Uge 3 på digitale medier og platforme
Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
Digital Ugerevy udgives af mig, Lars K Jensen, og jeg arbejder til daglig med audience-udvikling i Berlingske-koncernen.
Gør som de andre. Få overblikket allerede i indbakken:
Del 1: Sociale medier
Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
🏃♂️ Medier flokkes om TikTok
“Just don’t call it a pivot to video — this is one with much lower stakes. Yes, publishers are producing more video for a platform they don’t control. No, they’re not doing so in search of ad dollars. Instead, they’re doing it in search of new audiences.”
Et eksempel:
- Why Tiktok is one of the ‘main priorities’ at BBC News for 2023 [PressGazette]
🤔 TikTok overvejer større gennemsigtighed i USA
“TikTok is hoping that details of its planned reorganization—and promised measures to ensure oversight of its content-recommendation algorithms—will convince potential allies in Washington of its ability to operate independently of its parent company, China-based ByteDance Ltd., according to the people familiar with the discussions.”
Og på dansk:
- Medie: Tiktok tilbyder USA adgang til algoritmer [MediaWatch]
- TikTok Banned From University of Texas Campus on Cybersecurity Concerns [Bloomberg]
- The clock is ticking on a TikTok ban [Recode]
Et par tips:
- Planning for 2023: TikTok Posting Tips [Social Media Today]
- TikTok strategies increasingly important for publishers [What’s New in Publishing]
🆕 TikTok ruller “statsstyret medie”-label ud i bl.a. Danmark
“TikTok today announced it’s expanding its “state-controlled media” label to more than 40 more global markets, to alert users when videos they’re seeing on the app are being published by entities whose “editorial output or decision-making process” is subject to influence by a government, the company said on Wednesday.”
Mere nyt fra TikTok:
- TikTok is testing a new “Podcasts” feature that allows users to continue to listen to a video’s audio even while the app is in the background. [Business Insider]
🔙 Trump vil tilbage på Facebook
“‘We believe that the ban on President Trump’s account on Facebook has dramatically distorted and inhibited the public discourse,’ Trump’s campaign wrote in its letter to Meta on Tuesday, according to a copy reviewed by NBC News.”
📈 Sådan slog Messis fans en Instagram-rekord
“After winning the World Cup, Argentina turned its energy towards making another piece of history: It campaigned to break a world record by getting a photo of Lionel Messi to beat an image of an egg as the most-liked post on Instagram. “
📉 Twitter daler som trafikkilde til medier
“Publishers Digiday spoke with mostly blamed the removal of Twitter Moments in December as the reason for this drop. As a result, they are investing in other social platforms, like LinkedIn and Facebook, and in formats like newsletters as their advertisers request to stay off the platform.”
😟 Kom med indenfor i Musks Twitter
New York Magazine har i samarbejde med The Verge og nyhedsbrevet Platformer skrevet en artikel om Elon Musks overtagelse af Twitter og om, hvordan det var og er at være indenfor i organisationen.
Og de sælger ud af kontorgrejet:
- Twitter’s auction is a farewell to social media’s boom times [Fast Company]
🔻 Twitter skruer ned for anbefalede tweets
“An update to the For You algorithm included too many tweets from people users didn’t follow. That change has been reverted.”
💸 Nu kan man betale for Twitter Blue for et år ad gangen
“As you can see in this example, under Twitter’s new annual payment scheme for Twitter Blue, you can save around 13% per annum for your blue tick, which also comes with tweet editing, the ability to post longer videos, priority ranking of replies (maybe), half the ads (probably), etc.”
😬 I et kort øjeblik var Taliban verificeret på Twitter
“Twitter account verifications bought by the Taliban appear to have been removed, after many expressed outrage that the social media platform had given its blue check marks to Afghanistan’s hardline Islamist rulers.”
✨ Twitter opdaterer visningen af antallet af visninger
“Twitter has updated its new view count display on tweets, which Twitter chief Elon Musk believes could be a good way to encourage more Twitter users to engage in the tweet conversation.”
🤖 Kan ChatGPT lave en Facebook-strategi?
“I wanted to find a relevant way to use it for advertisers. So, I jumped into ChatGPT with the goal of having it develop a Facebook ads strategy for me.
ChatGPT did not disappoint. You can do this, too. But here are the specific steps that I took…”
🔎 Brasilianere finder uromagere via Instagram
“In the hours after far-right insurrectionists trashed government buildings in Brazil’s capital on Sunday, a new account popped up on Instagram.
