Uge 34, 2024

Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.

Digital Ugerevy udgives af mig, Lars K Jensen, og jeg arbejder til daglig med audience-udvikling i Berlingske-koncernen.

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Del 1: Sociale medier 

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.

👋 Institut for Menneskerettigheder dropper Facebook og X

Fra Journalisten:

Uigennemskuelige og skiftende algoritmer på Facebook og X gør, at det er blevet for ressourcekrævende for Institut for Menneskerettigheder at bruge de to platformene

🎼 Instagram lancerer musik på profil

Jeg har endnu ikke funktionen i min (opdaterede) Instagram-app, men måske du har…

Fra The Verge:

The music added to a user’s profile shows up in the bio area, according to screenshots shared by Instagram. A song will be featured on a profile until the user removes or replaces it. But unlike Myspace, songs won’t autoplay — people viewing a profile with a song can play and pause the track.

▶️ LinkedIn klar med videokarrusel i feed’et

Fra Social Media Today:

The videos shown are algorithmically matched to you, based on your in-app activity and noted profile details, and tapping into any of the displayed clips then takes you through to LinkedIn’s TikTok-like full-screen video feed, presented in vertical format. 

😟 Trump bringer AI-genereret Taylor Swift-billede

Fra The New York Times:

The former president has been preoccupied with the popularity of the pop music megastar, who endorsed Joseph R. Biden Jr. over him during the 2020 election.


📲 Sådan følger unge amerikanere nyheder og politik på TikTok

Fra Pew Research Center:

Keeping up with politics or political issues. For 48% of TikTok users ages 18 to 29, this is a major or minor reason why they’re on the platform. […]

We also asked TikTok users if getting news in general is a reason they use the platform – regardless of whether that’s political news or another topic entirely. About half of those under 30 say getting news is a major or minor reason they use TikTok.

🕵️ YouTube vil bruge AI til at få hackede konti tilbage

Fra The Verge:

Access is limited to ‘certain creators’ but YouTube plans to eventually make the feature available to all users.

🤳 Instagram tester nye profilkort

Fra Social Media Today:

Instagram’s testing out new profile cards with selected creators, which provide another way to highlight your profile, and showcase your content.

🔀 Sådan krydsposter du fra Facebook og Instagram til Threads

Fra TechCrunch:

Meta for months has been experimenting with letting people cross-post from Instagram and Facebook to Threads, its social networking platform competing with X (formally known as Twitter). Meta confirmed to TechCrunch that the feature has officially rolled out globally to all countries where Threads is available.

🎶 TikTok lister sommerens top 10-sange

Fra Social Media Today:

TikTok has become a key platform for music discovery, and today, the app has revealed its Top 10 tracks of the Summer, both in the U.S. and globally, based on in-app engagement.

📱 Instagram på vej med vertikalt grid på profiler

Fra Social Media Today:

The update makes sense, as Mosseri notes, but again, it could change your entire approach to your IG profile presentation, and how you grab attention with your content in the app.

📉 X taber brugere i Europa

Fra Social Media Today:

But now we have some more definitive data, from X itself, which shows that X is seeing usage declines, the EU at least, which could be indicative of a broader shift.

Læs også:

👋 …og lukker i Brasilien

Fra TechCrunch:

The announcement comes amid a legal battle with Brazil’s Supreme Court justice Alexandre de Moraes, who sought to block certain accounts on X as part of an investigation into election disinformation and “digital militias.”


😞 …og viser stadig annoncer ved skadeligt og stødende indhold

Fra Social Media Today:

A new report has found that X continues to display ads alongside harmful and/or offensive content, this time in relation to controversial commentary around the recent race riots in the U.K.

Mere om X og annoncører:

Del 2: Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.

🎧 Apple Podcasts rykker ind i browseren

Fra Podnews:

Users can access their Library and Top Charts; and they can buy premium podcast subscriptions on the website too. The website syncs with a user’s Apple Account, though you can browse and listen without having to sign in.

✨ TV 2 Nord lancerer nyt design og vejrrobot

Fra Journalisten:

Det ligner mest af alt en blanding af et nyhedsmedie og en profil på Instagram, når man i dag går ind på TV 2 Nords hjemmeside, der har fået en gevaldig overhaling og i dag er gået i luften med et nyt design.

🎙️ JP øger podcast-satsning

Fra MediaWatch:

I den forbindelse udvider avisen sin redaktion med to mand, der fremover skal stå for klipningen og lyddesignet af Jyllands-Postens podcasts.

