Digitale medier i uge 43 (2020)

Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
Digital Ugerevy udgives af Lars K Jensen, der rådgiver, udvikler og arbejder med digitale medier og udvikling.

Del 1: Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
Nu er Facebooks råd her
Den tidligere danske statsminister Helle Thorning-Schmidt har en prominent post i rådet.
Platformer / Casey Newton:
“Two and a half years after Mark Zuckerberg floated the idea on a podcast, and several months after organizers said it would be ready to hear cases, Facebook’s independent Oversight Board is now up and running. In a call with reporters today, the board’s co-chairs said that they are now prepared to hear appeals from the billions of people who use Facebook and Instagram each day.”
Facebook Dating kommer til Europa
…og ja, Danmark er på listen.
“Among the dating product’s main features are the ability to share Stories on your profile; a Secret Crush feature that lets you select up to nine of your Facebook friends or Instagram followers who you’d like to date (without them knowing unless they also add you — triggering a match notification); the ability to see people with similar interests if you add your Facebook Events and Groups to your Dating profile; and a video chat feature called Virtual Dates.”
Beskyldning: Facebook giver efter for konservative medie
Mother Jones:
“In fact, we have now learned that executives were even shown a slide presentation that highlighted the impact of the second iteration on about a dozen specific publishers—and Mother Jones was singled out as one that would suffer, while the conservative site the Daily Wire was identified as one that would benefit. “
Facebook tester nabofunktion
“Screenshots of Facebook’s new feature, which is currently being tested, were shared on Twitter Tuesday by Matt Navarra, a social media consultant. The images show a product called Neighborhoods, where users can enter their address and complete a unique “neighbourhood profile.” A Facebook spokeswoman confirmed the company is testing the feature in one market: Calgary. The screen grabs show the software using the Canadian English spelling of its name.”
Instagram vil slå til mod influencere, der glemmer markeringer
Social Media Today:
“Instagram plans to tackle the issue on two fronts:
1) First, Instagram’s looking to add a new prompt which would require influencers to confirm whether they’ve received incentives to promote a product or service before they can publish their post
2) Instagram’s also developing new algorithms to detect potential advertising content. It would then look to alert the relevant business, informing them of the platform rules around such”
Facebook er stadig plaget af militser
BuzzFeed News:
“Despite efforts by Facebook to ban right-wing militant organizations, a new report published Monday has found that some of those groups continue to organize and run pages on the social network. Facebook also continues to profit from ads placed by extremists despite an announcement earlier this year that said it would ban all ads that ‘praise, support or represent militarized social movements.'”
Messenger får nyt look
Social Media Today:
“Facebook has announced a new look for Messenger, though most of the new features which are highlighted in the accompanying announcement had already been revealed previously as part of the integration of Instagram Direct and Messenger connection.”
“Facebook introduces a new Messenger API with support for Instagram”
Ny browser skal studere Facebook- og YouTube-algoritmerne
The Citizen Project:
“At the center of The Citizen Browser Project is a custom web browser designed by The Markup to audit the algorithms that social media platforms use to determine what information they serve their users, what news and narratives are amplified or suppressed, and which online communities those users are encouraged to join. Initially, the browser will be implemented to glean data from Facebook and YouTube.”
YouTube har flere politiske annoncer, end de kan nå at vise
“Campaigns have flooded YouTube with commercials in search of voters they may not be reaching on television. Yet despite its nearly endless supply of video clips, YouTube has been struggling to place these ads in front of the desired audience.”
Twitters blokering af NY Post-artikel havde modsat effekt
MIT Technology Review:
“The news: When Twitter banned, and then unbanned, links to a questionably sourced New York Post article about Joe Biden’s son Hunter, its stated intention was to prevent people from spreading harmful false material as America heads into the final stretch of the election campaign.
But thanks to the cycle of misinformation—and claims from conservatives that social-media platforms are deliberately censoring their views—Twitter managed to do the opposite of what it intended. “
“In reversal, Twitter is no longer blocking unsubstantiated New York Post article about Hunter Biden”
Chicago Tribune
Undersøgelse: Demokrater fylder meget på Twitter
“While it can be tempting to view conversations on Twitter as a cross-section of public opinion, a new Pew Research Center study finds the demographics of active users diverge from those of the general U.S. population. The study found that 10% of Twitter users generate the bulk of tweets on the platform — and of that subset, 69% identify as Democrats.”