Called Contragolpe Brasil—a clever play on words that means both “Against the coup Brazil” and “Counterblow Brazil”—it quickly started posting photos of alleged riot participants. The idea was to crowdsource information that could identify “people who attack democracy in Brazil,” making it easier for authorities to find and punish those who escaped arrest on the day. “
🤨 Journalister uden grænser er bekymrede over Musks Twitter
“I et åbent brev til ledelsen i Twitter udtrykker Journalister uden Grænser og Committee to Protect Journalists bekymring over den udvikling, Twitter er drejet ind på med Elon Musk som ejer.”
🤯 Korte video har skabt en kreativitetskrise
“There have never been so many opportunities to create content online, but business incentives are driving all kinds of creative individuals and enterprises to chase the same viral trends.”
📺 YouTube tester ny platform til streaming-kanaler
“Youtube afprøver ny videosatsning, der skal konkurrere med Roku og Fox på det hurtigt voksende streamingmarked.”
🔌 Twitter trak selv stikket til tredjeparts-apps
“The mysterious outage of Tweetbot and other third-party Twitter clients that began Thursday night was an intentional suspension, according to internal messages viewed by The Information. The suspension cut off the ability of people to use Twitter on outside apps, forcing them to go to Twitter’s own app.”
- Twitter’s new developer terms ban third-party clients [Engadget]
🤷♂️ Her er 6 alternativer til Twitter
Nu er en social platform jo sjældent bedre og stærkere end de mennesker, man kommunikerer med på den – og derfor er det svært at flytte til et andet sted. Men hvis du overvejer alternativer til den tid, du lægger på Twitter, har Digiday et lille overblik til dig.
Del 2: Digitale tendenser
Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
✨ Wikipedia får – omsider – et løft
“The Wikimedia Foundation, which runs the Wikipedia project, announced today the launch of an updated interface aimed at making the site more accessible and easier to use with additions like improved search, a more prominently located tool for switching between languages, an updated header offering access to commonly used links, an updated table of contents section for Wikipedia articles and other design changes for a better reading experience.”
💡 10 erfaringer efter 10 år med nyhedsbreve
“I’ve learned a lot from a decade of building email teams, running tests, and sending thousands of newsletters. Here are ten lessons that stand out:”
📊 Digitale tjenester skal offentliggøre brugertal
“Digitale tjenester som sociale medie-platforme og søgemaskiner skal senest i februar offentliggøre antallet af aktive brugere i EU, oplyser Konkurrencestyrelsen.”
💡 Login-væg på B.T.: Indholdet bliver afgørende
“Annoncører er principielt villige til at betale mere for brugerdata, og derfor er det klogt af B.T. at oprette login. Dog kræver det meget af indholdet, mener medieforsker og business partner i mediebureau.”
🤷♂️ Google Podcasts forsvinder fra søgeresultater
“n April 2018, Google started showing individual podcast episodes and play buttons in Google Search, which opened a Google Podcasts branded player. Now, a Google search for a podcast no longer shows any play buttons linking to the service, or any links to Google Podcasts itself.”
🕹 Sådan får journalister mest ud af Twitch
“The Fix picked key points from López’s presentation, in which he shared Twitch tips for journalists based on his experience covering major topics like the George Floyd protests and the 2020 presidential election in the United States, as well as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine for Spanish media outlet Newtral.”
⚠ Spotify ramt af nedbrud
“The outage has garnered over 30,000 reports on, starting just before 8PM ET and rising sharply since then. A status page for the company’s web API indicates a “minor” partial outage affecting only the player itself, which is consistent with what we’re seeing — but that’s also the most important part of Spotify.”
😲 Tencent fyrer >100 på grund af svindel
“Den kinesiske techgigant Tencent har fyret mere end hundrede ansatte, der har brudt selskabets retningslinjer. Nogle af de fyrede er blevet meldt til politiet og fundet skyldige for bestikkelse og underslæb.”
Del 3: Business
Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
😬 Twitters daglige omsætning er faldet med 40%
“A senior Twitter manager told employees that the company’s daily revenue on Tuesday was 40% lower than the same day a year ago, underscoring the crisis facing its core ads business, according to a person with direct knowledge.”
Læs mere:
- Twitters daglige omsætning er faldet 40 pct. siden Musks overtagelse [MediaWatch]
🚀 Ingen annonce-opbremsning hos TikTok
“Even as marketers continue to scrape dollars back wherever they can, whether that be from TV or Facebook, they can’t stop pouring money into the short-form video app. And that’s despite some big question marks over whether those ad dollars could be funding growing tensions between the U.S. and China.”
🤔 Reuters genovervejer paywall
“Udvidet partnerskab mellem medieselskabet Thomson Reuters og The London Stock Exchange Group inkluderer øgede investeringer i nyhedsdækning og introduktion af abonnement.”
