Uge 8 i digitale medier, platforme og teknologi

Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
Digital Ugerevy udgives af mig, Lars K Jensen, og jeg arbejder til daglig med audience-udvikling i Berlingske-koncernen.

Gør som de andre. Få overblikket allerede i indbakken:
Del 1: Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
👶 EU undersøger TikTok: Gør de nok for at beskytte børn?
In a Monday press release, the European Commission (the EU’s executive branch) announced a formal probe into TikTok’s compliance (or lack thereof) with the Digital Services Act. The act, which was approved late last year and went into effect on Jan. 1, exists to legislate against things like illegal content, disinformation, and targeted advertising.
🗳 RUC vil analysere EU-kandidater på Facebook
Forskerne vil bruge kunstig intelligens til analyse af EP-profilernes aktiviteter på Facebook, som nyhedsmedierne gerne citerer fra.
🤳 Instagram er et nyhedsmedie – om de vil det eller ej
In this year’s presidential election, more people are turning to Instagram for news, even as the platform tries de-emphasizing “political content.”
✅ Meta tester faktatjek på Threads
While it doesn’t particularly want political discussion on Threads, Meta also knows that it’s going to happen either way, which is why it’s now expanding its fact-checks to Threads as well, with the first fact-check alerts spotted in-stream late last week.
🤨 …og cross-posting mellem Facebook og Threads
This week, Meta has begun a new test or cross-posting between Facebook and Threads, with some users now being promoted to share their Facebook updates to the new, Twitter-like app.
📈 YouTube dominerer streaming i USA
Nielsen today released its January report on viewing usage across linear TV and streaming, which revealed that YouTube is once again the overall top streaming service in the U.S., with 8.6% of viewing on television screens. Netflix, meanwhile, saw 7.9% of TV usage. The new data points to YouTube’s dominance in the TV streaming arena and marks 12 consecutive months of the platform being in the top spot.
📱 X-konkurrenten Bluesky er mere af det samme
The X competitor is now open to the public—but until the platform establishes an identity, it will be more of the same.
Del 2: Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
🔎 Google tester at fjerne “News”-filter
The News filter disappearing from Google search results for some users this week won’t help publishers sleep any easier.
😢 Snart kommer der ikke flere artikler på
Vice Media said it would stop publishing content on its flagship website and plans to cut hundreds of jobs, following a failed effort by owner Fortress Investment Group to sell the embattled digital publisher and its brands.
⚾ Apple lancerer sports-app
Game on! Apple launched a free standalone app for sports fans, Apple Sports, which is engineered to fire scores and stats to your iPhone as quickly as possible.
🤔 Hvad betyder Googles nye consent-mode for digital marketing?
Fremover bliver kravene til data-samtykke skrappere i Googles analyseværktøj, Analytics. Cookie Information forklarer her, hvad det nye ‘Consent Mode version 2’ betyder for digital marketing.
✨ Sådan relancerede på under 3 måneder
POLITICO Europe is the European edition of the Axel Springer-owned news organization POLITICO, reporting on politics and policy in Europe and beyond. After only 3 months of work, their team relaunched its site, preparing for the EU, UK, and US elections later this year. We met Max Leroy, POLITICO’s Vice President for Product and Design, who told us how this huge project was handled in less than 3 months…
Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
✨ IAB præsenterer bud på ny metode til måling af podcasts
As the podcasting landscape continues to evolve, the need for enhanced metrics and improved filtering logic in server-side measurement becomes crucial.
The primary objective of the Podcast Technical Measurement Guidelines v2.2 is to address the challenges faced in measuring downloads of the podcast audio file, where client-side confirmation of ad play is typically unavailable from the player apps that consumers use for listening to their favorite shows.
This server-side measurement guidance published by IAB Tech Lab is unique in the industry, setting the gold standard for reliable and transparent podcast measurement.
🧪 Medier tester Googles “Offerwall”
Publishers are testing a new monetization tool from Google called Offerwall, which lets audiences unlock access to content on their websites by selecting from a range of options such as purchasing a subscription, viewing a video ad, sharing data, or making a micropayment for short-term access.
