Digitale medier i uge 44 (2020)

Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
Digital Ugerevy udgives af Lars K Jensen, der rådgiver, udvikler og arbejder med digitale medier og udvikling.

Del 1: Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.

Sådan gør Facebook sig klar til valget
The Wall Street Journal:
“Facebook Inc. teams have planned for the possibility of trying to calm election-related conflict in the U.S. by deploying internal tools designed for what it calls “at-risk” countries, according to people familiar with the matter.”

Her er BBCs regler for journalister på sociale medier
The Guardian:
“BBC journalists have been told to avoid any online “virtual signalling” that could indicate a personal political view, as part of a crackdown on their social media accounts by the new director general, Tim Davie.
The rules announced on Thursday explicitly state that all BBC employees’ social media accounts – even if labelled as a personal account – should be considered to be subject to public scrutiny.”
Paul Bradshaw har en Twitter-tråd om reglerne.

Instagram lukker Fie Laursens profil
Ekstra Bladet:
“Den kontroversielle influencer er ikke længere at finde på det sociale medie, efter hendes konto tirsdag er blevet lukket af Instagram for brud på platformens såkaldte fællesskabsregler. […]
I en sms til Ekstra Bladet fortæller Fie Laursen, at der er tale om en tur ‘i skammekrogen’, og at den foreløbig er lukket i 30 dage, fordi hun har promoveret OnlyFans på profilen.”

Tech-CEOer til høring om bl.a. hatespeech
Inside Business:
“Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, and Alphabet (owner Google and YouTube) CEO Sundar Pichai testified before the Senate yesterday. The hearing was a part of the broader review of Section 230 and how big tech platforms moderate content and ads related to news and politics. “

Facebook vil – også – streame spil
“Facebook vil gøre det muligt at streame spil via det sociale medies platform på samme måde, som man i dag streamer film. Modsat konkurrenter som Google og Microsoft vil Facebook i første omgang tilbyde cloud-gaming gratis til brugerne.”
Det kommer dog ikke til at virke på iOS, skriver CNBC og Protocol. Og det er Facebook naturligvis ikke tilfredse med:
“Apple treats games entirely differently from every other form of content,” Jason Rubin, Facebook’s VP of Play, told Protocol’s Seth Schiesel. “We intend to find a way, but it’s really, really hard.”

Nu kan du live-streame 4 timer på Instagram
Social Media Today:
“First off, Instagram is extending the time limit for its live streams from the current 60 minutes to four hours. […]
In addition to this, Instagram is also launching a new option which will enable users to archive their IG Live broadcasts for up to 30 days, similar to the same for Stories.”

YouTube klar med ny kapitelvisning
Social Media Today:
“First off, on chapters – back in May, YouTube gave creators access to a new Chapters listing option which segments your video playback timeline into variable chapter lengths, which, when highlighted, expand the specific timeline section and provide a description of what that section is about.
Now YouTube’s further adding to its chapter display, with a new list view that you can access by tapping or clicking the chapter title in the player. “

Gamle og republikanere tweeter misinformation om COVID-19
Nieman Lab:
“The far-right site The Gateway Pundit was by far was the most-shared fake news domain; in some months, its stories were shared almost as often as stories from The New York Times, The Washington Post, and CNN.”

Twitter lancerer “prompts” i forbindelse med USA-valget
Social Media Today:
“The first prompt will confirm that voting by mail is safe and secure, and the second will remind people that there might be a delay in the announcement of election results. Both will link to Twitter Moments that provide more context and compile the latest credible information on the topic from election experts, journalists and other authoritative news sources.”

TikTok indgår partnerskab med Shopify
“At launch, the agreement allows Shopify merchants to create, run and optimize their TikTok marketing campaigns directly from the Shopify dashboard by installing the new TikTok channel app from the Shopify App Store. Once installed, merchants will have access to the key functions from the TikTok For Business Ads Manager at their disposal.”
Del 2: Digitale medietendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.

DMJX skal undersøge pengene i podcasts
“Projektet ’Forretningsmodeller og fremtidsudsigter for det danske podcastmarked’ skal over de næste 15 måneder blandt andet undersøge, hvilke faktorer, der påvirker podcastlytternes betalingsvillighed samt, hvordan man gør podcastproduktion rentabel.
Undersøgelsen er støttet med 340.000 kroner af Allerfonden og har i alt en budgetramme på 750.000 kroner
Den gennemføres af Aske Kammer, der er docent i medieinnovation og Thomas Spejlborg Sejersen, som er adjunkt ved Medieproduktion og Ledelse.”

