Opsamling på uge 25, 2020
Her har du Danmarks mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
Digital Ugerevy udgives af Lars K Jensen, der rådgiver, udvikler og arbejder med digitale medier og udvikling.

? Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
Facebook: Vi har ikke brug for nyheder
– Sagen har kørt i flere uger, efterhånden, og går kort fortalt ud på, at den australske regering mener, Facebook og Google skal betale for deres brug af mediernes indhold. Det er Facebook og Google ikke helt enige i – og i denne artikel får du lidt opsamling og status.
Nieman Lab:
“Australia is trying to make Facebook and Google pay for news. Facebook Australia says it doesn’t need news, actually.”
“Facebook afviser at betale for nyheder i Australien”
“Facebook says it doesn’t need news stories for its business and won’t pay to share them in Australia”
The Guardian
“What’s the value of news to the platforms?”
What’s New In Publishing
Facebook vil lade os – brugerne – blokere politiske annoncer
“Facebook-topchef Mark Zuckerberg har meddelt, at det sociale medie vil give sine amerikanske brugere mulighed for at blokere annoncer med politisk indhold.”
Og på engelsk:
“Facebook is going to let US voters opt out of seeing political ads”
MIT Technology Review
“Facebook toggles off political ads”
Casey Newton / The Interface (The Verge)
Det har været en hård måned for Facebook
– Hvis du har mistet overblikket over miseren omkring Trumps tweets, Twitters reaktion og Zuckerbergs ikke-reaktion og reaktionerne på den, så er denne artikel din tid værd:
The Information:
“The coronavirus pandemic gave Facebook a break from years of bad headlines, but the good will vanished with Mark Zuckerberg’s hands-off approach to incendiary posts by Donald Trump.”
Er Facebook-grupper farlige?
“But as our research shows, those same features—privacy and community—are often exploited by bad actors, foreign and domestic, to spread false information and conspiracies. Dynamics in groups often mirror those of peer-to-peer messaging apps: People share, spread, and receive information directly to and from their closest contacts, whom they typically see as reliable sources.”
– Et af de større spørgsmål:
“Are digital giants like Facebook destructive by design?”
Columbia Journalism Review
Facebook-annoncer gør ikke det store ved stemmeprocenten
The Information:
“But political organizers have so little faith in tech-driven efforts to boost turnout that the top recommendation in 2018 from the Analyst Institute was for candidates to send prospective voters paper mailers. Going back to 2012, the organization found Facebook ads urging people to vote didn’t have much of an effect on turnout.”
Rapport: Instagram vil overtage Twitter som nyhedskilde
– Mere om rapporten i Tendenser-delen af opsamlingen herunder.
BBC News:
“The 2020 Reuters Institute Digital News report found the use of Instagram for news had doubled since 2018.
The trend is strongest among young people. It said nearly a quarter of UK 18-24-year-olds used Instagram as a source of news about coronavirus.”
Instagram-chef: Vi skal gøre mere for at støtte det sorte community
About Instagram:
“We’ve done a lot of work to better understand the impact our platform has on different groups, and that’s helped us get to where we are today. But I think there’s more to do across some key areas, which fit into our broader company commitments. We need to better support the Black community within our own organization, as well as on our platform. “
WhatsApp lancerer betalinger – starter i Brasilien
“After months of talks and trials, WhatsApp has finally pulled the trigger on payments in its app. Today the Facebook-owned messaging service announced that users in Brazil would be the first to be able to send and receive money by way of its messaging app, using Facebook Pay, the payments service WhatsApp owner Facebook launched last year.”
Måske er halvdelen af dem, der tweeter om COVID-19 ikke bots
The New York Times:
“Mr. Kazemi had hoped to find a research paper, with data and code; no luck. “That was disheartening,” he said. Yoel Roth, Twitter’s head of site integrity, tweeted that the company had “seen no evidence to support the claim that ‘nearly half of the accounts Tweeting about #COVID19 are likely bots.’” He included a thread from the Twitter Communications team labeled “Bot or not?” that walked through the taxonomic nuances.”