Pakistan blokerer ikke længere TikTok
“Pakistan Telecommunication Authority said on Monday it has lifted the ban on TikTok, 11 days after the South Asian nation’s telecom authority blocked the popular short video app in the country over problematic videos on the platform. The authority, however, warned that TikTok needs to actively moderate content on its app or else it will be permanently blocked in the nation.”
Infografik: Sådan kan du bruge LinkedIn Stories
Social Media Today:
“The team from Socialinsider recently put together a new guide to creating Stories on all platforms, while they’ve also worked with to create this overview of ideas for your LinkedIn Stories approach.”
Del 2: Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
Altinget-robot gjorde Schlüter til statsminister
“For det første var der sket en fejl i Folketingets data, som Altinget bygger sine automatiske artikler om ministerspørgsmål på. […]
For det andet var der sket en fejl i Altingets teknik, som fjernede det menneskelige eftertjek. Altingets algoritme udgiver artikler om ministerspørgsmål automatisk, men hvis en af artiklerne skal med i et nyhedsbrev eller på forsiden af en portal, så skal den tjekkes af et menneske først.”
Videotjenesten Quibi lukker og slukker
The Information:
“The closure is a stunning end to Katzenberg’s hopes of creating a new category of video entertainment, short programs of a few minutes in length that could be watched on the go. Katzenberg, a former Disney executive who later helped start DreamWorks, raised nearly $2 billion to finance Quibi. Among the backers were most of the major Hollywood studios, Google, Alibaba and the Madrone Capital Partners.”
Peter Kafka har skrevet en slags forsvar for Quibi (ikke eksekveringen, dog):
“But, that said: I would like to see more Quibis in the future.
Not the concept or the execution (again, see above) but the model: Running a media business the old-fashioned way, where you ask people to make something, pay them for it, and then try to re-sell that work to someone else. Because there’s another version of running a media business — what YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook do — and I don’t feel great about that one in 2020. “
“Quibi’s shutdown underscores economic challenge for big-budget, bite-sized shows,” skriver Digiday.
Kom med til online-festival for AI i journalistikken
Det er gratis at deltage, men det kræver, at du abonnerer på deres nyhedsbrev – hvilket jeg kun kan anbefale.
London School of Economics / JournalismAI:
“The Festival will be a celebration of some of the most exciting developments at the intersection of AI and journalism that we have witnessed over these 24 months and a unique occasion to bring together our global network.”
“Vi har kun set begyndelsen af, hvad lyd kan”
“Frankfurter Buchmesse: Årevis med tocifret vækstrate for lyd- og lydbøger har ikke ladet sig stoppe af coronapandemien. Det accelererede digitale forbrug har skubbet udviklingen af lyd frem på dagsordenen, hvor forlag, podcastere og musiktjenester er blandt dem, der kæmper om markedsandelene.”
Mere lyd:
“Schibsted investerer millioner i svensk podcastselskab”
Google deler resultater af tredjeparts-cookie-frie test
“Google on Wednesday published to GitHub results of experiments it has been running to test how Chrome’s Federated Learning of Cohorts (FLoC) proposal could work in practice to allow interest-based advertising to function in a more privacy conscious way and without the need for third-party cookies. Early signs are promising, Google suggests. Google said it is now hoping other companies can begin experimenting with the algorithms and also vet its findings.”
Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
Sådan voksede Financial Times på abonnenter under krisen
“During the lockdown, the business news publisher relaxed its hard paywall. Instead of losing its paying readers, it hit its yearly subscriptions growth goal in just three months”
Sviner fra Trump skabte rekord hos The Atlantic
På et pressemøde i september sendte USAs præsident Donald Trump en decideret sviner afsted mod magasinet The Atlantic. Det er åbenbart noget af det bedste marketing, man kan ønske sig.
Trumps kritik har nemlig ført til en ny rekord for antal nye abonnenter på et måned, skriver Digiday:
“The Trump scoop provided a boost not only to the Atlantic’s renewed sense of importance, but to its bottom line. Last month, the Atlantic accumulated about 60,000 new paid subscribers, the best month on record since it launched a paywall last September. Since then, the Atlantic has lured in about 370,000 new subscribers (and has about 650,000 total subscriptions).”
Vox bygger franchises omkring podcasts
Digital Content Next:
“Vox Media has become a podcasting powerhouse, with more than 200 shows across multiple categories. From news and tech to culture, comedy and sports, the publisher is seen as a leader when it comes to building and monetizing audiences around their premium podcasts.
