Opsamling: Uge 21 (2020)

Her har du Danmarks mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
Digital Ugerevy udgives af Lars K Jensen, der rådgiver, udvikler og arbejder med digitale medier og udvikling.

? Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
Sådan vil Zuckerberg få os til at shoppe på Facebook og Instagram
“The big new feature for online merchants is called Facebook Shops. These customizable online storefronts, which live on a Facebook page or Instagram profile, allow people to browse and purchase items without leaving the apps. Zuckerberg also said that in the coming months Instagram would be adding a dedicated shopping tab to the app’s main navigation bar, which would make it more obvious to Instagram users that they can do more than swipe and “Like” on the app.”
“Facebook Shops present both opportunity and questions to DTC brands”
“Facebook går til angreb på Amazon”
Sådan bruger Facebook AI til at gøre Messenger sikrere for børn
“We designed this safety feature to work with full encryption […] People should be able to communicate securely and privately with friends and loved ones without anyone listening to or monitoring their conversations. As Messenger becomes end-to-end encrypted by default, we will continue to build innovative features that deliver on safety while leading on privacy. These safety notices will help people avoid potentially harmful interactions and possible scams while empowering them with the information and controls needed to keep their chats private, safe, and secure.”
“Facebook introduces new Messenger safeguard aimed at combating scams and fake friends”
Afstemninger vender tilbage til Messenger
Social Media Today:
“They weren’t gone for long, but their absence prompted a signficant enough backlash that Facebook has today announcedthat polls for Messenger are once again back in play within your chat streams.”
Derfor købte Facebook GIPHY
Casey Newton / The Interface (The Verge):
“The stated reason for acquiring Giphy, as expressed in this blog post from Instagram’s head of product announcing the deal, is twofold. One, Facebook can now build tighter integrations between the products to enhance stickers, stories, and other products. And two, it can make further investments in Giphy’s technology and content library to benefit all the companies that rely on Giphy for GIF supply. “
“Facebook promised not to shut down Giphy’s third-party integrations. Obviously. But how Giphy’s many partners react to the product’s new corporate parent will speak volumes about how the rest of the tech world views Facebook right now.”
Facebook vil lade folk arbejde hjemmefra – permanent
The Verge:
“In a move that illustrates how swiftly the COVID-19 pandemic is reshaping the global economy, Facebook said today that it would eventually begin allowing most of its employees to request a permanent change in their jobs to let them work remotely. The company will begin today by making most of its US job openings eligible for remote hires and begin taking applications for permanent remote work among its workforce later this year.”
“Mark Zuckerberg on taking his massive workforce remote”
The Verge
“Office work will never be the same”
“Facebook Announces New Collaboration Tools for Workplace, Including First Steps into VR Offices”
Social Media Today
Canada klar med millionbøde til Facebook
– Beløbet svarer cirka til 44 millioner danske kroner.
“The C$9m ($6.5m; £5.3m) fine is part of a settlement over the company’s handling of users’ personal information between August 2012 and June 2018.
Canada’s independent Competition Bureau said the tech firm improperly shared data with third-party developers.”
Facebook forsøger at afklare reglerne for musik i videoer
Social Media Today:
“To avoid this, Facebook has outlined four guidelines for permissible music use, covering both Facebook and Instagram.”
Radio Loud drukner i falske følgere på Instagram
“De mange tavse, falske følgere liker og deler ingenting, og samtidig når Radio Louds opslag ud til færre af de rigtige følgere. Så samlet set falder interaktionerne.
At købe falske følgere til Radio Loud er altså rendyrket sabotage og næppe venlig ment.”
“Radio Loud har endnu en uge med 0 lyttere: ‘Det lader til, at de ikke har forstået deres målgruppe'”
Instagram lancerer ‘Guides’-feature
The Verge:
“Instagram is launching a new Guides feature today that lets creators curate content together in a single location, with the first ones set to focus on wellness content in light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.”
Twitter tester begrænsning af svar
The Verge:
“Twitter is testing a way to let you limit how many people can reply to your tweets. If you’re part of the test, when you compose a tweet, you’ll be able to select if you’ll allow replies from everyone, people you follow, or only people you @ mention. Twitter said in January that this feature would be coming to the platform sometime this year. “
De er ikke uden humor…
Twitter kritiserer studier af Twitter-bots
Twitter Blog:
“There are also many commercial services that purport to offer insights on bots and their activity online, and frequently their focus is entirely on Twitter due to the free data we provide through our public APIs. Unfortunately, this research is rarely peer-reviewed and often does not hold up to scrutiny, further confusing the public’s understanding of what’s really happening.”
