Uge 12 i digitale medier

Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.

Digital Ugerevy udgives af mig, Lars K Jensen, og jeg arbejder til daglig med audience-udvikling i Berlingske-koncernen.

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Del 1: Sociale medier 

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.

👔 Kan LinkedIn fylde det tomrum, Facebook og X efterlader…

…i mediebranchen?

Fra Fast Company:

LinkedIn is a professional network, by definition. And even though the company has rolled out entertainment features, like vertical videos, that isn’t changing. Also, while its users are sharing articles from large publishers, the articles that are performing best on the site tend to be almost exclusively about business.

Mere LinkedIn:

▶️ YouTube åbner op om krav til AI

Fra CNN:

Starting Monday, YouTube creators will be required to label when realistic-looking videos were made using artificial intelligence, part of a broader effort by the company to be transparent about content that could otherwise confuse or mislead users.

📊 …og tester nye audience-filtre for fastholdelses-stats

Fra Social Media Today:

YouTube’s testing an update within its viewer retention charts in YouTube Studio, which will soon enable creators to dig into how different segments of their audience are engaging with their content.

🤷‍♂️ Fald i SoMe-trafik betyder ikke det store for TV 2

Fra MediaWatch:

”Vi ved godt, at vi ikke kan regne med trafikken fra sociale medier, fordi vi ikke er herrer over, hvilke barrierer der evt. bliver lagt ind. Det lægger vi ikke vores strategi an på, og det er ikke kommercielt afgørende for os, om vi lige lander på 1,1, 1,2 eller 1,3,” siger hun til MediaWatch.

📉 Meta overvejer at gøre privacy-venlige abonnementer billigere

Fra Reuters:

The price cut follows mounting criticism from privacy activists and consumer groups about Meta’s no-ads subscription service in Europe, which critics say requires users to pay a fee to ensure their privacy.

🤔 Er TikToks podcast-satsning kuldsejlet?

Fra The Verge:

The platform, which could soon be banned, has been touted as a means of podcast discovery. But even podcasters who have managed to go viral find the relationship between engagement and downloads is inconsistent.

📽 Instagram tester længere reels

Jeg ser flere og flere fotografer, der klager over elendig reach på deres billeder på Instagram. De er irriterede over, at Instagram – i kampen med TikTok – har så stort fokus på deres “Reels”-produkt. Denne historie synes at bekræfte, at det er der, Instagram har fokus.

Så må vi andre jo vente i tålmodighed, hvad det egentlig var, Instagram-chefen Mosseri mente, da han i januar 2023 lovede, at fotografier ville få mere fokus.

Fra Social Media Today:

Instagram’s expanding its test of longer Reels video uploads, with some users now able to upload 3 minute long Reels in the app.

Mere Instagram:

🔎 …og opdaterer hashtag-søgning

Fra Social Media Today:

Instagram has made a change to the way that hashtags facilitate discovery in the app, with users now connected through to the broader search results related to a hashtag when they tap on it, as opposed to a “Top Posts” feed.

👉 Facebook forsøger at gøre “poke” sejt igen

Fra TechCrunch:

Facebook says these small changes have led to a 13x spike in poking in the past month. Despite many of them not being around for the initial surge of poking, young users are starting to embrace the feature, as Facebook notes that more than 50% of pokes are coming from 18- to 29-year-olds.

#️⃣ Threads lancerer “trending topics” i USA

Fra Gizmodo:

Threads users in the United States will finally be able to see what topics are trending on the app, a longheld staple feature of Twitter, according to a post from Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg on Tuesday. The “Trending Now” page appears under the search bar on Threads.

🔀 Meta viser mulig fediverse-integration i Threads

(Fediverse er det globale net af af sociale medier, som også Mastodon er forbundet til.)

Fra The Verge:

During the FediForum conference, Meta demonstrated what it might look like to toggle on fediverse sharing and post across multiple platforms.


🐌 TikTok-forbud mister fart i Senatet

Fra The New York Times:

Legislation to force TikTok’s Chinese owner to sell the app or have it banned in the United States sailed through the House, but the Senate has no plans to move hastily.


