Digitale medier i uge 17 (2022)

Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
Digital Ugerevy udgives af Lars K Jensen, der rådgiver, udvikler og arbejder med digitale medier og udvikling.

Gør som de andre – læs med på mail:
Del 1: Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
🤝 Så købte Elon Musk Twitter
“Twitter’s board accepted billionaire Elon Musk’s offer to buy the social media company and take it private, the company confirmed.”
Hovedpersonen selv på Twitter:
“I hope that even my worst critics remain on Twitter, because that is what free speech means”
“After the announcement, sentiment in the public Slack channels remained largely concerned and negative, employees told me. “I was kind of surprised how much people seemed like they were giving up,” one told me. ‘Big bummer.’
But in one-on-one discussions, responses were more tempered. Some employees I’ve spoken with are open to the idea that a private Twitter run by Musk stands a better chance of improving the service than would a public company beholden to its shareholders.”
Rådgiver: Twitter kan blive platform for mere rabiate udtalelser
MediaWatch / Ritzau
“Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal also applauded the deal in the release. ‘Twitter has a purpose and relevance that impacts the entire world,’ Agrawal said in an accompanying statement. ‘Deeply proud of our teams and inspired by the work that has never been more important.'”
“The deal was signed Monday morning, Agrawal told workers, adding that Musk’s transaction to take the company private could take as long as six months to complete, according to two people with knowledge of the meeting’s details”
🧠 Fast Company: Elon Musk needs to think bigger with Twitter
🏆 Wired: How Elon Musk Won Twitter
🇪🇺 The Hill: EU warns Musk over digital rules after Twitter deal
🤨 MIT Technology Review: The problems with Elon Musk’s plan to open-source the Twitter algorithm
🌫 Wired: Musk’s Plan to Reveal the Twitter Algorithm Won’t Solve Anything
🤔 Bloomberg: With Musk in Charge at Twitter, Could Jack Come Back?
🫂 Protocol: In a series of tweets on Monday evening, Twitter co-founder and former CEO Jack Dorsey backed Elon Musk’s acquisition of the company.
💡 Reuters: Analysis: Musk tears up buyout playbook with $46.5 billion Twitter financing
😬 The New York Times: Twitter Employees Search for Answers as Musk Takeover Becomes Reality
😭 Politico: Twitter’s top lawyer reassures staff, cries during meeting about Musk takeover
🇨🇳 Columbia Journalism Review: Twitter plus China could equal pressure for Elon Musk
👏 TechCrunch: A complete timeline of the Elon Musk-Twitter saga
🧐 Axios: Everything Elon Musk wants to change about Twitter
👋 Protocol: The end of Web 2.0
😦 Og spørgsmålet mange nok sidder med:
Trump will not return to Twitter even as Elon Musk purchases platform, will begin using his own TRUTH Social
Fox News
😬 Twitter talte sine brugere forkert
“Twitter didn’t have as many users as it thought — a predicament that may have encouraged the company to more seriously consider its acceptance of Elon Musk’s proposal to take the company private in a $44 billion deal.”
📌 Instagram tester “pinnede” opslag
“As you can see in this example, posted by user Salman Memon, some Instagram users are now able to select a ‘Pin to Your Profile’ option on their IG posts, which enables you to then dock your chosen updates to the top of your post grid on your profile display.”
🆕 Nye muligheder på din LinkedIn-profil
Social Media Today skriver om nogle nye ting, LinkedIn har rullet ud. Blandt andet muligheden for at linke til sit website (eller nyhedsbrev) – den indstilling kan jeg dog ikke finde.
Derudover har LinkedIn bl.a. også lanceret nye analytics til gruppe-posts, video-trimming i mobil-app’en og muligheden for at have sit nyhedsbrev (hvis man udgiver det igennem LinkedIn) under ‘Featured’ på ens profil.
📈 Engagement på LinkedIn vokser stadig
“And it seems that LinkedIn is faring pretty well, with Microsoft reporting a 34% YoY increase in LinkedIn revenue to $3.44 billion, while it’s also continuing to see ‘record levels’ of user engagement.”
📲 YouTube udvider pre-publish-checks til mobil-app
“After first launching it on desktop last March, YouTube is now bringing its pre-publish checks tool to the mobile app as well, which will make it easier for those uploading their content on the go to ensure that it’s fully eligible for monetization before they post.”
👻 Snap lancerer drone i USA og Frankrig
“Meet Pixy, Snap’s little flying companion. Pixy is a mini drone that can act as a camera sidekick when you can’t ask someone to take a video of you. It’s yellow, it’s cute and it’ll be available in the U.S. and in France for $229.99.”
Mere Snap:
Snap takes flight
Snapchat’s Evan Spiegel dismisses Facebook’s metaverse as ‘hypothetical’
The Guardian
🔮 Zuckerberg: 2030 bliver spændende
“‘It’s not going to be until those products really hit the market and scale in a meaningful way, and this market ends up being big, that this will be a big revenue or profit contributor to the business,’ said Zuckerberg. ‘This is laying the groundwork for what I expect to be a very exciting 2030.'”
Del 2: Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
🇪🇺 Digital Services Act er faldet på plads
“Digital Services Act faldt på plads natten til lørdag. Dansk chefforhandler jubler over resultatet, der får stor betydning for marketing. Her er de 8 ting, du skal vide som marketeer.”