Kina går i offensiven på Twitter
NBC News:
“China has launched a Twitter offensive in the COVID-19 information war, more than doubling its number of official government tweets since January and in recent days using the platform to spread a conspiracy theory that the virus came from a U.S. government lab.”
Et par designopdateringer fra Twitter
Social Media Today:
“As you may recall, last year, Twitter rolled out an updated Twitter Camera, which included a new way to add colorful caption panels to images captured through the native camera option, while those images also appeared larger in timelines.
Yeah, nah, that’s not working for Twitter anymore.”
Social Media Today:
“Today, on the Twitter Developer Forums, Twitter has announced a change to the way tweet embeds will be displayed on websites, which could cause some presentation impacts.”
De andre
Sletter YouTube automatisk Kina-kritiske kommentarer?
– Bemærk: Artiklen citerer et medie, der er ejet af Falun Gung-bevægelsen, og citerer en anden avis, der også er ejet af Falun Gong, og menneskerettighedsaktivisten, der bliver nævnt i artiklen, er en af de mere prominente medlemmer af Falun Gong. Det er ikke, det samme som, at det ikke passer, men lad os bare sige, at kilden til historien ikke er upartisk.
“YouTube sletter automatisk kommentarer, som gør brug af sætninger og ord, der typisk bruges til at kritisere landets kommunistparti. Kommentarerne slettes efter få sekunder, og det tyder derfor på, at de opfanges af YouTubes algoritme.
Det skriver det amerikanske medie NTD.“
Sådan bruger annoncører TikTok under krisen
“The challenge format, whereby TikTok users will make videos attempting to do the same thing, lends itself to user-generated content which is highly coveted by advertisers now. Indeed, Procter & Gamble’s Distance Dance sponsored challenge with dancer Charlie D’amelio on TikTok last month has generated over 14 billion views since it launched last month. That’s on the back of ad format that costs $150,000.”
“TikTok to present at IAB NewFronts for 1st time”
Mobile Marketer
“How TikTok ranks ads”
? Digitale medietendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
Joe Rogan skifter til Spotify
“Spotify hasn’t released terms of the deal, but it would be reasonable to assume that it’s at least in the ballpark of what Spotify paid to acquire Bill Simmons’s The Ringer earlier this year: That deal cost Spotify around $190 million, plus another $50 million or so in employment contracts. The Wall Street Journal pegs the price at $100 million but also suggests it could be more.”
“By securing Joe Rogan’s insanely popular show, Spotify gets closer to complete domination of the podcast space”
“The show will become available on Spotify globally starting on September 1st, and it’ll become an exclusive sometime after that point. Listeners won’t have to pay to access the episodes, but they will have to become Spotify users.”
“The podcasting world is now Spotify versus everybody else”
The Verge
“Why Spotify is trying to fuse video and podcasts”
Simon Owens
“Did Joe Rogan make a huge mistake accepting his Spotify deal?”
Simon Owens
Gyldendal indgår samarbejde med Amazon
“Den Amazon-ejede webshop The Book Depository skal have flere Gyldendal-bøger på hylderne. Endnu et dansk forlag forhandler med online-boghandleren.”
“Der er udsigt til hårdere konkurrence end nogensinde om de danske bogkøbere, lyder meldingen fra Boghandlerforeningens adm. direktør, Bo Dybkjær, i et inteview med Børsen.”
Videnskab.dk klar med YouTube-kanal om klima
“Youtube-serien skal ifølge Videnskab.dk gøre det lettere for unge at gennemskue, hvad der er op og ned i klimadebatten, og samtidig guide unge til, hvordan de kan leve et grønnere liv.”
Podimo-medstifter om udbetaling: “Vi er ekstremt tidligt på rejsen”
“Man bliver ikke rig af at have sine podcast på Podimo. Det siger Rikke Collin, som med tre podcasts på platformen kun tjener småpenge. ‘Vi er ekstremt tidligt på rejsen,’ siger Podimo-medstifter.”
Ny podcast til de 1-10-årige
“Børn skal have mere at lytte til som alternativ til tv- og videoindhold på Youtube eller DR Ramasjang. Det er tanken bag podcastmediet Konfetti Fabrikken, der er gået i luften 1. maj, og som producent og journalist Mattias Hundebøll står bag.”
– Det nye medie hedder ‘Konfetti Fabrikken’, og du kan finde ud af mere på konfettifabrikken.dk.
COVID-19 har lukket 25 lokalmedier i USA. Indtil videre.
