Uge 48 i digitale medier, platforme og teknologi

Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
Digital Ugerevy udgives af mig, Lars K Jensen, og jeg arbejder til daglig med audience-udvikling i Berlingske-koncernen.

Gør som de andre. Få overblikket allerede i indbakken:
Del 1: Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
🏆 TV 2 Østjylland og Matas har landets bedste SoMe-hold
“Matas vinder prisen for årets SoMe Management Team, da der ingen tvivl er om, at de lever og ånder for Social Media – i en grad, så det er blevet en fuldstændig integreret del af selve virksomhedens DNA. […]
TV 2 Østjylland tilbyder ikke blot indhold, men skaber også meningsfuld dialog og fællesskab med deres publikum. Deres innovative tilgang til indhold, som spænder fra nyhedsdækning til satire og brugerengagement, viser en dyb forståelse for målgruppens behov og medievaner.”
🚨 Medierådet ser ikke Snapchat-AI som sikker for børn
“- Lige nu kan vi konstatere, at My AI bruger børns data, fastholder børn på en ikke i orden-måde, og at børn bliver præsenteret for skadeligt og ulovligt indhold. Så det er ikke et sted for børn. My AI er ikke et værktøj, som børn og unge skal bruge, som det er lige nu, siger [forperson for Medierådet] Miriam Michaelsen.”
👻 Snapchat præsenterer abonnement uden annoncer
“Snapchat is “slowly” rolling out a higher-priced Snapchat+ subscription tier in certain markets that will remove all ads from users’ Story and Lens feeds, according to a post shared by social media enthusiast Jonah Manzano on Threads.”
🤳 Instagram Threads kommer angiveligt til Europa i december
“Facebook parent Meta Platforms plans to launch Threads in Europe in December, according to people familiar with the matter.”
Mere Threads:
- Instagram Threads search now supports ‘all languages’ in latest update [TechCrunch]
🍔 TikTok-influencere bevæger sig i stigende grad mod mad
“Agency execs say there’s been an upswing in food influencers, although no one seems to have put numbers to it for the industry at large. The Influencer Marketing Factory co-founder and CEO Alessandro Bogliari said his team has noticed a 30% increase in client demand for food content creators since last year.”
🎮 YouTube lancerer minispil
“Premium users will now have access to “Playables,” a group of online games that can be played on both the platform’s mobile app and desktop app. Paid subscribers can now try out the 37 mini-games directly on YouTube.”
📊 Nye analyse-tools fra YouTube
“YouTube’s also adding some new revenue analytics cards, including “Total Members” insights (which includes subscriber data) and “Where Members Joined From”, which will provide more insight into what’s driving channel growth.”
🥱 Gør LinkedIn-AI platformen mere kedelig?
“But as more people turn to AI for content, more text may start sounding the same, several users said. Svei said her brain clicks off when she reads items written by AI because it tends to be written in a way that makes the content less interesting. Short sees a lot of value in both generative AI and LinkedIn, but she wouldn’t recommend it for enhancing your profile.”
🤬 Musk raser over annoncører, der forlader X
“Ifølge branchemediet Adage har han på en nylig bogmesse bedt annoncører, der har trukket deres annoncering, om at “go f*** yourself”. Ifølge mediet mener Musk, at annoncørerne “afpresser” ham ved at holde deres annoncering tilbage.”
- Major brands are not only pausing ads on Elon Musk’s X. They’re stepping away from the platform altogether [CNN]
- Rådgiver ryster på hovedet over Musks annoncør-sviner [Markedsføring]
- Twitter Is Worth More to Elon Musk Dead Than Alive [Slate]
- Is this X’s (formerly Twitter) final goodbye to big advertisers? It looks like it [Digiday]
- Ten strategies for replacing Twitter from people who used to work there [Platformer]
🙄 Musk og “pizzagate”
“Elon Musk voiced support Tuesday for Pizzagate, the long-debunked conspiracy theory that led a man to fire a rifle inside a Washington, D.C., restaurant in 2016.
The far-right theory, a predecessor to QAnon, alleged that the Clintons and Democratic Party leaders ran a secret satanic child sex ring in a D.C. pizzeria known as Comet Ping Pong.”
📹 Nu kan du nøjes med at indlejre video fra X
“Now, X will enable you to choose whether you want to embed the video element in isolation, or the whole post, as normal.”
🔒 WhatsApp lancerer låsekode til chats
“WhatsApp has added another chat security element, with a new lock code option that users can enact to keep others out of their chats in the app.”
