Uge 7 på digitale medier og platforme

Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
Digital Ugerevy udgives af mig, Lars K Jensen, og jeg arbejder til daglig med audience-udvikling i Berlingske-koncernen.

Gør som de andre. Få overblikket allerede i indbakken:
Del 1: Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
😮 YouTube tester lyd på flere sprog
“YouTube’s testing a new option that would enable creators to add multiple audio tracks in different languages to their videos, which could greatly expand audience potential in the app.”
💬 Mere YouTube: Shorts som kommentarer
“YouTube’s adding another way to utilize Shorts within its community engagement process, while it’s also looking to help Shorts creators convert more viewers into subscribers via their clips.
First off, YouTube’s looking to make Shorts a more responsive engagement option by enabling users to reply with a Short in the comments feed.”
👋 YouTubes CEO træder tilbage
“After 25 years at Google and nine years as YouTube’s CEO, Susan Wojcicki is moving on. She’ll “start a new chapter focused on my family, health, and personal projects,” Wojcicki wrote in a blog post. Neal Mohan, her longtime top deputy, will take her job; Wojcicki will stay on at YouTube parent company Alphabet as an adviser.”
- YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki is stepping down [Recode]
- YouTube’s Choice of Mohan as CEO Points to ‘No Big’ Change [Bloomberg]
😧 Det går den gale vej for Musks Twitter
“In the four months since Elon Musk took over the company, the app has experienced major glitches — such as when, last week, users around the world couldn’t post tweets, send messages, or follow new accounts for several hours. While Twitter, like other social media networks, has always had periodic outages, under Musk, the app’s unpredictability isn’t just limited to technical issues. Musk’s erratic decisions are degrading the integrity of Twitter’s core product and alienating wide swaths of users.”
😳 Musk bad om algoritmeændring til at fremhæve sine tweets
Problem: Præsident Bidens Super Bowl-tweet får højere engagement end dit eget.
Løsningen (når du er Elon Musk og chef for Twitter):
“After Musk threatened to fire his remaining engineers, they built a system designed to ensure that Musk — and Musk alone — benefits from previously unheard-of promotion of his tweets to the entire user base.”
Læs hele historien hos Platformer
Mere om den historie:
- Twitter is just showing everyone all of Elon Musk’s tweets now [The Verge]
Mere Musk:
- Elon Musk says the end of 2023 is a ‘good timing’ to find a new CEO for Twitter because the company will be ‘stable’ by then [Business Insider]
- The Scramble to Save Twitter’s Research From Elon Musk [Wired]
🌍 TikTok planlægger nye datacentre i Europa
“‘Vi er også i dialog om at etablere et tredje datacenter i Europa for yderligere at supplere vores planlagte aktivitet i Irland. Europæisk TikTok-brugerdata begynder at blive flyttet i år og fortsætter ind i 2024,’ udtaler den europæiske chef ifølge Reuters.”
👀 Meta opdaterer “Hvorfor ser jeg denne annonce?”
“Meta’s updating its ‘Why Am I Seeing This Ad’ listing, which provides contextual information on ad targeting, and how Meta’s systems display ads to each user.”
🤔 Instagram tester nye feature til minder
“Instagram’s trying out a new way to prompt users to re-share their old posts, with a ‘Memory’ Story prompt now showing up in some users’ feeds.”
😧 Kommer TweetDeck til at koste penge?
“As you can see in this code snippet, posted by Twitter Takeover News, Twitter looks to be preparing to launch TweetDeck as a Twitter Blue add-on feature, which would help to build out the Twitter Blue offering, in the hopes of luring more users into the monthly subscription program.”
😟 Kinesiske aktivister er bekymrede over Twitter
“As the Elon Musk-owned social media service encounters interruptions and bugs, Chinese dissidents and activists said they feared they were being muzzled.”
Del 2: Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
📉 Derfor gik det galt for Spotify og podcasts
“Spotify was a one-company podcast bubble. Its drastic cuts have triggered a podcast winter, as the small studios it helped support consolidate and lavish narrative productions wane. But rivals from tech giants Amazon and Apple to the radio company iHeart have found better returns on more cautious bets. Spotify’s pivot has more in common with the recent cuts to Hollywood’s spending on streaming television.”
- Podcast Companies, Once Walking on Air, Feel the Strain of Gravity [The New York Times]
🔗 Google udgiver nye “best practices” for links
Det handler om, hvor du placerer dine links — men også om at linke eksternt.
“Google wrote, ‘Linking to other sites isn’t something to be scared of; in fact, using external links can help establish trustworthiness (for example, citing your sources). Link out to external sites when it makes sense, and provide context to your readers about what they can expect.'”
💡 Bonnier News bygger fælles login og abonnement
“Den svenske udgiver af bl.a. Expressen og Dagens Nyheter har flyttet 2,5 mio. kundekonti til en fælles database og vil samtidig udbyde samlet abonnement til forskellige medier.”
😲 Derfor fjernede Netflix “overrask mig”-funktion
“With very little fanfare, Netflix has sunset a UX feature that was half a decade in development. As the Wall Street Journal reports, the company’s Surprise Me feature, which played a randomized movie or show with the click of a button, has been discontinued due to low use.”
✨ BBC lancerer ny nordisk tv-kanal og streaming-produkt
“BBC Nordic med tilhørende on demand-tjeneste bliver i april rullet ud på det danske marked. Tv-kanalen erstatter eksisterende kanalmix i danske tv-pakker.”
Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
🤨 IAB Europe undrer sig over deadline
“Det belgiske datatilsyn, APD, har givet IAB Europe, som er deneuropæiske brancheorganisation for økosystemet omkring digital annoncering og marketing, frist til 11. juli til at få implementeret en handlingsplan med en række ændringer til den såkaldte TCF-ramme, ”Transparancy & Consent Framework”, så den lever op til GDPR-regler.”
📉 Derfor er Snapchat blevet mindre profitable for nogle medier
“The executive attributed their company’s decrease in revenue to algorithm issues that the platform is facing, which they said began after Snap’s layoffs at the end of August last year. The exec called its company’s Snapchat strategy as ‘in a holding phase.'”
🤨 Tøven omkring programmatisk annoncering i podcasts
“Despite improvements in podcast advertising that have made it easier to buy ads through programmatic channels, buyers are slow to adopt true programmatic podcast buying through a demand-side platform, according to buyers who spoke with Digiday.”
👋 Halvdelen af Twitters top-1000 annoncører er stoppet
“More than half of Twitter’s top 1,000 advertisers in September were no longer spending on the platform in the first weeks of January, according to data provided to CNN by digital marketing analysis firm Pathmatics by Sensor Tower, in a striking sign of how far reaching the advertiser exodus has been following Elon Musk’s acquisition of the company.”
- Despite a surge in Super Bowl ad dollars, Twitter’s ad rehab is a work in progress [Digiday]
🤝 Ny aftale: Microsoft skal betale til danske medier
“Microsoft skal med tilbagevirkende kraft fra 2021 betale for dansk medieindhold, som er tilgængeligt via søgemaskinen Bing. Den endelige pris skal fastsættes i nye forhandlinger.”
💰 Dele af Facebooks annonceindtjening ser ud til at gå til Amazon
“Facebook’s more limited targeted capabilities coupled with Amazon’s investment in ads products is leading a growing number of brands to shift their ad budgets.”
Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
😳 Er AI overhovedet klar til at blive en del af internetsøgninger?
Jeg giver et hint: Overskriften er ‘Why you shouldn’t trust AI search engines’ [MIT Technology Review]:
“Here’s the problem: the technology is simply not ready to be used like this at this scale. AI language models are notorious bullshitters, often presenting falsehoods as facts. They are excellent at predicting the next word in a sentence, but they have no knowledge of what the sentence actually means. That makes it incredibly dangerous to combine them with search, where it’s crucial to get the facts straight.”
- Bing ChatGPT meltdown: The AI chatbot is in its feelings [USA Today]
- Microsoft’s new ChatGPT AI starts sending ‘unhinged’ messages to people [Independent]
- Bing’s AI Prompted a User to Say ‘Heil Hitler’ [Gizmodo]
- A Conversation With Bing’s Chatbot Left Me Deeply Unsettled [The New York Times]
- I Made Bing’s Chat AI Break Every Rule and Go Insane [Review Geek]
- Bing’s new ChatGPT has multiple personalities [Search Engine Land]
- Og hvad sker der, når man beder WeChat-udgaven af ChatGPT fortælle om Xi Jinping? [Bloomberg]
🙋♂️ BuzzFeed lancerer quizzer bygget på OpenAI-teknologi
I uge 4 var det blot rygter, nu sker der noget.
“Now, that new product is launching: Infinity Quizzes, as it is called, will give users a basic theme, ask a few keyword questions and build a breezy, personalized narrative based on these. BuzzFeed said the quizzes are powered by an AI that it calls “Buzzy the Robot,” based on OpenAI’s publicly available API trained on a blend of text, code and information prior to June 2021.”
🤖 Medierne lader det indtil videre blive ved eksperimenter med ChatGPT
“While editorial teams are experimenting with ChatGPT, six top editors and media executives who spoke with Digiday said they were not working on integrating the AI technology into the workflow of their newsrooms. And to the best of their knowledge, no one within their editorial teams was using ChatGPT to publish stories.”
- It’s time to challenge the narrative about ChatGPT and the future of journalism [Poynter]
- Nye ChatGPT-funktioner på vej i Powerpoint, Outlook og Word: Lanceres inden for få uger [Computerworld]
🤖 vil konkurre med Microsoft og Google
“, a pioneering search engine startup based in San Francisco, CA, announced today the launch of YouChat 2.0, a groundbreaking new “multimodal conversational AI” system that promises to take the internet search experience to a whole new level. This update marks a significant step forward in the evolution of web search and offers a glimpse into the future of how we interact with information and the internet.”
✨ Sådan kan ChatGPT påvirke martech
“A Q&A with TrustInsight’s Christopher Penn about some of the ways AI-powered chatbots will make martech more powerful.”
😠 Google-ansatte utilfredse med lanceringen af Bard
“Google employees criticized the company and CEO Sundar Pichai over the ‘botched’ launch of its ChatGPT competitor.”
- How Bing vs. Bard became Google’s Super Bowl-level AI loss [VentureBeat]
🤖 Generativ AIs vækst øger også risiciene
“Despite the excitement around the potential of generative AI, some warn there’s still room for caution amid concerns about misinformation, cybersecurity, e-commerce fraud and data privacy.”
- Generative AI may only be a foreshock to AI singularity [VentureBeat]
- Four questions platforms should answer before launching AI features [Platformer]
🤖 Mere generativ AI: Nu kommer “prompt inject”-angrebene
“On Tuesday, Microsoft revealed a “New Bing” search engine and conversational bot powered by ChatGPT-like technology from OpenAI. On Wednesday, a Stanford University student named Kevin Liu used a prompt injection attack to discover Bing Chat’s initial prompt, which is a list of statements that governs how it interacts with people who use the service. Bing Chat is currently available only on a limited basis to specific early testers.”