Opsamling på uge 24, 2020

Her har du Danmarks mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
Digital Ugerevy udgives af Lars K Jensen, der rådgiver, udvikler og arbejder med digitale medier og udvikling.

? Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
Facebook: Brugerne skal også se politikernes “ævl”
“Vælgerne skal se alt – også “alt det ævl” – der kommer fra politikere, mener Facebooks politiske chef i Norden, efter der er rejst debat om sociale medieplatformes moderering af politikeres opslag.”
“Zuckerberg lurepasser”
“‘Mark Zuckerberg lurepasser, og det kan jeg faktisk godt forstå. For hvis man først er gået ned ad den vej, som Twitter og Snapchat er gået, bliver man nødt til at brede det ud til andre end Trump og reelt agere medie frem for social platform,’ siger [chefstrateg i Saxo Bank, Peter Garnry] til Børsen.”
– Her er, hvad det handler om:
“CEO Mark Zuckerberg told Facebook employees on Friday that the social network will review how it handles some of the most incendiary posts on its platform, including those by President Trump. His announcement follows a revolt by employees over his decision to do nothing about messages the president posted about violence toward protesters and mail-in voting.”
Facebook News ruller ud til alle amerikanere
– Hvad sker der med Facebook News? blev der spurgt i uge 20. Her er svaret:
“Facebook News, the social network’s dedicated section devoted to journalism, is today launching for all users in the U.S. The feature was first introduced in October 2019 as a limited test in the U.S. The product represents Facebook’s much-debated new effort in wooing publishers to its platform with the promise of increased distribution.”
“The new Facebook News is filled with stories that are way too mainstream to do well on the rest of Facebook”
Nieman Lab
Biden: Facebook har ikke formået at stoppe disinformation
“Joe Biden lashed out at Facebook on Thursday, saying the social media company has failed to stop the spread of disinformation and circulating a petition for his supporters to demand the company change its ways.”
“Presidential Candidate Joe Biden Calls on Facebook to Stop Allowing Lies in Political Ads”
Social Media Today
Rapport: Facebook har brug for 30.000 moderatorer
“If we want to improve how moderation is carried out, Facebook needs to bring content moderators in-house, make them full employees, and double their numbers, argues a new report from New York University’s Stern Center for Business and Human Rights.”
– Facebook har ikke den bedste track record med de contractors, der foretager deres moderation. Her er den seneste nyhed derfra:
“Facebook Contractors Wanted Better Working Conditions. They Lost Their Jobs Instead.”
BuzzFeed News
Facebook offentliggør oplysninger om slettede profiler
Social Media Today:
“Facebook has this week published its Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior report for May, which outlines all of the accounts, pages and groups that the platform has removed over the course of the month due to identified efforts to mislead and misinform Facebook uses for varying purpose.”
Facebook opfordrer til flere farvede moderatorer
The Verge:
“Facebook also recommends in its post that admins educate themselves on the issues; “create opportunities for new and diverse members” to join the moderation team; acknowledge current events with a post that outlines rules; listen to members; be “open to change” around what posts are allowed; and potentially approve all posts before they go live.”
Twitter vil teste, om du læser det, du retweet’er
Twitter på Twitter:
“To help promote informed discussion, we’re testing a new prompt on Android –– when you Retweet an article that you haven’t opened on Twitter, we may ask if you’d like to open it first.”
Her er et tweet, hvor du kan se et screenshot af testen.
“Twitter wants to know if you read that article before you retweet it”
Nieman Lab
Twitter fjerner mere end 170.000 pro-Kina-konti
“Some of those posts were about the coronavirus outbreak, the social media platform has announced.
The company said ‘a core network’ of 23,750 highly active accounts had been deleted, along with another 150,000 ‘amplifier accounts’.”
Ser vi en koordineret Twitter-kampagne fra Kina?
The New York Times:
“No doubt some of these accounts are run by patriotic, tech-savvy Chinese people who get around their government’s ban on Twitter and other Western platforms. But an analysis by The New York Times found that many of the accounts behaved with a single-mindedness that could suggest a coordinated campaign of the type that nation states have carried out on Twitter in the past.”
Twitter ruller Stories-inspirerede “Fleets” ud i Indien
“Twitter said Tuesday it is bringing Fleets, its version of Stories that lets users post ephemeral content to its social network, to India. The company says it is still testing the feature, which is also available to users in Brazil and Italy.”
Twitter fjerner George Floyd-video fra Trumps folk
Social Media Today:
“The video was posted to Twitter on June 3rd, after first being published to the Trump campaign’s YouTube channel (where it’s still active).
Twitter says that the video was subject to a copyright claim, which lead to its removal – though as noted, it remains active on YouTube.”
Twitter genåbner muligvis snart for verifikation
Social Media Today:
“According to a new discovery by reverse engineering expert Jane Manchun Wong, Twitter is working on a new option that would enable users to apply for profile verification from their account settings.”
