VC money too early, which caused it to expand outside its core business just so it could justify its lofty valuations.”
? Udvikling, design og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
Chrome vil blokere ressourcekrævende annoncer fra august
“Examples include ads that mine cryptocurrency, are poorly programmed, or are unoptimized for network usage. Chrome will block these ads because they ‘drain battery life, saturate already strained networks, and cost money.'”
Apple køber VR-firma
“The acquisition may help Apple’s development of VR and AR headsets with accompanying software and content. NextVR supplies content to several existing VR headsets, including Facebook Inc.’s Oculus and devices from Sony Corp., HTC Corp. and Lenovo.”
Nu bliver det lettere at organisere fanerne i Chrome
– Du kan selvfølgelig også overveje at lukke nogle af de mange faner, men… 😉
“Google Chrome is rolling out a new feature to help you better manage all your open tabs. The company announced today the launch of “tab groups” for the beta version of its web browser, which will allow you to organize, label and even color-code your tabs for easy access. The feature will make its way to the stable release of Chrome starting next week.”
Sårbarhed i Googles ‘Site Kit’-plugin til WordPress
“Sårbarheden kan udnyttes til ‘black hat’-markedsføring for at manipulere med søgemaskineresultater, injicere ondsindet kode, fjerne sider fra Googles søgemaskine og andet.”
Spotify lancerer funktion til “gruppelytning”
“Spotify is introducing a new feature, Group Session, that will allow two or more of its Premium users in the same space to share control over the music being played. Essentially a “party mode” of sorts, Group Session participants can control what’s playing in real time as well as contribute to a collaborative playlist for the group.
The company notes that the feature can be used among quarantine-mates and families — groups that are now spending long hours at home together, where they now work, play, cook, dance and more with Spotify running in the background.”
“Spotify vil forsøge sig med dramaproduktioner”
Slack-communities til designere
Hvis du er en designer, der savner at være i et community med andre, eller inspiration, kan du tage et kig på designerslack.community.
Vores opførsel under pandemien forvirrer AI’erne
MIT Technology Review:
“[…] also affected artificial intelligence, causing hiccups for the algorithms that run behind the scenes in inventory management, fraud detection, marketing, and more. Machine-learning models trained on normal human behavior are now finding that normal has changed, and some are no longer working as they should.
How bad the situation is depends on whom you talk to. According to Pactera Edge, a global AI consultancy, “automation is in tailspin.” Others say they are keeping a cautious eye on automated systems that are just about holding up, stepping in with a manual correction when needed.”
Tidligere chef for Google AI kommer med i Twitters bestyrelse
Business Insider:
“Li left Google after coming under fire for her role in the company’s military contracts, which sparked employee revolts and eventually led the company to abandon the project.”