Opsamling på uge 27, 2020

Her har du Danmarks mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
Digital Ugerevy udgives af Lars K Jensen, der rådgiver, udvikler og arbejder med digitale medier og udvikling.

? Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
Facebook-boykot tromler videre
“The “Stop Hate for Profit” campaign will begin calling on major companies in Europe to join the boycott, Jim Steyer, chief executive of Common Sense Media, said in an interview with Reuters on Saturday. Since the campaign launched earlier this month, more than 160 companies, including Verizon Communications (VZ.N) and Unilever Plc (ULVR.L), have signed on to stop buying ads on the world’s largest social media platform for the month of July. “
“Here Are All the Major Brands Not Advertising on Facebook”
“‘Influencer deals are being paused’: As Facebook boycott begins in earnest, influencer marketing feels a sting”
“Facebook’s ad-pocalypse arrives”
Casey Newton / The Verge
“The Facebook ad boycott is starting to rattle investors”
“Facebook vil bekæmpe hadefulde ytringer mere midt i annoncørboykot”
“Starbucks dropper reklamer på sociale medier”
“Marketers’ Facebook boycotts are just the 1st step toward change”
Mobile Marketer
…og nu rammer det også influencere:
‘Influencer deals are being paused’: As Facebook boycott begins in earnest, influencer marketing feels a sting
Facebook vil markere indhold fra politikere, der bryder reglerne
Social Media Today:
“Zuckerberg made the announcement via Facebook Live, following news that both Verizon and Unilever had joined the Facebook ads boycott proposed by a coalition of civil rights groups. Procter and Gamble, which controls around $6.8 billion in annual ad spend, is also believed to be considering its position.”
Kampen mod ‘boogaloo’ fortsætter for Facebook
“On Tuesday afternoon, Facebook announced that it had removed more than 200 accounts linked to the violent, anti-government extremist “boogaloo” movement. This move comes after weeks of criticism over the company’s handling of hate speech on its platform. Still, banning the boogaloo accounts does not solve Facebook’s larger hate speech problem.”
The Verges Casey Newton har samlet op i sit The Interface-nyhedsbrev:
“Everything social networks banned this week, ranked”
Facebook-algoritmen vil nu booste original journalistik
“This won’t change the News Feed experience dramatically for most users, because Facebook will still only showcase stories from news outlets that they or their friends follow. But the tech giant will boost the more original story within that subset.”
Nogle Facebook-apps misbruger e-mailadresser
“Some third-party Facebook apps could be misusing user data for ransomware, spam, and targeted advertising, according to a study by researchers at the University of Iowa. Their work, which hasn’t yet been peer-reviewed, used a tool called CanaryTrap in conjunction with Facebook’s ad transparency tool to detect unrecognized uses of users’ personal data.”
Facebook åbner for ‘Fan Subscriptions’
Social Media Today:
“Facebook is opening up its Fan Subscriptions and live-stream ‘Stars’ payment options to more creators, while also adding new ad tools and analytics insights to help creators maximize their Facebook presence.
The changes come as Facebook sees major increases in video viewing amid the COVID-19 lockdowns, with the consumption of live-streaming, in particular, reaching new highs.”
Sådan rettede Facebook ind efter Trump
The Washington Post:
“The concessions to Trump have led to a transformation of the world’s information battlefield. They paved the way for a growing list of digitally savvy politicians to repeatedly push out misinformation and incendiary political language to billions of people. It has complicated the public understanding of major events such as the pandemic and the protest movement, as well as contributed to polarization.”
Facebook delte brugeroplysninger længere end oplyst
“Facebook Inc. mistakenly shared some users’ personal data with outside developers for a longer period of time than promised, in a breach of policies the social network implemented following the Cambridge Analytica scandal of 2018.”
Datatilsynet vil undersøge TikTok
“Når Datatilsynet i dette tilfælde selv kan indlede en egendriftssag direkte over for en dataansvarlig, som opererer internationalt, skyldes det, at platformen pt. ikke har etableret et hovedsæde i Europa. En lang række globale tjenester har hovedsæde i Irland, og derfor er det i disse tilfælde det irske datatilsyn, der er såkaldt ledende tilsynsmyndighed på vegne af de andre europæiske tilsynsmyndigheder.”
TikTok har læst det, du kopierede
– TikTok er dog langt fra alene, kan du læse i artiklen ?