Twitter klar med lydbidder (kun på iOS)
– Indtil videre er den nye funktion kun tilgængelig for nogle brugere på iOS. Men jeg skal da love for, at Twitter har fået gang i lanceringerne igen.
“For users with access to the new feature, the process is pretty straightforward. Users can write a new tweet as they normally might, but now, alongside options to attach a photo or video, there’s a new button where users can record a quick audio message. Twitter shared the full workflow in a tweet from the company’s official account.”
Nu kan du søge i Twitter-lister
Social Media Today:
“As you can see here, in addition to the list recommendation panels in your Twitter feed, you’ll now also be able to tap on a ‘Show more recommendations’ prompt at the bottom to get to the list search option. “
TikTok og influencere
Sådan fungerer TikToks “For you”-algoritme
“Now, TikTok is pulling back the curtain for the first time. In a blog post published on Thursday, the company outlined the basic mechanics of its For You page, revealing a recipe its users have long tried to estimate on their own. The social media company says it relies on a complex set of weighted signals to recommend videos, including everything from hashtags and songs to the kind of device a person is using.”
Bureauer afviser afmatning på influencer-markedet
“Hverken Bloggers Delight eller Hjaltelin Stahl kan genkende billedet af, at influencermarkedets vækst skulle have ramt et mætningspunkt, som en ny analyse indikerer. Det handler i stedet om, at konkurrencen fra etablerede reklamebureauer er blevet større, vurderer fagfolk.”
? Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
Reuters årlige rapport udkommer i corona-tiden
“In a world turned upside down by the coronavirus pandemic, it is strangely comforting to see the annual Reuters Institute Digital News Report being released today (16 June 2020).
Although the research team, led by Nic Newman, had started collecting data for this study before the covid-19 crisis hit, they have done additional research to offer a complete picture of how the pandemic has affected the news industry. “
– Mere om rapporten:
“Digital News Report 2020: 5 must-read charts for publishers”
What’s New In Publishing
…vi tager lidt lidt flere fra What’s New In Publishing:
“Email newsletters are resurging, says Reuters Institute”
“What we learned about changing podcast consumption, from the Digital News Report 2020”
“‘Habits continue to become more distributed’: Gateways to news that matter most to publishers, from Reuters Institute”
“The “silent majority” want news to be neutral: Insights from Reuters Institute’s Digital News Report 2020”
– Lidt fra andre medier:
“To keep readers around after COVID, publishers see hope in newsletters and podcasts”
Nieman Lab
“Flere betaler for nyheder – men tilliden til medier falder”
Danske Medier uddelte digitale priser
Danske Medier:
“Kåringen af Årets Avisside og uddelingen af Danske Mediers Digitale Priser fandt i år sted ved et gå-hjem event mandag 15. juni i Den Sorte Diamant med internationalt besøg fra den grafiske guru, Norbert Küpper.
Blandt de 51 indsendte bidrag, har juryen for de Digitale Priser nomineret 15 indstillinger i fire kategorier, og uddelt henholdvist hædrende, sølv og guld.”
Strillo tilbyder oplæsning af artikler
“Et nyt medie vil sælge adgang til indtalte artikler fra i første omgang 11 danske og udenlandske medier. Ambitionen er dansk breakeven inden nytår og lancering i nabolande længere hen ad vejen.”
Spotify indgår samarbejde med Warner Bros, DC og Kardashian
The Information:
“Spotify is further ramping up its exclusive podcasts with a deal with Warner Bros. and DC to produce a slate of scripted podcasts based on DC characters such as Wonder Woman. The news comes a day after The Wall Street Journal reported that Spotify had landed an exclusive deal with influencer Kim Kardashian West to do a podcast about the criminal justice system.”
