Digitale medier i uge 43 (2021)

Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
Digital Ugerevy udgives af Lars K Jensen, der rådgiver, udvikler og arbejder med digitale medier og udvikling.

Del 1: Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
😬 Denne uge i Facebook-afsløringer
Læs denne uges Ugerevy-artikel:
👊 Kulturminister ser Facebook-indgreb som vigtigste opgave
“Jeg har sovet i timen,” siger Ane Halsboe-Jørgensen ifølge MediaWatch.
🔎 FTC skal undersøge Facebook
Det skal undersøges, om Facebook har overtrådt et forlig fra 2019 og har dækket over, at deres produkter er skadelige overfor dele af brugerne, skriver Marketwire.
😵💫 Facebooks nye navn: Meta
Navnet relaterer til Facebooks kommende metaverse-projekt, skriver Computerworld med link til Bloomberg.
Det er kun firmaet, der skifter navn – app’en på din telefon og det sted, hvor vi beredvilligt udleverer personlige oplysninger om os selv, hedder stadig Facebook, skriver CNN.
Det er i øvrigt interessant at huske på, at det kun er to år siden, Instagram og WhatsApp blev omdøbt, så de fik “by Facebook” føjet til deres navne. Nu bliver det problematiske “Facebook”-navn blot en del af biksen.
Læs også:
“‘To reflect who we are and what we hope to build, I am proud to announce that starting today, our company is now Meta. Our mission remains the same — it’s still about bringing people together. Our apps and our brands — they’re not changing either,’ Zuckerberg said. ‘From now on, we’re going to be metaverse-first, not Facebook-first.’”
“Facebook bliver til Meta. Det nye navn blev præsenteret af Mark Zuckerberg i en video, hvor han var i sit eget meta-univers. Og der kan han passende flygte hen, når virkeligheden rammer, skriver Marcus Stoltze.”
“You might hate Facebook’s new name, but branding experts (mostly) love it. Here’s why”
Fast Company
“I’m a branding expert. Here’s what Facebook’s reported name change really signals”
Fast Company
“I think Meta was the right call. And not just because I called it.
Writing about this move last week, I reported that the company has been considering something like this for years. Facebook the app is no longer the future of Facebook the company, and Facebook the brand is tired and tarnished. Changing the company’s name won’t change its fundamental circumstances. But to get the company out of its current reputational ditch will require something fundamental.”
😎 Kan metaverset erstatte sociale medier som vi kender dem?
(For the record: Jeg er moderat til meget skeptisk overfor idéen om et “metavers”, hvor vi alle lever i en Virtual Reality Matrix-agtig verden og betaler Facebook for det tøj, vi har på. Men jeg er parat til at blive positivt overrasket.)
“The metaverse could replace social media as we know it. Facebook’s newly announced financial reporting changes seem to support the idea: Starting in Q4, the company will break out revenue and expenses for FRL, the unit tasked with building AR and VR hardware and services as well as devices like the Portal.”
“Facebook has gone through the wringer in recent weeks. Luckily Mark Zuckerberg sees a billion-dollar opportunity at the end of the tunnel: digital clothes in the metaverse.”
Læs også:
“What the metaverse will (and won’t) be, according to 28 experts”
Fast Company
🛠 LinkedIn lancerer global freelancer-platform
Den skal konkurrere med blandt andet Fiverr og Upwork, skriver TechCrunch:
“LinkedIn, the Microsoft-owned platform for those connecting with others in their fields of work and those looking for work, has been known best in recruitment for sourcing candidates and advertising job openings for permanent work. Now, to complement that, LinkedIn is opening up a new front in the job market for freelancers.”
Mere LinkedIn:
“LinkedIn Engagement Continues to Grow, Ad Revenue Rising Amid Economic Recovery”
Social Media Today
🤨 Facebook samler data på deaktiverede profiler
“Despite Facebook’s recent virtue-signaling on privacy, the company does not make it clear to people that when they deactivate their accounts, its vampiric data connections continue to suck new information from advertisers, revealing people’s personal interests, recent purchases and other interactions. And the company has no data retention policy limiting the length of time it keeps deactivated accounts and the photos and other data associated with them frozen in virtual cryogenic stasis.”
👏 Nu kan alle lave links i Instagram Stories
“Today, Instagram has announced that links are now being made available in Instagram Stories for all users, not just those with 10k followers or verified accounts.”