Forhandler efter historisk techlov: Annoncører vil være på vej mod krav på linje med GDPR
Bureaudirektør: Annoncører lukker øjnene for DSA
Mediet Markedsføring
🎧 Derfor tænker Telegraph “audio først” i deres journalistik
“Having a dedicated audio team has helped to cover the coronavirus pandemic and the Ukraine war both quickly and creatively. But the focus moving forward is narrative-driven episodic content”
🏷 Google Play lancerer privacy-mærkater a la Apple
“Google Play is today officially launching its own version of privacy-related “nutrition labels” for apps. […]
The company’s plan to introduce app privacy labels on Google Play was first announced last spring, months after Apple’s App Store introduced privacy labels on its own app marketplace.”
🤔 Hvad betyder annoncer på Netflix for fremtidens streaming?
I sidste uge kom det frem, at Netflix kigger på også at tilbyde annoncering. Digiday har en god Q&A-artikel med nogle interessante spørgsmål, såsom:
“Will Netflix’s ad-supported tier contribute to a socioeconomic imbalance among ad-supported audiences?“
😱 Simon Owens: An industry-wide slowdown in subscription growth
😅 What’s New in Publishing: No, subscriptions aren’t doomed: Despite what Netflix and CNN+ signal to the industry (pyha!)
🎓 8 europæiske medier valgt til Googles “abonnementsakademi”
“The International News Media Association (INMA), Google, and FT Strategies have announced the eight publishers selected for the third edition of the Google News Initiative (GNI) Subscriptions Academy for Europe (previously Subscriptions Lab).”
Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
🇩🇰 Vækst i annoncer går især til Google og Facebook
“Den samlede digitale annonceomsætning i Danmark tog efter beskeden vækst på 3,3 pct. i 2020 et kvantespring på 19,3 pct. sidste år. Størstedelen af væksten tilfaldt Google og Facebook, viser den årlige rapport ‘Online Markedsstatistik 2021’.”
🤔 Hvad er den bedste længde og placering til podcast-annoncer?
“Marketing Brew asked 15 podcast industry experts over email to describe the perfect length and place for a podcast ad. We break down some of their advice below.”
🤝 G/O Media køber Quartz
“Gizmodo publisher G/O Media Inc is acquiring Quartz, the business news site said in an internal memo on Thursday, the latest in a series of consolidations in digital media. […]
Great Hill Partners-owned G/O Media will be the third owner of Quartz, which was founded in 2012.”
The big picture: The digital media market has been plagued by layoffs and job cuts in recent years, as firms tried to rally from growth challenges, many of which came to a head at the start of the pandemic.
🕹 Medier bør kigge på “newsgames”
“Gaming is mainstream, and there are billions of people who chose to consume stories through the medium of video games. But even with some very high-profile newsgames and a demonstrable audience, few news publishers are making the most of the medium to share news. That’s a wasted opportunity – but hopefully things are turning around.“
🇨🇦 Sådan går det med Canadas skattefradrag ifm. abonnementer
“Under the new tax provisions, Canadians can get reimbursed for 15% of what they spend on digital news subscriptions from outlets designated as “qualified,” up to $500. The digital subscription tax credit is worth a close look because — the thinking goes — it could encourage subscription habits that will allow news organizations to better stand on their own two feet without government assistance.”
Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
😬 Eksperter tror, Apple vil gøre Private Relay til standard i iOS 16
“Apple’s App Tracking Transparency anti-tracking carrot isn’t working so maybe it’s stick time. That’s the view of advertising experts who predict Apple could soon start to aggressively enforce its crackdown on the excessive tracking of its customers.”
🧹 Apple vil rense App Store for gamle apps
“Apple may be cracking down on apps that no longer receive updates. In a screenshotted email sent to affected developers, titled “App Improvement Notice,” Apple warns it will remove apps from the App Store that haven’t been “updated in a significant amount of time” and gives developers just 30 days to update them.”
✨ Første offentlige beta af Android 13 er klar
“Google is right on the mark with its first public-facing Android 13 beta, launching today. The beta is the third version of the operating system preview, and the first version you can download and try out even if you’re not a developer.”
👊 Sådan styrer autoritære magthavere internettet
“Seven years, 60 countries, 935 internet shutdowns: How authoritarian regimes found an off switch for dissent.”
🕶 Hvad er metaverset egentlig?
“To help you get a sense of how vague and complex a term “the metaverse” can be, here’s an exercise: Mentally replace the phrase “the metaverse” in a sentence with “cyberspace.” Ninety percent of the time, the meaning won’t substantially change.”
🤖 AI-værktøj vil gøre det af med cookie-popups
“The system was created to stop cookies from manipulating people into making website-friendly choices that put their privacy at risk. Yet it could also end the constant hassle of navigating the notices.
In testing on the top 500 websites in the Tranco ranking list, the team found that the tool was 91% effective at automatically disabling non-essential cookies.”
⛓ Time tjener gode penge på NFTer
“Fourteen months after launching its first NFT project, Time has sold more than 20,000 individual NFTs that have netted the publisher a profit exceeding $10 million, according to Time’s president Keith Grossman.”