Del 2: Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
📉 Medier ser fald i trafikken fra Google
“But some publishers are voicing concerns that referral traffic from Google is also slipping, particularly for commerce content, though not limited to that category. Two publishers told Digiday they’ve seen reductions in Google referrals as high as 60-70% for a few of their sites, while other sites are flat or slightly up year over year.”
🔎 Nu kan du følge søgeresultater på Google
“To help you more easily keep up with searches or topics you come back to a lot, or want to learn more about, we’re introducing the ability to follow exactly what you’re interested in. From your favorite sports team to something more specific, like vegan cooking, you’ll see more useful information related to what you care about across Search, with less effort.”
🤔 Hvad betyder Googles store kontooprydning for e-mail-marketing?
“Inactive email accounts don’t engage with marketing emails and don’t respond to messages or make purchases, which means on some level, Google might be doing email marketers a favor by presenting this purge. But that’s not how all email marketers think.”
🔨 38 værktøjer til den mobile journalist
“When it comes to knowledge of mobile journalism apps that can help make your work pop, smooth out those workflow kinks or take the pressure off a shoot while on the move, there are few in the business who can rival BBC trainer and mobile journalism expert Marc Blank-Settle.”
🎧 Jyllands-Posten nu også klar med daglig podcast
“Nyhedspodcast fra Jyllands-Posten starter som sponsoreret og frit tilgængelig, men på sigt er det planen, at den skal være en del af et JP-abonnement.”
✨ Kforum får ny redaktør
“‘Efter 25 år som redaktør skal der ske noget nyt i mit arbejdsliv. Kforum har i JPPOL / Watch Medier fået en stærk publicistisk ejer og hjemsted med sans for ordentlig og faglig nichejournalistik. Det glæder mig meget. Jeg vil benytte lejligheden til at sige tak til alle de mennesker og medarbejdere, som jeg har arbejdet med gennem de sidste 25 år, som har gjort os allesammen klogere på kommunikation.'”
🎤 UK-erfaringer: Hvad er en god nyheds-podcast?
“BBC News, The Guardian, Global Media and The New Statesman share what gives their shows an edge in a competitive space”
🤨 4 tips: Sådan kan du spotte misinformation
“We don’t yet have a foolproof way of checking—perhaps that’s a task AI could be trained on next—but there are ways to limit the likelihood of being fooled.”
😧 Har Substack et nazi-problem?
“The newsletter-hosting site Substack advertises itself as the last, best hope for civility on the internet—and aspires to a bigger role in politics in 2024. But just beneath the surface, the platform has become a home and propagator of white supremacy and anti-Semitism. Substack has not only been hosting writers who post overtly Nazi rhetoric on the platform; it profits from many of them.”
Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
🤝 Google går med til at betale canadiske medier
“After months of negotiation and debate, Google will pay Canadian publishers $100 million Canadian per year for use of its news content on the Google search platform.”
- Google and Canada reach deal to avert news ban over Online News Act [BBC News]
- Google Agrees To Pay Canadian News Outlets $100M Annually in Rare Win for Media Industry [Vice / Motherboard]
- Forget the link tax. Focus on one key metric to “save local news” [Nieman Lab]
📈 Sådan nåede Bloomberg 500.000 abonnenter
Interessant læsning.
“Bloomberg Media‘s chief digital officer Julia Beizer has told Press Gazette how the title managed to reach 500,000 subscriptions, five years after launching its paywall.”
Jeg har samlet nogle af mine take-aways i en LinkedIn-post.
🧪 Medie forsøger sig med abonnementer via Facebook
“Pulman’s Weekly News, a small newsbrand based in Axminster, Devon, now has more than 500 subscribers (of 1,700 Facebook followers in total) who pay £3.49 a month, less than a month after turning on Facebook subscriptions.”
👋 Uenighed om det digitale førte til uenighed i Mandag Morgen-toppen
“En uenighed om de næste skridt for mediet Mandag Morgen i et i stigende grad digitaliseret mediemarked er årsagen bag, at Tanja Nyrup Madsen stopper som chefredaktør. Det forklarer Christoph Nørgaard, der er direktør for mediedelen af Mandag Morgen såvel som for ejerne af Mandag Morgen, Alrow Media.”
📉 Annoncemarkedet bliver fortsat mindre
“‘Det går en smule værre, end vi havde forventet,’ siger forskningschef. Tre ud af fire annoncekroner går nu til digitale investeringer.”
“Between the Department of Justice’s antitrust suit against Google and the impending self-imposed deadline for removing third-party cookies from its Chrome browser, there is a lot on the technology megacorp’s plate.