Danskerne vil have flere algoritmer i medierne
“Men tre ud af fire respondenter i undersøgelsen mener, algoritmer kan spille en vigtig rolle i udvælgelsen af nyheder, hvis det sker i samarbejde med journalister og redaktører. Blandt de unge respondenter er det 94 procent, som tror på, at samarbejdet med algoritmer kan gøre os bedre til at vælge det rigtige indhold til brugerne.
De unge er også mest positivt stemt over for at fjerne den menneskelige faktor fra ligningen. Hver fjerde respondent født efter 1997 synes, det er i orden, at algoritmer alene udvælger, hvilke nyheder der er relevante, og selv publicerer dem uden menneskelig kontrol.”
Baggrunden er et nyt studie fra Mediernes Forsknings- og Innovationscenter på Syddansk Universitet. Læs rapporten af professor Arjen van Dalen.
I mit Products in Publishing-nyhedsbrev kan du læse mere om, hvorfor det er vigtigt at have styr på transparens og tillid omkring sine algoritmer.

Listen to News overtager Radio 24syv-navnet
“Fremover skal platformen hedde 24syv, fortæller direktør Christian Grønlund. Et navn, der sikkert vil få mange til at tænke på den tidligere taleradio Radio24syv. Og sammenfaldet er ikke helt tilfældigt.
For platformen, som eksisterer i form af en app, skal nemlig have alle podcast fra den tidligere kanal liggende, ligesom de programmer, som overlevede Radio24syvs nedlæggelse, vil være at finde der.”

Innovationsrapport lækket fra The Wall Street Journal
BuzzFeed News:
“A brutal internal Wall Street Journal report obtained by BuzzFeed News reveals how the 130-year-old broadsheet is struggling mightily in the current digital and cultural age — such as not covering racial issues because reporters are afraid to mention them to editors, playing to the limited interests of its aging core audience, at times losing more subscribers than it takes in, and favoring ‘a print edition that lands in the recycling bin.'”
Hvis du ikke læser rapporten, skal du i det mindste læse Claes Holtzmanns Twitter-tråd med en gennemgang af rapporten.

Spotify lancerer eget morgenshow
“Spotify’s streaming music service is starting to resemble terrestrial radio with today’s launch of the company’s first daily morning show, “The Get Up.” Like other morning shows designed for commuters, the new program will be led by hosts and will combine news, pop culture, entertainment and music. But in Spotify’s case, the music is personalized to the listener,”

Kritik af Spotify: Rogan interviewer konspirationsteoretiker
Spotify har købt Joe Rogan og hans podcast-univers for en kæmpe sum. Det betyder, at de bliver en del af diskussionen, når deres podcast-wonder interviewer kontroversielle personer om kontroversielle emner.
“That issue was highlighted in the last day, when Joe Rogan — the highly paid podcaster with a libertarian bent — brought on Alex Jones (of InfoWars fame, whose own podcast was removed from Spotify, along with YouTube and others, in 2018) on to his show for a meandering three hours, leading to an uproar over how Spotify is giving a spotlight and microphone to an infamous purveyor of misinformation.”

Jon Stewart skal lave aktualitetsprogram for Apple TV+
The Wrap:
“The untitled series, which has been picked up for multiple seasons, is described as a “one-hour, single-issue series will explore topics that are currently part of the national conversation and his advocacy work,” according to Apple. Each season will be accompanied by a companion podcast which will “continue the discussion.” No word on how frequently the new show will air.”

“Podcast er blevet mainstream”
“DR har gennem de seneste par år kastet flere penge efter eksterne radioproduktioner, hvor især podcast fylder en del, lyder det fra radiochefen. ‘Markedet er helt klart blevet større,’ lyder det.”
“Voksende podcastmarked skærper konkurrencen: ‘Der er bredere efterspørgsel hos kunderne end tidligere'”

Nu skal journalister lærer at lancere nye produkter hjemmefra
Nieman Lab:
“The Journalism Creators Program at CUNY teaches participants to launch their own news products, from wherever they are:
One lesson from pandemic times is that journalism education doesn’t have to happen in person, and remote learning can open up more opportunities for journalists to launch their own products.”

Sådan er Google-søgningerne anderledes ifm. USA-valget i år
“Waves of Interest, a new collaboration between Google News Initiative and information design firm Truth & Beauty, looks at how Americans’ internet searches have changed over the course of five presidential election years, from 2004 to 2020. The series of interactive data visualizations looks at the relative popularity of a range of popular political concepts, garnered from search trends as well as Pew Research Center election surveys, across election years. So far, 2020’s data goes through September and will be updated when each month is complete.”
Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.

Medieguide til online-events
What’s New In Publishing:
“Signing up with an email address is not the same as paying USD $1,500 for a ticket, booking flights and hotels, and taking time off work. The format has changed, so the metrics should too. How will you measure if your event has been a success? How much of a role will post-event content play? And how will you keep the relationship going with attendees afterwards?”

