Uge 21 i digitale medier, platforme og teknologi

Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
Digital Ugerevy udgives af mig, Lars K Jensen, og jeg arbejder til daglig med audience-udvikling i Berlingske-koncernen.

Gør som de andre. Få overblikket allerede i indbakken:
Del 1: Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
🔨 Historisk GDPR-bøde fra EU til Meta
“Facebook owner Meta Platforms was fined $1.3 billion by European Union regulators for sending user information to the U.S., a record privacy penalty for the bloc.
The ruling raises pressure on the U.S. government to complete a deal that would allow Meta and thousands of multinational companies to keep sending such information stateside. The size of the fine also underscores the increasing risks of running afoul of the European Union’s privacy rules as its enforcement tightens. “
- EU regulators fine Meta $1.3 billion, but some say potential data losses could be even harsher [Digiday]
- EU vil sætte turbo på data-aftale med USA efter gigantisk Facebook-bøde [Computerworld]
- Facebook, the EU, and the future of data privacy [Columbia Journalism Review]
📉 Flere medier melder om fald i trafik fra Facebook
“Det er en af konklusionerne i rapporten ’Publishing Trend Report 2023’ fra Echobox, som kigger på medietendenserne i 2023.
Ifølge rapporten er en af årsagerne til frygten for færre sidevisninger, at trafikken fra Facebook til mediernes hjemmeside er for nedadgående.”
Forstå tendensen – og hvad du kan gøre:
- Medier på tværs af verden bekymrer sig om fald i trafik fra Facebook [MediaWatch]
- Traffic Strategy: The Landscape is Changing [Products in Publishing]
😲 Snapchats chatbot kan hjælpe børn med selvskade
“En robot er flyttet ind i mange børn og unges yndlingsmedie, og den kan være direkte skadelig, lyder det fra Red Barnet.”
😧 TikTok tester chatbot i udvalgte lande
“AI chatbots, like ChatGPT, are all the rage, so it’s no surprise to learn that TikTok is now testing its own AI chatbot, as well. Called “Tako,” the bot is in limited testing in select markets, where it will appear on the right-hand side of the TikTok interface, above the user’s profile and other buttons for likes, comments and bookmarks. When tapped, users can ask Tako various questions about the video using natural language queries or discover new content by asking for recommendations.”
📉 Meta sælger Giphy med tab
“The owner of Facebook has taken a more than $260m (£210m) loss on Giphy – selling off the gif search engine to the stock image service Shutterstock for $53m after the deal was blocked by regulators.”
👨⚖️ TikTok sagsøger staten Montana efter forbud
“TikTok has filed a federal lawsuit against Montana after the state passed a law last week intended to ban the app from being downloaded within its borders.”
Læs også:
- Montana can ban TikTok, but it probably can’t enforce it [The Washington Post]
- TikTok Users Sue Montana, Calling State Ban Unconstitutional [The New York Times]
- How Montana’s TikTokers Are Fighting Back Against the State’s Ban [Gizmodo]
😟 LinkedIn har et problem med disinformation
“LinkedIn has been facing a growing tide of disinformation. The social media network blocked more than 58mn accounts between July and December 2022, up from 22mn in the first six months of the year, according to its most recent transparency report”
🍿 Metas Twitter-konkurrent bliver angiveligt lanceret i juni
“Meta’s Twitter competitor is moving closer to launch, with selected creators now being briefed on how Instagram’s text-based app – tentatively titled ‘Barcelona’ – will function.”
- Instagram Readies Twitter Competitor for Summer Release [Bloomberg]
- Meta’s Twitter alternative could be a big boost for the company [Fast Company]
👀 Nu kan du bruge GIF’er i kommentarer på Instagram
“Today, in a Broadcast Channels chat with Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Instagram chief Adam Mosseri announced that you can now post GIFs in Instagram comments.”
😬 Falsk Pentagon-billede udstiller Twitters sårbarheder
Et AI-skabt billede viste, hvad der skulle ligne et angreb foretaget tæt på Pentagon. Billedet blev hurtigt fjernet fra Facebook, hvor det oprindelig blev delt, men levede længere på Twitter og blev blandt andet delt af profiler med masser af følgere.
“It’s true that what the Pentagon hoaxsters did today could have been accomplished just as easily with Photoshop as with Midjourney or DALL-E. At the same time, synthetic image generators are improving rapidly in both quality and speed. If you set up a few dozen accounts to tweet synthetic images of a phony attack from different angles, the effect could be more convincing.
But it’s also true that Twitter used to have a good defense against this. For all its flaws, the old verification system offered a first line of defense against the sort of attack we saw today.”