TjekDet flytter fra Altinget
“Altinget har siden marts forsøgt at finde nogen, der vil overtage faktatjekmediet Tjekdet. Med en bevilling fra Kulturministeriet på 4,3 mio. kr. bliver mediet nu drevet videre af en ny forening, der bliver knudepunkt for viden om misinformation, og som fremover ikke vil have nogen tilknytning til Altinget.”
Gyldendal klar med abonnementer til studerende
“Studerende på en række videregående uddannelser kan fra næste semester købe et streamingabonnement til deres studiebøger fra flere forlag anført af Gyldendal. Tjenesten bliver i første omgang tilgængelig for en udvalgt del af markedet, men skal efterhånden rulles bredt ud, fortæller direktør.”
Sådan går The New York Times til arrangementer under pandemien
“‘That was exactly what we had aimed to do,’ said international events manager Whitney Richardson. ‘The focus on events in the U.K. is not necessarily revenue right now, it’s about exposing the brand to a new audience. It’s much more a brand awareness and relevance play to show we have people on the ground.'”
…og sådan laver de videointerviews under krisen:
Nieman Lab:
“‘We weren’t able to go into their apartments, so we had to fall back on this set of production techniques that we’ve developed over the years to help us capture these stories in an intimate and complete way, despite the restrictions,’ series producer Alexandra Eaton said. ‘That involves a lot of Google Hangout interviews. It involves working with the character to get them to shoot stuff on their iPhone, so basically they become the B-roll shooter.'”
PodHero – en ny abonnementstjeneste for podcasts
“Podhero is a monthly membership that supports podcast creators. Each month, your $5.99/mo subscription gets shared with shows you support. We don’t even take a cut—it’s all about the podcasts.”
Polsk medie-startup bygger konstruktiv journalistik til smartspeakers
“This type of journalism is expanding beyond western countries. In Poland, young media organisation Outride.rs partnered with Google to launch a new smart speaker feature that brings news-hungry audiences informative stories that also make them feel empowered.”
? Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
Medier bør tænke langsigtet i abonnementsforretningen
“Ideally, publishers should never spend more than a third of their average lifetime customer value on acquiring new subscribers, he said. More tailored products and pricing improve publisher chances of increasing retention. For instance, segmenting coronavirus cohorts, understand their reason for subscribing, then build more value through ancillary products like event access, exclusive videos, podcast, puzzles or cooking apps. Re-acquiring lapsed users is also a missed opportunity, Henderson added. “
Føljeton varsler nye titler
“Pilene pegede sidste år i den rigtige retning for Føljeton, der varsler lancering af nye titler i år. Coronakrisen har lagt pres på omsætningen, men ventes ikke at belaste resultatet i år.”
Hvor gik det galt for Quartz?
“This account of what happened at Quartz is based on interviews with more than 20 current and former employees, executives, competitors, and ad industry sources. Together, a picture emerges of a once-promising digital news outlet whose focus drifted amid the boom-bust cycle of recent media years. “
Introdution til SEO for journalister og mediechefer
“De bedste journalister har ild i øjnene. Men drister man sig til at nævne ordet søgemaskineoptimering eller forkortelsen SEO, slukker ilden hurtigere end et bål, der kommer i akut kontakt med vand. Det er en udbredt misforståelse, at SEO er umuligt for alle andre end nørder, og at det strider mod grundlæggende journalistiske principper.”
Analyse: US-aviser har tabt annonceandele siden 1950erne
Benedict Evans:
“As shown implicitly in some of the previous charts, but worth making explicit here, newspaper ad revenue may only have collapsed since 2008, but newspapers have been losing share of ad spend since the 1950s.”
