Digital Ugerevy #9 (2020)

Her har du Danmarks mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
? Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
Facebook og det, de ejer
Ny bog om Facebook er på gaden
Bogen er skrevet af Steven Levy, hedder ‘Facebook – The Inside Story’ – og du kunne læse et uddrag i Ugerevyen fra uge 7.
The Verge:
“The reasons why are explored at length in Facebook: The Inside Story, Steven Levy’s mammoth new account of the social network from its founding until the present day. Levy had access to Zuckerberg, Sheryl Sandberg, and many of their top lieutenants and other employees over the past three and a half years, and the result it a revealing look at what the past 16 years have looked like from the offices in Palo Alto and Menlo Park.”
The juiciest bits from Steven Levy’s “Facebook: The Inside Story”
Casey Newton (The Interface/The Verge)
‘Off-Facebook Activity’ under luppen
““This tool illustrates just how impossible it is for users to prevent external data from being shared with Facebook,” it writes, warning with emphasis: “Without meaningful information about what data is collected and shared, and what are the ways for the user to opt-out from such collection, Off-Facebook activity is just another incomplete glimpse into Facebook’s opaque practices when it comes to tracking users and consolidating their profiles.””
Privacy-bekymringer standser Facebooks valg-remindere
“Big tech’s lead privacy regulator in Europe has intervened to flag transparency concerns about a Facebook election reminder feature — asking the tech giant to provide it with information about what data it collects from users who interact with the notification and how their personal data is used, including whether it’s used for targeting them with ads.”
Facebook donerer millioner til forskning i misinformation
Social Media Today:
“Via a new “2020 Foundational Integrity Research” project, Facebook is offering $2 million “in unrestricted gifts” to support independent research into misinformation and polarization, and how it’s distributed through social communication technologies.”
Facebook fjerner annoncer om corona-kur
Business Insider:
“In a statement, a spokesperson told Business Insider: “We recently implemented a policy to prohibit ads that refer to the coronavirus and create a sense of urgency, like implying a limited supply, or guaranteeing a cure or prevention. We also have policies for surfaces like Marketplace that prohibit similar behavior.””
Facebook lancerer ny app til Creator Studio
Social Media Today:
“As you can see from the video above, via the new app, you’ll be able to manage and edit Page posts, view performance analytics and respond to messages – with the added capacity to manage multiple Facebook Pages through the app.”
Sådan har Instagram forandret restaurationsbranchen
Social Media Today:
“And a lot more restaurants are trying to get it right – as noted in this new infographic from Fundera, restaurants are increasingly looking to frame their businesses around more Instagram-worthy images.”
Hemmelige WhatsApp-grupper er slet ikke så hemmelige
“”Your WhatsApp groups may not be as secure as you think they are,” Jordan Wildon, a multimedia journalist for German outlet Deutsche Welle, tweeted on Friday. Using particular Google searches, people can discover links to the chats, Wildon explained.”
Twitter tester markering af politikerløgne
“Twitter said on Thursday that it was testing a new community moderation approach that would enable users to identify misleading information posted by politicians and public figures and add brightly colored labels under those tweets.”
25% af klima-tweets kommer fra bots
The Guardian:
““These findings suggest a substantial impact of mechanized bots in amplifying denialist messages about climate change, including support for Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris agreement,” states the draft study, seen by the Guardian.”
Twitter åbner “skjul svar” til udviklere
“With Hide Replies now available as a new API endpoint, developers can create tools that automatically hide disruptive tweets based on factors important to their customers — like tweets that include certain prohibited keywords or those that score high for being toxic, for example.”
Twitter lukker 70 pro-Bloomberg-konti
MIT Technology Review:
“Twitter has suspended 70 accounts that were posting content supporting US presidential hopeful Michael Bloomberg, saying the duplicate messages broke its policies against platform manipulation and spam.”
“Facebook Considers Tougher Transparency Rules in Response to Tactics Used by Bloomberg Campaign”
Social Media Today
Derfor behandler Facebook og Twitter Bloomberg forskelligt
Nieman Lab:
“To take just one example, Twitter recently suspended 70 accounts because they each posted identical pro-Bloomberg messages as part of the campaign’s social-media marketing blitz. […] But while Twitter reacted harshly, Facebook seems untroubled. It says such posts are fine so long as they are labeled as ads.”
It’s Facebook vs. the Bloomberg Campaign vs. the Internet
The New York Times
Tips til Twitter – fra Twitter
Social Media Today:
“This week, Twitter has launched a new initiative which aims to provide simple tips to help businesses improve their tweet copy. The new program is titled ‘Good Copy, Bad Copy'”
De andre og branchen
Snapchat lancerer nye effekter i gulvhøjde
Social Media Today:
“Snapchat has launched a new ‘Ground Transformation‘ AR effect, which, as it sounds, can change the ground in your Snap camera view into water or lava, or other variations.”