🗣️ TikTok lancerer influencer-lydbibliotek

Fra Social Media Today:

TikTok has added some new elements to its “Sounds for Business” audio library, with extra audio clips from a range of TikTok influencers, which are free to use for advertisers in the app.

👎 Kritisk af X’s videostrategi

Fra Intelligencer:

It’s going video-first by posting every other platform’s videos last.

🤑 MrBeast samarbejder med Amazon Prime Video

Fra TechCrunch:

Deadline previously reported that this deal was in the works, but regardless, the news doesn’t come as a surprise. It’s the natural next step for the 25-year-old internet phenom. He’s already producing YouTube videos that have a budget comparable to that of actual TV shows — so why not go Hollywood?

Del 2: Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.

📈 New York Times’ Audio-app runder 1 million downloads

Fra PressGazette:

However the NYT Audio app, which requires a New York Times news or “all access” subscription to log in, was billed at launch as a way for the publisher to expand beyond its success and “get every second of your day”. Commercially, the app appears to be primarily an enhancement to help grow and retain the title’s more than ten million subscribers.

🏆 DR Gensyn er en stor succes

Fra MediaWatch:

Det har vist sig indtil videre at være en større succes end ventet, at DR’s gamle indhold fra gemmerne blev lagt ind i en ny arkivløsning på streamingtjenesten DRTV frem for den eksterne platform Bonanza.

💻 Spotify lancerer mini-player til desktop

Fra Spotify på Instagram:

This one is for all the multitaskers out there: introducing the Spotify Desktop Miniplayer. Now you can watch video on Spotify WHILE you’re working on something else

✨ Wired lancerer nyhedsbrev og podcast om politik

Fra MediaPost:

The goal is to help guide readers through the “vortex” of disinformation and technology that now exists.

💡 Forstå tredjepartscookies og problematikken

Digiday har lavet en “primer” til at forstå tredjepartscookies, designet som et browservindue med forskellige faneblade. Fikst tænkt.

💰 Bøde til Google for brug af medieindhold

Fra MediaWatch:

De franske konkurrencemyndigheder har idømt Google og ejerselskabet Alphabet en stor bøde for ikke at leve op til en række forpligtelser overfor franske medieudgivere. 


Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.

☕️ The Economist tiltrækker unge med Espresso

Fra Press Gazette:

“It is sort of the bite -sized version of The Economist. It gives you the World in Brief, which is a flagship franchise within our core app as well, which gives you the most important headlines of the day with a little bit more context behind them. We update it three times a day on Espresso, and so you get a nice feed of what’s really important in the world that day.”

🤝 TV 2 og Podimo i samarbejde

Fra MediaWatch:

Fra den 1. april udkommer de to TV 2-podcasts ”Dato” og ”Skyggesiden” på den abonnementsbaserede podcast- og lydbogstjeneste Podimo. Derudover skal TV 2 fremover stå for produktionen af Podimos daglige nyhedsformat. 


⛑ Sein reddet fra lukning

Fra Journalisten:

”Mere end 600 personer har tilsammen doneret 70.000 kroner. Virksomheder, organisationer og fonde sikrede Sein og har gjort, at vi nu står på den anden side med et overskud, så vi nu med ro i maven kan drive SEIN videre,” skriver [chefredaktør Fria Grand].

📉 UK-medier ramt af faldende indtægter fra Facebook og annoncer

Fra PressGazette:

Off-platform revenues on mobile fell by 86% in the final quarter of 2023 among a sample of UK online news publishers, according to a new survey.

🎧 BBC vil tilbyde annoncer i podcasts – på andre platforme

Fra hestens mund:

The BBC is planning to sell adverts on some of its podcasts, for UK listeners on sites such as Apple and Spotify.

💸 Reddit går på børsen

Fra Platformer:

For Reddit, then, going public feels less like a new beginning for the company than a lifetime achievement award. Sold to Condé Nast a year after its founding, spun out as a startup once again in 2011, Reddit’s future has long been in doubt. Its restive user base has often been in open conflict with company management. In 2014, when the site had been flooded with non-consensual intimate imagery, The Verge declared it a failed state.


