Digitale medier i uge 7 (2022)
Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
Digital Ugerevy udgives af Lars K Jensen, der rådgiver, udvikler og arbejder med digitale medier og udvikling.

Del 1: Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
🦠 SSI bekæmper misinformation på Twitter
“For eksempel til den Harvard-uddannede epidemiolog Eric Feigl-Ding, der til sine godt 692.000 følgere skriver, at danske politikere har mistet forstanden, når nu dødsfald stiger eksponentielt.
Men Statens Serum Institut går i rette med ham. Ifølge dem har Feigl-Ding misforstået de danske tal.”
🤷 Nu hedder Facebooks “News Feed” bare “Feed”
“Primarily, Facebook is making the change because the mention of ‘news’ in ‘News Feed’ was apparently confusing for some.
As reported by Alex Heath from The Verge, the “news” label has led some to believe that there are only news stories in the main stream, but not necessarily posts by friends.”
🇩🇰 Medier bruger “betydelig mængde tid” på at moderere
Afsættet for debatten er Anne Kirstine Cramon har valgt at trække sig som klummeskribent hos Berlingske. Tonen er for hård, og hun mener, at Berlingske i nogle tilfælde har vægtet klik højere end hende.
“Jeg har nok selv undervurderet eller misforstået, hvad Cramon havde brug for,” siger Berlingskes debatredaktør, Pierre Collignon, til Journalisten.
Mere om medier og sociale medier:
“Både Politiken og Jyllands-Posten bruger en betydelig mængde tid på at overvåge og moderere sociale mediers kommentarspor, når indlæg med mulighed for at antænde debatten bliver bragt.”
DR eksperimenterer med lukkede kommentarspor for både læsere og kilders skyld
Do publishers need an exit strategy from social media?
Media Voices
♥️ Nu kan du også like Stories på Instagram
Fordi interaktion er alt, tilsyneladende.
“Instagram has added a new, simple way for users to engage with Stories content with Stories likes, which enables you to ‘like’ any Story in your feed, and let the creator know, without having to start up a DM conversation.”
🤖 Twitter klar med bot-mærkater
“Twitter is taking the next step in adding more transparency to the tweet process by rolling out its new bot labels, which developers will now be able to voluntarily add to automated accounts.”
🇺🇦 TikToks rolle i krisen om Ukraine
“As troops amass on Ukraine’s border, civilians capture it all on camera. Online sleuths are now unpacking the details. […]
If Russia invades Ukraine, don’t expect the TikToks to stop. From small Belarusian villages to industrial Russian cities on the Ukrainian border, as the tanks and troops have rolled in, local residents have captured the scenes on their phones—and uploaded what might one day be crucial evidence to social media.”
🛑 Twitter blokerer porno i Tyskland
“A number of accounts have been vanished as Twitter bows to pressure to make it harder for children to find adult content online.”
🤔 Lytter Facebook til de forkerte brugere?
“Most public activity on the platform comes from a tiny, hyperactive group of abusive users. Facebook relies on them to decide what everyone sees.”
🧑⚖️ Texas sagsøger Meta ifm. ansigtsgenkendelse
“The Texas attorney general filed a suit against Facebook parent Meta Platforms Inc. on Monday, charging that the social-media giant’s longstanding and now discontinued use of facial-recognition technology violated that state’s privacy protections for personal biometric data.”
Del 2: Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
🇩🇰 Det ser sort ud for Google Analytics…
“Sorte skyer omkranser Google Analytics i Danmark, efter det franske datatilsyn i sidste uge bakkede op om Østrigs konklusion: Google Analytics er ulovligt i EU. Danske virksomheder skal kigge efter alternativer, for det bliver næsten umuligt for det danske tilsyn at gå imod kollegerne i EU.”
🔬 Kulturministeriet vil have undersøgt vores liv med paywalls
“I Danmark er villigheden til at betale for digitalt nyhedsindhold forholdsvis lav især i sammenligning med de øvrige nordiske lande. Derfor udbyder ministeriet nu et projekt, som bl.a. skal afdække mediernes overvejelser i forhold tll brug af betalingsmure.”
Projektet har til formål at undersøge, hvilke typer af nyheds- og aktualitetsindhold, der er frit tilgængelige, og hvilket indhold det kræver betaling at få adgang til. Projektet skal samtidig afdække, hvilke overvejelser medierne gør sig i forhold til placeringen af indhold foran og bag ved betalingsmure, samt hvilke konsekvenser dette har for danskernes adgang til relevant nyheds- og aktualitetsindhold.
👍 Google vil begrænse tracking på Android
“Google plans to adopt new privacy restrictions to curtail tracking across apps on Android smartphones, following Apple Inc. in putting restraints on an advertising industry that has covertly collected data across billions of mobile devices.”
Making sense of Google’s plan to limit tracking on Android
The Rundown: What you should know now that Google is bringing its Privacy Sandbox to Android
😢 Det ser også sort ud for Firefox
“Across all devices, the browser has slid to less than 4 percent of the market—on mobile it’s a measly half a percent. ‘Looking back five years and looking at our market share and our own numbers that we publish, there’s no denying the decline,’ says Selena Deckelmann, senior vice president of Firefox.
Mozilla’s own statistics show a drop of around 30 million monthly active users from the start of 2019 to the start of 2022. ‘In the last couple years, what we’ve seen is actually a pretty substantial flattening,’ Deckelmann adds.”
🎧 Apple Podcasts får nye filtermuligheder i iOS 15.4
“Apple has quietly updated its Podcasts app in iOS 15.4 beta to include new filter options when browsing shows in your library or in the Apple Podcasts catalog. Once you choose a podcast, there are now options to filter episodes by played, unplayed, downloaded, or saved.”