LinkedIn tester Stories
Social Media Today:
“LinkedIn is a website that’s effectively a mixture between an interactive resume and a college job fair, but that hasn’t stopped it from aspiring to be a cooler, more social part of the internet. Its latest attempt? Snapchat-style stories, which the company announced it was testing internally to try out “a new conversational format” for business conversations.”
YouTube overvejer at lade folk sælge annoncer selv
Tube Filter:
“‘We’re experimenting with a new way for creators to sell advertising to brands with whom they already have a relationship,’ Tom Leung, YouTube’s director of product management, said in a recent Creator Insider video. He added that YouTube is aware this is something a lot of creators are interested in, and said the feature is being tested right now in ‘a very small pilot.'”
Reddit-CEO kalder TikTok “parasitisk”
“The comments from Reddit CEO and co-founder Steve Huffman were some of the more controversial offered up during a panel discussion with former public policy exec Elliot Schrage and former Facebook VP of Product Sam Lessin. During a brief conversation about the feature innovations of TikTok, Huffman pushed back hard on the notion that Silicon Valley startups had something to learn from the app.”
“Why is TikTok creating filter bubbles based on your race?”
Wired UK
NYPD strammer sociale medie-reglerne for betjente
New York Post:
“The NYPD has issued a new strict social media policy for its officers — as the top brass tries to tamp down on leaks and Internal Affairs probes a union head’s often antagonistic online rhetoric, The Post has learned.
The new policy, which was issued on Feb. 12, tells officers not to post any information on cases they get from the job that hasn’t been made public — such as photos or videos from crime scenes.”
EU-kommissionen til ansatte: Brug Signal
“The European Commission has told its staff to start using Signal, an end-to-end-encrypted messaging app, in a push to increase the security of its communications.
The instruction appeared on internal messaging boards in early February, notifying employees that ‘Signal has been selected as the recommended application for public instant messaging.'”
? Digitale medietendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
Undersøgelse: Danske medier bliver mere uundværlige
“En stribe medier hører til blandt de hjemmesider, som danskere helst ikke vil undvære. Villigheden til at betale for nyheder online stiger en smule.”
Nyt medie ville sende nyhedsbreve uden tracking
…og det var angiveligt svært at finde en leverandør, der kunne det.
Nieman Lab:
“The Markup tested and rejected eight different email providers — including the industry’s 800-pound gorilla, Mailchimp — before finally turning to Revue, a small Dutch company that agreed to custom-build a newsletter with no user-tracking features. (No one had requested the option before, apparently.)”
(Du kan i øvrigt møde stifteren af Revue til Newsletter Day i juni, som jeg er med til at arrangere.)
Journalistbiotekster giver ikke meget troværdighed
Nieman Lab:
“A new study from the Center for Media Engagement at the University of Texas (with support from the Democracy Fund) tested how the inclusion of a reporter’s bio might influence a reader’s trust.
‘Using a personal photo and including personal details in a reporter’s biography made participants feel they knew the reporter better, but this feeling didn’t influence readers’ attitudes about a news organization more broadly,’ the report says. ‘This suggests that providing journalist biographies isn’t enough to boost trust and engagement when used alone.'”
Wikipedia er det sidste bedste sted på nettet
“People used to think the crowdsourced encyclopedia represented all that was wrong with the web. Now it’s a beacon of so much that’s right.”
Vi bruger i snit to streaming-tjenester
“De danske mediebrugere anvender i gennemsnit 2,3 streamingtjenester til film og tv. Hos den yngre del af befolkningen er antallet oppe på 3,5. DR’s streamingtilbud er topscorer, mens Netflix napper public service-stationen i haserne.”
Visuel misinformation er andet end deepfakes
Nieman Lab:
“But the majority of visual misinformation that people are exposed to involves much simpler forms of deception. One common technique involves recycling legitimate old photographs and videos and presenting them as evidence of recent events.”
? Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
Nye cookie-regler kan betyde flere betalingsmure
“Der er ikke mange rosende ord fra Danske Medier til nye retningslinjer for behandling af personoplysninger. De kan i sidste ende betyde, at mere indhold ryger bag betalingsmur, vurderer organisationen.”
