Opsamling på uge 26, 2020

Her har du Danmarks mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
Digital Ugerevy udgives af Lars K Jensen, der rådgiver, udvikler og arbejder med digitale medier og udvikling.
Denne uges opsamling er den næstsidste, inden sommerpausen sætter ind – men bare rolig, der er masser af historier at dykke ned i.
God fornøjelse,
// Lars

? Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
Facebook vil advare mod gamle artikler
About Facebook:
“To ensure people have the context they need to make informed decisions about what to share on Facebook, the notification screen will appear when people click the share button on articles older than 90 days, but will allow people to continue sharing if they decide an article is still relevant. “
EU: Facebook reagerer hurtigst på hate speech-anklager
About Facebook:
“According to this independent report, Facebook assessed 95.7% and Instagram assessed 91.8% of hate speech notifications in less than 24 hours, compared to 81.5% for YouTube and 76.6% for Twitter. The European Commission also states that ‘only Facebook informs users systematically; all the other platforms have to make improvements.'”
Flere går med i annonce-boycott af Facebook
The New York Times:
“Facebook put on an upbeat presentation to advertisers on Tuesday, the same day the clothing chain Eddie Bauer, the film distributor Magnolia Pictures and the Ben & Jerry’s ice cream brand announced that they would stop advertising on the platform through July.
Those companies joined Patagonia, the North Face, REI and others in a growing boycott that has targeted Facebook’s content moderation practices.”
Og der kom én til med:
“Verizon is pulling advertising from Facebook and Instagram”
“Why this latest Facebook advertiser ‘boycott’ may be different”
Facebook tester app til forudsigelser
“Forecast, a new project from Facebook’s internal R&D group, NPE Team, is launching today to build a community around predictions. The iOS app will allow users to ask questions and then use in-app points to make predictions about what might happen in the future. Users can also create, discuss and view these crowdsourced predictions.”
Facebook i kamp med amerikanske højrefløjsekstremister
The Interface / Casey Newton (The Verge):
“Earlier this month, Facebook removed Boogaloo groups from its recommendations. If you join a group discussing a Boogaloo-adjacent subject, including militias and Second Amendment rights, you should not see recommendations to join more explicitly Boogaloo groups. But in the Washington Post on Wednesday, Tonya Riley found that Boogaloo recommendations are still plentiful. “
Natural News blev fjernet fra Facebook men er der stadig
“It’s been a year since Facebook deleted the page for Natural News for violating the company’s rules about spam. This was a big deal for Natural News, a conspiracy site that had attracted nearly 3 million followers on its Facebook page. Then in May, Facebook took further action by banning the Natural News domain so that any link to the site would be blocked, along with some pages that frequently shared its content. Still, Natural News content has found ways to stick around.”
Black Lives Matter har gjort Instagram til en politisk platform
“For most people, Instagram has long been the social media platform where they escape from the real world — and politics — to share a curated highlight reel of their lives. But recently, that’s changed. It’s become an increasingly political platform amid Black Lives Matter protests across the country. In fact, Instagram has become the platform for widespread conversations in the United States about racism and how to combat it.”
Instagram ruller sin TikTok-konkurrent ud i flere lande
“Instagram is expanding its TikTok competitor known as “Reels” to new markets, following its launch last year in Brazil. Starting today, Instagram is rolling out further access to Reels in France and Germany, allowing users to record short, 15-second video clips set to music or other audio, then share them on the platform where they have the potential to go viral.”
Endnu en TikTok-konkurrent fra en af de store…
“YouTube Moves to the Testing Phase for its TikTok-Like ‘Shorts’ Option”
Social Media Today
IGTV er ved at være stjernernes favoritalternativ til YouTube
“Instagram’s IGTV is becoming more than a hub for YouTube hand-me-downs among individual video creators. IGTV had already begun making inroads among YouTube stars, thanks to the platform’s overall popularity and the relatively light lift required to produce an IGTV video. But now there’s money to be made as Instagram begins to financially incentivize creators to upload to its long-form video service. “
Nye Instagram-annoncører behøver ikke linke til Facebook-side
Social Media Today:
“You can now create Instagram ads without having a presence on Facebook. If you are promoting a post from your Instagram business account for the first time, you won’t have to connect to a Facebook ad account or Facebook Page.”
