Digitale medier i uge 45 (2021)

Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
Digital Ugerevy udgives af Lars K Jensen, der rådgiver, udvikler og arbejder med digitale medier og udvikling.

Del 1: Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
👏 Fb-annoncører kan snart ikke målrette efter følsomme emner
Det drejer sig om emner som seksualitet, religion og politisk overbevisning. Fra TechCrunch:
“Facebook can target users based on information provided in their profile, like their age, location or gender. But the platform never made it possible to target people based on the sexual orientation listed in their profile, a representative from the company told TechCrunch. Rather, the advertising that will be removed refers to ads that are served based on your profile’s interest categories.
Facebook assigns these interest categories to your profile based on your activity. Based on how you engage with Facebook content, you might be assigned categories that Facebook would call “sensitive,” like “American Jewish culture,” “LGBT rights” or “Barack Obama.” Starting January 19, advertisers will no longer be able to target their ads based on interests like these. Other interest groups like “rock climbing” and “knitting,” not being sensitive, will still be targetable — there are tens of thousands of these categories, sensitive or not.”
Fra hestens mund:
Removing Certain Ad Targeting Options and Expanding Our Ad Controls
Meta for Business
🇩🇰 Politikere bliver udelukket fra Facebook-annoncering
“Facebook har så markante problemer med sin annoncering, at det kan ende med at påvirke kommunalvalget – og potentielt afgøre valget flere steder.
Sådan lyder den skarpe kritik fra digital ekspert og rådgiver Benjamin Rud Elberth. Han har under valgkampen oplevet, at flere af de kandidater, han arbejder for, enten får lukket deres annoncekonti af Facebook, får afvist ellers legitime annoncer af Facebook – eller aldrig bliver godkendt til at annoncere på platformen.”
Mathilde Kastbjergs valg kan blive forpurret af Facebook
😔 Facebook gør ikke nok i kampen mod stjålet indhold
“Facebook has allowed plagiarized and recycled content to flourish on its platform despite having policies against it, the tech giant’s researchers warned in internal memos.
About 40% of the traffic to Facebook pages at one point in 2018 went to pages that stole or repurposed most of their content, according to a research report that year by Facebook senior data scientist Jeff Allen, one of a dozen internal communications reviewed by The Wall Street Journal.”
How plagiarism helps explain Facebook’s youth problem
🤔 Facebook udgiver rapport over mest set indhold i Q3
“Much like the Q2 report, the top 10 links on Facebook are a mixed bag of spam, vague news links and content amplified by Facebook’s own COVID resource center.”
👎 YouTube vil skjule “dislikes”
På YouTube kan en video både få “likes” og “dislikes”, og begge tal er offentlige. Sådan bliver det ikke ved med at være. Godt nok bliver dislike-knappen der, men antallet af dislikes bliver skjult, skriver YouTube.
“The change comes as a result of attacks on users, where the dislike option has been used to harm a video’s performance,” skriver Social Media Today.
🐦 Twitter lancerer ‘Blue’ i USA
“Twitter is shipping its first subscription product in the United States, and it’s hoping that more long-form content will encourage the platform’s heaviest users to spend even more time on Twitter.”
What Twitter learned from subscriptions
Twitter’s subscription product, Twitter Blue, launches in the U.S., and yes, it lets you undo tweets
Nieman Lab
👍 Sådan har Harvard Business Review haft succes med LinkedIn
“Harvard Business Review has 13M followers on LinkedIn, built up through the sharing of up-to-date news as well as the careful curation of archived content. Such has been the success of HBR’s LinkedIn outreach, it has launched its own TV channel on the platform.”
🧘 Instagram vil opfordre til at tage en pause
“Instagram is testing a new user wellbeing option called ‘Take a Break’, which will enable users to set reminders to take some time away from the app after a certain period of activity – either 10-, 20- or 30-minutes. “
🤳 YouTube tester Shorts i fuldskærmsvisning
“Much like Stories before it, short-form video is now the key social media trend of focus, with Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat and Pinterest all adding new options to lean into the format. And now, YouTube’s also taking its experiments with short-form video to the next stage.”
🎧 Nu kan ikke-Twitter-brugere være med i Spaces
Det kræver dog stadig en Twitter-profil at deltage i samtalen – folk uden en profil kan ikke inviteres ind som gæster og kan ej heller reagere.
“As Twitter explains, now, when you share a link to a Spaces broadcast, non-Twitter users will also be able to tune in, which will give you more ways to showcase your audio broadcasts to a wider audience, both inside and outside the app.”
🤝 Twitter og Viacom indgår samarbejde
“Twitter and ViacomCBS today announced a sizable global deal that will see the social media platform streaming digital content from across the ViacomCBS portfolio of news, sports and entertainment brands — including content from live events, TV shows and other franchises. In addition, ViacomCBS-owned streaming service Paramount+ will host three “Twitter Watch Parties” designed to capitalize on Twitter’s ability to serve as a second screen and a home to fan communities and conversations.”
