Uge 16 i digitale medier, platforme og teknologi

Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
Digital Ugerevy udgives af mig, Lars K Jensen, og jeg arbejder til daglig med audience-udvikling i Berlingske-koncernen.

Gør som de andre. Få overblikket allerede i indbakken:
Del 1: Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
🤔 Rapport: Medier har mere brug for Facebook end omvendt
“The report from NERA Economic Consulting comes up with broad claims, Meta says:
– News from publishers is only 3% of what users see on Facebook, and that share has declined over time.
Publishers post to Facebook to get the social media traffic they crave and gain from.”
🔗 Nu kan du få 5 links i din Twitter-bio
“Instagram has today launched one of its most requested feature updates, giving users the ability to add up to five links in their IG bio, expanding on its capacity to drive traffic.”
🧒 YouTube lægger aldersbegrænsning ifm. indhold om spiseforstyrrelser
“Youtube vil fremover fjerne mere indhold end tidligere. Platformen indfører også en aldersrestriktion for dele af det indhold om spiseforstyrrelser, der forbliver tilladt.”
🏷️ Meta fjernede COVID-19-advarsler, fordi de ikke virkede
“Late last year, Facebook-parent Meta quietly phased out certain content labels on its platforms that for much of the pandemic had directed viewers to its central Covid-19 information page, after internal research concluded the labels may be ineffective at changing attitudes or stopping the spread of misinformation, according to a report Thursday by the company’s external oversight board.”
👋 Sveriges radio dropper Twitter
“Offentligheden har simpelthen valgt andre steder at være. Og derfor vælger Sveriges Radio at deaktivere eller slette sine sidste konti”
📈 Twitters annonceforretning har det bedre
“Twitter-owner Elon Musk has said advertisers are returning to the social media platform, but statements from several companies and data from research firms suggest a bounce-back is not happening so fast.”
🌍 Twitter lancerer verificerede organisationer til alle
“Twitter’s moving forward with the next stage of its subscription revenue plan, with its new ‘Verification for Organizations’ program now available to businesses around the world, expanding the scope of its updated verification badge system.”
✅ Gamle checkmarks er nu fortid på Twitter
“Twitter-ejer Elon Musks planer om at fjerne det blå flueben fra profiler, som hidtil gratis har været markeret med det karakteristiske verifikationsmærke på det sociale medie Twitter, er trådt i kraft.”
- Twitter begins removing blue checkmarks from all legacy users [The Verge]
- Twitter Says That All Advertisers Will Now Have to Pay for Verification in Order to Run Ads in the App [Social Media Today]
🧐 Markering er nu væk på NPR, BBC – og Xinhua
En af de store historier på Twitter i sidste uge var, at NPR og BBC havde fået “Publicly funded media”-mærkater (efter de først var blevet kaldt “government funded”).
Nu er mærkaterne væk igen – men det er ikke kun på NPR og BBC, de er det.
“Twitter dropped the “Government-funded Media” label from the accounts of U.S.-based National Public Radio (NPR), British Broadcasting Corp and Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC).
It also dropped the ‘China state-affiliated media’ tag on the accounts of Xinhua News as well as of journalists associated with government-backed publications.”
Læs også:
- Twitter once muzzled Russian and Chinese state propaganda. That’s over now [NPR]
🤬 Twitter vil markere hadfyldte tweets
“Twitter is introducing new labels it will show on tweets the company limits for breaking its rules. The company occasionally restricts tweets that violate its policies by making them harder to find or visible to fewer people, and these new labels will make those actions more clear.”
🐦 NYTimes har ikke planer om at droppe Twitter
“The New York Times does not plan to stop using Twitter, its top editor said Saturday, despite the fact that Elon Musk, the company’s owner, has taken seemingly targeted actions against the Times, and has called the outlet’s work “propaganda.” “
🤨 Twitter udelukker Wired-journalist
“A reporter at Wired magazine has been banned from Twitter after he wrote about the fact that anti-trans activist Matt Walsh had his Twitter account hacked. Walsh’s account was hacked on Tuesday and started posting offensive tweets about other popular right-wing figures like Andrew Tate and Ben Shapiro.”
En Twitter-tråd fra Wireds chefredaktør:
“Yesterday Twitter suspended @WIRED’s Dell Cameron, supposedly for violating its policies when he reported on the hacking of @MattWalshBlog. He did not violate those policies, and some falsehoods have been circulating about he did do. Let’s set the record straight. 🧵
💘 Derfor elsker erhvervsjournalister LinkedIn
“Newsletters are the latest tool pleasing journalists, but classic posts are still proving useful too.”
👻 Snapchat præsenterer nyt indenfor AR og AI
“And there’s a heap to get through – first off, Snapchat provided some new insights into its adoption of generative AI, via its ‘My AI’ chat assistant. […]
Snapchat’s also adding an image generation element, with users able to interact with My AI via visual cues, and the tool able to generate visual replies. Snap’s testing this with Snapchat+ subscribers to begin with, but it’ll be another element for Snaphatters to engage with via its virtual assistant.”
- Snap Attracts 3 Million Paying Users to AI-Enhanced Service [Bloomberg]
Del 2: Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
😯 BuzzFeed News lukker
“An internal email obtained by The Independent informed staff of the decision to close the news division and cut its business, content, tech and admin teams by 15 per cent, affecting about 180 jobs.”
