Uge 2 i digitale medier, platforme og teknologi

Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
Digital Ugerevy udgives af mig, Lars K Jensen, og jeg arbejder til daglig med audience-udvikling i Berlingske-koncernen.

Gør som de andre. Få overblikket allerede i indbakken:
Del 1: Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
💔 Forholdet mellem Meta og medier blev ikke bedre i 2023
“The already-strained relationship publishers had with the tech giants soured further in 2023 as attempts to force payments in Canada saw Meta block news from its platforms completely. Esther Kezia Thorpe rounds up the year in platforms as part of our Media Moments 2023 report.”
📉 Meta vil begrænse indhold om selvskade overfor unge
“- We will start to hide more types of content for teens on Instagram and Facebook, in line with expert guidance.
– We’re automatically placing all teens into the most restrictive content control settings on Instagram and Facebook and restricting additional terms in Search on Instagram.
– We’re also prompting teens to update their privacy settings on Instagram in a single tap with new notifications.”
- Meta seeks to hide harms from teens [Platformer]
- Meta vil sætte ind over unges eksponering for opslag med selvskade [MediaWatch]
👩⚖️ Nu gælder Metas nye regler for brug af manipuleret annonceindhold
“Meta’s new disclosure requirements for digitally altered political ads are now in effect, with all advertisers looking to run ads about social issues, elections, and politics now required to indicate when their ad ‘contains a photorealistic image or video, or realistic sounding audio, that was digitally created or altered by AI or other methods’.”
🤳 Instagram tester kollaborative stories
“Instagram is testing out yet another collaborative option, this time via Stories that you would create for a friend.”
🎥 YouTubes RSS-værktøj er ikke længere i beta
“If you’re an audio-first podcast creator, you can submit your podcast RSS feed to YouTube – which will upload your podcast episodes to YouTube and YouTube Music. In this video we walk through what RSS feeds are, how they work with YouTube, and how to submit them in YouTube Studio.”
🤨 TikTok begrænser dataværktøj
“TikTok has quietly restricted one of its few tools to help measure the popularity of trends on the video app, after the tool’s results were used by researchers and lawmakers to scrutinize content on the site related to geopolitics and the Israel-Hamas war.”
📺 TikTok lancerer Chromecast-understøttelse
“Many more people will now be able to watch TikTok clips on their home TV screens, with the platform today announcing the capacity to cast your TikTok feed to your TV via Chromecast.”
🛑 YouTube sætter ind overfor true crime-deepfakes
“The platform’s harassment and cyberbullying policy will prohibit content that ‘realistically simulates’ deceased children and victims of crimes or deadly events.”
👎 Threads kæmper med dårlige algoritmeanbefalinger
“Adam Mosseri says that Threads has had some issues with what he calls ‘low quality recommendations’ over the last few weeks. He says that ‘a lot of it’ should be fixed and that things should get ‘much better over the next few weeks.’
🔗 …og X kæmper med crypto-scam-annoncer
“While attackers have been abusing X’s ad platform for some time, the sheer volume of malicious ads has increased rapidly over the past month, causing security researcher MalwareHunterTeam to track them.”
Mere om X og crypto:
- SEC Has Not Approved Bitcoin ETFs, but Its Hacked X Account Briefly Said Otherwise [Coindesk]
⏯ X lancerer videoshows
“X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, announced a slate of new video shows, including a partnership with former CNN anchor Don Lemon.”
🙅♂️ X dropper understøttelse af NFT’er i profilbilleder
“The removal of the feature is not very surprising given other social networks have also wound down their NFT experiments. In 2022, Instagram and Facebook both started experimenting with showing and posting NFTs. However, Meta shut down the support for NFTs in March 2023.”
😬 Er Elon Musk på stoffer?
“Elon Musk and his supporters offer several explanations for his contrarian views, unfiltered speech and provocative antics. They’re an expression of his creativity. Or the result of his mental-health challenges. Or fallout from his stress, or sleep deprivation.
In recent years, some executives and board members at his companies and others close to the billionaire have developed a persistent concern that there is another component driving his behavior: his use of drugs. “
- Elon Musk Denies He Has a Drug Problem After Bombshell Report [Gizmodo]
Del 2: Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
🎧 Her er de podcasts, danskerne lytter mest til
“Når danskerne lytter til podcast, er det nyhedspodcast, der er mest populære. Podcastlytterne udvælger også få titler, som de holder fast i, viser årsopgørelse for 2023.”
