Digitale tendenser, uge 38 (2020)

Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
Digital Ugerevy udgives af Lars K Jensen, der rådgiver, udvikler og arbejder med digitale medier og udvikling.

Del 1: Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
The New York Times og Facebook i AR-samarbejde
“The New York Times and Facebook have struck a multi-year partnership to co-develop augmented reality (AR) filters and effects on Instagram that help users access and contextualize New York Times journalism, executives tell Axios.”
Facebook lukker for Saszeline
“Tidligere tirsdag sagde Camilla Nordsted, kommunikationskonsulent for Facebook og Instagram i Norden, til DR, at Saszeline Sørensen er underlagt de samme regler som alle andre brugere.
“Saszelines fremtid på Instagram afhænger af, om hun bliver ved med at overtræde vores retningslinjer,” sagde hun til DR.”
Kardashian sætter Facebook og Instagram på pause
“Kim Kardashian West announced that she will join two dozen celebrities in temporarily freezing their Instagram and Facebook accounts on Wednesday because the platforms ‘continue to allow the spreading of hate, propaganda and misinformation — created by groups to sow division and split America apart.'”
“High Profile Celebrities Are ‘Freezing’ Their Facebook and Instagram Accounts in Protest Over Hate Speech”
Social Media Today
Tidligere Facebook-folk bruger Trumps strategi imod ham
“But McGowan rolls her eyes at the notion that Trump conjured some kind of digital black magic in 2016. She takes no issue with copying his playbook. In fact, she admires the way that conservative power brokers, including the Koch brothers, have used data to their advantage. She just wants to do it on the left. Some Democratic megadonors seem to buy her argument: Acronym and its affiliated political action committee have received millions in funding from LinkedIn cofounder Reid Hoffman, film director Steven Spielberg, and venture capitalist Michael Moritz.”
Facebook lancerer “co-watching” i Messenger
“Facebook today is rolling out a new feature that will allow friends and family to watch videos together over Messenger. The feature, called “Watch Together,” works with all Facebook Watch video content, including its original programs, user uploads, creator content, live streams and, soon, music videos.”
Tidligere Facebook-ansat ude med kritik
“Facebook ignored or was slow to act on evidence that fake accounts on its platform have been undermining elections and political affairs around the world, according to an explosive memo sent by a recently fired Facebook employee and obtained by BuzzFeed News.”
Vigtig kontekst: Se denne Twitter-tråd af Benedict Evans
Facebook investerer 5 mio. dollars i US-lokalmedier
Facebook Journalism Project:
“This new investment will focus on two major areas: diversity and entrepreneurship.
We will start by investing in local news organizations that serve historically marginalized communities. These organizations and newsrooms ensure that important stories and perspectives that reflect the diversity of our communities are told. […]
The trend of news creators creatively stepping in to fill community news needs continues to grow and serve audiences in new ways. We will contribute to this effort by funding programs that focus on the business skills individuals need to run successful, independent news organizations.”
Lettere styring på tværs af Facebook, Instagram og Messenger
“Facebook this morning launched a new app designed to make it easier for businesses to manage in a single place their pages and profiles across Facebook, Instagram and Messenger. The app, Facebook Business Suite, combines access to the business’s key updates and priorities, and offers a way to draft and schedule feed posts for both Facebook and Instagram, view insights and create ads.”
Dansk influent idømt bøde
“En dansk influencer har betalt en bøde på 60.000 kr. for at have lavet skjult reklame. Det oplyser Forbrugerombudsmanden i en pressemeddelelse.
Det fremgår ikke af Forbrugerombudsmandens pressemeddelelse, hvilken influencer, der er tale om. Men det er en med ‘et stort antal følgere på Instagram.'”
Forbrugeromdbudsmandens pressemeddelelse →
Sådan bruger medier Instagram til at nå de unge
What’s New in Publishing:
“Reuters’ 2020 Digital News Report reveals that the use of Instagram for news has doubled across all age groups since 2018. It is now set to overtake Twitter as a news source in the coming year, with younger people—about 63% of Instagram users worldwide are between 18 and 34 years old—embracing Instagram for their news. “
De andre
Derfor er politik stort på YouTube
NBC News:
“”YouTube has come into its own. It has blossomed. It is incredibly effective,” said Rebecca Donatelli, president of Campaign Solutions, a political consulting firm that works with Republican candidates. In the realm of politics, she said, ‘this is the year of YouTube.'”
“YouTube Offers New Ad Tools To Help Marketers Tap Into the Rise in YouTube Viewership”
Social Media Today
Twitter strammer sikkerheden op inden valget
Business Insider:
“Twitter is rolling out new account security measures for certain American politicians, candidates, and news media ahead of the 2020 elections, the company announced in a blog post Thursday.”