Annoncer finder vej til Substack-nyhedsbreve
“While some Substack creators are out in market hustling up their own ad partnerships, the platform’s most popular writers now routinely get cold pitches by everything from cryptocurrency startups to media brands.
That advertiser interest is already strong enough that some of the platform’s creators have turned Substack newsletter ads into their primary source of income.”

Schibsted går med i koalition mod Apple
“Nordic publishing giant Schibsted became one of 20 new members of the recently formed Coalition for App Fairness earlier this month.
The group was founded in September by a group of influential app publishers including Fortnite owner Epic Games, online dating company Match Group and streaming platforms Spotify and Deezer. Its stated aim is to apply pressure on app store owners — but principally Apple — to stop what it alleges are uncompetitive practices, such as charging publishers a 30% fee for in-app purchases. “

Washington Post vil gå globalt med lavere priser
“‘Our presumption is that if you live in Toronto, the Washington Post isn’t going to be the first publication that you subscribe to. We are going to be priced below your local publication because that’s your first news subscription, but we want to compete aggressively against the other global publishers in that market,’ said [chief marketing officer Miki King]. “

Børsen skruer ned for Play
“Knap seks år efter lanceringen er strategien for tv-konceptet Børsen Play drejet rundt, og bemandingen er omtrent halveret.”

Bloomberg splittester med ABBA
“To accomplish that, Bloomberg Media’s ad operations team has begun using an A/B testing tool called ABBA, originally built in-house to support Bloomberg’s subscription business, to support the ad team’s work of optimizing its products and campaigns.
The data infrastructure that Bloomberg Media’s advertising team uses to identify audience segments for campaigns is now used to build segments used to market to would-be subscribers.
The business news publisher’s product teams are also building internal dashboards meant to help both groups understand the impact their products or changes will have on both lines of business.”

Inc vil tjene penge på… SMS’er?
“Using subscription text message platform Subtext, Inc. is charging its audience about $5 per month to get daily short-form texts from their favorite columnists, to which they are able to respond. The columnists then select certain subscribers to have a one-on-one text exchange.
‘We’re reaching peak newsletter saturation at this point and there has to be a unique way to bring subscribers into the fold,’ said Mike Donoghue, CEO of Subtext.”

Netflix hæver priserne p.g.a. konkurrence
“Netflix har fået hård konkurrence fra en række nyere streaming-tjenester som Disney+, den nye HBO-variant HBO Max og Amazon Prime.
Det får nu selskabet til at tage konsekvensen af svigtende tilslutning fra brugerne og hæver prisen, det skriver en række medier herunderThe Wall Street Journal.“

Tech-firmaer fremlagde regnskaber
…og Inside Business har en fin opsamling på de vigtigste ting derfra.
Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.

Microsoft lancerer gratis analyseværktøj
Microsoft Bing Blogs:
“Microsoft Clarity is a free-to-use analytics product built to help website managers improve their website experiences by better understanding site visitor behavior. With Clarity we’ve built a set of tools that help people who manage websites make more informed decisions about the modifications they should make to their sites. Clarity shows you which parts of your website get the most and least engagement and it provides an invaluable interface for debugging.”

Apple bygger søgemaskine
Financial Times:
“Apple is stepping up efforts to develop its own search technology as US antitrust authorities threaten multibillion-dollar payments that Google makes to secure prime placement of its engine on the iPhone.
In a little-noticed change to the latest version of the iPhone operating system, iOS 14, Apple has begun to show its own search results and link directly to websites when users type queries from its home screen.”

Trump-website hacket af kryptosvindlere
“President Trump’s campaign website was briefly and partially hacked Tuesday afternoon as unknown adversaries took over parts of the page, replacing them with what appeared to be a scam to collect cryptocurrency. There is no indication, despite the hackers’ claims, that “full access to trump and relatives” was achieved or “most internal and secret conversations strictly classified information” were exposed.”

Guide til “dark mode” på web
“Dark mode has gained a lot of traction recently. Like Apple, for instance, has added dark mode to its iOS and MacOS operating systems. Windows and Google have done the same.
Let’s get into dark mode in the context of websites. We’ll delve into different options and approaches to implementing a dark mode design and the technical considerations they entail. We’ll also touch upon some design tips along the way.”

Amazon åbner i Sverige
“Swedish customers could already shop on Amazon through its websites in other European countries such as Germany, and get their purchases shipped in, but this often meant paying high delivery charges.
The new website,, will also offer tens of thousands of products from Swedish businesses, said Alex Ootes, vice president for EU Expansion at Amazon.”

Sentia vinder ‘public cloud’-opgave hos DR
“Det blev Sentia, der sikrede sig public cloud-opgaven hos DR i en aftale til 20 millioner kroner. Udbuddet har tidligere været udsat for hård kritik og fik i sin oprindelige form ingen ansøgninger.”