Digitale medier i uge 42 (2020)

Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
Digital Ugerevy udgives af Lars K Jensen, der rådgiver, udvikler og arbejder med digitale medier og udvikling.

Del 1: Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
DR beder influencere fjerne indhold
“DR har i meget klare vendinger bedt flere influencere om at fjerne screendumps og billeder fra ’Den Store Bagedyst’, som de har delt på sociale medier.
Men en mediejurist er ikke sikker på, at DR har ret til at kræve indholdet fjernet, fordi det er satire.”
Facebook forbyder holocaust-benægtelse
CBS News:
“Facebook has announced a ban on content that denies or distorts the Holocaust. The policy marks a reversal on how to handle a disturbing category of posts that CEO Mark Zuckerberg once said should not be blocked on the platform even though they’re false. […]
The company says it removed 22.5 million pieces of hate speech shared on its platform in the second quarter of this year alone. Facebook has also banned more than 250 white white supremacist organizations and updated its policies for handling militia groups and the QAnon conspiracy theory, the statement said.”
Facebook fjerner New Zealand partis side
“Det sociale medie Facebook har valgt at slette en gruppeside, der tilhører det newzealandske parti Advance New Zealand. Det sker blot to dage før parlamentsvalget i New Zealand.
Siden blev slettet torsdag, fordi partiet ifølge Facebook gentagne gange har delt misinformation om covid-19.”
Facebook-boycott var gave til Snap og Pinterest
The Information:
“New data shows that Snap and Pinterest each got a boost from advertisers shifting spending away from Facebook during the marketer boycott over hate speech on the social network. Ad executives are divided over whether the benefits will last.”
YouTube forbyder misinformation om COVID-19-vacciner
“The video platform said it would now ban any content with claims about COVID-19 vaccines that contradict consensus from local health authorities or the World Health Organization.”
Facebook har også et nyt initiativ ifm. vacciner:
“We already don’t allow ads with vaccine hoaxes that have been publicly identified by leading global health organizations, such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Now, if an ad explicitly discourages someone from getting a vaccine, we’ll reject it. Enforcement will begin over the next few days.”
YouTube griber også ind overfor QAnon
I Ugerevyen fra uge 41 kunne du læse, hvordan Facebook slog hårdt ned på QAnon-konspirationsteoretikerne.
YouTube havde indtil i denne uge ikke gjort noget i samme skala, og ifølge CEO Susan Wojcicki handler det blandt andet om, at det er meget uklart, hvad QAnon egentlig er.
Men nu er der sket noget. The New York Times skriver:
“The company announced in a blog post that it was updating its hate-speech and harassment policies to prohibit “content that targets an individual or group with conspiracy theories that have been used to justify real-world violence.” The new policy will prohibit content promoting QAnon, as well as related conspiracy theories such as Pizzagate, which falsely claims that top Democrats and Hollywood elites are running an underground sex-trafficking ring from the basement of a Washington pizza restaurant.”
Læs mere hos Platformer: YouTube comes for Q
The New York Times skriver desuden også, at QAnon angiveligt stortrives i Tyskland.
Twitter vil gøre det sværere at retweete
“The changes include prompting people not to retweet without adding their own commentary, turning off automatic recommendations for other people’s tweets, and adding more context to its Trending section.
Twitter will also start putting more warning labels on misleading tweets by US politicians and accounts with more than 100,000 followers, and block users from “liking” or replying to those tweets. And if a politician declares premature victory before it’s verified by independent sources, Twitter will label the tweet and direct users to its voter information page.”
Du kan læse mere i Casey Newtons Platformer-nyhedsbrev, Twitter adds friction:
“I’m glad Twitter is giving this a shot, even if these and other election-related platform policy changes have an unfortunate flying-by-the-seat-of-our-pants quality. Social networks had four years to get their houses in order for the next presidential election, and they roll out their best thinking … when early voting is already under way? […]
But there’s another consideration I hope Twitter makes as it implements these changes. A corollary of the internet being too fast is that Twitter’s enforcement is still generally too slow. […]
If moderation teams are properly staffed, and policies are clearly written, it should not take hours to enforce them.”
Vi tager lige én til: “How friction could save the internet,” skriver Protocol.
Twitter blokerer deling af New York Post-artikel
Artiklen handler om Joe Bidens søn og er angiveligt skrevet på et tvivlsomt grundlag. Blokeringen har betydet, at Twitter-chefen Jack Dorsey muligvis modtager en stævning fra det amerikanske senats retsudvalg.
