Uge 3 i digitale medier, platforme og teknologi
Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
Digital Ugerevy udgives af mig, Lars K Jensen, og jeg arbejder til daglig med audience-udvikling i Berlingske-koncernen.

Gør som de andre. Få overblikket allerede i indbakken:
Del 1: Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
🌍 Klimabenægtelse på YouTube har ændret karakter
In the past, content that falsely claimed that climate change was either not happening or not a result of humans burning fossil fuels dominated disinformation channels. That’s not the case anymore, according to an analysis by the nonprofit Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH). Instead, the most common lies about climate change now have to do with denying the benefits of clean energy, attacking policies meant to slash planet-heating pollution from fossil fuels, and maligning scientists and advocates that push for change.
🤳 Italien strammer reglerne for influencere
In the wake of the fiasco, Italy’s communications authority on Thursday approved stringent new rules, akin to those applied to all media outlets, to improve transparency in social media posts produced by influencers with more than 1 million followers. Advertising must be more explicitly labelled to make it recognisable to the reader, or else influencers risk fines of up to €600,000.
So it seems that LinkedIn is now less reliant on hashtags for maximizing discovery, though you should be wary of which keywords are mentioned in your main post, and consider how you can tap into the right conversation streams based on your target topics.
🔖 Lav Instagram-stickers ud af dine billeder
Instagram’s added a new option that enables you to cut out elements of still image posts, which you can then re-use as stickers in your own Stories and Reels.
🤫 Threads lader os skjule optællinger
“As you can see in this example, shared by social media expert Matt Navarra, the new listing now enables you to select “Hide like and share counts” in the post detail screen. Previously, you could only hide Like counts in isolation.”
💬 WhatsApp vokser i USA
Suddenly, everyone in the U.S. seems to be using WhatsApp. The app — once seen as an international phenomenon — grew daily users in the U.S. by 9% in 2023, according to Apptopia, and is gaining steam among the iPhone crowd.
Mere WhatsApp:
- WhatsApp Announces New Tools for Channels, Including Polls and Voice Notes [Social Media Today]
👨💻 Bluesky ansætter moderatorer direkte
Bluesky hires its own moderators directly. That’s one of a few things I learned from the platform’s 2023 moderation report. Also, it plans to open source its frontend moderation review system (called “Ozone”) and says it is “in the process of pulling out the moderation back-end as a standalone service that other organizations can self-host.”
😮 X-ansat sagsøger Musk for æreskrænkelse
“Aaron Rodericks, who is the co-lead of Threat Disruption at X, the social media formerly known as Twitter, claims he was defamed and his reputation damaged by Mr Musk in a tweet published on the entrepreneur’s personal Twitter handle.”
👋 Sheryl Sandberg forlader Metas bestyrelse
Former Meta chief operating officer Sheryl Sandberg plans to leave Meta’s board of directors, Axios has learned. She will become an informal adviser to the company in May.
Del 2: Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
📉 Apple-ændring sender chokbølger igennem podcast-verden
Apple has quietly tightened its reporting of how many people listen to podcasts, sending shock waves through an embattled audio industry still reeling from the end of the COVID-era production bubble.
To be clear, Apple did nothing wrong here. If anything, it took a vanity metric and replaced it with a more accurate one.
Because of how podcasts are delivered, it’s long been difficult to measure how many people actually listen to a given episode, and so that’s why the industry has settled on the download as an imperfect proxy.
The iOS update simply eliminated downloads that were unlikely to convert into listens.
😯 Substacks nazi-problemer
I opsamlingen fra uge 2 skrev jeg, at Substack er ved at rydde op i nazistiske udgivelser, og at Platformer-nyhedsbrevet nu forlader platformen og i stedet skkifter til CMS’et Ghost (hvor jeg også udgiver et nyhedsbrev, og det er et genialt system 👌).
Hvis du vil have overblikket over den modvind og de problemer, Substack er havnet i, har jeg nogle links til dig lige her:
- Substack Was a Ticking Time Bomb [The Atlantic]
- Substack’s Nazi Problem Exposes a Business-Model Problem [Bloomberg]
- Substack really has a Nazi problem now [One Man & His Blog]
- Substack’s Got 99 Problems But Nazis Ain’t One [The Addition]
😟 Forskere: Google-søgning er blevet dårligere
The majority of high-ranking product reviews in the result pages of commercial search engines use affiliate marketing, and significant amounts are outright SEO product review spam.
👎 Instagram-stiftere lukker aggregator-app
We’ve made the decision to wind down operations of the Artifact app. We launched a year ago and since then we’ve been working tirelessly to build a great product. We have built something that a core group of users love, but we have concluded that the market opportunity isn’t big enough to warrant continued investment in this way.
- What happened to Artifact? [TechCrunch]
- Why do news aggregator apps keep failing? [Thomas Bækdal]
😟 Det ser sort ud for musikmediet Pitchfork
On Wednesday, Semafor’s Maxwell Tani shared an internal memo from Condè Nast, which had acquired the formerly independent publication in 2015. Pitchfork is being merged into GQ, chief content officer Anna Wintour announced; as part of the move, Pitchfork editor in chief Puja Patel is leaving the company. No further staff reductions were announced, though they seem inevitable. […]
Those conversations are no doubt still taking place somewhere, diffused across a thousand different forums and social media platforms. But contemporary music culture is much more invested in fandoms than it is in criticism.
Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
😢 100% digitale B.T. skal spare 9,2 millioner kroner
“B.T. leverede som eneste medie i Berlingske Media et underskud på driften i 2023. Nedskæringerne vil blive gennemført inden udgangen af januar.”
- Kriseramte B.T. har blødt brugere i to år [MediaWatch]
- Anders Krab-Johansen: B.T. har ikke været sadlet rigtigt til at håndtere udfordringerne på annoncemarkedet [MediaWatch]
- B.T.-chef finder besparelser ved blandt andet at skære på rejser og omkostninger til medarbejdere [MediaWatch]
📈 Det digitale går den rigtige vej hos Bornholms Tidende
Avisen oplever nu vækst i digitale abonnenter, og efter tre år med millionunderskud kan Kristoffer Gravgaard nu forvente et større overskud i 2023 end året forinden.
🤔 Her er de forslag i Googles Privacy Sandbox, medier prioriterer
The Privacy Sandbox is composed of dozens of proposals that are meant to be tested and debated amongst the stakeholders within the digital advertising ecosystem, and only after scaled adoption do they become “web standards,” according to Google’s Privacy Sandbox explainer. But not all of the proposals are worth the time and effort of experimentation, according to publishers.
Adios, third-party cookies. As Chrome kicks them to the curb, let’s untangle the web of jargon that’s left behind. This glossary is your quick, no-frills guide to the biggest shake-up in online advertising. Let’s dive in.
💡 Fire mediestrategier, der ikke involverer AI
But AI isn’t the only trend influencing day-to-day publishing operations. Here are four more surprising things some of the industry’s most successful media brands are doing, all of which are covered in more detail in the Media Moments report.
Mere uden AI:
- What can publishers do without AI? [Thomas Bækdal]
👦 Netflix har stadig godt fat i de unge
TV 2 tog en større bid af de 21-30-årige seeres daglige streaming, mens Netflix tabte terræn i 2023. Det kræver ”kæmpe indsats” at fange og fastholde unge, udtaler TV 2-direktør.
🤝 Netflix og Carrefour i samarbejde
“Netflix Inc. is testing a joint plan with French retailer Carrefour SA in a pilot project to win more customers to its cheapest subscription and that mimics a model used by Inc. to boost streaming customers.
Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
🤖 Schibsted lancerer AI-oplæsning på tre medier
På Aftenposten, Svenska Dagbladet og Aftonbladet, der alle er ejet af mediekoncernen Schibsted, kan en AI-stemme nu oplæse nyheder, skriver Schibsted.
Mere AI og medier:
- AI vil få medier til at genoverveje eksistensberettigelse i 2024 [MediaWatch]
🔮 Zuckerberg vil skabe AGI og open source den
Now, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg is entering the race. While he doesn’t have a timeline for when AGI will be reached, or even an exact definition for it, he wants to build it. At the same time, he’s shaking things up by moving Meta’s AI research group, FAIR, to the same part of the company as the team building generative AI products across Meta’s apps. The goal is for Meta’s AI breakthroughs to more directly reach its billions of users.
🙅♂️ OpenAI begrænser brug op til præsidentvalg
“OpenAI outlined limits on using its tools in politics during the run-up to elections in 2024, amid mounting concern that artificial-intelligence systems could mass-produce misinformation and sway voters in high-profile races.”
- Concerns over deepfakes are mounting — but there are reasons for optimism [Platformer]
✨ Microsoft lancerer Pro-udgave af Copilot
“This brings “a new premium subscription for individuals that provides a higher tier of service for AI capabilities, brings Copilot AI capabilities to Microsoft 365 Personal and Family subscribers, and new capabilities, such as the ability to create Copilot GPTs,” Microsoft announced.”
📝 Sådan arbejder NYTimes med genkendelse af håndskrift til krydsord
“Aside from handwriting, there’s also potential for interactive features like ‘scribble-to-erase’ detection, in-app self-training mechanisms, and a whole host of other doors that on-device ML in the Games app can open.”
🎨 Amazon introducerer billedgenerering på Fire TV-enheder
Amazon is officially rolling out the ability to create AI-generated images on Fire TV devices. Starting today, the feature is available in the U.S. for users with a second-generation Fire TV Stick 4K Max and Fire TV Omni QLED Series.
😎 Startup-investorer smutter fra metaverset
Almost nobody these days is spending much leisure time in the metaverse. Additionally, almost no investors are backing fresh rounds for startups creating the next generation of virtual worlds.
Mere metavers:
- Meta Says It’s Still Focused on the Metaverse Despite Apparent Shift [Social Media Today]
😬 Algoritmer kan trænes til at bedrage
Most humans learn the skill of deceiving other humans. So can AI models learn the same? Yes, the answer seems — and terrifyingly, they’re exceptionally good at it.
😎 Hands on med Apples VR-headset
We already got hands-on once back at WWDC when the headset was first announced, but two of our editors, Dana Wollman and Cherlynn Low, had a chance to go back and revisit the device (and in Dana’s case, experience it for the first time). Since we’ve already walked you through some of the basic UI elements in our earlier piece, we decided to focus on some of the more recently added features, including Apple Immersive Video, the new Disney+ environments, a built-in “Encounter Dinosaurs” experience, as well as the floating keyboard, which didn’t work for us when we first tried the device in June of last year.