“EU ønsker at ændre de strenge cookie-meddelelser, som websites inden for EU er pålagt at overholde. Den nuværende lovgivning ser nemlig ikke ud til at have den ønskede effekt.”
🔮 Nic Newmans bud på 2024
“The disruptive power of artificial intelligence (AI) will sweep through the information space this year at a time of intense political and economic volatility around the world. The implications for the reliability of information, and the sustainability of the mainstream media are likely to be profound in a year that sees critical elections due in more than 40 democracies, with wars continuing to rage in Europe and the Middle East.”
- Reuter’s Institute annual survey: Media leaders are anxious about referral traffic and AI, leaning into reader revenue [Kevin Anderson]
👋 Substack fjerner nazi-støtter
“Substack is removing some publications that express support for Nazis, the company said today. The company said this did not represent a reversal of its previous stance, but rather the result of reconsidering how it interprets its existing policies.”
👋 Platformer-nyhedsbrevet forlader Substack
“This was the moment where I started to think Platformer would need to leave Substack. I’m not aware of any major US consumer internet platform that does not explicitly ban praise for Nazi hate speech, much less one that welcomes them to set up shop and start selling subscriptions.
But suddenly, here we were.”
🔙 DR genoplever arkivet i “Gensyn”
“En nyrestaureret udgave af ‘Huset på Christianshavn’ og andre mindeværdige serier vil snart være at finde på DRTV, når DR lancerer et nyt arkivtilbud kaldet ‘Gensyn’.”
📚 Sådan lykkes forfattere på streaming-tjenester
“Ultrakorte kapitler, jævnlige ændringer af metadata og opdeling af værker i flere bind er bare nogle af de greb, som en ny gruppe af digitale forfattere aktivt bruger for at få succes på streaming”
Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
“The countdown to a (third-party) cookieless Chrome has started. Google is disabling third-party cookies for 1% of its Chrome users worldwide, which will affect 32 million of its 3.22 billion international users of the browser. It’s a small step for Google, but a giant leap into the unknown for digital advertising.
Digiday asked ad execs to share their unfiltered views on the latest change.”
- CES Briefing: ‘We’re in the middle of a storm right now’ as Google phases out third-party cookies [Digiday]
- How will Google’s third-party cookies phase-out affect adland? [Campaign]
😥 GDPR har været “gift” for europæiske publicister
”’GDPR har ikke været godt for nogle europæiske publicister. Det tror jeg godt, at vi kan konkludere. Tværtimod har det desværre vist sig at være gift for dem,’ lyder det fra nordisk indkøbschef for Omnicom Media Group Claes Braagaard.”
🤔 Hvordan skal medier reagerer på faldende Google-trafik?
“First, I think it’s important to realize that Google traffic, compared to some other forms of referral sources, is overrated. The vast majority of visits from Google consist of drive-by traffic — they’re there to extract the information they came for and then leave. This means they’re unlikely to sign up for your newsletter or convert into a paid subscription. They’re also of less value to advertisers.”
- “How the internet reshaped itself around Google’s search algorithms — and into a world where websites look the same.” [The Verge]
📉 The Washington Posts trafik er halveret de seneste år
“Does Will Lewis, the Brit who just took over The Washington Post, have the hardest job in media? One week in and Alex MacCallum is off to CNN, and it turns out that his company’s traffic has dipped by more than 50 percent in the past few years.”
⚽ Ekstra Bladet køber sig ind i
“Ekstra Bladet håber at kunne udnytte ejerskabet af den populære manager-spilplatform til at fremme sin strategiske ambition om at være digitalt førende på sportsmedieområdet.”
📈 Netflix med annoncer har nu 23 mio. månedlige brugere
“That’s about an 8 million increase in roughly two months;the streaming giant announced it had 15 million global monthly active users in November 2023.”
🎮 Netflix leger – igen – med tanken om spil
“[…] nu overvejer ledelsen i Netflix ifølge unavngivne kilder, om streamingtjenesten skal begynde at tillade køb i appen, kræve betaling for mere ”sofistikerede” spil, og om der skal være reklamer i spillene.”
