Digitale medier i uge 45 (2020)

Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
Digital Ugerevy udgives af Lars K Jensen, der rådgiver, udvikler og arbejder med digitale medier og udvikling.

Dette har ikke være den letteste uge at lave en opsamling. Det amerikanske valg har overskygget nærmest alt andet, og det sene resultat forstærker den dominans i mediebilledet.
Jeg har alligevel forsøgt at se på andre ting end det, der handler om valget – i erkendelse af, at der trods alt også er sket andre ting 🙂
God læselyst!
// Lars
Del 1: Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
🇺🇸 Valget:
Facebook og Twitter markerede Trump-opdatering om fusk
“Twitter og Facebook markerer den amerikanske præsident Donald Trumps opslag på sociale medier, hvor han skriver, at Demokraterne er ved at “sjæle valget”, som vildledende.
– Dele af eller hele indholdet, der deles i dette tweet, bestrides og kan være vildledende med hensyn til, hvordan man deltager i et valg eller en anden borgerproces, skriver Twitter om Trumps opslag.”
“What Twitter Did After Trump Said Democrats Are Trying to “STEAL” the Election”
“Everyone knew that Trump would declare a premature victory. Social platforms still stumbled.”
MIT Technology Review
Casey Newton samler op i sit Platformer-nyhedsbrev:
How platforms fared in fighting the last war
Facebook and Twitter learned a lot of lessons in 2016. Did it help in 2020?
YouTube klarede det mindre godt
Platformer / Casey Newton:
“Insider identified multiple Election Day live streams in which several channels — including one with more than 1 million followers — broadcast fake election results to thousands of people, while earning advertising revenue on the streams the whole time. YouTube removed the videos after Insider reported them.
Conservative pundit Steven Crowder got 3.5 million views on a 5-hour live stream in which he promoted various debunked voter fraud claims, Kevin Roose noted at the New York Times.
And the the far-right One America News Network posted a video titled “Trump won. MSM hopes you don’t believe your eyes” that has racked up more than 300,000 views. Because YouTube has no policy against prematurely declaring victory, all the video gets is the “results may not be final box” — at a time when, again, the results will not be final for weeks.”
“YouTube refuses to remove video that appears to violate its policies”
…men anbefalede dog færre konspirationsklip
The New York Times:
“New data now shows that the effort, which was completed last year, mostly worked. In the weeks leading up to Tuesday’s election, YouTube recommended far fewer fringe channels alongside news videos than it did in 2016, which helped it to reduce its spread of disinformation, according to research by Guillaume Chaslot, a former Google engineer who helped build YouTube’s recommendation engine and now studies it.”
Twitter klippede live-streaming af Trump-pressemøde
The Verge:
“Cable networks, broadcast networks and Twitter cut short their broadcasts of President Donald Trump’s speech from the White House briefing room Thursday; some outlets fact-checked the president’s unproven statements rather than carry them live.”
Trumps Twitter-særregler forsvinder ved nederlag
Som statsleder er Trump ikke underlagt de samme regler på Twitter som os andre. Det betyder kort fortalt, at han kan tillade sig ting, vi ikke kan.
Men når han en dag ikke længere er præsident, forsvinder de særregler. Bloomberg skriver:
“Trump will fall into the ‘former’ group if he leaves office in January, Twitter confirmed. If that happens, breaking one of Twitter’s rules means his tweets may be removed entirely instead of labeled. He could also rack up ‘strikes’ for multiple violations, which would increase the severity of punishment issued from the company, and could lead to temporary account freezes, suspensions or even a permanent ban.”
Steve Bannon blokeret på YouTube og Twitter
Det er simpelthen så vild en historie.
“Bannon, speaking with co-host Jack Maxey, was discussing what Trump should do in a hypothetical second term. He suggested firing Wray and Fauci, but then went further, saying ‘I’d actually like to go back to the old times of Tudor England, I’d put the heads on pikes, right, I’d put them at the two corners of the White House as a warning to federal bureaucrats.'”
Forsinket valgresultat er mareridt for platformene
“Of course, misinformation also thrives beyond Facebook, Twitter and even YouTube in places it’s more difficult to track, moving from obscure chans to mainstream social media and back again, mutating as it goes. Early Wednesday, Trump was happy to make his dangerous claim of unearned victory on live television — and so far, many news networks obliged by broadcasting it. That’s cause for concern too.”
Facebook lukker “Stop the Steal”-gruppe
“Gruppen havde fået over 350.000 medlemmer på et døgns tid.