…og ramme programmatic
Dansk Markedsføring:
“- Min vurdering er, at dette kan medføre, at programmatic – som vi kender det i dag – i vid udstrækning vil sygne hen, da færre cookie-data er ensbetydende med mindre effektive bud på de automatiserede programmatiske platforme, færre kliks og i sidste ende færre konverteringer, siger [direktør for Dansk Annoncørforening] Holger Wilcks.”
“IAB: Programmatic Now 85% Of All U.S. Digital Advertising”
Kan AI forudsige opsagte abonnementer?
“This, at least, is what Jarosław Góra, co-founder of Deep BI, tries to help publishers with. The basic thought is quite simple: the AI tools look at reader engagement, monitor any changes and automate paywalls in real-time to convert readers to subscribers. These automated decisions are based on understanding what kind of content attracts the reader and predicting when they are likely to cancel their subscription in the future.”
Derfor kæmper lokalmedier med digitale abonnementer
What’s New In Publishing:
“[…] some express doubt that a viable reader revenue model exists for local outlets. That’s the position taken by media entrepreneur Michael Shapiro in a recent piece titled ‘The False Promise of Paywalls for Local News.’ His position is fairly simple: most readers won’t extract enough value to pay for local news, and a paywall will have a dampening effect on more viable revenue generators, namely local advertising. ‘By limiting audience, paywalls reduce the attractiveness of advertising on local news sites, creating something of a revenue death spiral,’ he wrote.”
Google News Initiative kigger på lokale nyhedsørkener
“The GNI Subscription Lab still focuses on developing diversified revenue streams from digital subscriptions, however, it not only ran 10 months but it was focused on developing long term strategies for the publishers involved to make up for the declining print revenues and build sustainable, digital-first businesses. The cohort also consisted of several smaller publishers that Monnie said were chosen in order prevent the emerging news deserts that came out of local newspapers shuttering.”
The Information bundler med Bloomberg
The Information:
“It’s an exciting day at The Information. We, along with our friends at Bloomberg Media, are launching a trial of a new bundle. You’ll be able to subscribe to get access to The Information and for just $499—that’s $315 off. “
Insider udvikler værktøj til førstepartsdata
“Insider Inc. has developed a first-party data ad targeting and reporting tool called Sága that the publisher says offers contextual and behavioral targeting, deeper information on readers and real-time campaign reporting. The goal is to give marketers more sophisticated tools that rely on its first-party data, rather than third-party cookies, that still drive results while putting consumer privacy first.”
Svindel plager ads.txt
“In theory, ads.txt files help advertisers avoid illegitimate sellers who arbitrage inventory and spoof domains. The reality, however, is the files are also fertile ground for fraudsters. Since the ads.txt tool launched, fraudsters have exploited the fact that buyers don’t always check the lists with bots that generate fake browser data and create fabricated URLs in order to pilfer media spend. The latest example of this type of fraud is called the 404bot.”
Børsen nærmer sig abonnementsmål men falder i omsætning
“Selvom Børsen løftede abonnementsbasen betydeligt sidste år, fortsatte omsætningen faldet. Modvind på annoncemarkedet og digitale landvindinger ligger bag, siger chefredaktør, der ikke har mistet troen på vækstmål.”
Ny ejer til Bureaubiz
“Interesseorganisationen for den grafiske industri, Grakom, vil udvide medlemskredsen blandt bureauer og overtager nichemediet Bureaubiz, der siden 2016 har hørt til Kforum. Tidligere medstifter bliver ny redaktør.”
? Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
Mobil web-trafik er steget 30% siden 2017
What’s New In Publishing:
“It was found that users browsing the internet on their mobiles prefer to visit sites that cover topics such as adult content, gambling, food and drink, pets and animals, health, community, sports and lifestyle.”
Firefox aktiverer DNS over HTTPS for alle i USA
“DoH, for the uninitiated, is a standard proposed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) that promises improved privacy and security by preventing third parties — such as internet service providers (ISPs) — from seeing what websites users are visiting. As things stand, when someone enters a web address into their browser’s address bar, a request is sent across the internet for the IP address associated with that URL. This is traditionally done in plain text, which makes it vulnerable to eavesdropping or manipulation.”
“A long-overdue technological shift toward online privacy”: Firefox encrypts domain names. Google to follow.
What’s New In Publishing
Brave-browseren integrerer Wayback Machine
“Brave’s desktop app now comes with the Internet Archive built in — marking the first time the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine has been supported natively inside a desktop browser.”
Amerikanerne: Teknologi vil svække demokratiet
Pew Research Center:
“About half predict that humans’ use of technology will weaken democracy between now and 2030 due to the speed and scope of reality distortion, the decline of journalism and the impact of surveillance capitalism. A third expect technology to strengthen democracy as reformers find ways to fight back against info-warriors and chaos”