Instagram gør klar til Pride Month
Social Media Today:
“First off, as it did last year, Instagram will make all Pride-related hashtags appear in rainbow color gradient in-stream, while it’s also adding rainbow stories rings for stories that use these hashtags.”
Twitter markerer endnu et Trump-tweet
– In for a penny, in for a pound.
The New York Times:
“Twitter added a label to another post by President Trump on Tuesday, the fifth time it has said he violated its policies and further escalating the company’s battle with the president over his often incendiary tweets.
In an early-morning tweet, Mr. Trump threatened “serious force” against any protesters who tried to establish an autonomous zone in Washington, D.C., as they have in Seattle. Twitter hid his message behind a warning label saying the president violated the company’s policies forbidding abusive behavior.”
Nu bliver Twitter-algoritmen mere smidig
Twitter Engineering:
“However, since user interest is constantly changing, this model must be updated regularly in a process called refreshing the model. In a recent effort, we have successfully reduced the time to refresh this model from 7 days to about 1 day via a redesign of our data logging pipeline.”
Hvordan vil Twitter moderere lydklip?
– For nylig annoncerede Twitter, at udvalgte brugere får lov at teste en ny funktion, hvor man kan optage en lydsnas og vedhæfte den, akkurat som man gør med billeder og video.
“Audio is more labor intensive to moderate than text or photos, because it requires moderators to actually listen to the audio to act on it; typically, moderators are asked to make a decision on whether content violates a platform’s rules in a matter of seconds. With longer audio clips, a moderator will have to locate the violating portion of the audio, which takes much longer (AI can help speed up this process, but AI moderation has its own problems)”
TikTokkere tager ansvar for tomme Trump-tribuner
The New York Times:
“TikTok users and fans of Korean pop music groups claimed to have registered potentially hundreds of thousands of tickets for Mr. Trump’s campaign rally as a prank. After the Trump campaign’s official account @TeamTrump posted a tweetasking supporters to register for free tickets using their phones on June 11, K-pop fan accounts began sharing the information with followers, encouraging them to register for the rally — and then not show.”
Nu kommer ‘TikTok for Business’
TikTok Newsroom:
“Today, we’re excited to introduce TikTok For Business, our global brand and platform that is home to all current and future marketing solutions for brands. TikTok For Business solutions are designed to give brands and marketers the tools to be creative storytellers and meaningfully engage with the TikTok community.”
TikTok gør også klar til pride
Social Media Today:
“First off, on new features – TikTok has added a series of #MyPride creative effects – “including Pride Polaroid, Rainbow Eyeshadow, Rainbow Sparkles, Pride Flag Cape, and Rainbow Ribbons”.”
De andre og branchen:
Regeringen klar med krav til sociale medier om overgrebsmateriale
“Regeringen er til efteråret klar med en ny lovgivning, der skal skærpe kravene til sociale medier som Facebook, YouTube og Instagram. […]
S-udmeldingen kommer, efter at Dansk Folkeparti, SF og Radikale Venstre har meldt ud, at de vil have ændret loven, så sociale medier bliver forpligtet til at fjerne seksuelle overgrebsbilleder af børn inden for 24 timer, efter at de sociale medier er blevet opmærksomme på det ulovlige materiale.”
YouTube introducerer automatisk sletning
“Among the new features is default auto-delete functionality. Last May, Google introduced a new tool that allows users to automatically delete their location and search history data. From inside their Google Account, users could dictate that Google should delete their history after three months or 18 months, and the company later expanded this feature to YouTube too. From today, Google will make auto-delete the default for some users.”
Google lancerer Keen
What’s New In Publishing:
“While some are seeing it as an AI-powered Pinterest competitor, it’s a bit more than just an image sharing service. Keen, according to its creators, is an experiment from Area 120 and PAIR, built to expand what you’re into, helping you curate, collaborate and expand every interest.
Keen can save and add links, text, images and web searches, and everything you add gets you more to explore, as it leverages the Google Search index, combined with user feedback, to provide personalized recommendations that improve over time.”
