Digitale medier og platforme i uge 43

Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.

Digital Ugerevy udgives af mig, Lars K Jensen, og jeg arbejder til daglig med audience-udvikling i Berlingske-koncernen.

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In this edition:

Del 1: Sociale medier 

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.

🤝 Så købte Musk Twitter

Pris: 44 milliarder dollars (~329 milliarder kroner).

Fra Reuters:

“Elon Musk became Twitter Inc’s owner on Thursday, firing top executives and providing little clarity over how he will achieve the lofty ambitions he has outlined for the influential social media platform.”

Anbefalet læsning:

💸 Politikere har fordoblet forbruget på Facebook-annoncer

Fra Mediet Markedsføring:

“Nu har de politiske partier købt Facebook-annoncer for over otte millioner kroner, siden valget blev udskrevet. Liberal Alliance er stadig i spidsen, men andre partier rykker nu for alvor.”


🏆 Tesfaye droppede sociale medier og vandt 3 timer hver dag

Fra Kommunikationsforum:

“Siden justitsminister Mattias Tesfaye helt droppede sociale medier, har han vundet tre timer hver dag. ”Hold skærmen slukket så meget som overhovedet muligt!” lyder hans enkle råd. Ekspert ville ønske, det er starten på en trend, fordi sociale medier kan virker mere polariserende end politikudviklende.”

😱 Interne dokumenter: Twitter mister mange af de mest aktive

Fra Reuters:

“These ‘heavy tweeters’ account for less than 10% of monthly overall users but generate 90% of all tweets and half of global revenue. Heavy tweeters have been in “absolute decline” since the pandemic began, a Twitter researcher wrote in an internal document titled ‘Where did the Tweeters Go?'”


😠 Twitter-ansatte kalder Musk “hensynsløs”

Fra Gizmodo:

“The long running will-they-won’t-they tango between Elon Musk and Twitter appears to finally be coming to a close, and Twitter employees are not happy about who their new boss will be.

Musk previously disclosed to investors his plans to axe 75% of the company’s workforce, and Twitter employees have responded in a coordinated letter to Musk and Twitter’s board.”


⚠ Facebook truer med at blokere for nyheder i Canada

Fra MediaWatch:

“Lovgivningen, den såkaldte Online News Act, blev indført i april efter inspiration fra en lignende lovgivning i Australien […]

Facebook er blandt andet utilfreds med, at selskabet ikke er blevet inviteret ind for at dele sine bekymringer”


✨ YouTube på vej med designændringer

Fra Social Media Today:

“YouTube has announced a range of visual tweaks and UI updates, which it says are intended to make the app feel ‘cleaner, more lively’, and easier to use for different purpose.

The biggest update is pinch to zoom, which enables users to expand the playback screen to examine certain details or elements.”

💪 LinkedIn sætter ind overfor falske profiler

Fra AdWeek:

“A new ‘About this profile’ feature will appear on all members’ pages starting this week and provide information such as when the profile was created, when it was last updated and whether a verified phone number and/or work email is associated with the account.”

🤯 TikTok fangede ikke misvisende politiske reklamer

Fra The New York Times:

“TikTok failed to catch 90 percent of ads featuring false and misleading messages about elections, while YouTube and Facebook identified and blocked most of them, according to an experiment run by misinformation researchers, the results of which were released on Friday. […]

TikTok rejected only one ad in English and one in Spanish, in what the researchers called “a major failure.” TikTok banned political advertising in 2019.”

Heldigvis er der ingen, der bruger TikTok. Eller…

😬 TikTok-ejer ville overvåge udvalgte amerikanere

Fra Forbes:

“But the material reviewed by Forbes indicates that ByteDance’s Internal Audit team was planning to use this location information to surveil individual American citizens, not to target ads or any of these other purposes. 

Forbes is not disclosing the nature and purpose of the planned surveillance referenced in the materials in order to protect sources.”