“I sidste uge kom det frem, at appen TikTok konstant læser data, som iPhone-brugeren har kopieret, uagtet at brugeren ikke sætter den data ind i appen. TikTok har nu meddelt, at man dropper den praksis.”
TikTok lover annoncører mere gennemsigtighed
“In its latest pitch to advertisers during the NewFronts in the U.S. and an online event for European advertisers last week, the app is stressing its deviation from the way older rivals have gone to market with promises to be more transparent on the performance of its ads and insisting it’s a safe haven for marketers’ spend.”
Danske Bank dropper Twitter
“Sociale medier må nu undvære røster fra Danske Bank. Ny lovgivning gør det tvivlsomt, om bankens ytringer må stå i nærheden af bettingreklamer.”
? Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
The New York Times forlader Apple News
The New York Times:
“The Times is one of the first media organizations to pull out of Apple News. The Times, which has made adding new subscribers a key business goal, said Apple had given it little in the way of direct relationships with readers and little control over the business. It said it hoped to instead drive readers directly to its own website and mobile app so that it could “fund quality journalism.””
Nieman Lab:
“‘It’s time to re-examine all of our relationships with the big platforms,’ New York Times COO Meredith Levien told me. ‘And we’re reexamining them on three axes that are all interrelated, but different with each of the players.'”
Quartz’ nye forside er en hyldest til nyhedsbreve
“Today we unveiled a new version of our homepage that draws inspiration from our popular email newsletters like the Quartz Daily Brief and Quartz Weekly Obsession. These informative, concise, and conversational rundowns have taught us a lot about how you prefer to get your news; now we’re bringing what we’ve learned to QZ.com and our iOS app.”
“Publishers are seeing revenue bumps of up to 103% from email newsletters: ‘It is the new homepage'”
What’s New In Publishing
Vox lægger podcasts på Google-assistenten
“Here’s how it works: The Your News Update algorithm curates a selection of audio stories tailored to you. What you hear each day is ultimately determined by where you live, what you like, what you need to know that day, and the preferred sources you define in the Google Assistant app. By selecting Vox as a preferred news source, the Assistant will regularly surface stories from Vox in your update. “
“Alexa, just shut up: We’ve been isolated for months, and now we hate our home assistants”
The Washington Post
Wall Street Journal prøver at nå de unge med ‘Noted’
Nieman Lab:
“The Wall Street Journal has been previewing Noted, a monthly digital ‘news and culture’ magazine for 18- to 34-year-olds, for the past couple of months, and on Tuesday it officially launched. Noted, whose tagline is ‘For you. With you. By you,’ is a push to attract younger audiences to the Journal, and it’ll be published across platforms, with a section front on WSJ.com but also with content on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. A couple of early stories included ‘Notes on the Pandemic‘ and ‘Coronavirus Video Diaries.'”
Det er de små ting, der virker i kampen mod “fake news”
Nieman Lab:
“‘A brief intervention which could be inexpensively disseminated at scale can be effective at reducing the perceived accuracy of false news stories,” the authors conclude, “helping users more accurately gauge the credibility of news content they encounter on different topics or issues.'”
“Why do people share misinformation about Covid-19? Partly because they’re distracted”
Nieman Lab
Skal Reddit betale sine moderatorer?
Casey Newton / The Interface (The Verge):
“Should Reddit pay its volunteer moderators? The thought had not really occurred to me until last week, when I joined a call with CEO Steve Huffman and his general counsel, Benjamin Lee. The executives were briefing me and some other reporters about a significant expansion of the site’s content moderation policies, which were unveiled on Monday and resulted in the removal of 2,000 subreddits, including the notorious forum for hate speech The_Donald.”
Lix, platformen for studiebøger, lukker
“Selskabet bag den digitale platform Lix kaster håndklædet i ringen, fordi det ikke er lykkedes at finde en bæredygtig forretningsmodel.”
Streaming-forbruget falder igen i USA
“Medvinden er så småt begyndt at løje af igen for streamingtjenesterne i USA, der oplevede en stigning i brugen under nedlukningen af landet. Det skriver TBI Vision.”
? Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
Sådan skaber Substack nyhedsbrevsentreprenører
“[Judd Legum, who founded the progressive political blog ThinkProgress] said that writers are more entrepreneurial with their newsletters than they were with their blogs. He, for instance, has turned down freelance work, which might pay between $500 and $1,000 an article, because it makes more sense to self publish. A recent newsletter with two political scoops garnered 72 new paid subscribers in one day, Legum said. “As a lot of tech startups know, recurring monthly revenue is a good model. There’s stability to it. It’s better than advertising, when for the most part every month you start at zero and you’ve got to build up your pageviews,” Legum said.”
Farvel til tredjepart kan betyde øget indtjening til medier
“In January 2020, when NPO switched from tracking-based targeting to contextual targeting, revenue increased 61% more than January 2019. In February, revenue increased 76% over the previous year. In the following month the Netherlands experienced an economic shock from the Covid-19 pandemic, and Dutch economists predicted a recession.[6] Even so, despite revenue increased 18% in March over the previous year, 8% in April, and 19% in May.”
Giver annonce-boykottet af Facebook et boost til kontekst-annoncering?
“These two sins combined to swing the pendulum of digital media far away from the value of context and be squarely about audience. As one digital media veteran told me years ago, digital advertising became mostly ‘see a cookie, hit a cookie.'”
Medier forsøger sig med “ad refreshing”
– Det er en metode, ikke alle er glade for. Kort fortalt går det ud på, at en annonce bliver vist på en placering i X antal sekunder. Når tiden er gået, “flipper” annonceplaceringen, så at sige, og en ny annonce bliver vist.
For mediet betyder det, at man kan få kørt flere annoncevisninger igennem, hvilket kan føre til flere penge.
Det siger selv sig, at den annonceteknologi klarer sig bedst på statiske/”sticky” placeringer, der altid er i brugerens vindue.
“Each new impression served after a given time frame generates incremental revenue for publishers. Most exchanges and vendors combine other refresh triggers with time elapsed, like user action (mouse movements and scroll depth), content change or a combination. But it’s a fine balance for publishers. While ad refresh can increase publisher inventory, after the first impression is served it can decrease viewability and click-through-rate—eventually hurting publisher revenue.”
Sådan lykkes VentureBeat med virtuelle events
“GameBeat Summit 2020 ended up bringing in more money from its virtual iteration than it did as its in-person version in 2019, she said. This was not only due to a higher profit margin, but also due to the fact that her team was able to keep sponsorships prices consistent with the summit’s original in-person format. “
? Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
Første generation af Augmented Reality er død
“A key error of this batch was thinking that an AR glasses company was hardware-first, when the reality is that the missing value is almost entirely centered on missing first-party software experiences. To succeed, the next generation of consumer AR glasses will have to nail this.”
Kritik af Apple-Google-aftale
“The payments by Alphabet Inc’s Google to Apple Inc to be the default search engine on Apple’s Safari web browser create “a significant barrier to entry and expansion” for Google’s rivals in the search engine market, the UK markets regulator said in a report released on Wednesday. “
Sådan sætter du Chrome og Firefox til at matche Safaris privacy
“You don’t have to wait for macOS Big Sur to drop to get a lot of these upcoming features though—both Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome have similar features, or they can with the help of a third-party extension. Here’s how you can get Firefox or Chrome up to par with Safari in macOS Big Sur today.”
Byg apps uden at kode med nyt Amazon-værktøj
“Amazon Web Services (AWS) har netop frigivet en betaversion af Honeycode, der gør det muligt for bruge at lave web- og mobilapplikationer, uden at brugeren skal kode.
Applikationen er baseret i visuelle elementer, hvori brugeren kan vælge en template eller starte fra nul, den giver adgang til mange af de elementer, som findes i AWS-built-databasen. Det skriver InfoQ.”
Disney bygger deepfake i megapixel-kvalitet
“Udviklere fra Disney viser, hvordan de kan lave realistiske deepfake-videoer i en opløsning på 1024×1024. Der er dog stadig et stykke vej før neurale netværk kan overtage opgaven med at lave visuelle effekter til biograffilm og tv-serier.”
Kampen mod anti-tracking går også via DNS-indstillingerne
Simo Ahava:
“This article shows you how some vendors in the advertising and marketing technology space are approaching the restrictions to third-party context. They are directly contacting their customers and asking for their help in keeping the service alive.
The gist is typically that the site needs to reserve a subdomain (e.g. tracking.domain.com
), which is then set to point to a vendor domain name (e.g. identity.vendor.com
) using a Canonical Name (CNAME
) DNS record.”