Opsamling på uge 23, 2020

Her har du Danmarks mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
Digital Ugerevy udgives af Lars K Jensen, der rådgiver, udvikler og arbejder med digitale medier og udvikling.

? Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
Der er oprør i Facebook
– Her startede det:
“Jason Toff, a director of product management at Facebook (and a longtimer in Silicon Valley, with stints at Google, Twitter and Vine) tweeted on Sunday night that ‘I work at Facebook and I am not proud of how we’re showing up. The majority of coworkers I’ve spoken to feel the same way. We are making our voice heard.'”
– Her er, hvad det især handler om:
Columbia Journalism Review:
“The most important of the refs, arguably, is basically leaving Trump alone. Last Thursday, Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook, went on Fox News and disagreed with Twitter’s fact-checking decision; the platforms, he said, should not be ‘arbiters of truth’ online. Then, early on Friday, Trump raised the stakes. As protests intensified in Minneapolis and elsewhere, the president posted an identical message—“when the looting starts, the shooting starts”—on both Twitter and Facebook. Twitter quickly concluded that Trump had breached its rules on glorifying violence, and, in an unprecedented step, hid his tweet behind a warning message. Facebook left the post up.”
Casey Newton / The Interface (The Verge):
“Zuckerberg said that Facebook left the post up for two reasons: one, that “people need to know if the government is planning to deploy force.” And two, that Trump had sort of (maybe?) walked back his original post in a later one, “saying that the original post was warning about the possibility that looting could lead to violence.” So whether or not Trump meant to incite violence with his words, Zuckerberg argued, Facebook had good reason to let the post stand.”
…og der var mange i Facebook, der var utilfredse:
“Facebook employees hold virtual walkout over Mark Zuckerberg’s refusal to act against Trump”
The Guardian
“Furious Facebook Employees ‘Walk Out’ to Protest Trump’s Posts ‘Inciting Violence’”
Daily Beast
“Facebook employees stage virtual walkout in protest of company’s stance on Trump posts”
“Two Facebook software engineers quit over Trump posts”
The Hill
– Tirsdag forsvarede Zuckerberg sin beslutning overfor Facebooks medarbejdere:
The Verge:
“According to a recording obtained by The Verge, Zuckerberg described being upset by Trump’s recent posts, one of which warned protesters that ‘when the looting starts, the shooting starts.’ But ‘I knew that I needed to separate out my personal opinion … from what our policy is and the principles of the platform we’re running are — knowing that the decision that we made was going to lead to a lot of people being very upset inside the company and a lot of the media criticism we’re going to get,’ said Zuckerberg. ‘Likely this decision has incurred a massive practical cost for the company to do what we think is the right step.'”
“Zuckerberg Defends Hands-Off Approach to Trump’s Posts”
The New York Times
“Zuckerberg faces his critics”
Casey Newton / The Interface (The Verge)
“Zuckerberg Stands Firm on Decision Not to Take Action on Comments Posted by President Trump”
Social Media Today
“Mark Zuckerberg Believes Only in Mark Zuckerberg”
– Andre historier om historien:
“An update on the Oversight Board’s progress”
Facebook Oversight Board
“Talkspace CEO says he’s pulling out of six-figure deal with Facebook, won’t support a platform that incites ‘racism, violence and lies’”
“Having failed to curb the president’s falsehoods, social platforms have reached a dispiriting impasse.”
– Hvad gør de andre?
“How Social Platforms are Responding to the #BlackLivesMatter Protests Across the US”
Social Media Today
Facebook vil markere indhold fra russiske og kinesiske statsmedier
“Facebook Inc will start labeling Russian, Chinese and other state-controlled media organizations, and later this summer will block any ads from such outlets that target U.S. users, it said on Thursday. “
Nu kan alle flytte billeder fra Facebook til Google
“Facebook’s photo transfer tool is now available globally half a year on from an initial rollout in Europe, the company said today.”
Facebooks seneste app-eksperiment handler om live-events
– Bemærk: App’en er kun tilgængelig i USA.