😳 TikTok flyder med misinformation om midtvejsvalget

Fra The Guardian:

In the final sprint to the US midterm elections social media giant TikTok risks being a major vector for election misinformation, experts warn, with the platform’s massive user base and its design making it particularly susceptible to such threats.”

💡 9 tips til journalister, der vil i gang med TikTok

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Del 2: Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.

✨ Google føjer nye funktioner til Google Analytics 4

Fra MarTech:

“Google announced a bunch of updates for Google Analytics 4 (GA4) today. They include a big improvement for the Setup Assistant, real-time behavioral modeling reports, more customization features and a new homepage design.”

😖 Medier kæmper med Googles seneste algoritmeændringer

Fra Digiday:

“This autumn was a whirlwind for publishers as Google released not one but three algorithm changes over the course of a month that affected content rankings, specifically of product reviews. It’s another example of how the tech giant can cause disruption for publishers that have built businesses around trying to take advantage of its algorithm to reach people.”

👷 Sådan bygger The Washington Post produkter

Spændende læsning hos What’s New in Publishing. Men bemærk:

“At the outset, it’s important to note that WaPo is unusual in that its 200 software engineers sit side by side with its product designers and journalists as one integrated team. According to Mulder, this has been key to the title’s success in building and launching successful products.”

💪 TV 2 Fyn deler data om dækningen af valgkampen

Fra MediaWatch:

“Mediebrugerne har mulighed for i realtid at følge med i eksempelvis, hvor meget skærmtid de enkelte partier har fået i løbet tv-stationens valgdækning. Tallene viser også alders- og kønsfordelingen på de politikere, der har fået skærmtid på kanalen.”

🤖 JP vil fastholde brugerne med automatiserede anbefalinger

Fra MediaWatch:

“Jyllands-Postens algoritme har i tests udkonkurreret de sektioner, der var prioriteret af en medarbejder. Flere sektioner er allerede personaliserede, og data- og analysechef Henrik Frislev ser stort potentiale i en højere grad af personaliseret indhold.”

Jyllands-Postens algoritme er baseret på det, der kaldes “collaborative filtering”. Det vil – kort fortalt – sige, at man matcher brugerens forbrug op mod andre brugere med et lignende forbrug og anbefaler artikler, de personer har læst, som brugeren selv ikke har læst endnu.

Risikoen ved dette er, at man kan ende med at mindske diversiteten i algoritmens forslag:

“Studies have shown, some of them conducted by Hosanagar, that collaborative filters actually decrease diversity in what is being consumed. That is, it ‘pushes’ people towards the same content. Content-based recommendations do not, it appears.

For a publisher this is critical if you discover that your recommendation algorithm is only emphasizing and pointing articles from certain categories – and thereby only a slice of the entire coverage – based on what the users click on.”

JP eksperimenterer også, skriver MediaWatch, med “content”-baserede algoritmer. Det vil sige, at maskinen sammenligner forskellige stykker indhold og forsøger at finde lignende, som den kan anbefale til brugeren.

Jeg har skrevet lidt mere om det i artiklen Automatiske anbefalinger: En algoritme er aldrig bare en algoritme, hvor jeg også forsøger at illustrere det med et par animerede GIF’er ✨

🤼‍♂️ Spotify vil mere med lydbøger – men Apple står i vejen

Fra The New York Times:

“Over the past month, Apple, the App Store’s gatekeeper, has rejected Spotify’s app three times, saying that its new audiobooks offering broke Apple’s rules governing how developers can communicate with customers about online purchases.”

🎉 Apple redesigner Podcasts på iPad

Fra hestens mund:

“With iPadOS 16.1, Apple Podcasts has been redesigned to make it easier for listeners to see and access more content at a glance on iPad. Using the new sidebar, listeners can quickly navigate between the Listen Now, Browse, Charts, and Search tabs, as well as sections of their Library, including Recently Updated.”

