Uge 45 i digitale medier, platforme og teknologi


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Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.

Digital Ugerevy udgives af mig, Lars K Jensen, og jeg arbejder til daglig med audience-udvikling i Berlingske-koncernen.

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Del 1: Sociale medier 

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.

🙅 Meta forbyder generativ AI til politiske annoncer

Fra Reuters:

“Facebook owner Meta is barring political campaigns and advertisers in other regulated industries from using its new generative AI advertising products, a company spokesperson said on Monday, denying access to tools that lawmakers have warned could turbo-charge the spread of election misinformation.”

🤨 Anklage: Zuckerberg ignorerede advarsler om unge brugere

Fra The Wall Street Journal:

“Meta Platforms Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg repeatedly dismissed warnings from senior company officials that its flagship social-media platforms were harming young users, according to unsealed allegations in a lawsuit filed by Massachusetts.”

▶️ YouTube lancerer TikTok-agtigt feed

Fra The Verge:

“YouTube is debuting a new For You section for creators’ channels, personalized to whoever opens the page. It will start showing up on November 20th, according to a post from YouTube’s support account, which says the section will recommend “a mix of content from your channel to viewers based on their watch history.””

✨ Nu kan du fremhæve Instagram-kommentarer i Stories

Fra Social Media Today:

“Instagram has added another new interaction option, this time via a new way to share post replies to IG Stories, which could help to drive more community engagement.”

🤳 Krigen i Gaza bliver også skildret på Instagram

Fra The New York Times:

“Trapped in the enclave, Palestinians on the social media platform are documenting and sharing their harrowing experiences of life under Israeli airstrikes and a ground invasion.”

🧪 YouTube tester generativ AI

Fra Social Media Today:

“YouTube’s taking its next steps into generative AI, with a new test of topic summaries for comments, providing an alternative means to engage with viewers on different subjects, as well as its own conversational AI tool, which will enable you to ask questions about the videos that you watch.”

💬 13 medier deler deres erfaringer fra WhatsApp

Fra Nieman Lab:

“We talked to the Financial Times, La Nación, The New York Times, Vox, Chilango, the Times of India, and others about their early experiments sharing news on the world’s favorite messaging app.”

💳 Instagrams abonnementsforretning er stadig lille

Fra The Verge:

“here are now 1 million paid subscriptions to creators on Instagram, slowly transforming the platform into a space where creators can get paid directly by their fans. It’s a big milestone but a small number for Instagram: the service has around 2 billion monthly users.”

🤼‍♀️ Er Instagrams Threads ved at vinde over X?

Fra Columbia Journalism Review:

“In any case, despite Mosseri’s stated lack of interest in news—not to mention the lack of newsy X-style features on Threads, like a tab for trending topics—I found, as CNN’s Kaczynski did, that over time, Threads became a useful news source, and certainly more useful than the increasingly questionable news environment over on X.”

Mere Threads:

🔔 X vil sende notifikationer om Community Notes

“Community Notes” er en ret cool feature på X (tidl. Twitter) hvor for eksempel usandheder i et tweet kan blive pointeret og irettesat eller gendrevet i en kommentar direkte under tweet’et – eller “post’en”, som de hedder nu.

Fra Social Media Today:

“Today, X has announced that it will now distribute more notifications to users who’ve engaged with a post that’s later had a Community Note appended.”

👋 TikTok lukker “creator fund”

Fra The Verge:

“The original $1 billion fund will be discontinued for creators in the US, UK, Germany, and France starting December 16th.”

🎤 Sådan bruger komikere TikTok

Fra The Addition:

“It’s all pretty easy for the comedians to do – set up a phone somewhere, do the show you were going to do and watch the views come in (hopefully!). I’d assume that at this stage social media viewing figures of all kinds are influencing, to at least a certain extent, who gets booked.”

🤨 Derfor lukkede Twitter-alternativet Pebble

Fra hestens mund:

“At the peak we had 9k MAU and 3k DAU, before we stopped growing. Our traction was insufficient to raise more venture capital, and just as we were going into our fundraise, our DAUs started shrinking. We decided to end our experiment and shut down Pebble on November 1, 2023.”

Del 2: Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.

👦 Lakserytteren starter børnemedie

Fra MediaWatch:

“Med 1,1 mio. kr. fra Innovationsfonden vil Rasmus Kolbe, også kendt som Lakserytteren, og Maria Baagøe Bové lave en mellemting mellem Youtube og DR for børn.”


🎧 USA: Spoken word-lyd er på “all time high”

Pressemeddelelse fra NPR og Edison Research:

Spoken Word audience size and listening time attain record highs: Almost half (48%) — approximately 135M people — of those in the U.S. age 13+ listen to some type of spoken word audio daily, up two percentage points (46%) from last year. Listeners in the U.S. age 13+ spend 31% of their daily audio time with spoken word, which is a 55% increase over nine years ago (20%).”

🛡️ Flere danske medier er mere troværdige end Facebook og TikTok

Fra Mediet Markedsføring:

“Flere danske medier scorer markant højere på troværdighed end store sociale medier i ny undersøgelse fra Orchestra. Men medierne ligger stadig ikke højt.”

🫤 Lokale og regionale mediers rækkevidde står stille

Fra Journalisten:

“I rapporten er danskerne i en årrække blevet spurgt om deres nyhedsvaner, og tallene viser, at de lokale og regionale nyhedsmediers rækkevidde på nettet i 2023 ligger på præcis samme niveau som i 2017, nemlig 10-11 procent af befolkningen.”