“Twitter removes Kanye West tweet suggesting followers harass journalist”
The Hill
Twitter tester lyd i beskeder i Brasilien
Social Media Today:
“Going on this example, it looks like audio clips in DMs will be limited to 140 seconds, the same as they are in regular tweets, with a recording button added to the right side of the message composer bubble.”
Trump vil blokere downloads af TikTok og WeChat
The Verge:
“The US Commerce Department intends to issue a new order on Friday that will ban people in the US from downloading the popular video-sharing app TikTok from app stores as early as Sunday, September 20th, Reuters first reported Friday.”
Rygte: Skal Instagram-stifter være chef for TikTok?
The Interface (Casey Newton, The Verge):
“And yet, if Systrom harbored some desire to get back in the game — and start on third base — it’s hard to imagine a more intriguing perch than TikTok. The app is dominant among the younger generation, and yet it still feels as if the company is just scratching the surface of what it could become. It seems possible that TikTok could be the canvas Systrom had once hoped Instagram could be for him over the long term — a quasi-independent company that would allow him to nurture a community, invent new creative tools, and win in business.”
US-myndigheder skal kigge på Oracle-bud på TikTok
MediaWatch / Ritzau:
“Det amerikanske finansministerium vil gennemgå en aftale mellem softwareproducenten Oracle og andre parter om købet af kinesiske Tiktok. Den potentielle aftale med amerikanske Oracle vil øge medstifteren Larry Ellisons forhåbninger om at kunne hamle op med Amazon og Microsoft.”
“Oracle’s TikTok deal accomplishes nothing”
The Verge
“ByteDance selects Oracle as ‘technology partner’ for TikTok”
“The People with Power at TikTok Owner Bytedance”
The Information
Microsoft efter afvisning: Vi køber ikke TikTok
The Verge:
“‘ByteDance let us know today they would not be selling TikTok’s US operations to Microsoft,’ says Microsoft in a statement. ‘We are confident our proposal would have been good for TikTok’s users, while protecting national security interests. To do this, we would have made significant changes to ensure the service met the highest standards for security, privacy, online safety, and combatting disinformation, and we made these principles clear in our August statement. We look forward to seeing how the service evolves in these important areas.'”
Del 2: Digitale medietendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
Måske er Zetland ikke kuren mod nyhedstræthed
Artiklen er baseret på arbejde af den danske medieforsker Kim Andersen.
Nieman Lab:
“The results: People who felt more news fatigue were less likely to use Zetland’s slow news. But people who were already consuming more news on a regular basis were more likely to use their Zetland subscription.
In other words, Zetland was more attractive to people who were already consuming a lot of news than to those who weren’t. And it was less attractive to people feeling a lot of news fatigue than to those who weren’t.”
Så kom Disney+ til Danmark
“Med en pris, der er lavere end flere konkurrenter, et indholdskatalog fra velkendte brands og eksklusivitet på eget indhold går Disney+ tirsdag ind på det danske marked for fuld musik. Analytiker spår gedigen tilslutning til den nye streamingtjeneste. Yousee holder distributionskortene tæt til kroppen.”
QAnon-site lukket efter faktatjek
“ is among the largest websites promoting the QAnon conspiracy, with over 10 million visitors in July, according to web analytics firm SimilarWeb Ltd., and served as the primary archive of QAnon’s posts. The website aggregates posts by Q, the anonymous figure behind the QAnon theory, and the creator of the website is known online only as ‘QAppAnon.’
The fact-checking site identified Jason Gelinas of New Jersey on Sept. 10 as the “developer and mouthpiece” for the site. New Jersey state records connect QAppAnon to Gelinas’s home address, Bloomberg found.”
Google-AI er blevet bedre til breaking news og misinformation
“Google says it’s using AI and machine learning techniques to more quickly detect breaking news around crises like natural disasters. That’s according to Pandu Nayak, vice president of search at Google, who revealed that the company’s systems now take minutes to recognize breaking news as opposed to 40 minutes a few years ago.” – nyt borgerligt medie på vej
“Mikkel Andersson der er kendt som borgerlig debattør og satiriker såvel som journalist, vil stå i spidsen, når det nye netmedie kommer til at gå online i løbet af efteråret.
Det skriver Finans.”
Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
Håndbog i medlemskaber
Det her er vigtig læsning. The Membership Guide har udgivet en håndbog i medlemskaber for medier.
Der er et stærkt hold bag, og The Membership Guide udgiver med støtte fra The Lenfest Institute og Google News Initiative
Gaffa lancerer “annoncepas”
“Er målet “kun” at undgå adblockere eller ser I det som starten på eksperimentering med forretningsmodeller?