Andre og branchen
YouTube lancerer Black Lives Matter-tiltag
– Taget fra CEO Susan Wojcickis status ved afslutningen af første halvår:
YouTube Blog:
“We have always been proud that we are a platform that celebrates a broad and diverse set of voices. And we have implemented many policies and product features to protect our communities.
But we recognize we need to do more, in particular with the Black community, and that is why we are committing to following actions.”
Snapchat klar med flere originaler og andre tiltag
“At its virtual Partner Summit on June 11, Snap unveiled a group of new originals and announced several renewals with companies including Disney, NBCUniversal and ViacomCBS. The new shows include three that will incorporate Snap’s augmented reality technology, such as dance series “Move It” that uses AR to track viewers as they learn moves. “The potential there is pretty massive, the fact that you can put a user into a show, into the flow of the narrative,” said Sean Mills, head of content at Snap, in an interview.”
– Flere nyheder fra Snap:
“Snapchat debuts Minis, bite-sized third-party apps that live inside chat”
“Snap announces Minis to bring other apps into Snapchat”
The Verge
“Snapchat Announces Action Bar, Voice Activated Lenses, News Updates and More at Partner Summit”
Social Media Today
14 hypoteser om LinkedIns algoritmer
Elberth Kommunikation:
“Derfor vil du møde nogle hypoteser i dette indlæg, som du hjertens gerne må være med til at afprøve, bekræfte eller afkræfte. Hypoteserne er fremsat af flere forskellige eksperter gennem tiden, og ikke mindst undertegnede, der har brugt så mange år på at teste algoritmer på både Facebook, Instagram og LinkedIn, at det gør lidt ondt, hver gang hver af de førnævnte skruer på knapper, og ændrer algoritmer, så man skal starte forfra.”
LinkedIn tester “status”
Social Media Today:
“LinkedIn is testing a new ‘Current status’ option which would enable users to share what they’re up to at any given time with a one-line summary that would appear in different surfaces within the app.”
EU-Kommissionen vil have ugerapporter fra platformene
“‘Vi ved for eksempel kun det, som platformene fortæller os, men det er ikke nok. De bør åbne op og tilbyde mere bevis for, at de tiltag, de har taget, også fungerer godt,’ siger [Vera Jourova, som er næstformand i EU-Kommissionen med ansvar for værdier og transparens].”
? Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
Podcast-lytningen faldt under nedlukningen
– De manglende commutes til og fra arbejde har uden tvivl gjort deres.
“Nedlukningen af landet fik podcastlytningen til at falde, viser tal fra Dansk Podcast Index. Det viser ifølge indekset, at podcasts er blevet en del af den almindelige hverdags medievaner og forbundet med f.eks. transport.”
“Danskerne downloader flere end 3 millioner podcast om ugen”
Fyn får sin egen “medieklynge”
“En række medievirksomheder er sammen med Syddansk Universitet og Odense Kommune blandt kræfterne bag ny medieklynge på Fyn. Bedre mulighed for rekruttering og grobund for iværksætteri er blandt formålene med samarbejdet.”
Derfor fungerer kryds og tværs for medierne
What’s New in Publishing:
“Puzzles can be effective habit builders as they compel users to come back regularly. And according to multiple studies, it’s the frequency of visits—rather than time spent, or number of articles read—that is the best predictor of whether a subscriber is going to stay or not. “
Amerikanske græsrødder bruger Google Docs i stor stil
MIT Technology Review:
“In just the last week, Google Docs has emerged as a way to share everything from lists of books on racism to templates for letters to family members and representatives to lists of funds and resources that are accepting donations. Shared Google Docs that anyone can view and anyone can edit, anonymously, have become a valuable tool for grassroots organizing during both the coronavirus pandemic and the police brutality protests sweeping the US.”
Substack lancerer “kun for inviterede”-funktion
Substack Blog:
“A private Substack is a secret newsletter that you can host alone or invite others to join. With invite-only mode, only you and any subscribers you’ve invited can access your posts.”
Lederne henter redaktør til digitalt medie hos DR
“Anders Hvass har skiftet DR Nyheder ud med organisationen Lederne, hvor han bliver chefredaktør for et nyt digitalt medie, som bliver lanceret til efteråret.”
? Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
Krisen har accelereret en i gangværende tendens
“Hvad sker der med annoncemarkedet post-corona? MediaWatch har spurgt tre aktører, hvor annoncørerne er de mest pessimistiske, mens dem, der skal leve af annoncer, ser mere lyst på fremtiden.”
Otte grafer, der viser COVID-19s impact på mediebranchen
What’s New In Publishing:
“For some, it could be an “extinction-level event” with outlets around the world being affected. Others may emerge stronger, as a result of increased digital subscriptions, revenue diversification, and reduced – or hollowed-out – competition.