- ‘Verified’ Twitter Accounts Spread Pentagon Explosion Hoax [Gizmodo]
💥 Twitter bukkede under ifm. DeSantis-kandidatur
“Their high-profile event on Twitter Spaces, where DeSantis had just announced his run for president, had been plagued by technical glitches. The first audio livestream cut out before DeSantis could get his news out. The second one fared little better, drawing roughly 700,000 listeners at its peak. For context, Fox News claimed it drew 7.7 million viewers for Trump’s Tulsa rally in 2020.”
- Ron DeSantis Pushed Elon Musk’s Twitter to Its Breaking Point [Wired]
- Twitter Is a Far-Right Social Network [The Atlantic]
📉 Trafik fra Twitter falder også
På det seneste er der blevet skrevet om, hvordan Facebook generelt sender mindre og mindre trafik til medier. Det gælder også Twitter, skriver PressGazette:
“The data suggests that Twitter’s importance as a referral source for news publishers had been in decline long before Elon Musk’s takeover of the platform in October last year, although the trend has continued under his ownership. Referral traffic to large publishers for example fell a further 4% between September 2022 and April 2023.”
😲 Twitters søgefunktion foreslog indhold med vold mod dyr
“Twitter’s search function suggested searches for animal abuse, leading some viewers to the video. As of Friday afternoon, Twitter appeared to have turned off all suggestions.”
😫 Slettede tweets vender tilbage
“Users are reporting that tweets they mass-deleted are reappearing on their profiles. It’s another example of Twitter’s unpredictable behavior under Elon Musk.”
👋 En fjerdedel af Twitter-brugere regner med at være væk indenfor et år
“Pew Research has shared some new insights into Twitter engagement pre and post Elon Musk’s takeover at the app, which shows that more users are taking breaks from tweeting, and that around a quarter of active Twitter users don’t expect to be using the app at all in 12 months time.”
✏ WhatsApp på vej med redigeringsfunktion
“Mark Zuckerberg noted in a Facebook post that users can now modify a message within 15 minutes of sending the message. If you want to do so, you can press and hold on a message, and tap on the edit option to alter the message”
“About a quarter (23%) of the prominent accounts on the seven alternative social media sites studied sought financial support from their audiences in June 2022, according to the analysis. The Center examined 1,400 prominent accounts – selected from those with large numbers of followers – on BitChute, Gab, Gettr, Parler, Rumble, Telegram and Truth Social, many of which position themselves as alternatives to more established social media sites.”
💸 Flere store tech-firmaer annoncerer stadig på Twitter
“Several of the largest tech firms have remained among Twitter’s top advertisers this year — including Apple, Amazon and IBM — despite the rise in hate speech on the service as well as a wide range of incendiary tweets from owner Elon Musk.”
🐦 Sådan bruger voksne amerikanere Musks Twitter
“Just over a year ago – on April 14, 2022 – Elon Musk announced his intention to buy Twitter. With Musk now at the helm, here are four facts about how adult Twitter users in the United States are using the site.”
Del 2: Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
💡 The Washington Post laver arbejdsgrupper ifm. AI
“The Washington Post har samlet et hold af chefer til at fastlægge kursen for arbejdet med kunstig intelligens, og et hold af medarbejdere til at sikre at denne strategi følges.”
Fra hestens mund:
- Announcement from Publisher and CEO Fred Ryan on The Post’s next steps in AI innovation
🎧 Her er YouTubes planer med RSS
RSS (Really Simple Syndication) er kort fortalt et feed, hvor man som bruger/abonnent kan følge opdateringer, artikler eller podcast-episoder fra afsenderen, der stiller et RSS-feed til rådighed.
For eksempel er det via RSS-feeds, podcast-episoder kommer ind i podcast-apps.
“Podnews has obtained a document with full details of a YouTube “RSS Ingestion” pilot that it is running with some partners. The service pulls new audio from an RSS feed to upload it to YouTube, complete with a static image of the show art.”
👊 Nu slår Netflix til mod kodeordsdeling
“Netflix is about to kick your best friend off your account — unless you pay for them to share your account, that is. On Tuesday, Netflix revealed the details of how its crackdown on password sharing will affect viewers in the US and how much it will cost to keep extra people on your account.”
- Netflix password-sharing crackdown: Here are the new household rules you need to know [Fast Company]
🤖 Britiske Reach tester AI-site med indhold fra forskellige medier
“It is now running a beta experiment in My News Assistant, an AI-powered website that aggregates the thousands of articles published daily across Reach’s more than 80 online brands.
It means stories from national newsbrands the Mirror, Express, Star and Daily Record are displayed alongside regionals and specialist sites like Devon Live, Bristol Live, Essex Live, Hull Live, My London, Cheshire Live and Football London.”