⁉ Q&A med Semafors chefredaktør og medstifter

Fra Recode:

Peter Kafka: We’re less than a week into your launch. You have been at publications in their very early days. How long will it take for the cake to be baked? Is this a six-month process? A year? You’ll say you’re always improving, always striving to innovate. But, how long will it take for you to get what you want?

Ben Smith: I hope this doesn’t sound totally insane, and it probably is because I’m now really old. But the number Justin and I really have been talking about since we started is 10 years.”

Ti år… det lyder jo som Zuckerberg, når han snakker om metaverset. Du kan i øvrigt læse meget mere om Semafor via Ugerevyen fra sidste uge.

😲 Apple hæver priserne

Det er umiddelbart ikke tydeligt, om det er i andre lande også, eller kun USA.

Fra 9 to 5 Mac:

“The Apple Music monthly price has been upped by ~$1 for individuals and ~$2 for families. Apple TV+ is rising by $2 (which only has one tier and supports Family Sharing on all plans). Apple One is also going up by approximately $3 per month.”

😲 …og det gør YouTube åbenbart også

Fra Fast Company:

“Subscribers of YouTube Premium are taking to social media to voice their shock and anger over an unexpected price increase of the service’s ad-free family plans. YouTube began sending emails to premium subscribers last night that the cost of family plans would jump from the current price of $17.99 per month to $22.99 per month starting on November 21. That’s an increase of 27%, which far outpaces even the relatively high inflation of the past year.”

😲 …og Spotify i 2023

Fra The Wall Street Journal:

“Chief Executive Daniel Ek said in an interview Tuesday that subscribers can expect price hikes for the service sometime in 2023. The premium service in the U.S. has cost $9.99 since Spotify was launched in the U.S. in 2011. Spotify has implemented dozens of price increases in markets around the world without losing customers, said Mr. Ek.”

Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.

✉ Sådan har nyhedsbrevsstrategier udviklet sig i 2022

Fra Media Voices:

“Overall, there seems to be an acknowledgement that newsletters have been a long-underserved medium that can actually be incredibly effective for publishers. As the hype has faded, there’s a ‘more realistic attitude’ in place about the format and the business that can be built around it.”

😠 Hver tredje dansker bliver irriteret over reklamer

Fra MediaWatch:

“Årets reklameanalyse viser en voksende andel af danskere, der bliver irriterede, når de eksponeres for reklamer. Forklaringen skal bl.a. findes i, at annoncer har fundet vej til størrre dele af danskernes hverdag, lyder det fra bureaubranchen, hvor flere ser irritationen mere som et etableret vilkår end en pludselig udfordring.”

🧪 Sådan lykkes du med A/B-test

Fra What’s New in Publishing:

“Think simply. Test a single thing — what you truly think will make a difference. Not five, one. […]

Timing is a critical factor in A/B testing. The report emphasizes the need to understand when to stop testing and use insights to optimize the campaign and then move on to the next test.”

🦸‍♂️ Schibsted samler norske medier i “superbundle”

Fra hestens mund:

“Det nye abonnementet gir kundene tilgang til konsernets norske journalistiske merkevarer, i tillegg til PodMe og Magasin+. – Bredden av innhold i dette abonnementet mener vi er unikt i norsk sammenheng, sier direktør for brukerbetaling i Schibsted, Tor Jacobsen.”

📰 Bonnier slår I Form og Aktiv Træning sammen

Fra MediaWatch:

“Fra maj næste år bliver magasinerne Aktiv Træning og I Form lagt sammen under I Form-brandet, og svensk magasin lukker. Ændring medfører nedjustering af redaktionelle medarbejdere, lyder det.”

😏 Studie: Halvdelen af US-brugere forsøger at komme udenom paywall’en

Fra Toolkits:

“Fifty-three percent of U.S. consumers say they attempt to bypass paywalls on publishers’ websites when they encounter them, and 69 percent say they avoid clicking links to websites they already know use paywalls or registration walls, according to a study of 2,509 U.S. consumers conducted by Toolkits and National Research Group.”