Tilhængere af den amerikanske præsident, Donald Trump, brugte gruppen til at poste misinformation og voldelig retorik, oplyser Facebook.
De organiserede desuden protester mod, at Det Demokratiske Parti ifølge dem er ved at “stjæle” valget.”
Facebook og TikTok måtte blokere hashtags
The Verge:
“Facebook and TikTok have blocked hashtags that were being used to spread misinformation and conspiracy theories about the presidential election. The hashtags generally revolved around unfounded claims that Democrats are trying to manipulate the election to defeat President Trump.”
TikTok takes down election misinformation aimed at younger users
TikTok confirmed today it has taken down videos spreading election misinformation that had been posted to two high-profile Republican-supporting accounts, The Republican Hype House and The Republican Boys. The accounts, popular with young, conservative voters, reach more than a million followers combined, and have the potential to reach even more users who would find their videos through other means — such as hashtags, shares or algorithmic recommendations.
🧘♂️ Den “normale” hverdag:
Facebook tester (igen) op/ned-stemmer på kommentarer
Testen foregår i udvalgte grupper, som du kan læse herunder.
Social Media Today:
“As you can see in this image, posted by social media expert Matt Navarra, the new option, appearing in some groups, labels the up and down arrows with ‘Yes” or ‘No’, in response to the question:
‘Is this comment valuable to members of the group?‘”
Facebook fjener “ikke-autentisk netværk”
“Facebook FB.O on Friday said it has dismantled seven separate networks of fake accounts and pages on its platform that were active in Iran, Afghanistan, Egypt, Turkey, Morocco, Myanmar, Georgia, and Ukraine due to ‘coordinated inauthentic behaviour’
The social media platform announced it had taken down the new networks as part of its monthly report into “coordinated inauthentic behaviour”, which also noted Facebook had removed nearly 8,000 pages involved in deceptive campaigns around the world in October.”
Facebook er ikke gode nok til at markere indhold
Columbia Journalism Review:
“Our review of fact-checking labels on Facebook during this five-day period found that the company failed to consistently label content flagged by its own third-party partners. Facebook’s ten US fact-checking partners debunked over seventy claims. We identified over 1,100 posts across Facebook and Instagram containing the debunked falsehoods; less than 50 percent bore fact-checking labels, even in instances where there were minor deviations from the original vetted posts.”
Nye studier: Facebook diskriminerer ikke højrefløjen
Nieman Lab:
“— A nine-month study by the progressive nonprofit Media Matters, using CrowdTangle data, found both that partisan content (left and right) did better than non-partisan content and that “right-leaning pages consistently earned more average weekly interactions than either left-leaning or ideologically nonaligned pages.[…]
Between January 1 and September 30, right-leaning Facebook pages tallied more than 6 billion interactions (reactions, comments, shares), or 43% of total interactions earned by pages posting about American political news, despite accounting for only 26% of posts.””
Facebook ruller “Dark Mode” ud i app’en
Social Media Today:
“So, there it is. For those waiting on dark mode, the wait should soon be over, with Facebook beginning the new testing wave from today, providing you with a whole new color palette for your app.”
Instagram tester Story-reaktioner
Social Media Today:
“This could be interesting – Instagram looks to be testing a new option which would display user reactions to Stories on the story frame itself, as opposed to sending the creator a DM.”
Instagram fjerner “Recent” fra hashtag-sider
“Facebook-owned Instagram on Thursday announced it will temporarily remove the “Recent” tab from hashtag pages in an effort to reduce the spread of misinformation in the run-up to the Nov. 3 U.S. election.
“We’re doing this to reduce the real-time spread of potentially harmful content that could pop up around the election,” the social network said in a tweet.”
Baby Shark er den mest sete YouTube-video nogensinde
“The video has now been viewed more than 7.04 billion times, passing Luis Fonsi’s hit song, Despacito, which isn’t that far behind, topping 7.03 billion views.”
Twitter overvejede at købe Substack
Der har i ugens løb været rygter om, at nogle hos Twitter så sig lune på nyhedsbrevstjenesten Substack. Det kommer fra en passage i denne The New York Times-artikel:
Another way of looking at Substack is as a kind of Twitter Premium — a place you can pay for more content from your favorite journalists. And that synergy has caught the attention of some at Twitter itself, where the notion of acquiring the newsletter company has been discussed internally, a person familiar with the conversations said.
Tanken om et Twitter-køb af Substack er dog sjov at lege med – selvom det vil være en dårlig idé, skriver Simon Owens i sit nyhedsbrev.