But Dan Taylor, the company’s vp of global advertising, is confident that nothing will change the timeline that Google has set for cookie depreciation: ‘Cookies will be phased out completely from Chrome at the end of 2024.'”
💌 Er nyhedsbreve egentlig en forretningsmodel?
Fra The Rebooting / Brian Morrissey:
“But email is still, at its heart, just a distribution channel, and no publisher should build around a single distribution channel. […]
Over the last few years I’ve noticed that many of the flaws of scaled digital publishing creeping into email newsletters: the heavy reliance on optimization and growth hacking, drift into arbitrage, the worship of easily gamed vanity metrics, and the short-term approach to building resilient business models.”
- The oversaturation of “Morning Brew for X” newsletters [Simon Owens]
💰 Spotify klar med ny model for afregning
“Ændringen er ifølge Spotify ikke lavet for at tjene flere penge, men den bliver bl.a. kritiseret for ikke at tilgodese mindre kunstnere med relativt få afspilninger.”
🤔 Sådan udvider Financial Times forretningen
“FT Live and FT Strategies are two divisions that earn revenue for the publisher. But their true value lies in bolstering the business as a whole”
😕 Programmatisk annoncering er uigennemskueligt for nogle
“Når annoncører skal bevæge sig ud på det programmatiske marked for at placere deres annoncekroner hos bl.a. danske medier, kan det være en uigennemskuelig affære, lyder det fra direktøren for Dansk Annoncørforening Thomas Kragh.”
Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
🥺 Ritzau stoler på, at fotografer ikke snyder
“Hver dag får Ritzau Scanpix 50.000 billeder fra hele verden ind i systemet. Alligevel har bureauet ikke nogen måde at tjekke, om billederne er AI-genererede. I stedet stoler bureauet på sine leverandører”
😮 Sports Illustrated fjerner indhold, der måske er skrevet af AI
“Det sker, efter at magasinet Futurism ifølge har påvist, at Drew Ortiz med meget stor sandsynlighed er en AI-genereret skribent. Blandt beviserne er, at Drew Ortiz’ profilfoto på Sports Illustrated stammer fra en side, der sælger AI-genererede fotos, og han ingen SoMe-tilstedeværelse har.”
- ‘Sports Illustrated’ Parent Rebuts ‘Futurism’ Expose [MediaPost]
🥳 ChatGPT fylder et år
“It’s hard to concisely capture the myriad ways ChatGPT and generative AI overall have shaped marketing, technology, media, culture and society in a single year. It’s breathed new life into the world of search, sparked new waves of creativity and enabled new product roadmaps. At the same time, it’s brought forth new concerns related to intellectual property, misinformation, discrimination and data privacy.”
😬 Skræddersyede OpenAI-chatbots kan have svært ved at holde på hemmelighederne
“However, these custom GPTs can also be forced into leaking their secrets. Security researchers and technologists probing the custom chatbots have made them spill the initial instructions they were given when they were created, and have also discovered and downloaded the files used to customize the chatbots. People’s personal information or proprietary data can be put at risk, experts say.”
😯 Er du klar til flodbølgen af syntetisk indhold?
“The internet is going to be full of synthetic content. Google will have no choice but to act. The publishers that survive will be those that focus on creating value for their audience, using generative AI to give them better information, not simply more useless information.”
👩⚖️ Forstå Silvermans søgsmål mod Facebooks sprogmodel
Interessant læsning.
“When the comedian Sarah Silverman sued Meta over its AI model LLaMA this summer, it was pretty big news.
But it didn’t get as much attention last week when a federal judge dismissed most of it — and set a high bar to prove what remained.”
😬 Kan dramaet om OpenAI fortsætte?
“Still: it feels too early to declare the story over. The soon-to-be-former members of OpenAI’s board will speak eventually: to investigators, the public, or both. Squads of investigative reporters are now digging into Altman’s sprawling web of investments.”
- Behind the Scenes of Sam Altman’s Showdown at OpenAI [The Wall Street Journal]
- Unpacking the hype around OpenAI’s rumored new Q* model [MIT Technology Review]
😳 Generering af et AI-billede kræver lige så meget strøm som opladning af en telefon
“In fact, generating an image using a powerful AI model takes as much energy as fully charging your smartphone, according to a new study by researchers at the AI startup Hugging Face and Carnegie Mellon University. However, they found that using an AI model to generate text is significantly less energy-intensive. Creating text 1,000 times only uses as much energy as 16% of a full smartphone charge.”