“Now, small newsrooms around the country, often more than 100 years old, often the only news source in those places, are closing under the weight of the coronavirus. Some report they’re merging with nearby publications. But that “merger” means the end of news dedicated to those communities, the evaporation of institutional knowledge and the loss of local jobs.”
Forbrugerrådet vil have GDPR ændret
“Der er fortsat store problemer med GDPR, mener Forbrugerrådet Tænk forud for den store evaluering af GDPR-reglerne, som regeringen har sat gang i. “Der bliver indhentet samtykker, som ikke er gyldige, fordi det er uklart, hvad vi siger ja til,” siger chefjurist Anette Høyrup.”
De første tal fra Luminary er ikke imponerende
“Luminary’s hard numbers. We finally have some concrete numbers on the paid podcast platform’s performance, courtesy of Bloomberg, and they aren’t pretty. Last Tuesday, Bloomberg reported that, before the pandemic, Luminary was spending more than $4 million per month but generating under $500,000 per month in revenue, off what sources say is only about 80,000 paying subscribers.”
Apple arbejder på serie om Gawker Media til TV+
– Gawker bukkede under efter en retssag mod wrestleren Hulk Hogan, hvis “sex tape”, Gawker havde offentliggjort et uddrag af, hvilket fik ham til at lægge sag an med hjælp fra milliardæren Peter Thiel (medstifter af PayPal). Læs mere på Wikipedia: Bollea v. Gawker
Vanity Fair:
“The show was conceived and pitched by two former Gawker staffers, Max Read and Cord Jefferson, who have been working on scripts for the past couple of months with a writers room that apparently includes some other Gawker alumni. Read was Gawker’s editor in chief at one point, but stepped down in 2015 amid a controversy related to a post about an executive at Condé Nast (which owns Vanity Fair). He then landed at New York magazine, but resigned recently to concentrate on the show. Jefferson is a former Gawker writer and editor who went on to work in TV, where he has racked up credits on shows including Watchmen, Succession, and Master of None.“
“Apple TV Plus is still looking for its big win”
The Verge
? Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
The New York Times udfaser tredjeparts annonce-data i 2021
““This can only work because we have 6 million subscribers and millions more registered users that we can identify and because we have a breadth of content,” says Allison Murphy, Senior Vice President of Ad Innovation.”
Information har du flest digitale abonnenter
“Ved tirsdagens generalforsamling for Information A/S kunne chefredaktøren for første gang nogensinde fortælle, at over halvdelen af avisens abonnenter nu er digitale. Samtidig kunne den administrerende direktør berette om stigende oplagstal og stabile eller voksende indtægter.”
Norsk koncern tilbyder ét abonnement til mange medier
“Digitale mediebrugere har længe efterlyst abonnementer, der giver adgang til mere end et medie. Nu kan de norske nyhedsbrugere glæde sig over, at mediekoncernen Amedia fra i dag giver adgang til alle koncernens 70 medier for prisen for et enkelt abonnement.”
The Washington Post gentænker forretningen under krisen
The Drum:
“Notably off the table right now are conversations about “short-term ROI” – that will come into play later. “They are coming to the Post to better understand consumer sentiment, and what those consumers are reading more of or less of as the weeks go by as the news environment changes rapidly. We’re able to use our insights and technology to help them navigate the way they communicate with readers.””
Sådan bruger The Atlantic data til at forbedre markedsføringen
What’s New In Publishing:
“‘We chose to do it by cohorts and segments, rather than by individual subscribers with thousands of different price points,’ said [Sam Rosen, The Atlantic’s SVP of Growth], explaining that the small team and technology meant that data-driven pricing needed to be kept relatively simple. ‘We simplified it, and we looked at tiers of individuals; what they’re paying, how long they’ve been with us, and whether they’re on auto renew or not.'”
De nye abonnenter i krisen er ikke nye brugere
– Ja, det er måske en lidt kringlet overskrift, men pointen er, at det især er blandt de brugere, der i forvejen var de mest aktive på de respektive medier, vi skal finde dem, der har købt abonnement under coronavirus-/COVID-19-krisen, det såkaldte “corona bump”.
“But when we look closer, said Piechota, it is not the new readers who are driving the subscriptions growth related to coronavirus news. Data by Deep.BI shows that it is the most engaged readers and longtime website users who are fuelling the bump.
According to the same data, new readers require more time to engage with a website before taking out subscriptions. So if your organisations relies on subscriptions for revenue, it pays off to engage your future audience early on. One way to do that is to offer free subscription to students, like The New York Times.”