📉 Mindre medier taber, når Canada lægger arm med Meta

Fra Nieman Lab:

“To find out how the law is impacting these small news organizations, I spoke with three leaders of small Canadian publications impacted by the Meta blackout as well as with Canadian journalism scholar Alfred Hermida, who’s studied digital media in the country for several decades.”

📺 Video-podcasts er mere populære om aftenen

Fra Spotify:

“From 1am to 5pm, audiences are more likely to listen to the audio-only experience of video podcasts. When evening rolls around (6pm to midnight), fans tend to watch video podcasts, since they’re winding down and primed for ‘leaned-in’ viewing.”

🔚 Omegle lukker ned efter sagsanlæg

Fra Wired:

“Omegle, the video and text chat site that paired strangers together to talk, ultimately shut down as part of a legal mediation with a female user who sued the company, claiming its defective and negligent design enabled her to be sexually abused through the site.”


  • Popular video chat service Omegle shuts down [TechCrunch]

✅ EU-Parlamentet giver grønt lys til Data Act

Fra MediaWatch:

“Ifølge DI Digitals branchedirektør, Camilla Ley Valentin, bliver forordningen en stor mundfuld for danske virksomheder. “

Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.

👊 YouTubes kamp mod adblockere ser ud til at have en effekt

I Ugerevyen fra uge 44 kunne du læse, at YouTube intensiverede deres kamp mod dem, der blokerer annoncer. Nu er der resultater.

Fra Wired:

“YouTube expanded a ‘test’ that threatens to cut off users who don’t turn off their ad blocker. Developers of the tools are scrambling to respond.”


📈 The New York Times runder 10.000.000 abonnenter

Målet er 15 millioner ved udgangen af 2027.

Fra hestens mund:

“In its third-quarter report, The New York Times Company said it had added 210,000 net digital-only subscribers in the three months through September, giving it 9.41 million along with 670,000 print subscribers.”

🎧 Schibsted vil servere lyd for lavfrekvente brugere

Fra MediaWatch:

“Hos det norske mediehus Schibsted arbejder man på at bruge lydformater til at nå nogle af de lavfrekvente brugere på nyhedsmedier som det norske Aftenposten. Det fortæller Karl Oskar Teien, der er chef for brugeroplevelse og produktudvikling hos Schibsted Subscription News.”

🤔 Estimat: Google og Meta skylder US-medier milliarder

Fra Poynter:

“News publishers all over the world have tried to estimate what Google and Meta owe them for the news they distribute to audiences. This is a difficult task due to a lack of publicly available data about audience behavior and because a lack of competition makes the price tech companies pay for news artificially low.

Our new working paper estimates that Google and Meta owe U.S. publishers between $11.9 and $13.9 billion a year.”

💡 Amerikansk lokalmedie-koncern segmenterer brugere på “readiness”


“About two years ago, Advance Local implemented an audience segmentation model. This model bucketed prospects in terms of readiness; the first of many steps to align offers to where a prospect is in their journey with us.”

🤔 Hvorfor kaster Netflix sig ud i programmatisk annoncering?

Fra Digiday:

“Sure, Netflix could potentially make some savvy hires to tackle the complexity, but amassing the necessary scale for programmatic advertising to make sense is anything but straightforward. Actually, it’s close to impossible. So, why even venture into it?”

Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.

😠 DMJX får kritik for AI-illustrationer

Fra Journalisten:

“Danmarks Medie- og Journalisthøjskole har i de seneste uger brugt AI til at illustrere flere af skolens artikler om forskning og udvikling.

Det vækker kritik fra blandt andre Sisse Stroyer, formand for Pressefotografforbundet:”

😬 Er AI ved at ødelægge Google-søgninger?

Fra The Atlantic:

“Given how nonsensical this response is, you might not be surprised to hear that the snippet was originally written by ChatGPT. But you may be surprised by how it became a featured answer on the internet’s preeminent knowledge base.

The search engine is pulling this blurb from a user post on Hacker News, an online message board about technology, which is itself quoting from a website called Emergent Mind, which exists to teach people about AI—including its flaws. At some point, Google’s crawlers scraped the text, and now its algorithm automatically presents the chatbot’s nonsense answer as fact, with a link to the Hacker News discussion.”


🤦🏻‍♂️ Adobe-brugere sælger AI-genererede billeder fra Gaza og Israel

Fra Vice:

“Adobe is selling AI-generated images showing fake scenes depicting bombardment of cities in both Gaza and Israel. Some are photorealistic, others are obviously computer-made, and at least one has already begun circulating online, passed off as a real image.”

✨ Nu kan alle lave deres egen udgave af ChatGPT – uden at kode

Fra VentureBeat:

OpenAI, the company behind viral chatbot ChatGPT, announced today the launch of customizable AI agents called “GPTs.” These new tools allow anyone to create tailored versions of ChatGPT for specific purposes without needing to code.”


🏎️ OpenAI præsenterer GPT-4 Turbo

Fra VentureBeat:

“The star of the show was GPT-4 Turbo, an upgraded version of OpenAI’s large language model that can understand and generate human-like text. GPT-4 Turbo has double the context window at 128,000 tokens, allowing it to take in the equivalent of 300 pages of text at once. This expanded memory and reasoning allows more nuanced conversations and complex instructions.”

🤖 Musk præsenterer AI med sarkasme

Fra The Wall Street Journal:

Elon Musk’s artificial-intelligence startup showed off its first product: a bot named Grok whose sense of humor the billionaire demonstrated with jokes about Sam Bankman-Fried and how to make cocaine.”


😔 Deepfakes er det nye overgreb

Fra Kommunikationsforum:

“Brugervenlige og potente AI-billedværktøjer eskalerer et velkendt problem: ulovlig billeddeling af f.eks. mindreårige. Det kalder på et forsigtighedsprincip.”