Dorsey beholder sit job som Twitter-CEO
“Bestyrelsen vil dog fortsat holde et vågent øje med Jack Dorseys gøren og laden som leder hos Twitter, især under valgaftenen for det kommende amerikanske valg. Han har tidligere fået kritik for sin håndtering af mediedækningen på Twitter, skriver mediet.”
Del 2: Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
Sådan dækkede US-medier valgnatten
Nieman Lab:
“There weren’t a ton of meaningful innovations in last night’s media coverage — unless you count “caution” as an innovation, which maybe you should. The added complexity of massive early voting and the still-fresh scars from 2016 generally led to outlets more willing to let the night develop. But it certainly wasn’t a happy night for many viewers, readers, and obsessive doomscrollers. Here are a few of the things we noticed.”
The Wall Street Journal gør citatværktøj offentligt
Nieman Lab:
“We tend to reach for our smartphones or another Google-enabled device now, of course, but that impulse to marshal evidence as we discuss and debate with our loved ones lives on. And it’s one of the reasons The Wall Street Journal designed and debuted Talk2020, an experimental tool that allows readers to search a database of thousands of transcripts to see what the presidential candidates have said about an issue.
Through extensive focus groups conducted last summer, the Journal found that readers wanted to be able to quickly locate quotes and facts about a candidate’s record — and not just for their own edification.”
Den Uafhængige laver morgenradio via app
“Den kommende morgenradio vil blive sendt direkte alle hverdage via en ny app og selvom Asger Juhl ikke vil drage sammenligninger med morgenfladen, som han tidligere var en del af på Radio 24Syv, er der oplagte ligheder:
”Vores morgenradio bliver uforudsigelig, overrumplende, interessant og kritisk. Vi lægger vægt på en levende form, personlige værter og gode kritiske interviews. Hvis man ikke kan lide sådan noget, findes der mange andre glimrende morgenflader,” siger Asger Juhl om det nye projekt. “
Hvordan skal medier forholde sig til afpublicering?
“Editors are increasingly faced with requests to unpublish news content. It could be from a young person haunted by a silly but highly SEO-friendly mishap from years ago now struggling to apply for university or a job. Or maybe a reader with mental health issues made more severe because of a published story.
“Unpublishing depends on your moral compass,” says Deborah Dwyer, 2020-2021 residential fellow at the Reynolds Journalism Institute who spent several years studying this issue.”
Spotify er ved at blive sit platformsansvar bevidst
I sidste uges Ugerevy kunne læse, at Spotify får kritik, fordi podcast-værten Joe Rogan (som Spotify købte/ansatte for et kæmpe beløb) havde inviteret en konspirationsteoretiker (hvis eget podcast tidligere er blevet fjernet fra netop Spotify) i studiet.
Hos Hot Pod har Nicholas Quah taget en snak med Casey Newton (tidl. The Verge, der nu udgiver sit Platformer-nyhedsbrev) om Spotifys voksende ansvar som platform:
“I think we’re in the early stages of seeing Spotify eventually come around to implementing many more restrictions on the content that even their own podcasts will include. […]
I think you’re going to start to see that turn with the Joe Rogan thing. This is their show pony. This is their biggest original content deal ever, and he is a problematic figure. In this Alex Jones situation, Rogan brought on somebody who has been de-platformed by many of the biggest platforms in the world. So I suspect this is the moment where Spotify is crossing over being understood as infrastructure towards being regarded as a publisher in a big way. Because they’re paying Joe Rogan’s salary, they’re responsible for him in a way that even YouTube is not responsible for hosting Joe Rogan, as he was just uploading videos there.”
Spotify-test: Musikere og labels kan påvirke anbefalinger
“Spotify announced today it will begin to test a new service that gives artists more of a say in how their music is discovered on the Spotify platform. At launch, the service will allow artists and labels to identify music that’s a priority to them, and Spotify will then add a signal to help the music get surfaced by its personalization algorithms. […]
At launch, the promotional rate will apply only in select areas of Spotify’s app, including Spotify Radio and Autoplay. Promoted tracks won’t appear on other playlists, either algorithmic or editorial — though Spotify isn’t ruling out expansion to these areas in the future.”
Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
Digitalt overhaler print hos The New York Times
The New York Times:
“As The New York Times operated at full tilt through a fraught election — one of the most consequential votes in modern American history — the company announced a milestone: As of last week, it had topped seven million paid subscribers, a high.