😬 Risiciene ved at bruge transkriberingstjenester som Otter
Det her bør du læse, hvis du er en journalist, der bruger tjenester som til at lave udskrifter af dine interviews.
“Or to security agencies of a foreign country. When I asked Otter to clarify whether it shares user data with non-U.S. government or law enforcement agencies, the answer wasn’t comforting. […]
Otter distances itself from what might happen to personal data the company shares with third party users. ‘We are not responsible for the content, privacy and security practices and policies of such third parties or App providers,’ Otter’s privacy policy warns.
Journalists are, by and large, aware that nothing is really ever private in this day and age. But the dangers of transcription apps are mostly flying below the radar.”
Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
😳 Datatilsynet opfordrer til at droppe IABs samtykkeløsning
“Det belgiske datatilsyn mener, den europæiske brancheorganisation IAB Europe, som bl.a. Danske Medier og Berlingskes ejere er medlem af, med sit rammeværk for cookie-samtykker til annoncering overtræder reglerne for persondata. Datatilsynet i Danmark bakker op om afgørelsen.”
Europæisk medieforening appellerer belgisk GDPR-afgørelse om samtykkeløsning
💲 Bonnier kan høste frugterne af digital omstilling
“Et strukturelt faldende printmarked har barberet hundreder af millioner af magasinhusets toplinje og tvunget selskabet ud i opdyrkning af de digitale vækstmarker. Omstillingen har taget flere år og resulteret i bl.a. abonnementsmure omkring flere magasinbrands på nettet. Nu kan Bonnier Publications høste frugterne.”
🇺🇸 Sådan arbejder fire udgivere med at gøre brugere til abonnenter
“Gannett, Salon, The Atlantic and The Daily Beast have all recognized that readers have become pickier about what they are willing to subscribe to, especially now that so many products and services are subscription-based businesses. So identifying the best candidates and speaking to them correctly is more important than ever when filling their funnels with prospective subscribers.
This is how the four news publishers are approaching their subscriptions businesses in 2022.”
🎤 Mediano og Podimo i samarbejde
“Medianos tre nye podcastformater vil give et boost til Podimos sportskatalog. Mediano har hyret nye folk ind til opgaven og hovedprogrammer holdes ude af eksklusiv-aftalen.”
🔒 Meta og Mozilla arbejde på privacy-venlig attribuering
“The solution would allow advertisers access to aggregate data on campaign performance without links to individual user behavior.”
🤝 Derfor solgte The Athletic til New York Times
“Being part of The New York Times’ bundle is key to the company’s future growth, they said.
The total addressable market for subscription sports journalism is in ‘the tens of millions,’ said co-founder Alex Mather.”
😮 Spotify betalte muligvis 200 mio. dollars for Rogan
“The deal that brought his podcast to Spotify is said to be worth over $200 million, more than was previously known. Accusations that he spreads misinformation have roiled the company.”
💰 …og køber nu Chartable og Podsight
“Streamingtjenesten offentliggjorde onsdag, at den har købt to podcast-virksomheder, Chartable og Podsight, der skal give nye og stærkere værktøjer til podcastannoncering på Spotify.”
Læs også Spotifys pressemeddelelse.
🤨 Instagrams deling af annonceindtjening undervælder medier
“Last year Instagram finally opened up a video ad-revenue sharing program for publishers. However, the financial floodgates are far from open, according to participating publishers.
‘Underwhelmed’ is how one publisher described their view of the money they are making from uploading long-form videos — formally labeled IGTV — to Instagram. Other publishers used stronger language.”
📈 BBC udvidere forretningen i Nordamerika
“The BBC wants to fill more than 20 editorial positions in the U.S. and Canada, which would double its digital news team in North America and expand its coverage for and the BBC News app. Execs hope it will help grow revenue opportunities.”
Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
🔮 Kan Meta få monopol på metaverset?
“It wasn’t immediately clear what Mark Zuckerberg wanted to do with Oculus when Facebook bought the virtual reality headset maker back in 2014. Those plans are now coming into focus: Facebook is now called Meta, and it’s not just a social media company, it’s a metaverse company. And as the new name implies, Meta wants to win in this space, just as Facebook won in social media.
But a growing group of regulators, politicians, and advocacy groups are raising concerns about Meta’s plans in this realm.”
Meta Announces New Mission Statement as it Looks Towards the Metaverse Future
Social Media Today
There’s no metaverse… but it’s fun to imagine there is
The bridge-builder: Why Disney tapped a former theme park executive to lead its metaverse strategy
🤖 Hvordan kan AI hjælpe med brugerengagement?
“Newsrooms can use new tech to solve a few headaches, like making science journalism more accessible or increasing reader loyalty with tailored content recommendations”
😞 “Big Tech” sløver innovationen
“Surprisingly, a major culprit is technology—specifically, proprietary information technology in the hands of large firms that dominate their industries.
We’re accustomed to thinking of technology as creating disruption, in which innovations introduced by smaller, newer companies enable them to grow and ultimately replace older, less productive ones.
But these proprietary technologies are now suppressing industrial turnover, which has declined sharply over the last two decades. “
🦾 Hvad kan Deep Blue lære os om AI’s fremtid?
“What AI really needs in order to move forward, as many computer scientists now suspect, is the ability to know facts about the world—and to reason about them. A self-driving car cannot rely only on pattern matching. It also has to have common sense—to know what a fire truck is, and why seeing one parked on a highway would signify danger.
The problem is, no one knows quite how to build neural nets that can reason or use common sense. Gary Marcus, a cognitive scientist and coauthor of Rebooting AI, suspects that the future of AI will require a “hybrid” approach—neural nets to learn patterns, but guided by some old-fashioned, hand-coded logic. This would, in a sense, merge the benefits of Deep Blue with the benefits of deep learning.”