Medier fremhæver positive historier for at få annoncørerne tilbage
“In trying to sell ads against their coronavirus coverage, news publishers have gone through a Kubler Ross-esque progression. First, they got angry that there was zero appetite for direct sponsorship of news; next, they tried to minimize the presence of words like coronavirus in their stories. Now they are trying to focus on the positive, highlighting packages of stories of civic, economic and public recovery, and they appear to be having some success.”
““The news currently makes me feel incredibly stressed”: After initial surges in attention to pandemic news, UK readers have started avoiding the news altogether”
“Mini-boom” i tilmeldinger til nyhedsbreve om coronavirus
– I sidste uge kunne The Washington Post desuden fortælle, at deres nyhedsbrev om coronavirus på to måneder er blevet det mest populære blandt de mere end 60 nyhedsbreve, de udsender.
“While the effects of the virus are likely to linger for several months longer, these publishers eventually will have to figure out how to hang on to the audiences they’ve gathered with these newsletters.”
Netflix vil opsige inaktive abonnenter
“Netflix said Thursday it will ask customers who have not watched anything on the on-demand video streaming service in a year or more if they wish to maintain their subscription — and will cancel their membership if it does not hear back.”
Google støtter Sønderborgnyt
“Googles corona-hjælpeprogram “Journalism Emergency Relief Fund” har stillet det danske onlinemedie Sønderborgnyten udbetaling på ca. 35.000 kr. i udsigt. Det oplyser mediet i en pressemeddelelse.”
I USA bliver lokale annoncører mere afhængige af Facebook og Google
“‘Spending money on Google and Facebook is the modern day equivalent of advertising on the Yellow Pages. You set it and forget it,’ said Brian Wieser, global president of business intelligence at GroupM.
That’s good news for Google and Facebook, considering the small and local businesses represent ‘probably 65% to 75% of search and social media spend,’ said Vincent Letang, evp of global market intelligence at Magna. But it’s bad news for the local TV stations, radio stations and publishers that have already seen their businesses decline as local merchants have shifted their ad dollars online.”
? Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
Google gør klar til antitrust-sag
Casey Newton / The Interface (The Verge):
“The potential action against Google, in particular, has been gathering momentum for some time. Fifty state attorneys general have opened an inquiry into the company, and in January they began collaborating with the Department of Justice.
The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic raised the prospect that any antitrust action could see a further delay. But on Friday, the Wall Street Journal reported that a lawsuit may be arriving shortly.”
Chrome strammer igen overfor cookies
– Husk på: Google vil have tredjepartscookies fjernet fra Chrome i 2022.
“Google vil blandt andet ændre i browser-menuen, så indstillingerne for cookies bliver mere overskuelig, og indstille inkognito-tilstanden så den som standard blokerer tredjepartscookies. Opdateringen vil også gøre det sikrere at benytte åbne wifi-netværker.”
“Chrome 83 arrives with redesigned security settings, third-party cookies blocked in Incognito”
VR rører på sig igen
“Oculus announced that users have spent more than $100 million on Quest content in the last year, and 10 titles have generated more than $2 million in revenue apiece. They’re small numbers in the scheme of things, but they’re a sign that there’s a real business there.”
NRKs datakøb fører til undersøgelse af London-virksomhed
“NRK har købt data fra 140.000 enheder gennem virksomheden Tamoco. Det har i de sidste par uger ledt til afsløringer om både sygehusvæsenet og militæret. Det har fået Datatilsynet i Norge til at starte en undersøgelse af Tamoco.”
Overvågningsfirma udgav sig for at være Facebook
Vice / Motherboard:
“Infamous Israeli surveillance firm NSO Group created a web domain that looked as if it belonged to Facebook’s security team to entice targets to click on links that would install the company’s powerful cell phone hacking technology, according to data analyzed by Motherboard.”
Facebook-AI genererer tale på 500 millisekunder
“In tandem with a new data collection approach, which leverages a language model for curation, Facebook says the system — which produces a second of audio in 500 milliseconds — enabled it to create a British-accented voice in six months as opposed to over a year for previous voices.”
Er du klar til hologrammøder i VR?
– Et af minusserne er kvalme, men hey, sådan kan det jo også være med nogle af de gode, gammeldags fysiske møder.
“The breakthrough here is Spatial, a collaborative workspace app that just became available for the popular Oculus Quest VR headset. It’s not hyperbole to say that Spatial has unilaterally reignited my enthusiasm for the Quest, which has recently gathered dust on my desk, as the potent pairing enables me to quickly participate in 3D group meetings filled with multiple realistic participants. Instead of using cartoony avatars or floating video tiles, Spatial users appear as “holograms” with real faces, motion-sensed head and hand movements, and even lip motions keyed to their live voices.”