The New York Times Company has bet on digital readers as the future engine of its business since 2011, when it started charging for online content — and it has largely been a good gamble. In the three-month period ending in September, for the first time, the revenue from digital subscribers was greater than the money the company brought in from print subscribers, The Times said Thursday as part of its third-quarter financial report.”
“For the first time, The New York Times’ digital subscriptions generate more revenue than its print ones”
Nieman Lab
Business Insider køber sig ind i Morning Brew-nyhedsbrevet
Morning Brew:
“Word is they’re worth some $$$ and everyone who underestimated them in high school has egg all over their face. Yesterday, Insider Inc., parent of Business Insider, said it’s buying a controlling stake in digital media startup Morning Brew at a reported valuation of up to $75 million. “
Slates strategi for førstepartsdata går via podcast
“The digital news publisher and podcast pioneer has started pushing Slate Select, an ad targeting product that allows advertisers to reach Slate’s audience across both its sites and its podcast network using Slate’s first- party data. […]
‘It definitely started with a way to provide better value to our advertising clients on the podcast side,” said Mark Morgioni, Slate’s director of research and data. “We seized on podcasts as something advertisers might want to retarget against.'”
Innovationsmediestøtte er uddelt
“Medienævnet har netop uddelt knap 10 millioner kroner i mediestøtte til eksisterende og nye medier fra den såkaldte ‘Innovationspulje’.
I alt 17 medier har fået ja til at få mediestøtte. 24 har fået afslag.”
Washington Post bygger værktøj til kontekstuel annoncering
“The offering is called Washington Post Signal. It’s powered by the Post’s contextual targeting platform, Zeus Insights, which the company created in July 2019. The promise of Signal is more sophisticated ad targeting for buyers who aren’t reliant on third-party cookies. The added layer of first-party reader data is also meant to differentiate the capability from the basic parameters of contextual ad targeting. “
Gannett når 1 mio. digitale abonnenter
USA Today:
“The company, which owns more than 260 daily publications and hundreds of weeklies, reported a net loss of $31.3 million in the third quarter, compared with an $18.5 million loss in the same period a year earlier. […]
Gannett reported that it surpassed 1 million paid online-only subscriptions for the first time, recording a 31.1% increase from a year earlier to 1.03 million. Online subscriptions are viewed as critical to the success of media companies in the digital age as newspaper dollars decline.”
Sådan bruger verdens største annoncører deres penge
“Digiday analyzed the most-recent earnings updates and calls from the top 10 ad spenders in the world, according to RECMA’s data for 2019 to see how they are adapting their marketing strategies to the ongoing crisis. RECMA’s data calculates “integrated spending,” which combines “monitored spend” — such as TV, radio, print and outdoor — and “non-traditional activity” —such as digital, data and content.
The ranking also includes new entrants versus 2018. Nestle, Expedia and General Motors now appear in the top 10, while GlaxoSmithKline (ranked #7 in 2018,) McDonald’s (#9) and Comcast (#10) no longer feature.”
“‘Our biggest quarter ever’: Publishers’ ad businesses are rebounding into the end of the year — for now”
Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
Apples sagsøges i Frankrig for kommende iOS 14-feature
What’s New in Publishing:
“The problem dates back to June when Apple announced that, starting with iOS 14, app developers wishing to access the device’s so-called Identifier for Advertisers (“IDFA”) would need to first obtain opt-in user permission through an Apple-designed pop-up box. The requirement would apply to almost two million apps available from the App Store.”
Tænk de rigtige data ind i produktplanlægningen
“The Post and Courier of Charleston, South Carolina, grew its digital subscriptions by 250% over two years by shifting its analytics focus from pageviews to engagement metrics. Stories that don’t get 500 unique visitors and at least 1.2 minutes of engaged time are potentially re-written and given headlines to improve performance.”
Microsofts Edge-browser stiger i popularitet
“Flere og flere tager Microsofts Edge-browser til sig. Brugen af Microsoft-browseren stiger kraftigt, mens Googles Chrome til gengæld fortsat taber markedandele.”
Så er der omsider end-to-end-kryptering i Zoom
“There are a few caveats before deciding whether you want to fully end-to-end encrypt your Zoom calls. First is that Zoom meetings are encrypted by default regardless, just not end-to-end. Which is to say, they’re likely safe enough for most people most of the time.
You should absolutely flip the switch for sensitive conversations, but otherwise, as you’ll see in a minute, it may be more trouble than it’s worth in a lot of instances.
Also remember that encryption isn’t magic; the people that you’re talking to could still share whatever you say. And if any of your devices are compromised, well, you’re out of luck.”