🤔 Forstå YouSee-konflikten

Fra Journalisten:

DJ mener, at tv-distributøren nasser på DJ-medlemmernes arbejde, og producenter kræver, at Yousee stopper med at vise deres film og tv-serier


🎵 Sådan slipper du fri af Spotifys algoritme

Fra MIT Technology Review:

Perhaps the only way to escape our algorithmic bubbles is by building community. When we welcome diverse patterns of music consumption, we’re challenged to consider music from different perspectives, the same way independent radio stations curate to tell a story rather than cater to a demographic. There’s nothing to optimize in a community, and in turn, nothing to oversimplify.

🛠️ 21 browser-udvidelser til undersøgende journalister


Access archived web pages, bulk download files, block bots and much more straight from a web browser like Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox

Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.

🤝 OpenAI og Condé Nast indgår aftale

Fra OpenAI:

We’re announcing a partnership with Condé Nast to display content from top brands like Vogue, The New Yorker, Condé Nast Traveler, GQ, Architectural Digest, Vanity Fair, Wired, Bon Appétit, and more, within our products, including ChatGPT and our SearchGPT prototype.

Mere om aftalen:

🤝 Google i aftale om støtte til medier i Californien

Fra The New York Times:

The agreement includes $70 million from the state, which needs legislative approval. Some lawmakers objected, calling for a more comprehensive solution with tech companies.

💌 Fire vigtige dele af din strategi for nyhedsbreve

Fra Digital Content Next:

At The Publisher Newsletter Summit, publishers came together to share strategies, advice and case studies on everything from newsletter monetization to audience growth.

Here are some of the strategies that they shared:

🤔 Er Reddit på vej med søgeannoncer?

Fra Digiday:

When it comes to building out a search ads business, Reddit is staying tight-lipped. But all the recent moves the platform has made suggest that it’s a matter of when, not if, it’ll happen.

🆕 Inside Business på vej med nye medier

Fra MediaWatch:

Efter nogle stabile år er Inside Media gået i gang med at udvide antallet af medier. En proces, der trods underskud på vejen, går efter planen ifølge den ene stifter og chefredaktør Peter Nyholm.

⚽ Amazon har store forventninger til Premier League

Fra MediaWatch:

Koncernens streamingtjeneste låner kommentatorer og værter fra Viaplay Group, men vil selv stå for annoncesalget til sine ugentlige Premier League-kampe.

Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.

💡 Sådan bruger BBC AI


Rival media organisations were always secretive about their operations. But generative AI ‘hit so hard and fast’ that even the UK national broadcaster wants to swap ideas about best practices

🕵️ Sådan bruger WaPo AI til store datasæt

Fra Axios:

The Washington Post on Sunday published its first-ever story built on the work of a new AI tool called Haystacker that allows journalists to sift through large data sets — video, photo or text — to find newsworthy trends or patterns.

🤖 DR har fået 62 AI-ambassadører

Fra Journalisten:

62 medarbejdere i DR har i forbindelse med nye tiltag fået titel af AI-ambassadører og skal gennem et kursusforløb for at lære, hvad kunstig intelligens kan bruges til, og hvilke risici man skal være opmærksom på.

👨‍💻 OpenAI lancerer fintuning til GPT-4o

Fra hestens mund:

Developers can now fine-tune GPT-4o with custom datasets to get higher performance at a lower cost for their specific use cases. Fine-tuning enables the model to customize structure and tone of responses, or to follow complex domain-specific instructions.

🗺️ Google Overviews ruller videre

Fra Reuters:

Google parent Alphabet (GOOGL.O), opens new tab said on Thursday it was expanding its AI-generated summaries for search queries to six new countries, just two months after it rolled back some capabilities following a problem-riddled launch.

🎇 xAI præsenterer Grok-2

Fra VentureBeat:

As anticipated based on updates and new settings in the mobile app for Elon Musk’s social network X, a new large language model (LLM) called Grok-2 from Musk’s sister company xAI landed last night — and it’s a doozy.

😲 Amazon sparer 260 millioner dollars årligt med AI-værktøj

Fra Digiday:

Amazon CEO Andy Jassy disclosed in the company’s Q2 2024 earnings call that with Q Developer’s agents for code transformation capability, Amazon has migrated 30,000 product applications from Java 8 or 11 to Java 17, which is saving over 4,500 years of development work and $260 million annually from performance improvements.