The Verge:
“Facebook’s Venue is a new app that’s designed to make the process of watching live events more social. The digital companion app has been developed by Facebook’s R&D group, the New Product Experimentation (NPE) team. Its first live event will be this Sunday’s NASCAR race.”
Facebook tester e-mail-kampagner fra Pages-app’en
Social Media Today:
“It essentially seeks to replicate CRM systems, with all of your marketing messages – including Facebook and Instagram ads AND promotional emails – coming from your Facebook business hub. Seemingly, any emails you do send through this process will be delivered via your ‘business.mailbyfb.com’ email address which is attached to your account, though as noted, any email contacts need to be manually uploaded. You can’t simply use the emails that people have listed on their Facebook profiles.”
#BlackoutTuesday overdøvede #BlackLivesMatter på Instagram
“The posts had completely overtaken the #blacklivesmatter hashtag, ‘flooding out all of the resources that have been there for the last few years,’ says Williams. ‘It’s really frustrating to have carved out this area of the internet where we can gather and then all of a sudden we see pages and pages and pages of black squares that don’t guide anyone to resources.’ Around 1 am on the West Coast, Williams tweeted about it. ‘Do not post black squares with the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter. You’re [unintentionally] quite literally erasing the space organizers have been using to share resources. Stop it. Stop.'”
“Instagram Asks #BlackoutTuesday Participants to Avoid Using #BlackLivesMatter Hashtag”
Social Media Today
Medier må vente på annoncekroner fra Instagrams IGTV
“Instagram is finally turning on the ad revenue spigot for its long-form video platform IGTV. But media companies that have waited nearly two years to receive ad revenue from their IGTV videos will likely need to keep waiting until next year for that money to flow their way.”
Rekorduge for Twitter
“Civil unrest due to the nationwide George Floyd protests drove Twitter to see a record number of new installs this week, according to data from two app store intelligence firms, Apptopia and Sensor Tower. While the firms’ exact findings differed in terms of the total number of new downloads or when records were broken, the firms agreed that Twitter’s app had its largest-ever week, globally.”
Twitter markerer tweet fra endnu en republikaner
“The tweet, from Republican Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz, suggested that the U.S. government “hunt down” anti-fascist activists in the country like it would pursue international terrorists.”
Branchen og de andre
Væksten er gået ud af influencer-marketing
“År for år er markedet for influencer-markedsføring vokset med relativt store skridt, men i 2019 var der kun begrænset fremgang af hente, viser ny rapport. Antallet af ansatte steg til gengæld mere eller mindre ufortrødent.”
YouTube donerer 1 mio. dollars til kampen mod racisme
The Verge:
“YouTube says it will donate $1 million to the Center for Policing Equity, to demonstrate ‘solidarity against racism and violence.’ The Alphabet-owned video platform tweeted that it was pledging the funds ‘in support of efforts to address social injustice.'”
Snap-CEO kræver forandringer i det amerikanske samfund
The Information:
“‘Economic inequality in America has reached levels unseen for nearly a century, people of color cannot visit a grocery store or go for a jog without fear of being murdered without consequence, and put simply, the American experiment is failing,’ he wrote.”
Snapchat vil ikke længere fremhæve Trump
The New York Times:
“Snap said on Wednesday that it had stopped promoting the Snapchat account of President Trump after determining that his public comments off the site could incite violence, in another hardened stance by a social media company against the president.”
“Snap takes a stand”
Casey Newton / The Interface (The Verge)
Tik Tok lærer af musikbranchen og gaming
“That’s because people flock to TikTok to watch scripted clips from talented creators, not communicate with their friends. With TikTok jockeying for a position in a crowded market, it’s putting this talent at the heart of a commercial strategy that increasingly resembles those used by record labels and talent management firms.”
“Why TikTok stars are pivoting to gaming”
LinkedIn lancerer nye retargeting-værktøjer
“LinkedIn is announcing some new features for advertisers — retargeting capabilities tied to video ads and lead-generation forms, as well as new brand safety integrations for the LinkedIn Audience Network. […]
That includes introducing new features focused on virtual engagement — such as live video events — as the pandemic has ‘accelerated that need of the market.'”
? Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
Danmarks første nyhedsørken?
“På 20 år har langt de fleste journalister forladt Djursland, og det truer den kritiske journalistik og skader demokratiet, mener lokale og eksperter. Vi har fået det for let, siger borgmesteren”
Jeg har tidligere skrevet om nyhedsørkener:
Flertal i Folketinget vil lempe GDPR
“Trods bred opbakning frygter kritikere, at en lempelse vil slække indsatsen for datasikkerheden. Socialdemokratiet forsikrer, at problematikken vil blive taget seriøst.”
21 medier slutter sig til AI-samarbejde
– Der er dog ingen danske medier på listen.
Polis @ London School of Economics:
“News organisations want to work together to discover, test, and demonstrate the potential offered by AI technologies. That is the clear message we received after we launched the idea of a collaborative experiment to prototype AI-powered journalistic solutions.”
BBC lancerer stemmeassistent sammen med Microsoft
“The BBC has launched an early version of its previously announced voice assistant in partnership with Microsoft. Beeb, as the assistant is called, will initially be made available in the U.K. as part of Microsoft’s Windows Insider Program, where participants will contribute to improving the voice assistant ahead of a wider rollout.”
– En artikel fra august måned om emnet:
“We’re still not getting voice assistants right”
The Verge
Microsoft fyrer 27 journalister
The Guardian:
“Around 27 individuals employed by PA Media – formerly the Press Association – were told on Thursday that they would lose their jobs in a month’s time after Microsoft decided to stop employing humans to select, edit and curate news articles on its homepages.”
Medium lancerer nyhedsbreve
Medium Blog:
“Any Publication on Medium can start a newsletter and correspond with their subscribers directly in their inbox. Publications can now give their Newsletter a name and description, so Publications can let readers know what to expect.”
Hvad skal der nu ske med BuzzFeed News
The Drum:
““We will never just be pizza and kittens,” says [James Lamon, head of content for Europe]. ”We need to temper that with something that’s hard-hitting, something with teeth. Our investigations team has always been responsible for amazing scoops and that’s not going to change.”
Læs artiklen
Sådan bliver lyd integreret ind i Apple News+
“While Apple has released iOS 13.5.1 to the public today, the company has also made the first beta version of iOS 13.5.5available. And now, 9to5Mac has been able to access a new ‘Apple News+ Audio’ feature, which is hidden in iOS 13.5.5 beta.
We mentioned last month that Apple is working to offer audio stories for Apple News+ subscribers, and now we can confirm that with iOS 13.5.5 beta. Apple News+ Audio will be available through the existing News app, which will get a new ‘Audio’ tab.”
“Have you “heard” the news? Apple leak reveals audio stories for News+”
What’s New In Publishing
The Guardian lancerer registreringsvæg
“In December, The Guardian began testing a registration wall with a select group of its audience, according to a post from chief product officer Caspar Llewellyn Smith. The goal: Improve its products and tailor more relevant ads for readers to ensure the publisher’s financial stability. “
– Og sådan ser den ud:

Det blockchain-baserede medie Civil lukker
– Flere har ment, at Civil var lige lovlig svært at blive klog på. Det synes de angiveligt også selv.
“In the end, ‘it was overcomplicated and hard to explain,’ Schiller told me in a phone interview. ‘It was a flyer — an extremely ambitious idea, and I was proud to be part of it. … Whether it was ahead of its time or just never viable is hard to say.'”
Briter vil bygge database af holdninger
“Parlia, a UK startup whose majority shareholders are its founders, French journalist Turi Munthe and designer and researcher J Paul Neeley, is trying to gather all of the opinions about various topics in one place to facilitate a civil debate in our highly polarised society.”
? Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
TV 2 er nødt til at lykkes med abonnementer
“‘Det med at få abonnementsforretningen til at fungere er alfa og omega, fordi der simpelthen ikke er nok reklamekroner i markedet nu og heller ikke kommer til at være det fremover,’ siger Jimmy Maymann til Finans.”