“Twitter blokerede onsdag for deling af en artikel fra tabloidmediet New York Post. Artiklen var baseret på e-mails, der angiveligt var skaffet fra Hunter Bidens computer og sendt videre til Rudy Giuliani – en af præsident Donald Trumps toprådgivere.
Twitter valgte at blokere artiklen for at begrænse deling af misinformation på tjenesten op til valget. Samtidig strider artiklen imod Twitters regler for artikler, der er baseret på hacket materiale.”
Trump angriber Twitter
“Twitter og Facebook har blokeret for deling af en artikel fra New York Post, der påstår, at Joe Biden deltog i møde med ukrainsk forretningsmand, hvilket afvises. Det får den amerikanske præsident til at kritisere platformene.”
“Twitter suspends fake accounts of alleged Black Trump supporters“
Al Jazeera
Nu bliver privacy-indstillingerne på Twitter lettere at forstå
Social Media Today:
“Twitter has announced a new update to its Privacy and Safety settings, and new video overviews of the various options available, in order to help users better understand the information that they share, and how they can limit such to protect their account, and control their on-platform experience.”
Twitter var nede i 90 minutter
The Verge:
“‘We have no evidence of a security breach or hack, and we’re currently investigating internal causes,’ a Twitter spokesperson said in a statement to The Verge. Twitter posted a similar message to its status page and via the @TwitterSupport Twitter account.”
Twitter tester anbefaling af at skjule svar
Social Media Today:
“Twitter looks to be testing a new prompt which would ask users if they want to hide potentially offensive replies to their tweets in order to avoid arguments and negative interactions in the app.”
Snapchat lancerer TikTok-konkurrent
“Snapchat this summer announced it would soon release a new music-powered feature that would allow users to set their Snaps to music. Today, the company made good on that promise with the launch of “Sounds on Snapchat” on iOS, a feature that lets users enhance their Snaps with music from a curated catalog of both emerging and established artists.”
Politikere vil stramme grebet om Jodel
“Falske profiler, tyveri af identiteter og sladder på den sociale platform Jodel, hvor der i de seneste uger har floreret anonyme anklager mod navngivne politikere om overgreb og seksuelle krænkelser.
Den slags vækker forargelse blandt en række medlemmer af Folketingets retsudvalg, der vil stramme de sociale platformes ansvar. Samlet repræsenterer de et flertal i Folketinget.”
Del 2: Digitale medietendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
Ekstra Bladet klar med stor AI-satsning
“Ekstra Bladet vil i samarbejde med tre universiteter udvikle algoritmer, der kan anbefale indhold til brugerne, læse og forstå artikler og skrive telegrammer om sport, vejr eller corona. Budget: Over 20 mio. kroner. Forstå projektet her”
Google lancerer Journalist Studio
“Google is putting AI and machine learning technologies into the hands of journalists. The company this morning announced a suite of new tools, Journalist Studio, that will allow reporters to do their work more easily. At launch, the suite includes a host of existing tools as well as two new products aimed at helping reporters search across large documents and visualizing data.”
…i den forbindelse bør du læse denne Twitter-tråd fra den danske journalist Bo Elkjær.
Nej til cookies skal være et frit valg
Baggrunden for historien er, at flere medier er gået i gang med at sælge adgang til indholdet for de brugere, der siger nej til cookies.
MediaWatch har spurgt Datatilsynet, hvad de mener om den tilgang:
“Jeg kan ikke udtale mig om den konkrete sag, for det har vi ikke haft mulighed for. Men generelt baseret på de fire nævnte betingelser vil det normalt ikke være i overensstemmelse med kravet om frivillighed, hvis man som bruger ikke har et reelt frivilligt valg til, hvad man giver et samtykke til, hvis man bliver udelukket fra at tilgå indhold. Der kan selvfølgelig være andre hensyn at tage, men det er udgangspunktet.”
COVID-19 betyder nye medieprodukter
What’s New In Publishing:
“In response to our new media habits and changing information needs, many publishers have experimented with efforts such as dropping their paywall (with the hope of converting some fly-by’s into subscribers) and launching new products like (but not exclusively) coronavirus podcasts, alerts, and newsletters.
According to members of WAN-IFRA’s Global Media Trends Panel, more than half of the editorial executives they surveyed had launched new products as a result of the pandemic. “
Spotify kombinerer snak og musik
“Spotify today is launching a new feature that combines spoken word audio commentary with music tracks. The new format will allow Spotify to reproduce the radio-like experience of listening to a DJ or a music journalist offering their perspective on the music. But Spotify is also making it possible for anyone to use the format to create a music-filled podcast through an integration with Spotify’s own DIY podcasting app, Anchor.”