Del 2: Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
✋ Google dropper personaliserede nyheder på lyd
“In November of 2019, Google upgraded Assistant’s “play me the news” capability with personalized audio digests. Google Assistant has now removed “Your News Update” and gone back to only offering standard sources. “
💪 Hos WaPo arbejder journalister og udviklere sammen
Der er egentlig ikke så meget nyt og overraskende i det, men det er bekræftende at læse, at det rent faktisk virker. (Pudse-pudse glorie: Jeg var leder af Ekstra Bladets udviklingsteam 2012-2013, der handlede om netop denne type samarbejde.)
“Key takeaway: The Washington Post’s journalists aren’t siloed away in a separate newsroom but sit next to software engineers and product designers to figure out the best way to reach and engage the title’s audience.”
📚 Spotify køber platform for lydbøger
“Together, Spotify and Findaway will accelerate Spotify’s entry into the audiobook space and continue to innovate the industry, working to remove current limitations and unlock better economic tools for creators. Findaway’s technology infrastructure will enable Spotify to quickly scale its audiobook catalog and innovate on the experience for consumers, simultaneously providing new avenues for publishers and authors to reach audiences around the globe.”
Storytel køber amerikanske Audiobooks
🤷♂️ LOUD får okay til 24syv-navneskift
“Radio- og tv-nævnet har valgt…”
Mere fra MediaWatch:
🤨 10 medier står for 69% af klimamisinformation
“Når misinformation om klima bliver…“
Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
🎤 Lyd er en langsigtet del af forretningen hos Axel Springer
“The media organisation is taking advantage of the growing podcasting market and plans to become the leading German-speaking audio publisher by 2025 […]
Clearly, Axel Springer is lining up audio at the centre of its future-proofing strategy. But it does not come without challenges, most notably monetisation. Podcasts are notoriously hard to monetise and represent a fraction of what can be earned in radio and print. “
😮 AMP har gjort medier skeptiske overfor Google-initiativer
Googles Accelerated Mobile Pages-teknologi er ikke populær hos en række udgivere, og det hjælper slet ikke, at det er kommet frem, at AMP angiveligt er blevet brugt som et træk imod “header bidding” indenfor digitale annoncer, som Google så/ser som en stor trussel.
Læs også denne uges Ugerevy-artikel:
📈 Mere af det hele: Se & Hør vil tredoble trafikken på fem år
“Flere journalister, flere brede nyheder…”
🙅♂️ Politiken fortryder ikke fravalg af programmatic
“I dag foregår næsten alt…”
💰 EU-domstolen fastholder milliardbøde til Google
“Google taber en sag ved…”
Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
😎 Metaverset i denne uge
The Metaverse Is Simply Big Tech, but Bigger
It’s a rebrand of Silicon Valley’s increasing power and reach. And it’s made for companies, not people.
Will Facebook’s plans for the metaverse impact publishers?
Reportage fra Metaverset: Det digitale univers er dødsygt for alle andre end dets faste beboere
The land of too many metaverses
Metaverse may have gone meaningless faster than any other buzzword. As the term has wound its way through the tech industry, we now have Meta building the metaverse while Microsoft builds the enterprise metaverse and Roblox and Fortnite shift from being video games to … metaverses.
‘Still a long way from being realized’: A Q&A with author and metaverse inventor Neal Stephenson
Facebook’s rebranding as Meta introduced the general public to the concept of the metaverse, causing Google searches of the term to spike following the announcement last week. But the idea of a metaverse has existed since 1992, when science fiction author Neal Stephenson coined the term in his novel “Snow Crash.”
What would Zuckerberg’s Metaverse mean for eCommerce?
How the metaverse will change transportation as we know it
🔗 Hvad er Web3?
“Web3 refers to a potential new iteration of the internet that runs on public blockchains, the record-keeping technology best known for facilitating cryptocurrency transactions. The appeal of Web3 is that it is decentralized, so that instead of users accessing the internet through services mediated by the likes of Google, Apple, or Facebook, it’s the individuals themselves who own and control pieces of the internet.”
🔎 prøver en ny form for søgning
“Instead of arranging results in a vertical list, presents users with rows of horizontal panels—the company calls them “apps”—grouped by source. There’s an app for Yelp, an app for Reddit, an app for Twitter, and an app for standard Bing results, among others. Users can then promote or demote these panels as they browse the results, creating a search engine that’s personalized around their favorite sources.”
🧱 De fleste NFT’er har ingen værdi
“But according to new research, Beeple’s success is an extreme outlier. A team of researchers out of the University of London, including Andrea Baronchelli, an associate professor in mathematics, and data scientist Matthieu Nadini, analyzed the sale of 4.7 million NFTs, exchanged by more than 500,000 buyers and sellers, representing nearly $1 billion in transactions. The general takeaway is that, while you might think nonfungible tokens are a skyrocketing business for collectors and creators, the vast majority of NFTs can’t buy you a meal at McDonald’s.”
Fox bets big on blockchain