The Vox Media Podcast Network is well-established. However, there is a great deal of strategic thinking and consideration that goes into developing new shows. This has been highlighted recently with the launch of a new narrative podcast, Go For Broke, from Epic Magazine.”
Sådan forretningsudvikler britiske regionalmedier
Mange medier lider under et annoncemarked, der enten er faldende eller bevæger sig mod “tech-giganterne”. Således også for de britiske regionalaviser og -medier, der forsøger at skabe nye indtægter i det digitale.
PressGazette gør status på den udvikling i en artikel, der måske kan inspirere andre.
Hvordan styrer The Economist sig igennem krisen?
“Some of the new efforts have involved the creation of subscriber-only digital events (some 27,000 subscribers tuned in to watch a Bill Gates interview), increasing the price of its introductory offers and exclusive subscriber newsletters. The number of subscribers in The Economist’s “highly engaged” category increased 21% last year, Cohn said.
Looking ahead, The Economist plans to roll out a new customer experience platform and create more products at a wider price range to tap a more diversified user base.”
Sådan hjælper medlemskaber uafhængige udgivere
“When the pandemic hit, gal-dem launched its membership early to offset the disappearance of ad revenue. It not only restored commissioning budgets at a crucial time, but meant editorial teams were no longer beholden to brands”
Aftale skal bekæmpe annoncer på ulovlige sider
“Derfor er en stribe aktører bl.a. de største danske mediehuse, mediebureauer, og brancheorganisationer gået sammen med Rettighedsalliancen og Kulturministeriet om en Kodex-aftale.
Her forpligter underskriverne sig frivilligt til at forhindre, at annoncer, betaling og trafik fra lovlige virksomheder havner på ulovlige hjemmesider bl.a. med hjælp fra en samarbejdsliste med oplysninger om hjemmesider, der er dømt ulovlige ved domstolene.”
Amerikansk medie beskyldes for at kombinere klik med løn
Sacramento Bee News Guild / Twitter:
“We have alarming news. The owner of The Sacramento Bee is trying to tie journalists’ pay to the number of clicks their stories get. We’re urging the company to reconsider. Here’s our letter to McClatchy’s new CEO about how this could hurt our community.”
Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
EU vil stække tech-firmaers dominans med ny lov
“EU-Kommissionen arbejder på et lovudspil, der skal bryde de globale techkoncerners dominans, skriver Politiken fredag. Blandt tankerne er, at techselskaberne skal gøre deres platforme tilgængelige for konkurrenterne, så forbrugerne kan få alternativer, der vægter indholdet på fx Youtube eller Facebook anderledes.”
USAs justitsministerium sagsøger Google
The Wall Street Journal:
“The Justice Department filed a long-expected antitrust lawsuit alleging that Google uses anticompetitive tactics to preserve a monopoly for its flagship search engine and related advertising business, the most aggressive U.S. legal challenge to a company’s dominance in the tech sector in more than two decades.”
Mere fra WSJ:
Why Is the Justice Department Suing the Search Giant?
Og andre:
“The Google case is a stew of technology, law, and politics”
Columbia Journalism Review
“Artificial intelligence and the antitrust case against Google”
“Mozilla rightly fears ‘collateral damage’ in Google antitrust case”
Schibsted ramt af databrud
“Schibsted står bag flere norske aviser, og gerningsmændene bag angrebet har ifølge E24 forsøgt at få adgang til op mod 150.000 konti gennem stjålne personoplysninger. Ud af det samlede antal lykkedes det bagmændene at skaffe sig adgang til godt 22.000 brugeres konti, men det er endnu uklart, hvad formålet med angrebet har været.”
E-mail har brug for en opgradering
Gode gamle e-mail er blevet dømt ude masser af gange, men den er her endnu. Og med nye e-mailtjenester som Hey og flere og flere nyhedsbreve, er det tydeligt, at der skal gøres noget ved den gamle teknologi (den første e-mail blev sendt i 1969, og protokollerne nedenunder er fra 1982 og 1986 😱).
Læs mere i dette debatindlæg hos Fast Company:
“That’s why email must evolve into something more up-to-date and more streamlined. The constant stress of jumping between chat apps, project management apps, shared docs, and even your calendar is taking its toll. What we need is a solution that enhances the way we communicate and collaborate rather than hinders it, a solution that reimagines what email would look like if it was built today.”