🖌️ Adobe lancerer AI i Photoshop
“For the first time, Adobe has integrated generative AI into its flagship product Photoshop. In a beta release, the company unveiled Generative Fill, bringing its Adobe Firefly generative AI capabilities directly into design workflows.”
Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
📧 Sådan bruger NYTimes nyhedsbreve til at fastholde abonnenter
“‘Newsletters can play many different roles,’ said Paige Collins, Senior Product Manager at The Times. ‘They can bring people back to the website. They can expose people to all we have to offer, because there is so much The Times is doing every single day that it’s impossible to see it all just from the homepage or social media feed.'”
🎧 Derfor bruger nogle podcastere tredjeparter til at sælge abonnementer
“As more podcasters offer subscriptions around their shows to build a more direct relationship with listeners and an additional revenue stream, many podcasters are looking beyond Apple and Spotify’s subscription platforms to third-party vendors like Supporting Cast and Supercast.”
👦 Washington Post forsøger at nå unge via Venmo-betaling
(Venmo er en betalingstjeneste, der er ejet af PayPal.)
“‘We see this unique deal as an opportunity to tap into the next generation of readers who may have never considered subscribing to The Post or any other news outlet,’ says Phoebe Connelly, director of Next Generation audience development at The Washington Post.“
🤔 Kunne en The Guardian-paywall hjælpe andre medier?
Bemærk at afsenderen er redaktør på sit eget magasin.
“Yet there is one major British publication that’s refusing to leave its lonely free-for-all and join in the money-drenched bonanza enjoyed by its competitors. The Guardian Media Group produces much of the best writing in Britain and is sitting pretty on a cash surplus for the first time in nearly 15 years.
But, having spoken to a number of sources at York Way, and from discussions with other editors at small publications, I can’t help thinking that if the Guardian were to introduce a paywall, it could change the landscape of journalism in this country irrevocably, and for the better.”
👴 Søgeannoncer på TikTok er ikke lige om hjørnet
“When those search ads materialize remains to be seen. They’re being tested, but it doesn’t sound like TikTok is completely happy with what it has so far — at least not enough to build any bonafide ad products.”
🆕 Sådan pitcher Google deres Sandbox
“With Europe’s GDPR in effect five years this week and Apple’s ATT in action two years as of last month, one of the advertising world’s next expected major catalysts is Google’s plans for its long-awaited Privacy Sandbox. Last week, the company finally shed new light on its plans with more details and a lengthy timeline. (It will deprecate third-party cookies for 1% of Chrome users globally in the first quarter of 2024).”
Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
🥱 Nu kommer AI-podcastene
“The medium is defined by intimacy, by listeners feeling like they are overhearing a chat between old friends, or sitting in the back of the room at a particularly brilliant panel.
In her 2022 book Podcasting as an Intimate Medium, podcast researcher Alyn Euritt describes how listeners can come to see themselves as ‘members of an imagined national community.’ In niches like news summary programs, a robot could suffice. But the podcast business isn’t built on information; it’s built on conversation.”
🤖 Spotify arbejder på AI til oplæsning af annoncer
“Next time you’re playing a podcast on Spotify, listen really close to its ad — it may be read by AI, not your favorite host.
Bill Simmons, founder of Spotify-owned podcast network The Ringer, said the streaming platform is developing AI tools trained on its hosts’ voices to create targeted ads, as first reported by Semafor.“
🧪 Test af Googles skrive-AI
“I used Duet AI to send emails and plan my wedding. Its writing can be stuffy and stereotyping—but it’s a glimpse of the future of productivity apps.”
✨ Google præsenterer AI-værktøjer til marketing
“Today at Google Marketing Live, we’re sharing how new generative AI advancements will bring AI front and center, making it the best tool in your marketing toolkit — helping you make decisions, solve problems and enhance your creativity.”
🤨 Regler for automatiseret brug bliver ikke del af ophavsretten i denne omgang
“Trods klare opfordringer fra en række brancheaktører bliver der ikke indbygget et effektivt værn mod techselskabers adgang til at tekst- og datamine danske mediers indhold i ny ophavsretslov for nu.”
🔌 Microsoft vil bruge samme plugin-standard som ChatGPT
I Ugerevyen fra uge 20 kunne du læse, at OpenAI lancerede 70 plugins til ChatGPT. Nu går Microsoft med på den vogn.
“Microsoft is announcing that we will adopt the same open plugin standard that OpenAI introduced for ChatGPT, enabling interoperability across ChatGPT and the breadth of Microsoft’s copilot offerings.”