Politiken Nicher køber Kulturmonitor
“Med overtagelsen af Kulturmonitor køber Politiken Nicher sig til en position på et marked, som selskabet har haft kig på. Det giver bedre mening at slå kræfterne sammen end at starte en konkurrence, siger direktør, der ikke vil afvise flere opkøb.”
Nu kan der søges kompensation for tabte annoncekroner
“Det er nu muligt for medievirksomheder at søge om kompensation for tab af annonceindtægter som følge af covid-19.”
Podimo-stifter forventer først overskud om fem år
“Podimo-stifter og adm. direktør, Morten Strunge, forventer, vi skal et halvt årti ud i fremtiden, før podcastplatformen Podimo ser en positiv indtjening på bundlinjen. ‘For os handler det om at bygge et økosystem, og det tager lang tid,’ siger han.”
Medier pakker online-events sammen med abonnementet
“As publisher events have been forced online, they are becoming more entrenched with other parts of the business, particularly subscriptions.”
? Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
Chrome nærmer sig dominans
– Ingen browser har haft så stor en markedsandel siden 2008. Dengang var det Internet Explorer 7.
“Det viser nye tal fra Net Applications over browser-fordelingen i maj. Her landede Chrome på en markedsandel på 69,8 procent efter nu fem måneder i træk med voksende markedsandele.”
…og anklages for at tracke i incognito-tilstand
“The lawsuit seeks at least $5 billion, accusing the Alphabet unit of surreptitiously collecting information about what people view online and where they browse, despite their using what Google calls Incognito mode.”
Microsofts Chromium-browser rulles nu ud via Windows Update
The Verge:
“Microsoft is starting to roll out its new Edge browser through Windows Update. The new Chromium-based version of Edge launched in January, but Windows users had to specifically download it. A Microsoft support article notes that it’s now available on Windows Update, meaning it will soon arrive on the more than 1 billion Windows 10 devices in use.”
Kryptering i Zoom bliver kun for dem, der betaler
“[…] Zoom brought on a small army of prominent cryptographers and security engineers as consultants, and acquired the secure communication company Keybase, in pursuit of real end-to-end encryption for its users. But it turns out that even when Zoom completes the feature, only paying customers will receive it—leaving Zoom’s free users in the lurch.”
Google fjerner Android-app, der fjernede kinesiske apps
“The top trending app in India, which was downloaded more than 5 million times since late May and enabled users to detect and easily delete apps developed by Chinese firms, was pulled from Android’s marquee app store for violating Google Play Store’s Deceptive Behavior Policy, TechCrunch has learned.”
Ny teknologi kan identificere kendte på video
– Det mest vilde ved det her er næsten, at der stadig er noget, der hedder Real.
“RealNetworks has unveiled two consumer video tools that use artificial intelligence to identify faces of celebrities in videos and help you figure out who you’re watching.”
Nu er der også svindel på Spotify – falske “collaborations”
Medium / OneZero:
“If you’ve just discovered rising Dallas rapper Lil Loaded, and want to hear a bunch of his hits in one convenient spot, Spotify has just the feature for you. Like many popular artists, there’s a “This Is” playlist for the MC, a grouping of his ‘essential tracks’ that the platform’s team creates. However, listen to the playlist for a while, and a few songs sound out of place. In fact, though tracks 12, 14, and 16 on ‘This Is Lil Loaded’ list Lil Loaded as a featured artist, he’s not on them at all. Instead, you’ll only hear some truly wince-worthy rhymes from some entirely different artist who goes by the name ‘Wali Da Great.'”
Derfor måtte Apple skrue ned for automatisering
The Information:
“Apple has tried to assemble its products with robots rather than humans, going so far as to build a secret lab to research the effort. But after years of trial and error, engineers have realized that products like the iPhone are still best assembled by hand.”
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Sådan måler du din trafik fra MailChimp
“Når du sender nyhedsbreve, er det vigtigt at vide, hvordan de klarer sig og hvor de leverer trafik hen – men også specifikt hvilke kampagner, der leverer hvilken trafik. Her kan du se, hvordan du sætter det op i MailChimp.”