- BuzzFeed News to be shuttered in corporate cost cutting move [AP News]
- A history of BuzzFeed News, Part I: 2011–2017 [Nieman Lab]
- A history of BuzzFeed News, Part II: 2017–2023 [Nieman Lab]
- BuzzFeed News Is Shutting Down, and Vice World News Could Be Next [The Wall Street Journal]
🤖 Hvad er potentialerne i AI for lokalmedier?
“From spotting niche stories to dealing with the admin, the technology could be just what the doctor ordered for under-resourced local news organisations”
✨ Flipboard bringer redaktionel kuratering til Mastodon
“Magazine app Flipboard is furthering its investment in the Fediverse — the distributed social media ecosystem that includes apps like Mastodon and others — with its newly announced plan to establish its first editorial desks to curate news for the wider federated community. Initially, the company will launch four desks — News, Tech, Culture and Science — which it says won’t be automated by bots but instead by professional curators who have expertise in discovering and elevating interesting content.”
📲 Apple måske på vej mod apps udenom App Store
“A Bloomberg report noted that the Cupertino-based company will build the groundwork for such functionality with iOS 17. Reporter Mark Gurman said in his newsletter that Apple is overhauling its software for sideloading and we might see some announcement related to that at the upcoming Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC) in June.”
Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
🤔 EB overvejer paywall på
“Der er flere forretningsgevinster at høste på købet af, fortæller Ekstra Bladets kommercielle direktør, Signe Skarequist, der understreger, avisen ikke dropper den betalingsfri version.”
- EB-chef: Kommende abonnementsmodel vil ikke påvirke’s gratisunivers [MediaWatch]
“En ny løsning, som skal sikre bedre privatlivsbeskyttelse på nettet, er blevet afprøvet i første kvartal af 2023 – og viser ifølge tech-selskabet lovende resultater. Det melder Google i en pressemeddelelse.”
😲 The Guardian bliver kompenseret for data brugt i annoncering
Det her er lidt vildt – og en god historie.
“The Guardian announced this morning (April 20) that it’s working with a contextual ad firm that has agreed to more equitable terms for both parties. In a nutshell, those terms mean Illuma will pay the publisher so that it can collect and subsequently sell its data for targeting. The financial agreement was not disclosed.”
💰 StackOverflow vil have penge for at træne algoritmer
“OpenAI, Google, and other companies building large-scale AI projects have traditionally paid nothing for much of their training data, scraping it from the web. But Stack Overflow, a popular internet forum for computer programming help, plans to begin charging large AI developers as soon as the middle of this year for access to the 50 million questions and answers on its service, CEO Prashanth Chandrasekar says. The site has more than 20 million registered users.”
- OpenAI’s hunger for data is coming back to bite it [MIT Technology Review]
⛔ Google fjerner omdiskuterede betting-annoncer
“Tidligere har bettingvirksomheder målrettet Google-annoncer mod register for personer med spilafhængighed. Nu har Google fjernet dem, men de vil ikke svare på, om det kan ske igen.”
🎧 Spotify åbner op for Gimlet-podcasts på andre platforme
“Spotify acquired Gimlet for $230 million in 2019, in the hopes that exclusive access to podcasts like ‘Reply All’ would bring new subscribers to the streaming service.
The shift away from using exclusive podcasts to acquire subscribers marks the end of that experiment — though it’s good news for the fans who can now listen anywhere.”
👋 Microsoft dropper Twitter som annonceplatform
Og Elon Musk truer nu med sagsanlæg.
“Microsoft quietly announced the removal of Twitter support from the company’s Smart Campaigns advertising platform, according to Mashable. This means Microsoft advertising clients won’t be able access their Twitter accounts or create and publish tweets through Smart Campaigns starting on April 25. “
Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
💻 CNNs nye CMS reducerer teknisk gæld
“The updated CMS allows editorial teams to publish content faster across different platforms and with more flexibility on the backend, while the product team is in the process of updating the website’s design and functionality on the front end. Eventually, too, the CMS is designed to offer advertisers more options”
💨 Google har fået travlt med AI
“Google’s employees were shocked when they learned in March that the South Korean consumer electronics giant Samsung was considering replacing Google with Microsoft’s Bing as the default search engine on its devices. […]
The new features, under the project name Magi, are being created by designers, engineers and executives working in so-called sprint rooms to tweak and test the latest versions. The new search engine would offer users a far more personalized experience than the company’s current service, attempting to anticipate users’ needs.”
Mere Google-AI:
- Google’s rumored AI-infused search overhaul has marketers’ attention [Digiday]
- Google’s Rush to Win in AI Led to Ethical Lapses, Employees Say [Bloomberg]
🇪🇺 EU arbejder mod at AI-firmaer skal fortælle om copyright-materiale
“The European parliament is preparing tough new measures over the use of artificial intelligence, including forcing chatbot makers to reveal if they use copyrighted material, as the EU edges towards enacting the world’s most restrictive regime on the development of AI. “
🌅 Ny version af Stable Diffusion imponerer
Stable Diffusion er et af de generativ AI-services, der kan skabe billeder.
“We just got the year’s biggest AI news so far, this side of ChatGPT-4: Stable Diffusion XL is out, and it is simply incredible. It’s so good that it has accelerated this projection of the next 10 years of generative AI. Here’s the scoop in a new AI roundup of the most interesting developments and creative uses of generative AI in the past few days.”
💭 Musk taler om “TruthGPT”
“‘Jeg kommer til at starte noget, som jeg kalder ”TruthGPT”, eller en maksimalt sandhedssøgende kunstig intelligens, der forsøger at forstå universets væsen,’ siger Elon Musk i interviewet”