Snap undskylder for Juneteenth-filter
The Verge:
“Snapchat is apologizing for a controversial Juneteenth filter that allowed users to “smile and break the chains,” saying the filter had not gone through its usual review protocols. The filter was panned by critics on Friday morning shortly after its release for its tone deafness, and was disabled by about 11AM ET. “
Ryd op i dit gamle SoMe-indhold
“If your social media life spans more than a few years, you might not want friends, family, or prospective employers looking back on the sort of person you used to be. Here we’ll show you how you can scrub your timelines on the three biggest social platforms, using both built-in tools and third-party add-ons.”
? Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
Automatisering nedlægger 17 stillinger hos Jysk Fynske
– Der er tale om et system, der automatiserer dele af arbejdet med at layoute og opsætte sider. Der er stadig brug for mennesker, så det er ikke fuldautomatisering, men stadig nok til, at der kan spares.
“Find noget arbejde, som ikke kan automatiseres. Ellers risikerer du at blive arbejdsløs,” lyder opfordringen fra tillidsmanden.
“‘Hvis det havde været andre tider, kunne vi have brugt kræfterne andre steder i virksomheden. Det har vi gjort før. Nu falder det sammen med sparerunder, og så glider tingene sammen,’ siger [ledende redaktør Jesper Nørgaard]”
Kortlægning af danske nyhedsørkener
Media Scale:
“Det er nødvendigt at få besvaret det spørgsmål, så debatten omkring de lokale medier kan blive taget på et oplyst grundlag og ikke på antagelser og bekymringer.
Helt konkret er der brug for et kvalificeret bud på, hvorvidt der findes nyhedsørkener i Danmark, inden de kommende mediepolitiske forhandlinger er historie.
Jeg har derfor kortlagt de lokale mediers dækningsområder og visualiseret dem på et danmarkskort, så man kan se, hvor der er – eller ikke er – behov for bekymring.”
Google opdaterer sit analyseværktøj til redaktioner
“NTG is supposed to make it easier for publishers to collect the data they need. That falls into three broad categories — video analytics, user engagement and reader revenue. Publishers will be able to select the category and the specific types of data they want to track, and then Google will give them JavaScript that they can copy and paste onto their website in order to start feeding that data into Google Analytics.”
Nu kommer der faktatjek på Googles billedsøgninger
Social Media Today:
“As digital platforms continue to seek new methods to limit the spread of misinformation, Google has announced that it’s adding new fact check markers to Google Image search results, in order to ensure searchers are aware of what each image actually represents.”
Spotify tester interaktive podcast-annoncer
The Verge:
“Spotify wants to ensure you never forget a podcast advertiser’s promo code again. The company announced today that it’s testing a new feature called “In-App Offers” that give podcasts the ability to keep an embedded link on their episode pages that, when tapped, leads to an advertiser’s webpage. That webpage will automatically load with the promo code inserted.”
Kritik: Datatilsynet lader Facebook og Google slippe for let
“Ifølge en dansk juraprofessor bør de europæiske datatilsyn bruge GDPR til at skabe større indsigt i de store tech-virksomheders forretningsmodel.”
Disney+ kommer til Danmark 15. september
“Prisen i Danmark bliver 59 kroner om måneden eller 589 kroner for et årsabonnement.
Dermed bliver priserne lidt højere end de første priser, Disney+ meldte ud. “
? Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
Google vil betale medier for brug af paywall-indhold
Google Blog:
“Where available, Google will also offer to pay for free access for users to read paywalled articles on a publisher’s site. This will let paywalled publishers grow their audiences and open an opportunity for people to read content they might not ordinarily see. “
Læs meget mere:
“Bowing to pressure, Google says it will pay publishers for news”
Columbia Journalism Review
“‘Google paying publishers’ is more about PR than the needs of the news industry”
Nieman Lab
“‘Stay ahead of regulations’: Publishers question Google’s motives in paying for news”
Medier ser digitale events som kilde til data
“In figuring out how to wring value from the present surplus of digital events, publishers are using them to collect valuable first-party data that can be used to monetize other parts of their business, ultimately reducing their reliance on third-party cookies. “
Derfor lykkes mediernes “content studios” ikke
The Media Nut:
“In the early days of branded content/sponsored content/custom content/content marketing/native advertising, publishers rejoiced at the promise of creating specific content for advertisers. Display ads, we know, don’t work. What does work? Content. Publishers make content every day, the idea went, if we created content bought by advertisers, the money will flow!
