Digitale medier i uge 11 (2022)

Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
Digital Ugerevy udgives af Lars K Jensen, der rådgiver, udvikler og arbejder med digitale medier og udvikling.

Del 1: Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
🤨 Meta tillader opfordringer til vold i Ukraine
“On Monday morning, we reached another grim milestone in Russia’s self-inflicted isolation from the broader world: the country banned Meta-owned Instagram, making the platform inaccessible to most of its 80 million users. Today, let’s talk about how we got here — and about the dystopian policy choices that Meta and other platforms will have to make as Vladimir Putin’s war on Ukraine rages on.”
Why Russia Is Saying Goodbye to Instagram
Facebook fjerner misvisende opslag fra russiske ambassader
How war shaped Meta
🛑 Facebook, YouTube og Twitter fjerner Zelenskyj-deepfake
“The deepfake spread widely online Wednesday, as noticed earlier by Vice’s Motherboard. In the video, which CNN Business has reviewed, Zelensky appears to stand behind a presidential podium and in front of a backdrop, both of which feature the Ukranian coat of arms. Wearing a green shirt, Zelensky speaks in Ukranian, appearing to tell Ukranians to put down their weapons in the weeks-old war against Russia.”
A Zelensky Deepfake Was Quickly Defeated. The Next One Might Not Be
📣 Twitter tester lydklip fra Spaces
“Twitter is testing a new way to maximize your Spaces content, with an option to create audio clips of up to 30 secondsfrom your audio broadcasts in the app.”
👨👩👧 Meta lancerer nye værktøjer til forældre
“Meta’s rolling out a new set of parental supervision and control tools for both Instagram and Quest VR, which address key elements of concern with usage and exposure among younger users.”
🕶 Er Meta for tidligt ude med metaverset?
“If Facebook’s core ad business were still thriving, and TikTok weren’t eating away at its user base and cultural relevance, that might not be such an issue. But with the company on the ropes in a variety of ways, any significant delays in Zuckerberg’s vision becoming reality could spell trouble for recruiting, the stock price, and more. All of which will only make building his vision of the metaverse harder. (And his competitors’ lives easier.)”
Can Brands Stay Safe in the Metaverse?
Social Media Today
🕰 Hvorfor kom BBC så sent på TikTok?
“Why did it take a war for BBC News to join TikTok? Speaking to, BBC News digital director Naja Nielsen says is because the broadcaster did not want to spread itself too thin.”
🧑💻 Facebook tester nyt desktop-design
“Nearly all of the navigation elements, menus, and settings were moved to the left on the desktop version of the platform, with essentially no navigation on top of the page. I don’t remember whether I opted in for this, but I can’t find a way to roll it back, so this is what the Facebook experience looks like for me right now.”
🤔 Kan crowdsourcing give bedre YouTube-anbefalinger?
“According to Le Nguyên Hoang, a scientist at the École Polytechnique Fédérale of Lausan EPFL and one of the cofounders of Tournesol, the goal is to provide a safer, more “benevolent” alternative to YouTube’s recommendations that’s powered by the sway of the crowd.”
📱 The Washington Post lancerer Telegram-kanal om Ukraine
“Welcome to The Washington Post’s Telegram channel. We’ll share live news coverage from the journalists we have in and around Ukraine along with reporting from our newsrooms in the U.S., London and Seoul. You’ll get firsthand, expert reporting 24/7 from the war in Ukraine, including the latest military movements, exclusive photography and on-the-ground footage.”
📲 Her er de frivillige, der leder efter krigsforbrydelser i Ukraine
“Since the war started, people around the world have been trying to help refugees and the Ukrainian cause. For those with investigative skills like Aeden, who has volunteered for Bellingcat before, that means using their time and effort to analyze material posted on the web by Ukrainians to document possible war crimes, such as bombing civilian buildings or protected spaces like hospitals, and confirm their exact location.”
📷 Zuckerberg: NFT’er på vej til Instagram
“‘We’re working on bringing NFTs to Instagram in the near term,’ he said. He didn’t detail exactly how that would take shape, but suggested people would be able to show off their existing NFTs and potentially mint new ones. ‘I’m not ready to kind of announce exactly what that’s going to be today. But over the next several months, the ability to bring some of your NFTs in, hopefully over time be able to mint things within that environment.'”
👋 Clubhouse vil gøre det lettere at se, hvem der er online
“We’re testing a handy lil’ bar at the top of your screen where you can easily see who’s online, and wave to start up a room with them without spending your thumb’s precious energy on a sidebar.”
Del 2: Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
💡 Ny trend: Modulær journalistik
“The uncomfortable truth is that people rarely read past the first few paragraphs of a news article. New AI-powered technology can help us understand how to tell stories so readers pay attention”
📲 Substack vil være platform med ny app
…og Casey Newton skriver om det i sit Platformer-nyhedsbrev, der udkommer på netop Substack:
“I wince at some of the language in the Substack app; I’d never send out a newsletter if I thought it was something your email inbox should be “spared” from. For my favorite newsletters, the reverse is true. My email inbox consists mostly of things I did not ask to receive; when one of my favorite newsletters shows up there, then, I get excited.”
Of Substack, apps, and strategy
Columbia Journalism Review
❌ BuzzFeed lukker News-app
“The BuzzFeed News app launched back in the summer of 2015, under the leadership of Stacy-Marie Ishmael. The award-winning mobile news team’s mission was to be the ‘smart friend in your pocket,’ and their thoughtful, clearheaded, and transparent approach to news quickly cultivated a loyal following.”
🌍 Europas digitale medielandskab skal kortlægges
“It will now set out on aresearch project into the sustainability of around 1,000 digital-first media organisations across 43 European countries. At the end of the year-long project, SembraMedia will produce profiles of each media organisation in English for an interactive database.”