🤔 NYTimes-udgiver: Vi bør tænke større
I’d say that our industry is still thinking too small, and I think that’s fair: we’ve been absolutely battered for 20 years. But I think our industry needs to think bigger. […]
We are still many factors smaller than those players. I don’t think that our industry can or should accept that we are going to collectively be smaller than an eighth-grade streamer.
🤖 NYTimes præsenterer muligvis AI-annonceværktøjer senere i år
The New York Times is recruiting partners to test new ad-targeting solutions using generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) beginning next quarter, executives told Axios. It plans to make the new tool widely available to marketers in the second half of the year
Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
🤝 Store tech-firmaer vil samarbejde i kampen mod AI-misinformation
A group of 20 leading tech companies on Friday announced a joint commitment to combat AI misinformation ahead of the 2024 elections.
🤖 Google implementerer AI-skrivehjælp i Chrome
Google Chrome is getting a new AI writing generator today. At its core, this Gemini-powered tool is essentially the existing “Help me write” feature from Gmail, but extended to the entire web and powered by one of Google’s latest Gemini AI models. The company first announced this new tool in January and it remains in its “experimental” phase, meaning you must explicitly enable it.
Mere om AI i browsere:
- Arc browser’s new AI-powered ‘pinch-to-summarize’ feature is clever, but often miss the mark [TechCrunch]
- Brave browser brings new AI reading features to its privacy-focused chatbot [Digiday]
😬 Microsofts Copilot opfinder Putin-citater
The problem is, there was no “official address.” There was no statement. Putin has not said anything in the wake of the activist’s demise. In one response, the assistant told us that Putin denied responsibility for Navalny’s death and instead lobbed criticism at Biden
📹 Når AI kan lave video, hvad er video så?
Inevitably, the meaning of video as a medium will change. Maybe we’ll start suspecting all videos of being synthesized, and stop trusting them. We may sometimes choose to not make a distinction between the synthetic and the untrue.
- OpenAI’s Sora: The ChatGPT Of Generative Video [MediaPost]
- Falsk indhold fra OpenAI-videotjeneste bekymrer før lancering [MediaWatch]
🔧 Google skruer på billed-AI efter kritik
Google is racing to fix its new AI-powered tool for creating pictures, after claims it was over-correcting against the risk of being racist.
- Google hits pause on Gemini’s people pictures [Platformer]
🔎 Vil folk overhovedet have AI-søgemaskiner?
Curiously, though, at no point amid our current AI arms race have the companies stuffing AI into our search engines and browsers offered any guidance as to what happens to the web if this truly is the future of the way we find things online. And it may be the best evidence yet that the AI industry is still completely engulfed in hype.
😲 Undersøgelse: AI-propaganda virker
While we hear a lot of concerns about how generative artificial intelligence might disrupt elections, so far we’ve seen little evidence of how effective chatbot-generated propaganda is at influencing real people. Today, let’s talk about a new study that suggests that AI influence campaigns can work — and examine how platforms are responding to the threat so far.
📃 Reddit underskriver AI-aftale
Reddit Inc. has signed a contract allowing a company to train its artificial intelligence models on the social media platform’s content, according to people familiar with the matter, as it nears the potential launch of its long-awaited initial public offering.
🤖 Nu kaster Adobe AI ind i PDF’erne
In an update to Acrobat launching today, the company is introducing AI capabilities that will help you deep dive into a PDF in seconds, summarizing its insights, reformatting data visualizations into hard numbers, and even citing its knowledge to answer your very specific questions. (Adobe’s free PDF software, Reader, will get some of these new AI features, too.)
🧓 Studie: Ældre er positive overfor AI
Stanford’s peer-reviewed study, working with the company Mynd Immersive, found that almost 80% of seniors reported having a more positive attitude after their VR session and almost 60% said they felt less isolated socially. The enjoyment lessened somewhat for older respondents whose sight and hearing had deteriorated. Those who found VR less enjoyable were also more likely to dislike technology in general.
💰 Google og Amazon investerer i OpenAI-konkurrent
Google og Amazon skyder milliardbeløb ind i AI-selskabet Anthropic, der er konkurrent til OpenAI. De to store techgiganter vil ikke risikere at gå glip af gevinsterne ved den hurtige AI-udvikling.