Robert Borges, CEO: Step 1 er at undgå adblockers, fordi vi mener, at som medie bør man stille krav til sine brugere. Step 2 er at kigge på denne og lignende modeller, eksempelvis kommer vi også med en paywall på CMP-delen.“
Kvalitet: Sådan hentede The Atlantic 300.000 abonnenter
I’ve been arguing for a long time that we will be saved as an institution by bearing down on quality, quality, quality. Just do the most deeply reported, beautifully written, carefully edited, fact-checked, copyedited, and beautifully designed stories — and the reader will come. They want to be supportive and they want access. And it turns out to be true. Thank God for it.
Jeffrey Goldberg, Editor-in-Chief, The Atlantic
Læs mere hos What’s New in Publishing →
The Economist tredobler antallet af abonnenter fra LinkedIn
“‘LinkedIn has changed over the last couple of years, it’s moved from a platform where you would get a job to [becoming] more content-focused,’ said Jack Lahart, head of social media at The Economist. ‘In the early days, The Economist brand would have stuck well with audiences who were out there looking for a new job and sharing our content.'”
The New York Times hæver prisen på digital
“New York Times har torsdag annonceret et prisløft på sine digitale abonnenter. Prisen vil fra 27. oktober gå op med 13 pct. til 17 dollar fra 15 dollar om måneden. På den baggrund stiger aktien i det amerikanske medier med 1,6 pct., selv om det brede aktiemarked i USA bakker med 1,2 pct.”
Apple lancerer mega-bundle
Nieman Lab:
“Twenty-five bucks a month is a real savings! But even within Apple’s generally upmarket customer base, the number of people who’ll be attracted to a $30/month price point is much smaller than at $15/month. And that smaller, richer group is the only one who might be drawn into News+ by Apple One. (Think about it: A year of Apple One Premier would run you $360. A year of Amazon Prime — which offers a distinct but philosophically similar bundle of services — is just $119.)”
“Everything Apple Announced Today, From Watches to Home Workouts”
CNET Media Group får nye ejere
“Another big M&A play is going down in the world of media. Publishing group Red Ventures today announced that it is buying CNET Media Group from ViacomCBS for $500 million. The deal will include the eponymous CNET tech site, as well as ZDNet, Gamespot, TVGuide, Metacritic and Chowhound.”
Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
Apple opdaterer retningslinjer for App Store
“Apple today is releasing updated App Store Guidelines with the goal of clarifying how it will approach new technologies, like game streaming services, App Clips and widgets, in addition to better detailing its stance over how and when it will collect in-app purchases from certain categories of apps. The changes arrive at a time when Apple is battling in court with Epic over its requirements regarding the use of in-app purchases. The company is also seeing its App Store business scrutinized by regulators over monopolistic practices in the U.S., E.U. and Australia, and elsewhere.”
Hvad skal udviklere vide om iOS 14?
“One of the biggest changes coming as part of the iOS 14 update is to the App Tracking Transparency framework. Essentially, developers will now have to explicitly ask players to agree to share their usage data, and many unique advertising identifiers will no longer be available. This limits developers’ capability to track user actions post-install, target users in ad campaigns, build user-level performance dashboards, monetize via ads, and so on.”
“Udviklere taget på sengen: Derfor bør du vente med at opdatere din iPhone”
VR-nyheder fra Facebook
Social Media Today:
“Facebook is today holding its Facebook Connect AR/VR showcase event, where it’s providing an overview of the latest advances in its next level virtual and augmented reality tools.
And there are some major updates of note – here’s an overview of some of the key announcements.”
“Facebook’s first ‘smart glasses’ will be Ray-Bans, coming next year”
The Verge
Google i autocomplete-modvind
“Google said Thursday that it had reined in the autocomplete function of its search engine to prevent it from favoring electoral candidates or political parties. It didn’t take long for WIRED to find—and Google to hurriedly fix—breaches of the new policy, suggesting it is a work in progress.
WIRED found that typing “donate” into the lucrative white box on could prompt suggestions for donating to Joe Biden’s presidential campaign, but not Donald Trump’s. After WIRED flagged them to the company, Google said Friday it had blocked those suggestions for breaking its new election-related policies for autocomplete.”
Freelancer-platformen Fiverr lancerer abonnementsprodukt
“Fiverr Business was initially made available back in February as part of a beta program, and today it is open to all companies. This also signals Fiverr’s first foray into subscriptions, opening the door to a more predictable and regular revenue stream. It’s free for the first year after signup, after which the platform costs $149 annually for up to 50 users.”
AI-etik gentager fortidens fejl
MIT Technology Review:
“We believe these groups are well-intentioned and are doing worthwhile work. The AI community should, indeed, agree on a set of international definitions and concepts for ethical AI. But without more geographic representation, they’ll produce a global vision for AI ethics that reflects the perspectives of people in only a few regions of the world, particularly North America and northwestern Europe.”