På dansk:
“Instagram giver stor gave til virksomheder og influenter”
🤖 YouTube deler fem indsigter om anbefalingsalgoritmerne
“In a new video on the Creator Insider channel, YouTube’s Rachel Alves addresses five questions posed by YouTube creators relating to the use of tags, recommendations, algorithm updates, and more.”
⏰ Er et kronologisk Facebook-feed bedre eller dårligere?
Wireds Brian Barrett satte sig for at afprøve et Facebook-feed basereret på kronologi – altså hvornår opdateringer etc. er udgivet/uploadet:
“But is it … better? I’m not so sure. The chronological News Feed may not feature many of my acquaintances, but that effectively turns it more of an RSS feed than a social network. […]
The ranked News Feed undoubtedly gives you more faces you recognize, but the difference isn’t quite as stark as you might think. Again, it feels like not many people are posting to Facebook these days, no matter what mode you’re in. A high-engagement post from someone you barely remember doesn’t really register. And of the posts I was genuinely interested in—often up to four or five days old—I’d already seen a high percentage on Instagram.”
🤨 Giver TikTok unge piger tics?
“Why have so many young women developed tic disorders during the course of the pandemic? Well, apart from the obvious pandemic-related stressors, TikTok could be a big part of it. On today’s episode, Rachelle and Madison talk to science journalist Maddie Bender about her report for Vice unpacking this medical mystery.”
Del 2: Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
✨ Tech-mediet Radar er i luften
Fra et opslag på mediets LinkedIn-side:
“Vi kigger på de muligheder og udfordringer, som opstår med nye forretningsmodeller og digitale løsninger. Uanset om du opfatter samfundets stigende digitalisering som god eller dårlig, så kræver det en dybere demokratisk samtale, når teknologi i stor stil former menneskets vilkår. Vi klæder beslutningstagere, virksomheder, organisationer og forskellige grupper af fagprofessionelle på til at navigere i og diskutere #tech #digital #data #ai #privacy #teknologi og digital lovgivning.”
👍 Sådan kan journalister får et fornuftigt forhold til data
“Most people become journalists because we care about stories, not page views. While doing her research, Gamperl found that many journalists fear that focusing on metrics like website traffic will spoil journalistic values.
The pressure that comes with measuring other aspects of article performance like conversions or time spent or page can also leave some journalists feeling anxious, worried or disillusioned.”
🎧 Eksperterne: Sådan lykkes medier med lyd
“The audio industry is in the middle of a transformation: Social audio is emerging; there is more investment and consumption of podcasts; and traditional radio listening is showing resilience in this mix.
I asked five experts to share the audio trends and habits they encourage producers to implement now, as well as those they should prepare for in the not too distant future.”
😟 (Meget) alternative medier kan ødelægge tilliden til politik
“The results of a new study published in Digital Journalism suggest that exposure to alternative media sites — which are often extremist in nature and say they exist to correct perceptions being projected by mainstream outlets — can erode interest in politics.”
📍 Apple News udvider lokal-“dækning” med tre US-byer
“Apple News will now offer its local news experience in three additional cities in the US: Charlotte,Miami, and Washington, D.C. Each experience is curated by Apple News editors and features coverage of topics that are important to local communities, from restaurant openings and real estate trends to big policy decisions. Local news offerings in Apple News provide readers with access to top publications, including Axios Charlotte, the Charlotte Observer, Eater Miami, the Miami Herald, DCist, Washingtonian, the Washington Post, and more.”
Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
🎤 DK-podcastmarkedet vokser, men der er langt til Sverige
“Danske Medier Research offentliggør i dag den første danske rapport over annonceindtægterne for podcast. De samlede annonceindtægter i 2020 udgør 15 mio. kr., mens det i 2021 estimeres til 27 mio. kr. I 2022 vurderes markedet at stige med yderligere 50 %.”
🎸 Derfor udvælger New York Times kunstnere til deres betalte nyhedsbreve
“We are choosing people because they have something important to say about conversations we are having today as a society right now, or conversations we want to start. That’s how we think about opinion journalism at the Times generally. We want to bring context to the clash of ideas we are seeing in our political dialogues right now, and add clarity to those conversations for our readers. We are looking for artists that want to do that.
We do find that, in Opinion, cultural coverage is some of the most read pieces that we do. We have seen a huge amount of readership when we do cover arts and culture.”
😳 Har Google pillet ved programmatiske annonceauktioner?