In principle, this could be great but as it moves from theory to practice, it often stumbles. In part because the people typically running the show are marketers and salespeople who have a different incentive, if not perspective, of the efficacy of content.”
“New York Times afskediger 68 medarbejdere”
“Telegraph ditches branded content putting dozens of jobs at risk”
Scripps forsøger at sælge Stitcher
The Information:
“E.W. Scripps Co. is looking to sell Stitcher, the fast-growing podcast production and ad sales business it acquired in 2016. Scripps is under debt pressure after making some big TV station acquisitions last year.”
Nicheinvesteringer trækker Teknologiens Mediehus nedad
“Medieselskabet bag bl.a. Ingeniøren og Version2 har de seneste par år knopskudt med adskillige nye abonnementsmedier. Investeringen har gravet et mindre underskud i selskabet sidste år, men skal være med til at sikre fremtidens økonomi.”
? Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
Apple godkender pludselig Hey alligevel
– I sidste uge var en af de store tech-historier, at Apple og App Store havde blokeret for e-mail-app’en Hey, der er udviklet af Basecamp, som danske David Heinemeier Hanssons er en del af. Årsagen var, at app’en brød App Store-reglerne om, at Apple skal have en andel af de salg, der sker direkte i app’en.
Men nu er det sket noget nyt:
“‘Apples App Store Review Board har overrasket os ved at godkende de verserende bug fixes til Hey iOS app, som blokerede os hele den forgangne uge,’ lyder det i en meddelelse fra Hey.
Selskabet har samtidig offentliggjort meddelelsen fra Apple, der kort skriver til Hey:
‘Vi har set Davids tweet og ser frem til at samarbejde om vejen frem. Denne opdatering er blevet godkendt.'”
…derudover fortæller Apple, at de nu vil indføre en “mere fleksibel godkendelsesmodel”. I øjeblikket er er en antitrust-sag mod Apple i gang, blandt andet omkring App Store. Måske det også spiller ind.
Læs også:
“How Basecamp bent Apple”
The Interface / Casey Newton (The Verge)
“Apple, HEY, and the Path Forward”
Her er, hvad Apple annoncerede ved WWDC
Wired har samlet op:
- New Macs Will Run on Apple-Made Chips
- iOS 14 Will Make Your iPhone More Customizable
- Apple Is Reimagining Car Key Fobs
- iPadOS 14 Gets More Like a Computer
- MacOS and Safari Get an Overhaul
- Seamless Device Switching Coming to AirPods
- Sleep and Handwashing Features for WatchOS 7
Flere artikler om det:
“Every New iPhone Feature Apple Revealed for iOS 14”
“Apple is finally making it easy to hide from trackers”
“Apple’s new iOS 14 home screen brings Windows Phone Live Tiles back to life”
The Verge
“Apple’s Intel Breakup Will Reshape Macs—and Beyond”
Google Photos får nyt look
The Verge:
“The refreshed look, which includes fresh ways to navigate the app and a simplified pinwheel icon, is designed to better highlight your favorite old pictures, Google said. It also answers the top feature request Google says it’s received: a map view that lets you explore the photos and videos that you’ve taken by location.”
Facebook dropper det billigste Oculus-VR-headset
“Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s announcement of the device in late 2017 was a major development for the company, which had never released a standalone headset before and was battling consumer perceptions that the technology was too expensive. Then starting at $199, the Oculus Go was largely a replacement for the slowly discontinued Samsung Gear VR that underwent several iterations but had built up a fairly robust back library over the years.”
Design-tips til push-notifikationer
“Unfortunately each platform is a little bit different. It can be daunting and complicated to get your head around what exactly goes into a push notification. How many lines of text do you need? How many images? What are the character restrictions? What does it look like on the other operating systems you don’t have access to?”
Hvad kommer efter Zoom?
Benedict Evans:
“Now, suddenly, we’re all locked down, and we’re all on video calls all the time, doing team stand-ups, play dates and family birthday parties, and suddenly Zoom is a big deal. At some point many of those meetings will turn back into coffees, we hope, but video will remain.
Will it still be Zoom, though?
As a breakthrough product, I think it’s useful to compare Zoom with two previous products – Dropbox and Skype.”