Uge 6 i digitale medier, platforme og teknologi

Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
Digital Ugerevy udgives af mig, Lars K Jensen, og jeg arbejder til daglig med audience-udvikling i Berlingske-koncernen.

Gør som de andre. Få overblikket allerede i indbakken:
Del 1: Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
📈 Facebook vokser stadig
Despite ongoing predictions of its demise, and countless straight up declarations of the same, Facebook is still going strong, and still adding users, despite the app now having been with us for 20 years.
🔖 Meta vil gerne have fælles mærkat for AI-indhold
The social network wants to promote standardized labels to help detect artificially created photo, video and audio material across its platforms.
Se også:
- OpenAI is adding new watermarks to DALL-E 3 [The Verge]
📲 Instagram tester feed-preview
Instagram is currently testing a new option with some users that enables you to view how your feed posts will look on your profile grid before you publish, so you can ensure that each update fits into your overall IG aesthetic.
🙅♀️ Meta vil ikke anbefale politisk indhold på Threads
Meta will not “proactively recommend political content from accounts you don’t follow” on Threads, the company said in a statement provided to Axios.
🔖 Threads tester mulighed for at gemme opdateringer
Instagram Threads is getting a highly requested feature that puts it in closer competition with X/Twitter. The text-based social networking app is experimenting with the ability to save posts, allowing users to bookmark favorite posts to revisit them later.
💡 Sådan fungerer Threads’ algoritme
Though there is a logic to it, with Meta recently sharing an overview of its Threads algorithm, and how the system decides what posts get seen in the app, and how that drives expanded reach.
🤔 LinkedIn slanker “Creator Mode”
LinkedIn is getting rid of its “Creator Mode” option as part of its broader shift away from hashtags as a connective tool, though it’s still keeping most of its Creator Mode elements as optional tools for all users, even if you haven’t switched Creator Mode on in your settings.
🎨 YouTube tester feeds efter farve
It seems like YouTube is looking at the thumbnail (and maybe the full video) to determine the predominant hue (a la Material You Dynamic Color). Maybe some users won’t mind browsing in this manner? (It reminds me of people who organize their homescreens by app icon color.)
✨ Nu er Bluesky åben for alle
Today, Bluesky is opening to the public after nearly a year as an invitation-only app, with Graber as its CEO. With a little over 3 million users, it’s mounting a long-shot bid to take on the company that spawned it — and to set social media on a course that no single captain can control.
Jeg er på Bluesky, men har dog ikke brugt platformen siden slutningen af november. Men følg mig, hvis du er på Bluesky, så kan det da være, vi kan få gang i den herhjemme 😉
Mere Bluesky:
For all that tumult, though, Bluesky has remained much the same. Unlike other pop-up social networks that come and go, Bluesky’s community has remained active and growing, while preserving the essential weirdness that has always distinguished it.
– Platformer
After almost a year as an invite-only app, Bluesky is now open to the public. Funded by Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey, Bluesky is one of the more promising micro-blogging platforms that could provide an alternative to Elon Musk’s X.
🤳 Sådan arbejder Deutsche Welle med TikTok
Since July 2020, Deutsche Welle (DW) has strategically landed on TikTok, launching 17 active channels to date. The work behind this strategy is the result of meticulous planning involving various departments, from Audience Development to Analytics, Marketing, and Editorial.
Del 2: Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
😵 Er web ved at dø?
The death of digital media has many causes, including the ineptitude of its funders and managers. But today I want to talk about another potential rifle on the firing squad: generative artificial intelligence, which in its capacity to strip-mine the web and repurpose it as an input for search engines threatens to remove one of the few pillars of revenue remaining for publishers.
📧 Nyhedsbreve: Sådan undgår du spam-mapperne hos Gmail og Yahoo
Today (1st Feb, 2024), changes by Gmail and Yahoo will bring a paradigm shift in how emails are handled, aiming to enhance user experience, privacy, and security. Media organisations which frequently contact their audience at their Gmail and Yahoo email accounts, may risk their domain being listed as spam if the following advice is not considered.
🤔 Analyse: Apples App Store efter EU-afgørelse
The EU has finally made Apple redesign the App Store, 15 years after we started arguing about it, and no-one is happy with the result. In the next few years there’ll be a lot of shouting and some giant fines, but in the end, nothing much will change.