✨ Publisher Platform skifter teknologiplatform

Fra MediaWatch:

Et kludetæppe af leverandører af de digitale dele til motor og cockpit på Publisher Platform blev fredag skiftet ud med en alt-i-en-løsning med Adnuntius som ny teknologileverandør, og det har for længst fået telefonen til at ringe hos platformens bestyrelsesformand Kenneth Brenøe.

🤷‍♂️ Hvad er “cheap reach”?

Fra Digiday:

Cheap reach” refers to a subset of digital ad inventory that may be often overlooked — literally — and may be a necessary new taxonomy to prevent legitimate publishers from getting caught up in the crackdown on made-for-advertising sites.

Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.

🇪🇺 AI Act er klar – hvad kommer til at ændre sig?

Fra MIT Technology Review:

But the reality is that the hard work starts now. The law will enter into force in May, and people living in the EU will start seeing changes by the end of the year. Regulators will need to get set up in order to enforce the law properly, and companies will have between up to three years to comply with the law.

🤝 Apple overvejer AI-samarbejde med Google

Fra TechCrunch:

Apple is looking to team up with Google for a mega-deal to leverage the Gemini AI model for features on iPhone, Bloomberg reported. This will put Google in a commanding position as the company already has a deal with Apple as the preferred search engine provider on iPhones for the Safari browser.

📹 Ny Google-AI kan lave video ud fra et enkelt billede

Fra VentureBeat:

Google researchers have developed a new artificial intelligence system that can generate lifelike videos of people speaking, gesturing and moving — from just a single still photo. The technology, called VLOGGER, relies on advanced machine learning models to synthesize startlingly realistic footage, opening up a range of potential applications while also raising concerns around deepfakes and misinformation.

🧱 Lego trækker AI-markedsføring tilbage

Fra Mediets Markedsføring:

Lego har trukket Lego Ninjago-markedsføring tilbage, som var lavet med kunstig intelligens.

🤔 Sådan vil AI-chatbots bekæmpe misinformation

Fra The Verge:

The first election in the era of cheap AI is here — and here’s how major chatbot makers are trying to deal with misinformation risks.

🤖 Test af ChatGPT som journalistassistent

Fra The Markup:

My results were mixed. After some back and forth, I coaxed the agent into extracting the details and quantities of the hazardous chemicals that were released in the accident and format the information in a table listing the chemical name, the quantity released, what it is typically used for and its effects on human health. But it took a few tries.

🎶 Suno laver musik via AI

Det er sgu imponerende.

Fra Rolling Stone:

But there’s no human behind the voice, no hands on that guitar. There is, in fact, no guitar. In the space of 15 seconds, this credible, even moving, blues song was generated by the latest AI model from a startup named Suno. All it took to summon it from the void was a simple text prompt: “solo acoustic Mississippi Delta blues about a sad AI.”


🔠 AI-chatbots kan hackes med ASCII-kunst

Hurtig forklaring: “ASCII art” er når man laver billeder og motiver udelukkende ved hjælp af tekstteg.

Fra Ars Technica:

Researchers have discovered a new way to hack AI assistants that uses a surprisingly old-school method: ASCII art. It turns out that chat-based large language models such as GPT-4 get so distracted trying to process these representations that they forget to enforce rules blocking harmful responses, such as those providing instructions for building bombs.

👨‍💻 X har open sourcet Grok, men…

Fra TechCrunch:

Elon Musk’s xAI has open sourced the base code of Grok AI model, but without any training code. The company described it as the 314 billion parameter Mixture-of-Expert model on GitHub.

🤖 Microsoft udpeger ny AI-chef

Fra Bloomberg:

Microsoft Corp. has named Mustafa Suleyman head of its consumer artificial intelligence business, hiring most of the staff from his Inflection AI startup as the software giant seeks to fend off Alphabet Inc.’s Google in the fiercely contested market for AI products.

😎 En måned med Apples Vision Pro

Fra Benedict Evans:

The Vision Pro is amazing, but like the rest of VR and AR, Apple seems years away from the mass market. And if it gets there, how much will it matter?