Whatever happens, it’s likely that the industry will look very different on the other side of this crisis. Given all of this uncertainty, what do we know about the current media landscape?”
Kulturministeren: Mediestøtten skal hjælpe lokalmedier
“De lokale medier er i knæ, og det næste medieforlig skal skabe rammerne for en kritisk lokalpresse, lyder det fra kulturminister Joy Mogensen, som kalder Jysk Fynske Mediers massive sparerunde ‘dårlige nyheder'”
The Dallas Morning News bruger influencere og rabatkoder
Nieman Lab:
“The Dallas Morning News‘ latest experiment to boost digital subscriptions is something you’ve seen before. If you’ve ever been tempted to buy a lipstick off Instagram because an influencer gave you a discount code (guilty), this works in the same way.
Readers can plug in a promo code at checkout to get one free month of digital access to The Dallas Morning News. The newspaper is currently offering a monthly digital subscription at $1.99 per week ($8.62 total, plus tax).”
Tjener medierne gode penge på virtuelle events?
Simon Owens:
“Most experts estimate that sponsorships for virtual events attract between a fourth and a half the price as in-person events. This may be an indication that advertisers are aware attendees can become more easily distracted during virtual events or be more likely to multi task while listening to a conference panel in the background.”
Annoncemarkedet er så småt på vej tilbage
“In March as the coronavirus crisis began escalating rapidly, publishers and ad tech companies battened down the hatches. Advertisers had begun to pause spend and media industry executives braced themselves for an even worse second quarter.”
Medier ser fremgang i video hos Facebook, YouTube og Snapchat
“The uptick is driven by increased video production, higher viewership and, crucially, the resurgence of advertisers looking to reach a large audience. As quarantine restrictions loosen, advertisers are running video ads to raise product awareness, providing a much-needed boost to advertising demand.”
Medier kan blive ramt af Googles ‘Confirmed Clicks’
“Over the last six months, more publishers using Google AdSense and Ad Exchange have complained of being penalized by Google’s Confirmed Clicks initiative, which aims to improve web user experience and limit publishers benefiting from people accidentally clicking on ads. Like a lot of Google platform improvements, sources complain that it lacks nuance.”
? Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
IBM dropper ansigtsgenkendelse – andre følger efter
“IBM CEO Arvind Krishna announced today that the company would no longer sell facial recognition services, calling for a “national dialogue” on whether it should be used at all. He also voiced support for a new bill aiming to reduce police violence and increase accountability.”
“Big tech companies back away from selling facial recognition to police. That’s progress.”
“Amazon vil stoppe politiets brug af deres ansigtsgenkendelses-teknologi i et år”
“Microsoft Pledges Not to Sell Facial-Recognition Tools to Police Absent National Rules”
The Wall Street Journal
“EU privacy watchdog thinks that Clearview AI is illegal”
The Next Web
Værktøjer blokerer demonstranters ansigter
““I saw a bunch of discourse about how law enforcement is aggregating videos of the protests from social media to identify protesters,” developer Sam Loeschen told TechCrunch. He built censr, an augmented reality app that works on the iPhone XR and later, which masks and pixelates photos in real-time.”
OpenAI’s “farlige” tekstgenerator lanceres nu kommercielt
– Der er immervæk sket noget, siden folkene bag meldte ud, at AI-tekstgeneratoren var for dygtig til, at den måtte frigives…
“Now the lab is back with a more powerful text generator and a new pitch: Pay us to put it to work in your business. Thursday, OpenAI launched a cloud service that a handful of companies are already using to improve search or provide feedback on answers to math problems. It’s a test of a new way of programming AI and the lab’s unusual business model.”
Siri og Google Assistant svarer igen på ‘all lives matter’
Business Insider:
“Apple’s Siri and Google Assistant both have specific responses to rebut the question ‘Do all lives matter?’, a slogan often used in an attempt to undermine ‘Black Lives Matter.'”
Her er nyhederne i Android 11-betaen
The Verge:
“The 11th major Android update includes some big features, including a new notification interface for text messages, better 5G support, and improved privacy features. The update also adds better support for foldable smartphones, optimizing for the growing device category, and a new power button menu with quick access to payment options and smart home controls.”
“Five new features Android 11 borrows from the iPhone”
The Verge
Google lancerer støjreducering i Meet
“Google is turning on AI-powered noise cancellation in Google Meet today. Like Microsoft Teams’ upcoming noise suppression functionality, the feature leverages supervised learning, which entails training an AI model on a labeled data set. This is a gradual rollout, so if you are a G Suite customer, you may not get noise cancellation until later this month. Noise cancellation will hit the web first, with Android and iOS coming later.”
Amazon lancerer i Sverige i år
“Ifølge svensk topchef for e-handelsbutikken CDON har Amazon på et møde med selskabet bekræftet, at Amazon planlægger at lancere i nabolandet inden udgangen af 2020.”