Keyword-blokering rammer smalle medier hårdest
“Incorrect keyword blocking cost U.S. publishers $2.8 billion in 2019. Media executives at mainstream news outlets say they lose between 10% and 30% of ad revenue from bloated and blanket keyword blocklists. But on LGBTQ+ site PinkNews, the number of safe articles blocked by brands rose to 73% due to the widespread presence of words such as “same sex” or “lesbian”, according to research from real-time brand safety business Cheq.“
? Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
Ny e-mailtjeneste (Hey) fanget i Apples App Store regler
– En god indikator for hypen omkring dit produkt må være, om medierne vil skrive om dine kampe med Apples økosystem.
“Den kendte danske programmør David Heinemeier Hansson raser mod Apple efter, at Apple har afvist hans ellers godkendte nye mail-program ‘Hey’ i App Store på grund af uenigheder om gebyret til Apple.”
Hey sendte en klage til Apple, men…
“Apple holder fast i udskældt betalingsmodel: Afviser nu endeligt danske David Heinemeiers mail-program”
Læs mere her:
“A new email startup says Apple’s shaking it down for a cut of its subscriptions”
“Apple’s antitrust reckoning”
Casey Newton / The Interface (The Verge)
Hos The Verge citeres en Stratechery-artikel fra 2018:
What should be restricted, though, is leveraging a win in one area into dominance in another: that means Apple winning in smartphones should not mean it gets to own digital payments, and inventing the App Store does not mean it gets 30% of all digital goods (or be allowed to diminish the user experience of its competitors).
Balladen omkring gebyret til Apple kan blive en del af antitrust-sagen mod virkomheden, der både handler om App Store og Apple Pay:
“EU launches antitrust probes into Apple’s App Store and Apple Pay”
Du kan læse mere om Hey sådan generelt hos blandt andet The Verge.
Er der smart speaker-monopoltilstande på vej?
The Guardian:
“Services such as Amazon’s Alexa could be regulated to allow rival digital assistants to operate on smart speakers and stop the tech giants building a monopoly “in people’s kitchens and living rooms”, the head of the BBC’s radio operation has said.”
Google på vej med AMP til smart speakers med skærm
“And later this summer, Google Assistant-powered smart displays will gain support for the AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) framework, beginning with news articles from specific partners before expanding to other web content categories.”
Facebook frigiver 100.000 deepfakes
MIT Technology Review:
“Social-media companies are concerned that deepfakes could soon flood their sites. But detecting them automatically is hard. To address the problem, Facebook wants to use AI to help fight back against AI-generated fakes. To train AIs to spot manipulated videos, it is releasing the largest ever data set of deepfakes—more than 100,000 clips produced using 3,426 actors and a range of existing face-swapping techniques.”
Facebook Shares the Results of its First Deepfake Detection Challenge
Social Media Today
Ny bog: Sådan kan du koble forretnings-KPI’er med god UX
Smashing Magazine:
“That makes this an ideal book for anybody who is looking to encourage users to act, without resorting to unethical and ultimately damaging techniques. Whether you are a designer, marketer, entrepreneur or product owner, this book will help.
It will help you meet your targets, improve the user experience and convince your colleagues, clients and managers that they do not need to use manipulation.”
Google ruller Meet ud i Gmail på iOS og Android
The Verge:
“Google is taking another step toward its Meet integration with Gmail today, bringing the videoconferencing service directly into Gmail for iOS and Android. Gmail mobile users won’t need the dedicated Google Meet app to join meetings, and Google has decided to include Meet as a separate, and rather large, tab at the bottom of the main Gmail interface. If you don’t want Meet to appear as a tab, then you’ll have to turn off the Meet integration in the settings menu.”
Zoom: Gratisbrugere får også kryptering
The Verge:
“The company said as recently as early June that it might not be able to enable end-to-end encryption for free users out of concern that the app could be used for unlawful activity. Strong encryption would make it difficult for the FBI and other law enforcement agencies to access the data on free calls.”
Microsoft vil nu vise 49 personer i videokald
“Microsoft Teams is expanding the number of video call participants shown on the screen from up to nine participants (3×3 grid) to up to 49 participants (7×7 grid). The change is rolling out in preview this month and will hit general availability in the fall.”