🎧 Amazon melder sig ind i audiokrigen med ‘Amp’
“Amazon is entering the live-audio wars with a new app called Amp. The app, launching in beta on iOS on Tuesday, is fairly straightforward: It allows people to host their own radio-style show, with access to millions of songs free of charge. When you open the app, Amp will recommend a few live shows you might like. Hosts can take calls, switch between music and talking and generally feel like an old-school DJ.”
🎤 Mofibo indser, at den rette oplæser er vigtig
“Tal fra lytterundersøgelse fra lydbogstjenesten Mofibo viser, at den rette indlæser er blevet en “ekstremt vigtig komponent” for lydbogsplatforme, og det vidner om et modnende marked, lyder det fra Mofibos adm. direktør.”
😢 Mit Nørrebro lukker
“Pengene er sluppet op hos lokalmediet om livet på Nørrebro i København, og det giver derfor ikke mening at drive mediet videre, mener redaktør og udgiver Mette Trudsø. Etableringsstøtten fra Medienævnet udløb ved årsskiftet, så mediet lukker nu.”
Idenyt får ny chefredaktør fra lokalt netmedie
😬 Derfor giver clickbait bagslag for lokale medier
“There is nothing wrong with wanting revenue or wanting to make profits. But to just try to drive traffic from anywhere with crude individual targets is to further hollow out local news, just when local papers need reinforcement. Putting a geographical limit on targets, or prioritising repeat visits, or even registrations, would create better incentives for reporters and surely could be the start of putting papers on a better financial footing, less reliant on the online ad world”
🎧 iOS 15.4 indeholder nye podcasts-funktioner
“Browse by season on show pages. Quickly navigate to a specific season from the show page of any serialized show. […]
Filter episodes by status on show pages. You can also now filter episodes by their status — played, unplayed, downloaded, or saved — from show pages.”
Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
📈 Nordiske medier vokser med abonnementer
“For tredje år i træk indkasserer mediehuset bag bl.a. Licitationen og flere andre B2B-medier et rekordresultat. Især fremgang i abonnementsforretningen, hvor man har passeret 30.000 betalende abonnenter i 2021, er årsagen til vækst på både top- og bundlinje.”
💸 Aller vil løfte digitale annoncer
“Mediehuset har droppet sin inhouse kreative produktionsenhed for i stedet at lægge udviklingen af nativeannoncer i hænderne på eksternt bureau i et nyt strategisk samarbejde. Målet er at løfte det digitale annoncesalg, der allerede har overhalet print, fortæller salgsdirektør. “
👂 Studie: Podcast-annoncer virker
Fra The Guardian (pressemeddelelse):
“A new study commissioned by the Guardian found podcast advertising raises positive perceptions of brands and encourages listeners to take buying action.”
💳 Netflix tester flerbrugerabonnement
“According to the Netflix terms of service, a customer’s account “may not be shared with individuals beyond your household.” After years of turning a blind eye to password-sharing behavior that falls outside that requirement, the company last year ran a limited test prompting users to enter their account credentials as a way to nudge freeloaders into paying for their own accounts.”
💵 Matas sælger annoncer via førstepartsdata
“Matas sælger digital reklameplads på egne kanaler som aldrig før, baseret på førstepartsdata. På grund af succesen har virksomheden bygget sit eget inhouse mediebureau, og køberne er beautybrands som l’Oréal.”
💡 Sådan nåede Financial Times 1 mio. abonnenter
“To have a successful subscription business, a publisher needs to prioritize readers over advertisers, especially as the ad market becomes more ‘complicated and expensive to operate in,’ said Jon Slade, chief commercial officer at Financial Times.”
🧐 Kommissionen vil undersøge aftale mellem Google og Meta
“Commission to look into an agreement between the two businesses that it says could ‘restrict or distort competition’ in markets for online display advertising.”
🤔 Er vi ved “peak subscription”?
“A column in the Atlantic magazine has stated that we have reached peak subscription. The author, Amanda Mull, highlights the overwhelming choice people face in consumer subscriptions and questions how satisfied they are with what they have signed up for. Could publishers focused on developing reader revenue come to face the same difficult consumer questions?”
Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
🌐 Bliver internettet til “splinternettet”?
“If Russia disconnects from—or is booted from— the internet’s governing bodies, the internet may never be the same again for any of us.”
📱 Russiske iPhones skal have russiske apps
“Alongside questions about language preference and whether to enable Siri, users will see a screen that prompts them to install a list of apps from Russian developers. It’s not just a regional peculiarity. It’s a concession Apple has made to legal pressure from Moscow—one that could have implications far beyond Russia’s borders.”
😳 Rusland truede Google og Apple
“Russian agents came to the home of Google’s top executive in Moscow to deliver a frightening ultimatum last September: take down an app that had drawn the ire of Russian President Vladimir Putin within 24 hours or be taken to prison.”
😬 Microsoft lægger banner i Windows – ved en fejl
“Microsoft appears to be testing a new type of ad inside File Explorer on Windows 11. Microsoft MVP and Twitter user Florian Beaubois discovered an ad in the latest test build of Windows 11, prompting users to check out the Microsoft Editor. While the ads might have appeared for some Windows 11 users, Microsoft says it was a mistake.”
😱 Invasionen af Ukraine gør chip-manglen endnu værre
“The military incursion has forced Ukraine’s two leading neon suppliers to suspend operations, a major disruption with global economic consequences. Neon is critically important to semiconductor chip manufacturing, and nearly half of the world’s semiconductor-grade neon originates from these two suppliers, Ingas and Cryoin, Reuters notes.”