🙋♂️ Nye Medier håber, at EU vil uddybe
“Foreningen, der var med i bekymringshenvendelse til EU, ønsker at få uddybet, hvorfor EU-Kommissionen mener, at loven er blevet godkendt.”
Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
🤝 JPPOL kombinerer udviklingen og satser på AI
“Den nye strategi er ledsaget af ændringer i organisationen i mediehuset. Navnlig bliver der etableret tre nye afdelinger, hvor digitale og kommercielle kræfter fra husets tre store avistitler Ekstra Bladet, Jyllands-Posten og Politiken bliver samlet. De har hidtil haft hver deres digitale og kommercielle afdelinger.”
- Fra opkøb og ekspansion til digital fokus og AI: JP/Politikens Hus skifter kurs
- JP/Pol-strategiskift kommer efter år med tab af læsere og underskud
- JP/Politikens Hus sætter holdet i ny fælles udviklingsenhed
🤖 OpenAI reagerer på NYTimes’ sagsanlæg
“While we disagree with the claims in The New York Times lawsuit, we view it as an opportunity to clarify our business, our intent, and how we build our technology. Our position can be summed up in these four points, which we flesh out below:”
- The New York Times vs OpenAI and Microsoft [The Addition]
💰 …og tilbyder angiveligt mellem 1 og 5 millioner dollars
“OpenAI has offered some media firms as little as between $1 million and $5 million annually to license their news articles for use in training its large language models, according to two executives who have recently negotiated with the tech company. That’s a tiny amount even for small publishers, which could make it difficult for OpenAI to strike deals.”
Mere om AI og ophavsret:
- Copyright could shape the global AI map [Politico]
🛒 …og lancerer GPT-butik
“OpenAI has launched an online store where people can share customized versions of the company’s popular ChatGPT chatbot, after initially delaying the rollout because of leadership upheaval last year.”
🙏 Apple vil træne AI på medieindhold
“Apple reportedly has begun negotiations with major news publishers over permission to use their content as the technology company develops its own generative artificial intelligence (GAI) platforms.”
🤖 Google vil forbedre Assistant via fyringer og AI
“Google told Semafor the restructuring would help improve Google Assistant as it explores integrating newer artificial intelligence technology into its products. The company announced in October that it was using its generative AI chatbot Bard to build a new version of Google Assistant that ‘extends beyond voice, understands and adapts to you and handles personal tasks in new ways.'”
🤔 AI rejser praktiske og etiske spørgsmål blandt medier
“Generative AI has gone populist this year, with consumer-grade GenAI tools now widely available. While it offers new opportunities – editorial and commercial – its widespread adoption has also led to ethical and practical dilemmas. Chris Sutcliffe rounds up the year in AI for publishers as part of our Media Moments 2023 report.”
🔮 Fellow: 2024 bliver et endnu vildere AI-år
“Ida Ebbensgaard, nuværende fellow på SDU og tidligere chefredaktør på Zetland, og teknologistrateg på TV 2 Bo Bergsted giver bud på, hvilke AI-fænomener der vil præge branchen i 2024.”
😬 Nyt studie: AI-eksperter er uenige om, hvad de har skabt
“Their results challenge many of the prevailing narratives about AI extinction risk. The researchers surveyed don’t subdivide neatly into doomsaying pessimists and insistent optimists. “Many people,” the survey found, ‘who have high probabilities of bad outcomes also have high probabilities of good outcomes.’ And human extinction does seem to be a possibility that the majority of researchers take seriously: 57.8 percent of respondents said they thought extremely bad outcomes such as human extinction were at least 5 percent likely.”
✨ Fox lancerer blockchain-platform til sporing af indholdsbrug
“Fox Corp., one of the largest media publishers in the U.S., has publicly debuted a new blockchain platform called Verify to help media companies track how their content is being used online, Fox Corp. chief technology officer Melody Hildebrandt told Axios.”
😎 Apple lancerer VR-brille i USA i februar
“After revealing its long-awaited VR headset last June, Apple is ready to put the $3,499 Vision Pro on sale.”
- News All Over Your Face [The Addition]
🥱 Sådan blev Zuckerberg træt af metaverset og begejstret for AI
“Meta’s founder has become deeply engaged in his company’s AI efforts ahead of its 20th anniversary, but his close attention hasn’t always proved to be a recipe for success.”