😵 Ad tech-firma udnyttede IAB-framework til fingerprinting

Fra Digiday:

“IAB Europe’s heavily scrutinized Transparency and Consent Framework was designed to help companies respect people’s privacy and comply with European privacy law, the General Data Protection Regulation.

But earlier this year, ad security monitoring company Confiant detected an ad tech company exploiting the framework to collect information on potentially millions of people in the U.S.”

📉 Presset annoncemarked rammer også Google

Fra MediaWatch:

“Det amerikanske selskab Alphabet, der ejer blandt andet Google, kommer ud af årets tredje kvartal dårligere end forventet. […]

Det skyldes ikke mindst, at annoncørerne har valgt at skære ned på deres udgifter i lyset af den økonomiske afmatning.”


👋 Derfor dropper nogle af store medier “mellemmænd” i ad tech

Fra Digiday:

“‘More quality publishers are aligning their businesses around the fact that the product they sell is media, not the ad slot,’ said Alessandro De Zanche, founder of media consultancy ADZ Strategies. ‘When this happens it changes the dynamics of how publishers work with ad tech vendors. They’re able to have more influence over those companies. It’s almost as if gravity is catching up with some ad tech vendors now that publishers are realizing that the dreams that were sold to them by certain parts of the market will remain just that — dreams'”

Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.

🌐 Metaverset er her allerede

…og nej, det er ikke den VR-brille-definerede udgave af metaverset, som Zuckerberg og Meta forsøger at sælge os.

Fast Company har en artikel om/med manden bag begrebet “metavers”, Neal Stephenson. Han beskriver billedet af et metavers, som vi har adgang til via nogle briller, som gammeldags.

“I don’t believe that most people will access the Metaverse using goggles or glasses […] I think 30 years ago, we were in a very different place in terms of computer graphics and what hardware was available.”

I stedet er metaverset, eller i hvert fald en stor del af det, her allerede. Og hvis vi lige skubber tech-brillerne til side et øjeblik, så giver det her faktisk mening:

“In other words, the Metaverse in its primogenial form is already here. His argument is that it’s been here for decades now. And, from World of Warcraft to Red Dead Redemption to Fortnite, these Metaverses are getting more sophisticated, increasing their level of fidelity while building up entire economies.

The only problem is that they are still disconnected from each other. There’s currently no way for us to maintain our digital selves—and the assets we own—across these platforms.

But the Metaverse does exist. It’s just that, instead of living inside those worlds, we live them through a looking glass that we can’t cross quite yet.”


🤖 Shutterstuck i samarbejde med OpenAI om DALL-E 2-billeder

Fra The Verge:

“Will AI image generators kill the stock image industry? It’s a question asked by many following the rise of text-to-image AI models in recent years. The answer from the industry’s incumbents, though, is “no” — not if we can start selling AI-generated content first.”

Interessant er det også, at Shutterstock vil skabe en “Contributor Fund”, der vil tilbagebetale de fotografer/”creators”, hvis billeder bliver solgt til træning af AI’en.

🔐 PayPal klar med login uden kodeord

Det her kommer mediebranchen også til at forholde sig til på et tidspunkt.

Fra VentureBeat:

“Today, PayPal announced it is adding passkeys, a new passwordless authentication solution designed to replace passwords with cryptographic key pairs, which will enable users to login to their online accounts with Apple Face ID and Touch ID.

Passkeys are resistant to phishing and social engineering attempts, as a hacker can’t steal a user’s login credentials to breach their online account.”

👋 Introduktion til Stack Overflow

Jeg har selv brugt Stack Overflow meget. Ikke til at stille spørgsmål, men de dukker tit op i Google-søgninger af teknisk karakter.

Fra The Verge:

“Stack Overflow is a major part of the modern software development landscape: it’s where developers come together, ask questions, and get answers about how to build software, including actual code they can use in their own projects.

It’s basically a huge question-and-answer forum. More than 100 million people visit Stack Overflow every single month.”