Sådan arbejder The Correspondent med interaktioner
“As such, the published article is not the finished artifact. The site’s ambition for the comments section to be a is a space for knowledge exchange. Members shape what the correspondents cover: Each has a weekly newsletter so followers are kept in the loop with what they’re working on. And the conversation tab is easily found for members on the homepage. Correspondents are encouraged to spend between 30% and 50% of their time interacting with members. “
Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
IABs framework for annonce-tracking lever ikke op til GPDR
“A flagship framework for gathering Internet users’ consent for targeting with behavioral ads — which is designed by ad industry body, the IAB Europe — fails to meet the required legal standards of data protection, according to findings by its EU data supervisor. […]
However the findings by the investigatory division of the Belgian data protection agency cast doubt on all that adoption — suggesting the framework is not fit for purpose.
The inspection service of the Belgium DPA makes a number of findings in a report reviewed by TechCrunch — including that the TCF fails to comply with GDPR principles of transparency, fairness and accountability, and also the lawfulness of processing.”
Magasinhuse afventer den nye Publisher-platform
Du kan læse mere om Publisher Platform i Ugerevyen fra uge 40.
“Publisher Platform, som gik i luften i sidste uge, er ikke nødvendigvis noget for Bonnier Publications og Benjamin Media, men der er ros fra salgsdirektøren. Hos Aller Media afventer man også de første resultater.”
Medier bygger egne podcast-apps
What’s New in Publishing:
“Publishers like The Correspondent, Zetland and Schibsted are doing just that. The Correspondent launched a new audio app for members a few weeks back. “We were a text-based site mostly, and our members asked us if we could also provide audio, because it’s easier to combine it with different activities like travelling or working out,” said its CEO Ernst-Jan Pfauth.”
Business Insider-ejer vil købe sig ind i nyhedsbrev
The Wall Street Journal:
“Business Insider parent Insider Inc. is nearing a deal to acquire a controlling stake in Morning Brew, a news startup known for a popular email newsletter on business and finance, according to people familiar with the situation.
The terms the companies are discussing would value Morning Brew at over $75 million, including certain performance incentives, the people said. The companies haven’t completed a deal, and the talks could still fall apart.”
Medier tester hyppigere skift i annoncepriser
“After surging traffic and declining ad spending compelled many publishers to drop ad prices this spring, sometimes by as much as 20%, a growing number have begun going the other way, upping their prices ahead of periods of anticipated demand, according to several buy- and sell-side sources.
The changes are typically made on publishers’ most sought-after inventory, such as on-site pre-roll video, or podcast ads, and they can be substantial, sometimes as high as 20% above normal CPMs, two agency sources said.”
Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
Google opdaterer Analytics
Google Blog:
“By applying Google’s advanced machine learning models, the new Analytics can automatically alert you to significant trends in your data – like products seeing rising demand because of new customer needs. It even helps you anticipate future actions your customers may take.”
…og søgemotoren
“Google today announced a number of improvements to its core search engine, with a strong focus on how the company is using AI to help its users. These include the ability to better answer questions with very specific answers, very broad questions and a new algorithm to better handle the typos in your queries. The company also announced updates to Google Lens and other Search-related tools.”
Zoom lancerer platform til events
“OnZoom allows hosts to run one-time events or event series with up 100 or 1,000 attendees (depending on their license) and sell tickets for them. The idea here is for anybody — whether a yoga teacher, nonprofit or a professional event organizer — to list and sell tickets on the OnZoom marketplace.”
Zoom er desuden også på vej med end-to-end-kryptering.
Derfor er 5G-iPhones interessante for medierne
Nieman Lab:
“Faster speeds will enable new levels of video, AR, VR, and other _Rs that haven’t even been invented yet. But news products are unlikely to benefit as much as all the other apps competing for audiences’ attention.”
“Everything Apple Announced, From 5G iPhones to Audio Spheres”
Apple lancerer ny HomePod-smartspeaker
“The HomePod mini includes the U1 chip first used in the iPhone last year for syncing with nearby smart speakers or Apple devices. With the chip, when an iPhone user approaches a HomePod mini they can get visual, audible, or haptic feedback. iPhone users will also be able to hand off music by moving their phone close to the speaker.”
Microsoft deler nye principper for deres app-store
Microsoft Blog:
“[…] today, we are adopting 10 principles – building on the ideas and work of the Coalition for App Fairness (CAF) – to promote choice, ensure fairness and promote innovation on Windows 10, our most popular platform, and our own Microsoft Store on Windows 10″