📈 Sådan voksede London-nyhedsbrev via word of mouth
“Last month at the British Journalism Awards free newsletter Cheapskate won Women in Journalism’s Georgina Henry Award for digital innovation. […]
And without paying to promote itself, that formula has seen Cheapskate build up 10,000 subscribers in less than four years.”
🥳 Meta-bøde vækker glæde hos mediehuse
“Datatilsynet i Irland har givet Meta to bøder i milliardklassen og afkræver ejeren af Instagram og Facebook fremover spørger om lov til målrettede reklamer. Det vækker glæde blandt danske mediechefer.”
Læs også:
- Tyske myndigheder går efter Googles indsamling af data [MediaWatch]
Del 4: Udvikling og tech
Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
⚖ Getty Images sagsøger firmaet bag Stable Diffusion
Hvem har rettighederne til billeder lavet af kunstig intelligens? The Verge kan netop fortælle, at firmaet bag billeddatabasen Getty Images sagsøger Stability AI.
Stability AI står bag ‘Stable Diffusion’, der er en af de mest populære services, der kan omsætte tekstkommandoer (“prompts”) til billeder. Af andre kan nævnes MidJourney og DALL-E.
Den kunstige intelligens går dog ikke ud og skaber et 100% originalt, nyt værk. I stedet læner den sig kraftigt op ad de billeder, den er trænet på.
Og Getty Images’ kæmpe arkiv af fotografier udgør angiveligt en stor del af de træningsdata, Stable Diffusion står på skuldrene af. Billederne har Stability AI hentet via det, man kalder “scraping”, hvor man sender en robot ud og henter ting fra nettet. Det kan for eksempel være tekst, datasæt — eller billeder.
Det åbner en vildt spændende diskussion omkring rettigheder til indhold, i dette tilfælde billeder og fotografier. For hvem ejer egentlig rettighederne til billeder, der er skabt på baggrund af eksisterende billeder — og hvordan skal der i så fald kompenseres?
Det vil Getty nu have skabt en form for konsensus omkring. For det handler nemlig ikke om at bremse udviklingen og få Stability AI til at punge ud, skriver The Verge:
“When asked what remedies against Getty Images would be seeking from Stability AI, Peters said the company was not interested in financial damages or stopping the development of AI art tools, but in creating a new legal status quo (presumably one with favorable licensing terms for Getty Images).”
Læs mere:
- Why are Getty and Shutterstock on opposite sides of the AI legal debate? [Venture Beat]
🤖 CNN-bot skriver artikler – og begår dumme fejl
“CNET is now letting an AI write articles for its site. The problem? It’s kind of a moron. […]
It’s a dumb error, and one that many financially literate people would have the common sense not to take at face value. But then again, the article is written at a level so basic that it would only really be of interest to those with extremely low information about personal finance in the first place, so it seems to run the risk of providing wildly unrealistic expectations — claiming you could earn $10,300 in a year on a $10,000 investment — to the exact readers who don’t know enough to be skeptical.”
🔖 EU: AI-genereret tekst skal deklareres
“En anden ændring, som blev tilføjet i denne uge, er en ændring, som får direkte indflydelse på den nyligt introducerede ChatGPT. Hvis man fremadrettet benytter et AI-system, som genererer kompleks tekst med minimal indflydelse fra mennesker, så skal det være klart for modtager, at et sådan AI-system er blevet benyttet.”
📲 Hvilke data har Apple på dig – og hvordan kan du begrænse det?
“However, as the company grows its advertising business, there is likely to be increased scrutiny around its practices and the information it has about you. Here’s what you need to know about Apple’s data collection.”
🔈 Apple genopliver HomePod-højttaleren
“Apple Inc. will release a new version of the original HomePod smart speaker after the company had discontinued its predecessor and replaced it with a smaller and cheaper version.”
🤨 OpenAI brugte kenyanske arbejdere til at gøre ChatGPT mindre “toxic”
“But the success story is not one of Silicon Valley genius alone. In its quest to make ChatGPT less toxic, OpenAI used outsourced Kenyan laborers earning less than $2 per hour, a TIME investigation has found.”
🤖 Bud på, hvad Microsoft kan bruge ChatGPT til
Microsoft er angiveligt interesseret i at investere i OpenAI, der blandt andet står bag den hypede chatbot ‘ChatGPT’.
“In the meantime, it’s more likely that we are going to see apps such as Outlook and Office get an AI injection, says [Chirag Shah, a computer science professor at the University of Washington who specializes in search engines]. ChatGPT’s potential to help people write more fluently and more quickly could be Microsoft’s killer application. “
🖼 Mød Muse, Googles AI-billedgenerator
“2022 was a great year for generative AI, with the release of models such as DALL-E 2, Stable Diffusion, Imagen, and Parti. And 2023 seems to follow on that path as Google introduced its latest text-to-image model, Muse, earlier this month.”