“The company has allegedly been secretly manipulating the outcome of programmatic auctions for its own benefit, per newly un-redacted court papers filed at the Southern District of New York. And yet there seems to be very little outrage at the moment. Trade bodies are quiet while industry insiders shrug as if to say “what did you expect.” They’ve long accepted the harsh truths of online advertising in the platform era. The latest allegations are a stark reminder.”
🤝 Adapt skal udvikle Frihedsbrevet – bl.a. som app
“Vores ambition er, at vores medlemmer hurtigst muligt skal kunne lytte til alt, hvad vi udkommer med. Derfor bliver Frihedsbrevets nye app også en vigtig platform for os, og vi glæder os til at præsentere det for vores medlemmer.”
🤔 Derfor opsiger folk deres abonnementer
“Public data on cancellations is sparse. It’s not something that news organizations like sharing. It can also be surprisingly annoying to cancel news subscriptions online, often requiring an actual call to customer service. (It doesn’t have to be this way!)
So we asked our readers for their most recent cancellation stories, and received over 500 responses. Keep in mind as you read this that Nieman Lab readers are a weird (great! but weird) bunch. They’re more into news, and more likely to pay for it, than the average person; this isn’t an “ask some guy on the street” survey.”
Mere fra Nieman Lab om emnet:
Expensive, boring, and wrong: Here are all the news publications people canceled and why
💡 Forening for lokalmedier har 7 forslag til kulturministeren
I ugens løb var der stormøde hos kulturminister Ane Halsboe-Jørgensen i forbindelse med de kommende medieforhandlinger. Foreningen “Lokale fritstående journalistiske internetmedier” har syv forslag til ministeren, der blandt andet handler om, at også små medier skal kunne modtage mediestøtte samt platformsneutralitet.
Forslagene er blandt andet blevet omtalt hos MediaWatch.
😡 Kritik af LOUD-navneskift
I det nye år skifter Radio Loud navn til “24syv”, og samtidig skal der ændres i radioen, som Berlinske Media overtager en stor del af. Det bliver kritiseret af blandt andet Le Gammeltoft fra Heartbeats og Jørgen Ramskov, der var direktør for det oprindelige Radio 24syv, skriver Journalisten.
Morten Strunge fra Podimo er også kritisk, skriver MediaWatch.
🌿 Annoncører viser interesse for klimastoffet
“For BBC, Bloomberg, Financial Times, Group Nine Media and The Economist, the answer is yes — with most saying advertisers are sending out more requests for publishers to pitch campaign or sponsorship opportunities around their solutions-based journalism, showing a growing interest this year in publishers’ coverage of climate and sustainability.”
⛓ Sådan kan medier bruge blockchain
Ja, blockchain er det uforløste potentiale for mediebranchen. Fra tid til anden kommer der artikler om, hvordan medierne kan bruge teknologien, og denne gang er det hos Digiday:
“The fact of the matter is, the revenue possibilities from both publishers’ and marketers’ experimentations on the blockchain are not limited to selling NFTs to the highest bidder. Many of the challenges and questions companies have about the state of the media, marketing and advertising industries and the way they do business can be solved with blockchain technology — if they are willing to experiment.”
Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
💡 Hvorfor er innovation så svært for medier?
“The pace of change in our industry means that even the biggest, most successful, companies need to continually innovate, refresh and reinvent what they do and how they do it. Those who don’t risk being left behind, overtaken by digital upstarts, or blown away by more established players with deeper pockets and a longer transformational runway.
I asked 10 experts — leading media practitioners, researchers and scholars around the world — for their insights around what constitutes innovation, the barriers to implementing it, and how to overcome these roadblocks.”
Mere: Publishers: 12 ways to overcome common innovation roadblocks
🕹 App-udviklere skæver til gaming
“As mobile gaming gains momentum, app developers elsewhere in the mobile space are applying lessons from gaming to apps in disparate categories such as fitness and cryptocurrency. Digiday chatted with four mobile developers across the industry to learn why they are taking cues from the gaming space — and how they are applying these techniques to their non-gaming apps.”
🤖 Facebook vil gøre AI mere “egocentrisk”
“Facebook today announced Ego4D, a long-term project aimed at solving AI research challenges in “egocentric perception,” or first-person views. The goal is to teach AI systems to comprehend and interact with the world like humans do as opposed to in the third-person, omniscient way that most AI currently does.”
📲 Smarte Safari-udvidelser til dig med iPhone
Ja ja, det handler ikke specifikt om digitale medier, men der er nogle smarte ting imellem 🙂