Mere Apple og EU:
- Apple klemmer livet ud af web-apps i sin store europæiske iPhone-update [Computerworld]
Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
📰 Nordjyske udfaser papir fra 2027
”Denne her retning gør, at vi kan dedikere alle ressourcer på at skabe det indhold, som nordjyderne gerne vil betale for,” siger ansv. chefredaktør om den nye strategi.
📈 NYTimes vokser på digitale abonnenter
The Times added roughly 300,000 net digital-only subscribers in the third quarter of 2023, mostly bundle and multi-product subscribers.
Mere fra den grå dame:
- The New York Times expects ad revenue to continue to decline in 2024 [Digiday]
- The New York Times made more than $1 billion from digital subscriptions in 2023 [Nieman Lab]
🎱 8 tips til din prisstrategi
Price is the biggest lever for any subscription company, but most companies don’t have a pricing strategy… At least that’s what Florian Bauer says who, with his consulting company Vocatus, has been helping companies find the right prices and packages for 25 years. Instead, decision-makers often trust their gut feeling, copy their competitors’ prices or add a percentage to their costs. In this episode of Subscribe Now, Florian explains why none of these are good ideas and how you can do it better.
💡 Sådan kan Apple News passe ind i mediers datastrategi
This feature has been written in partnership with Apple News specialists FlatPlan. Hear more in our Media Briefs episode with FlatPlan CEO Kieran Delaney, discussing how publishers can use the platform to build their own first-party data.
📈 Spotify runder 600 mio. aktive brugere hver måned
Streaming service Spotify announced today that the service now has more than 600 million monthly active users. The company said in its Q4 2023 earnings report that it added 28 million users in the quarter, which marks the second biggest quarterly gain in the company’s history.
Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
👩💻 JP lancerer forsidealgoritme
Algoritmen er blevet udviklet i et samarbejde mellem mediets platformsteam og forside-produktteam og kombinerer forskellige brugerdata med bl.a. en såkaldt redaktionel vægtningsscore, hvor redaktionen vil angive den ”redaktionelle og publicistiske vægt” af en given artikel på en skala fra et til fem.
Mere om medier og algoritmer:
To ud af tre i Danmark er bekymrede for, at de får et skævt billede af begivenheder, når algoritmer styrer præsentationen af indhold, samt for udbredelse af mis- og desinformation.
– MediaWatch
Mere om dén historie:
- Undersøgelse om falske nyheder bekymrer minister [Journalisten]
😢 Google lukker web-cache
Google will no longer be keeping a backup of the entire Internet. Google Search’s “cached” links have long been an alternative way to load a website that was down or had changed, but now the company is killing them off.
🤝 Microsoft arbejder med medier om at forstå AI
Microsoft is collaborating with several news organizations to “identify and refine the procedures and policies to use AI responsibly in newgathering and business practices.”
Fra hestens mund:
- Here’s how we’re working with journalists to create the newsrooms of the future with AI [Microsoft]
🤝 Apple vil lave AI-aftaler med medier
Apple is asking permission to use news content to train its version of GenAI — and offering hefty payments for doing so.
✨ Google lancerer ny sprogmodel i USA
Amerikanske kunder kan nu tilgå Googles nye sprogmodel Gemini, der bliver solgt som abonnementsprodukt. Det er koncernens seneste skridt i AI-kapløb.
Mere Gemini:
- Google’s AI now goes by a new name: Gemini [The Verge]
- Google’s next top model arrives [Platformer]
- Google Prepares for a Future Where Search Isn’t King [Wired]
😎 YouTube kigger på Vision Pro-app… på et tidspunkt
Here’s a little bit of an about-face: YouTube now says it has a Vision Pro app on its roadmap. I mean this literally, as YouTube spokesperson Jessica Gibby just emailed me the following statement: “We’re excited to see Vision Pro launch and we’re supporting it by ensuring YouTube users have a great experience in Safari. We do not have any specific plans to share at this time, but can confirm that a Vision Pro app is on our roadmap.”
🤖 Sådan taler Zuckerberg om AI
Meta has a clear long-term playbook for becoming leaders in building the most popular and most advanced AI products and services, Zuckerberg said, as well as building the “full general intelligence” he maintained the effort will require. The first key aspect of this, he said, is “world-class compute infrastructure.”